The Wanderers {Open}

"Sugar please," Luke said taking a seat at the table and promptly began digging in to his food. He normally had a big appetite and since it had been awhile since he'd had a nice meal like this, he felt starved. He tried to force himself to slow down though so he didnt look like a pig
Maggie got the sugar bowl for him, brining it over. She set it down on the table before starting on the dishes. She chewed at her lip slightly, wondering just how many people would be coming.
Luke put a generous amount of sugar in his coffee and glanced over at Maggie, "So how many other people are living here?" he asked, trying to start a conversation. He wasn't very fond of silence.
He nodded taking a sip of his coffee. "So everyone living here's taking a shot at their dream?" he asked, thinking it was pretty inspirational to be in a house with a group of people wanting to achieve the same goal as him.
Maggie blinked slightly and then shrugged. "Nothing ever seemed logical enough to me," she replied. "So I'm just sticking with something I've always done. Running this house."
"What do you mean by logical?" Luke asked, cocking his head to the side in thought, "A dream is a dream whether you act on it or not. You have to have something you've always wanted to do when you got older," he said
Maggie chewed at her lip a bit. "I'm content where I am," she replied after a moment. "What's your dream?" she asked, wanting to point the question away from herself.
Luke watched her for a moment before deciding not to push it and answered her question. "I wan't to be a singer and or a guitarist," he told her with a small smile as he thought of his favorite possession laying on his bed upstairs. "I know there are a lot of people out there with the same dream so I don't have much of a chance but it's what I love to do so I figured I'd give it a try," he shrugged.
Maggie nodded slightly at that. "That's a good thing that you're going for it, though," she observed. It wasn't what she would have done, but she didn't much like the idea of rejection. Or being unsuccessful if doing something like that was actually important to her.
"I suppose," he said with another small shrug, "I just graduated high school last year so I figured I'd take a year off to come out here and give my dream a shot and if nothing happens with it by this time next year, I'll move back home and go to college," he told her. He really did hope that somehow he'd have a lucky break because he couldn't think of any job he'd rather do.
Maggie nodded slowly. "So you're...what, 19?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. "18? And isn't a year kind of a short amount of time for someone who wants to go into music?"
"19," he told her with a slight nod. "And yeah it is, but it was the best compromise I could make with my mum," he said giving her a sheepish grin, "She wanted me to go right to college. But as long as I get somewhere in the music industry and it doesn't look like my career will crash and burn then I'm good to stay."
"Uh I'd probably end up studying medicines in the University of Dublin since it's close to home," he said, "I was thinking about getting a four year degree there then getting a doctoring degree from someplace like the Oregon Health and Science University or any other good school I could get into," he told her. He'd been considering becoming a doctor as a backup plan for a while now since he had found subjects like biology very interesting in high school. He figured that if he couldn't do what he really wanted to do for the rest of his life that was most likely the second best option.
Maggie almost laughed at herself. Here he was shooting for two very drastically different yet still difficult to attain dreams and here she was, living in her grandmother's old house and running a home for the people who actually had the guts to go after what they wanted in life. "Where are you from?" she asked, putting the last dish away.
"Mullingar Ireland, born and raised," he said with a small grin, getting up and taking his plate and mug over to the sink. He grabbed the washcloth she had been using and began to scrub away at his dirty dishes.
Luke's grin widened at her response, "Well I couldn't let you do all my dirty work, I wasn't raised that way," he said, continuing to scrub away at the dishes. "Ireland's nice though, but I'll tell ya the weather there is crazy. So much rain all the time," he told her, shaking his head as he thought of his hometown. He finished washing his dish and looked around for a towel to dry it off with.
Maggie wrinkled her nose when she caught his grin before she slipped the plate out of his head, drying it before sliding it back into the cabinet. "Do you like rain at all?" she asked.
"Yeah, sometimes but there's only so much of it you can take before it start's to get old, you know?" He said, leaning back against the counter. He was going to say something about her drying the dish for him but decided to let it go.

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