The Wanderers {Open}

"Oh uh, I was just wondering if you had any rooms open?" Luke asked , flashing her a smile, "And if you do, how much are they? Im kind of on a limited budget," he explained
Maggie smiled back at him. "We have plenty of rooms open," she assured, grabbing a few roomkeys. "What's your budget, then. Because we're fairly inexpensive."
"Uh, well I can probably pay anywhere from like three hundred to four hundred," he said, hoping it was enough. He knew it was usually a lot more expensive for fully furnished rooms like the ones in this house but that was the most he could pull together in his current situation.
Maggie nodded. "That's more than enough. You could stay here for quite a while with just that amount, actually. The point of this house isn't for profit, and it doubles as my home. My grandmother left it to me and the mortgage is paid off and I have a side job. So it'll be about 50 a week, if that's alright. There is room for negotiation."
(Soooo sorry for the late reply, had to clean my room, etc etc etc.) As his beat up old station wagon pulled up to the house and stopped Paul stepped out. He had driven 250 miles to get here from Virginia. He thought to himself "Look at this dump... Well a place to stay is a place to stay." He Went to his trunk and grabbed his stuff, it wasnt much, a computer bag, a suitcase, and trunk full of items, he hauled them up and opened the door, his eyes locked with maggie, "Hey am i in the right place? i saw this flier for a place to stay, so i thought, why the hell not?"
Maggie glanced over at the guy who had just come in. "I assume so," she replied. "If you need a place to stay and you're a wanderer, then yes. You have come to the right place. Any particulars about the room you'd like?" she asked him, more directing the question to both of the guys in the entrance.
Character Sheet:

Name: Tareasa Parkman


Age(17-24 please): 20

Wanderer or native?: Wanderer

If a native, how is the character associated with the house or The Wanderers?:

If a Wanderer, what is the characters dream?: i want to make it big in the show buisness. i love to sing and i am told i have a georgous voice.

Personality: i always have headphones on my neck and i have a playlist for every mood. i am fun and outgoing and looking for a boyfriend. i love to ride horses and i love to dance around my room. i am very friendly and trustworthy

Crush/bf/gf: not yet

Other:i have a tatoo on my left arm that says "song" because of my love for music.
"Any room is good with me," Luke said with a one shouldered shrug. He glanced around at the other people in the room and played with the strap on his guitar case
Maggie grabbed a couple of room keys, gesturing for them to follow her. She headed up the stairs, glancing back to make sure they were following. She unlocked one of the doors. "One of you can stay here."
"Room with a view", Paul said, taking a pause "No real creative reasons, i just like the fresh air and seeing it in the morning." He stated at luke. "Ill be taking this room" He wondered who was in the room next to him, he went and knocked on bronwins door.
Maggie blinked slightly, taking his frankness as rude. "She's not here," she informed him, unlocking another door a little down the hall. "She left earlier to find a performing spot."
Luke followed her down the hallway, glancing into the room she opened. "I'll take this one I guess," he said quietly, not wanting to interrupt their conversation. He walked in and put his suitcase down and his guitar on the bed.
Maggie looked at him gratefully. "By the way, I'm Maggie. I'll be around if you need anything," she informed him. "And the kitchen's open all hours if you get hungry."
Luke's head snapped up to face her at the mention of anything food related, "Would you mind showing me to the kitchen actually?" he asked a little shyly, "I missed breakfast."
Maggie's face lit in amusement at the two guys' reactions. She nodded. "Sure. There's actually food down there that should still be warm," she said, heading down the stairs at a normal pace. "I cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and my mother comes through with trays of snacks to leave on the table throughout the day."
"A place to stay and free food? That's pretty good for only fifty dollars a week," Luke said walking down next to her. "Oh, and it's nice to meet you by the way. I'm Luke," he added as an afterthought.
Maggie shrugged slightly at that. "The only reason we have you guys pay at all is to help with the food, water, and electricity expenses. My grandmother used to do this all for free," she told him. "And it's nice to meet you too," she said, adding his name to her memory. Chris, Bronwin, Luke. She stepped into the kitchen and got him a plate from the cabinet.
Luke watched her get the plates down and stepped closer, "Need help with anything?" he offered feeling like he at least owed her that for all she was doing for the people staying there
Maggie smiled at him. "I think I've got it. What would you like?" she asked, gesturing to the food. "I've got french toast warming in the oven still, I can make you eggs of some sort, there's coffee...." she trailed off, looking around. She stood up on her tiptoes to reach for a coffee mug.
The corners of Luke's lips twitched up into a smile and he reached up to grab the coffee mug that she couldn't reach, handing it to her. "French toast and coffee sounds good," he said.

(going to bed now, probably be on again tomorrow)

Maggie thanked him before pouring him some coffee and getting the pan of french toast out of the oven. "Cream or sugar?" she asked, putting a couple of slices on the plate and getting a fork and knife for him. She refilled Chris' glass for him, bringing Luke's plate over to the table.
((Quick post so I'm not eating breakfast forever.))

Chris had just finished eating when Maggie and a guy came into the kitchen. "Thanks for the food Maggie" he stayed in the kitchen drinking his coffee.
Maggie smiled slightly at his thanks. "You're welcome," she said, taking his empty plate to the sink. "Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with."
Name: Makira Kaiser

Appearance: ( My profile pic )

Age(17-24 please): 24

Wanderer or native?: Wanderer

If a native, how is the character associated with the house or The Wanderers?:

If a Wanderer, what is the characters dream?: To be a Bartender

Personality: Shady, Serious, Caring

Crush/bf/gf: None ( yet )

Other: Wanted to open a bar for a long time, and now he has a chance to finally open a new bar here in New York. He smokes alot, And he loves Liquors more than anything.

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