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Fantasy The Walls Between Us


Peter removed his arm from around Luka. He didn't expect the boy to question him about the queen, he had mistakenly called his mother by her title since it had felt right. "Well you see, it is a funny thing because... well you see... Um... She is sort of my mother." He pivoted on his heels and spun around in front of the boy so that he could see Luka better. "She always wanted me to such trivial things and I just wanted to have fun. I wanted to see new things. Did your parents ever force to do things like my mother did?"

"Crap crap crap crap crap" Ichika yelled carrying a piece of buttered toast in his mouth while running as fast as he could towards his school. "First my stupid alarm clock decides not to be loud enough to wake me up. Then I missed the stupid school bus, and now I'm going to be late!" he said panicking feeling the butter splashing on his face as he ran as fast as could.

Ichika quickly turned into his Raiju form and swallowed his toast whole making him choke a little bit. He took off at full speed as small amounts of lightning leaked from his body. When he had made it to the front of the school he began to slow down and sat down to stare at his new hel- I mean school.

"So this is it huh? I expected more, but I guess it'll do" he said panting as he used his massive wolflike size to push open the door. Luckily Ichika had a buddy hold onto his stuff in case something like this were to happen. There was just one thing. He forgot everyone had to stay in human form. He looked around to see eyes starring at him, but he shrugged it off like it wasn't really anything. Besides this was perfect now his buddy would be able to find him easier if he stayed in his Raiju form.

He began to make his way down the hall wagging his tail to the beat of one of his favorite songs that he had heard this morning.

"Well they do sometimes, but most of the time they don't care what I do so long as I have passing grades.... So... You're technically a prince then?" He asked looking at him the same way as he did before. "Well that's pretty cool, do you enjoy being a prince? Or would you rather be a commoner?" He said turning to fade Peter properly.


"Honestly I never got to experience anything other training to be a future ruler. I would love to be a commoner but I do have some benefits being a prince." Peter felt that things were starting to get awkward between him and Luka. He knew that normally when commoners meet a royal they looked down on the royal blood and treated them differently for their nobility and he really hoped that it wouldn't happen with Luka. "Know that you know that I am royal that doesn't change how you perceive me does it?"


Aspen Fall; Human

Aspen returns inside after her moment of solitude. The halls were filled with students now, most that she saw seemed regular - until one boy smiles so wide his fangs poke through. Head high, Aspen walks back the way she came and arrives at her locker once more. She double checks her schedule and the books she would need.

Her eyes linger on the photograph of her parents and Anton, curious as to what their latest spat was about and just why she was the one who had to attend the school whilst her brother is educated at home. He was far more accepting of the sudden shift in society, allowing supernatural beings and humans to coexist - so why must she suffer?

It takes her another round of questioning her parents until she finally shuts the locker door and decides to 'make friends'. The thought is almost laughable - she was better on her own and preferred it, but she had a reputation to uphold as the diplomatic Fall daughter.

"Excuse me," she interrupts two girls by their lockers. "Do you happen to know what time our classes begin? I'm unclear of how the timetable works."

@MidnightWolf @Rosalie Woodland

"Well, no it won't change how I perceive you. Unless you want it to of course." He said looking in Peter's general direction his eyes out of focus. 'Why would the way I look at him change just because I learned he's a prince? Is that what most people do? They probably thought they could get rich or somethings.' He thought knowing how money can change a man.


Peter smile at the boys reply, he was so innocent and didn't understand what he was asking which still gave Peter his answer. "That is great to hear, so where do you meet after school if you are still up for that." He again pivoted on his heels and went back to draping an arm over Luka. "I want to know are you a big fairy or a small one?" He didn't mean to be insulting by asking because some times it seemed as though there were large fairies compare to what he was.


Before helping Lily a platinum blonde asking the about when class started. Well it should be starting in a- Before she could answer the schools bell rang. It was notifying the student that they had five minutes before the late bell rang. Aurora only giggle at this. Well I guess we have a few minutes.


Tyler smiled slightly at Acacia before the five minute bell rang. Well it was nice meeting you both. He smiled. Before I head off what classes do you guys have?

