The Wanderers {Open}

Maggie nodded at that. "I can see that. It gets old when it rains three days straight, much less all the time," she conceded. "So what'd you do if it rained so much?"
"Just the usual, invite some guys over for video games, play guitar, and in the later years clubs were always an option," he smirked, thinking back to the fun he'd had in high school. "People there are used to the rain so it's not really a big deal. You just do your everyday business and keep a spare umbrella wherever you can," he shrugged.
"What can I say? I'm an Irishman, I like my pints," he said, his lips pulling up into a grin. "The drinking age in Ireland is 18 though so I wasn't doing anything illegal," he quickly added. Sure he liked a fun trip to a club every once and a while with his friends but he wasn't the type to make a fake ID or anything.
Maggie smiled slightly, amused by his quick explanation. "I wouldn't have judged you even if you did drink underaged. It wasn't exactly uncommon for me and my friends," she admitted with a shrug.
"Really? How did you get away with it? Fake IDs?" he asked curiously. He was very tempted to try to sneak some beers from the local liquor store since the drinking age in America was 21. He wasn't used to not being able to just go down to the pub when he wanted a drink and it was started to eat at him.
Maggie looked at him. "We all had great older friends who had parties and managed to get us some. But, just so you know, we do keep alcohol down in the basement fridge if you need anything. My brother keeps it well stocked."
"I officially love it here," Luke grinned contently. This place was just full of happy surprises, he didn't want to ever leave.
Maggie looked at him in surprise. "Really? It's not too...dilapidated or old fashioned?" she asked. "I mean, I haven't changed much since my grandmother died."
"Nah, I like old fashioned stuff. It's much more homey here than in any hotels or other places I could have stayed. Plus, it's cheap and there's free food and beer," Luke said as if that explained everything. "What more could I need?"
(Was wondering if I could join???)

Name: Henry (I am a girl, but I go by amale name. My real full name is Hayley Kerstan Jacobs)

AppearanceView attachment 10638

Age(17-24 please):18

Wanderer or native?:Wanderer

If a Wanderer, what is the characters dream?: A photographer, but I secretly love to sing and I am good at it.

Personality: I am mostly quiet, but I am not anti-emotional. I tend to go off and take photos and not come back until the afternoon. When I get close to people I tend to get really attached.

Crush/bf/gf: No one yet, but I am a lesbian.(If that is okay. Idk if that would make anyone uncomfortable. If so I can be straight.)

Other: I am recovering severe depression and have cut myself deeply in the past. I mostly wear long sleeve shirts or jackets, because of this. I have abad family past with my mother and brother, and have never met my father

(I would love to join!!! Please let me know!!
:D )
Paul looked up, noticing no one was including him, he shrugged, and ransacked the fridge, pulling out bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns. "Nummies maggie!" he said like a 5 year old, (BTW just thought to paul X maggie) He smiled hoping to have amused this beautiful girl. He started frying, and he remembered, every saturday morning his dad would wake him up at 9 to make breakfast, he taught him everything he knew about cooking. "Have you eaten anything yet maggie?"
Maggie glanced over at Paul, her brows arching slightly, amused in spite of herself. She nodded. "I eat every morning around 5 or 6," she told him with a shrug. "Thank you for asking though."
Chris had tought about greeting the two guys but he never knew what he should say and he didn't wanted to interrupt the conversation, as soon as he finished his coffee he went upstairs and into his room, he closed the door and sat in front of his desk he grabed the pen he had left on it and started writing on his notebook.
"Okay, you're welcome!" he said as he carried all the pans over to the table and slopped it all on a plate and started eating. In experience he knew if he waited too long it would never happen. "So what are you doing tonight maggie?" he said trying to strike up a date.
Luke decided he was going to go up to his room to grab his guitar. With a small wave and smile, he left the kitchen and hoped up the steps to his bedroom. He left his door open, not wanting to seem antisocial by just locking himself in his room and carefully took his prized possession out of it's case. He sat himself on his bed and started to strum away, playing the chords to A Team by Ed Sheeran since it was one of his favourite songs at the moment.
Maggie looked at Paul a little oddly, waving to Luke a bit as he left the kitchen. "Umm...I think nothing as of right now," she replied, looking back to him.
As Chris had wrote a little, he felt like he needed to think about stuff and being in his room wouln't help a lot, he stood up and got out of his room with his phone and keys still in his pockets, he closed the door and went downstairs and towards the kitchen.

"Hey Maggie do you know any parks nearby? I'd like to take a walk." he said to her as he entered the kitchen then he looked at the guy there. "Hey, I'm Chris, sorry for not saying hello before."
"Yo! The names Paul." he said to chris, he turned back to maggie. "Would you like to go to a movie with me tonight at 8?" he waited patiently for her to get through with chris
Maggie looked over at Chris and nodded. "Actually, there's a nice one about three blocks away. You turn right at the end of the driveway and go straight from there. You can't miss it." She gestured slightly as she spoke. She looked back at Paul again. "I'd have to see if my mother or brother can take over for me here."
Luke played a few different tunes, quickly getting bored and decided he'd have more fun if he joined the other back downstairs again. He figured he could bring his guitar along and just not play it if he was annoying people. Holding his pick between his lips, he swung the guitar strap over his shoulder and headed back downstairs.
"Thanks Maggie, do go to the movies tonight, see you two later." Chris said smiling and waving at them as he went towards the front door, he stepped outside, closed the door and started walking according to Maggie's directions.
Paul satisfied with this answer looked over at luke "Hey buddy, follow me!" he said grabbing lukes guitar strap and dragging him out the door. "Okay, so here's whats going to happen, I am going over to that bar over there to get a drink." He looked at the sudden confusion on the Irish boy's face... "Do you want one?"
Maggie watched them, confused. She shook her head before going up to her room and changing so she could do the gardening. She went back downstairs and outside fairly quickly.

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