The Wanderers {Open}

Maggie jumped slightly when she came in. She glanced towards the clock. "Good morning," she said cheerfully. "You're up awfully early. I'm making a french toast with a french baguette. "And that's alright, my family will be able to eat more than enough of it. And leftovers go in the fridge for people if they get hungry today or they get reheated tomorrow."
"Well then I will definitely have some of that later." She took a big bite of the bannana. "I really don't like waking up so early, but when wanting to become a successful performer, then you have no choice." Bron scarfed down the rest of her bannana and went to the fridge to get some milk. "I have to go soon or else all the good spots will be taken."
Maggie nodded slowly, understanding fairly quickly. "Street performing?" she asked, glancing over at her as she took the pan out of the oven. "You know, hypothetically, I could talk to a few people about having you audition to perform at one of their cafes or restaurants."
"Really? That would be great!" Bron chugged her glass of milk and put the cup in the sink. "Well I've got to go. I'll see you later." She picked upher guitar and ukulele and headed out the door. There was suppossed to be a good spot only a few blocks away and Bron hoped no one will have taken it by the time she walked there.
Maggie nodded at her slightly as she left, setting the pan on the counter to cool before making her way to the music room and sitting down at the piano. She smoothed her fingers along the keys, making sure to play quietly so she didn't wake anyone.
(Can I join? Just a warning though, I'm new to this website so I might be a little confused about how things work... I've RPed on different sites before though so I'm not completely clueless :) )

Name: Luke William

Appearance: View attachment 10551


Wanderer or native?: Wanderer

If a native, how is the character associated with the house or The Wanderers?:

If a Wanderer, what is the characters dream?: To be a singer/guitarist

Personality: Luke is a little shy when you first get to know him but opens up to people quickly and is a lot of fun. Once he's comfortable with just being himself, he's a very carefree and relaxed type of guy. Most things don't bother him and if they do, he's not the type to confront people about it. He'd rather just stay in the background than be the center of attention. The only time he likes all eyes on him is when he's preforming.

Crush/bf/gf: TBA

Other: He's gay but hasn't quite come to terms with it yet
(yay! haha but I actually need to sleep now and I won't be on this weekend because I'm going away and won't have access to a computer. Is it okay if I just jump in on Monday when I get back?)
Chris woke up, he stayed in bed for a moment then got up and went to take a shower, when he came out, he goy dressed, picked up his phone and the room keys from the night stand and he put them in different pockets in his pants.

As soon as he opened the door he heard quiet piano playing, he closed the door slowly and went silently downstairs towards the sound, he saw Maggie playing and stayed there watching silently so he wouldn't interrupt her.
Maggie chewed her lip, pressing down the foot pedal and getting annoyed that she couldn't make the last nores sound right for the thrid morning in a row. She pulled the shield down over the keys and got up, pushing the bench back under. She turned and jumped slightly when she realized she wasn't alone, flushing slightly. "Umm... are you hungry? Breakfast is ready."
"Oh sure, I'll have breakfast please, hey have you seen Bron today?" Chris said, he had to talk to her about what had happened last night, he didn't wanted to lose his long time friend again, specially now that they had just met again.
Maggie led him to the kitchen, glad he didn't mention her playing. "I have," she replied, glancing at him. "She was up bright and early to go out and find a spot to play," she informed him, getting a plate out of the cabinets for him.
"Oh I see." Chris said while following her to the kitchen and taking a seat. "So you play the piano huh? I didn't really get to hear much of it." he meant to ask her before but first he had to know about Bron.
Maggie put some food on the plate before warming it a bit. "Umm... Barely," she settled on saying. She wasn't big on playing for or in front of others anymore, since it brought up too many questions about why she never applied for any music colleges like Julliard. She brought the plate over to him a few moments later. "Coffee?"
"Yes thank you." he answered her and received his plate. "What do you mean by barely?" he grabbed a fork and a knife and started eating. "Also, why is there no one else here, how long has this place been here?" he said while covering his mouth with a napkin.
Maggie poured him a mug of coffee, bringing that over before getting herself tea. "I play a little, sometimes." She told him. "And we used to have a lot of people here, actually. "People, wanderers, just kind of...stopped coming. We don't even see many of them anymore. A lot of people are kind of giving up."
(Turns out there actually is a computer here! So is it okay if I just jump in now? That is, if anyone is even on haha)
(yeah okay)

Luke stepped out of the taxi, holding a small suitcase in one hand and his guitar in the other. He walked up to the house curiously, not sure what to expect. It seemed like a nice place though, and it was the only place he could afford at the moment so it would do. He walked up to the door and entered the place, looking around for someone who works there.
Maggie looked apologetically at Chris for a second when she heard the door open, heading to the foyer. She adjusted her shirt a bit. "Sorry it took me a bit. How can I help you?"

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