The Wanderers {Open}

Maggie smiled a bit when she caught his smile. "Ah, so you're a writer," she said, filing that information away in her head. A song writer and a writer. Easy enough to remember. "Follow me please," she said, heading to the stairs. "We serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner at specified times. If you miss them, don't worry because we have a table with snacks on it throughout the day and the kitchen is open if you need it. You're basically allowed free rein of the house." She unlocked the door to another room overlooking the courtyard with a sturdy oak desk right in front of the window. "Will this do?"
"I guess you could say so, altough not many people read what I write." Chris answered while following her upstairs.

When she opened the door, the desk caught Chris' sight before anything else.

"Yes, it's great, thank you." he said while walking inside and looking at everything else in the room.
Maggie furrowed her brow in confusion at his statement. How was he going to be a writer if no one read what he wrote? She shook her head slightly. "Let me know if I can help you with anything. I'm Maggie and I'll be somewhere around," she waved her hand slightly. She marked his room occupied in the binder before setting the key on the night stand and stepping out.
After Bron had looked out the window for some time, she took the key off her nightstand and closed the door as she left. She passed by Maggie and the guy she had seen earlier. There was something that told her that she knew him. Bron just shrugged it off and went downstairs and out to her car to get her stuff. She took out the small suitcase and guitar case from her trunk and closed it. She then came back inside and brought her stuff to the room. She didn't have much to start off with, but it was better than nothing at all. She unpacked a few shirts and jeans and put them in drawers in a dresser. Then she took out her notebook and pencil and set it on a comfy chair next to the window. "Its already staring to feel like a home."
Maggie sat behind the front desk and started to organize all of the old files quietly. She couldn't really get passed the surprise that there were people actually staying here now. She chewed at her bottom lip as she glanced around. The old place could use a once over and perhaps a new coat of paint. It was nearly embarrassing, even if they weren't paying her family much to stay.
"Sure, thanks again." Chris put his backpack on the floor next to the nightstand and sat in front of the desk looking out the window, it was the first time he lived on his own.

At least he had a little company so maybe he wouldn't be as lonely as he had been at home, because even with his parents there, he felt lonely all the time.

He stood up and grabbed a notebook and a pen from his backback, he sat in front of the desk again and started writing.
After Bronwin finished setting up her stuff, she headed into the hallway and to Chris' room. She knocked softly on the open door. "Hey, I just thought I would come by and say hi. Since we are both new I thought it would be cool of we got to know each other."
A knock on the door and a voice interrupted Chris' writing.

He closed his notebook, stood up and turned around, "Hey, I'm Chris, nice to meet you, it was your car parked out there I assume?" he said, a little nervous again.
"Yeah, that's right." Bron leaned up against the doorframe. "My name is Bronwin, but you can call me Bron. Most people never remember Bronwin cause it's such an uncommon name." She glanced at the notebook and smiled, like she was remembering something from a while ago. "So you're a writer? That's funny because I knew this guy named Chris when I was 15 and he wanted to be a professional writer as much as I wanted to be a singer. I guess that's why we got along so well. But then I moved and lost contact. But I guess fate has its reason."
"You know, despite how uncommon your name is, I'm sure I've heard it before, I had a friend called the same years ago." Chris said surprised, he had almost forgotten about that.

"Is that you?" he asked.

(OOC: Gotta go out for a moment, I'll be back in a bit.)
Bron looked at him, her eyes widened a bit. She started walking closer, her hands in her pockets. "Possibly. Did this girl have to move Texas? And the day that she left, was it raining?" She stopped right next to his desk. "And that day, right before she left, did you kiss her out in that rain?" Bron looked at her feet. If it wasn't him, she just revealed tons of stuff about herself. She then looked back up at Chris with hopeful eyes.
Chris looked straight into her eyes, he suddenly remembered all he times they had spent. "We were young, yet I still felt so good around you, I'm ashamed to say I chose to forget you after you left to Texas. I never thought I'd see you again." he said, not being able to move.
" I never thought I would see you again either." Bron was in shock. She never thought that this would ever happen. In all the places that they both could have been, they were both here. She looked down at her shoes, trying to avoid his eyes. "Well for what it's worth," Bron looked back up at him with a small smile, "I have never forgotten about you over these past four years."
"I didn't either, not completely, every night I looked out the window at the rain, I would remember the night you left, four years, I could almost swear it was a lot more time."

Chris smiled "Are you a famous singer already? I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was yes."
Bron chuckled. ""No, not yet. I'm working on it though. That's why I came here. I will have to play on the side of the roads to get started, but maybe I'll make it to some coffee shop soon." She walked over to his bed and sat down on it. "But I'm sure you've had more success than me. Probably at least one book already published, right?"
Chris looked down, "No, I just write small stuff, but you know I've always been reluctant to show it to other people."

He sat down at her side in the bed. "I want to change this, but I don't even know where to start, besides I'm not sure what to write about."
"Well, why don't you write about something that has happened to you? Think of something worth telling, and just tell it as it is." Bron looked over at Chris with a cheesy grin. "And if you need me to, I can always write you an inspirational song."
Chris smiled. "No please don't write me a song, you'd be wasting time." he said jokingly.

"Besides, just seeing you again is enough inspiration." he looked at her eyes. "I'm sure I will come up with something."
"i wouldnt be wasting time. i would love writing a song for you." Just then, she realized what Chris had said. "You said that i was inspiration...," Bron practically whispered as she looked into his eyes.
Chris blushed a little realizing what he had just said "Uh... I..." he stuttered unable to say anything and looked down trying to hide his embarrassment. He sighed and looked back at her. "Yes, you are inspiration for me, probably the best kind."
"," she couldnt find anything to say. Bron's cheeks were growing more and more red and she could feel the heat. "I have to go!" She stood up quickly and ran out of the room as fast as she could. She went back to her room and shut the door. She had given up on ever even seeing Chris again, and she didnt want to revisit those feelings again. It was getting late and Bron had to be up early, so she chamged into pajamas, brushed her teeth and crawled into bed.
As Bron left, Chris stood up trying to catch up to her. "Wait, Bron, I didn't mean to..." he said only to stop at his door and see hers already closed.

He slowly closed his door, turned the light off, went to his bed and lied down on it, he took his cellphone out of his pocket and placed it on the nightstand. He stayed there thinking for some time until he fell asleep.
Bron's alarm went off at 6:00 in the morning, and she groggily reached for her phone and turned it off. She shuffled to her bathroom to take a shower and do her hair and makeup. At 6:45, she grabbed her guitar and ukulele cases and left her room. The door slammed shut behind her and she hoped it hadn't woken Chris up. She quietly went down the stairs and to the kitchen to grab something for breakfast.
Maggie was in the kitchen, cooking the things that wouldn't lose heat too quickly as well as making herself a small plate of eggs. She hummed along to the piano music playing quietly from her portable CD player. She loved anything and everything about the instrument, as she had been playing since she was little. But she had never taken it seriously herself, as it was unrealistic to dream about playing anything big. She wondered idly to the door slamming she had heard the previous evening, choosing to dismiss it from her head.
"Hey, Maggie!" Bron said as she entered the kitchen. " What are you making for breakfast? Sadly I can't have any today, but it smells great." She grabbed a bannana from off of the counter after she set her stuff down, and peeled it.

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