The Wanderers {Open}

Cam shot him a crooked grin. "Yeah. But it was cute, so I couldn't help myself," he said simply before pulling back onto the road, breathing in deeply to make sure he didn't start laughing again.
Luke huffed and turned his head away from him so he couldn't see the blush that had managed to find it's way back to his cheeks and the small smile on his lips from being called cute.
Cam pulled up to the house and got out, grabbing the paint from the back of the car. He waited for Luke to get out before locking the car behind us. He was still amused by Luke's reaction to his slight teasing. He decided it would be rather entertaining to see just how much he could make the boy blush.
Luke followed him into the house, hoping the blush had died down by then. He took a deep calming breath to force any remainder of the redness off of his cheeks and stepped into the house. He was hoping to get a shower since the now dried paint wasn't very nice feeling all over his body.
Cam kicked off his shoes before grabbing the paint key and popping the top off of it. Maggie walked in when she heard the door open, narrowing her eyes at her brother and Luke.

"No more paint wars," she said, as she had just finished cleaning the paint from the furniture.
"Sorry Maggie," Luke said with a small smile. He looked at Cam, "I'll come help in a few minutes, I want to go try to scrub this paint off," he said motioning to his still blue body.
Cam nodded, waving his hand slightly. "Perhaps if you get the blue paint off, your blushing won't be quite so obvious," he said with a slight smirk.
"Stop doing that!" He exclaimed as he rushed up the stairs to the bathroom. He had a feeling this blushing easily thing was not going to be forgotten easily..
Cam laughed as he rushed out, ignoring the way Maggie raised her brows at him, muttering under her breath the irony of everything before leaving the room. He started to paint the walls.
Luke returned ten minutes later, his hair wet and pointing in all direction and dressed in another old pair of jeans. He opted for just going shirtless, finding it more convenient than having to stain another shirt from the paint that would inevitably get on him.
Cam reached over and turned on the radio before climbing back up the ladder, humming along with the song that was playing in his out-of-key voice.
Luke walked over and grabbed the other paintbrush, easily falling back into the motions of painting the wall. He heard Cam humming and smiled, enjoying listening to him hum even if he was a little off key.
Cam hadn't noticed Luke's reentry and so kept humming, starting to dance a bit as he painted on the ladder. He didn't normally care about what other people thought of him anyways-he was used to being considered out there and confident of himself.
Luke chuckled, seeing his little dance. He smirked to himself, not commenting on it and waiting for Cam to figure out for himself that he was being watched. He continued to paint and after a little while he started to hum quietly himself, getting into the tune of the music.
Cam abruptly stopped humming when he heard Luke. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked over his shoulder. "You know, it's rude to not let someone know you're watching them be idiots."
Luke laughed at that, looking up at Cam with a grin, "Sorry, it was cute though, didn't want to ruin it," he said deciding to turn the tables and tease him for once instead of the other way around.
Cam flushed slightly at being called cute before trying to deflect the attention. "I'm not a guy who can be called cute," he replied, waving his finger. "You, however, could be."
"And why's that?" Luke smirked, noticing Cam's little blush, "that blush you've got is just screaming cute so I don't know what you're talking about," he said, glad that he hadn't flushed himself at Cam trying to switch the attention to him.
Cam flushed a bit brighter. "No, no, no," he said, shaking his head slightly. "I'm not cute. I'm...masculine. But gay. Err...Anything but cute," he said, furrowing his brow slightly.
Luke laughed, "What's wrong with cute?" he grinned, raising his brows. "I for one, think you're a good mixture of masculine and cute."
Luke raised his eyebrows, "So you think I'm teeny?" He asked, thinking of all the times Cam had called him cute that day. He wasn't that short!
Cam shook his head. "No, no. Not like...small, teeny. Like...Teenagey, teeny," he said, trying to explain it. "But yes, I do think that you are cute," he said, hoping to make Luke blush again.
Luke felt a slight flush rise to his cheeks but ignored it, hoping not to pull attention to it. "I don't think teenagey is a word Cam," he smirked

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