@Starry Night



(I guess I should have classes star lol)
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"Well I'm a small fairy, and I don't particularly mind where we meet up. Is there a place in mind?" He asked looking over a Peter a bit before looking back in front of him. "What size fairy are you? Big or small?" He asked rocking back and forth on his feet slowly.


"I am also a small fairy, I guess the big fairies are just really rare to meet. Have you ever seen one? Anyways why don't we meet up outside of the front doors and walk around." Peter heard the bell and pulled out his school schedule. His first class of the day was offensive magic control. "Well I guess we will be heading to class now, my first class is Offensive magic control. I wonder what they are going to be teaching us."

@JayKuro @MidnightWolf


"Well I guess they are because I haven't seen any big fairies before. Okay we can meet up there." He said pulling his schedule his book "I have mathematics as my first class." He said looking over his schedule for a moment before putting it in the glove of his panda gloves. "I'm not the best at math but I'm sure I'll survive." He said mostly speaking to himself.



Serilia was gonna be late for school. Admittedly, it wasn't a surprise when the school bus driver refused to let her bring all her sports equipment. So, if she couldn't catch a ride, she decided on making the trip herself...on foot.

By the time she entered the school, the first bell had already rung. Some students still seemed to be idling around the lockers, and she really wanted to introduce herself and have a nice conversation, but, like previously said...she was gonna be late. She ran to her assigned locker looking like a sports rat armed for war. "219...219...Here! There we go, in it goes!" Serilia opened her locker, jammed everything in then slammed it closed. She'd almost left her bag inside as well along with her schedule. She breathed deep, panting a bit from all the running, and finally turned to the group around her. "Hah..hah..Good morning..whew...", she said, seeing supernaturals among them. The thought that some might be in human form never crossed her mind, so she assumed the more normal-looking ones were humans like her. "How...how's it..going..?"

@JayKuro @ChoasMaker @MidnightWolf @shatteredxfrost @MuffinRPs
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Aspen Fall; Human

Aspen smiles tightly at the one who giggles and nods, understanding. "Thank you, anyway. My name is Aspen Fall," it was prudent that she made sure to emphasize her family name, as she was taught to. It does not matter if they aren't human, she tells herself, repeating her Father's words. We live with them now.

She turns slightly to acknowledge the girl with striking red hair. She wonders, again, if she might be human or Supernatural. There was no way to tell.

"Just fine, thank you. It seems class is about to start..." she trails off, already taking two steps backwards. Was History or Writing first? As she walks in a general direction, Aspen digs out her schedule to verify.

@Yum222 @MidnightWolf @Rosalie Woodland
"It's nice to meet you too!" Lily said smiling l, then a platinum haired girl walked to them, when she heard that they have only few minutes she paniced.

"B-but I don't know what subject I ha e first! Or even where it is!" She said with wide open eyes, again searching in her pockets and backpack.

"Why me? Always me..." Lily was talking quietly under her nose.

"It's not there" The girl turned to Aurora, her voice sad.

"I should just go to someone who can have my schedule" she added.

But looking around, Lillian paniced again.

The school was huge, and she didn't even know where the restroom is, so how could she find someone, especially if they have just few minutes?

"I'm normally not that nervous, b-but you know. First day and I am showing my clumsy side" Lily said looking at her with embarrassed smile.

@MidnightWolf @shatteredxfrost
JayKuro said:


"Well I guess they are because I haven't seen any big fairies before. Okay we can meet up there." He said pulling his schedule his book "I have mathematics as my first class." He said looking over his schedule for a moment before putting it in the glove of his panda gloves. "I'm not the best at math but I'm sure I'll survive." He said mostly speaking to himself.


"Well hopefully we have some classes together and if not we still hang out when ever. See you around." Peter said walking off towards his first class. How am I suppose to find anything in here? This building is like a maze! He was having some difficulty finding things but soon enough he found the right room for Offensive magic control. It would be strange to him to learn in a class since his mother had always sent him to other fairies to work with them. It was like studying under a master.


"Yeah I hope so too." Luka said as Peter walked off, he stood at his locker for a few more minutes before actually trying to go and find his class. 'What's the rush? I just have to explain to the teacher why I'm late.' He thought picking his bag up off the floor and swinging it over his shoulders. 'Now that I think about it, I wonder if the teachers are human or not. I guess it would be fair to say some are human and some aren't.' He thought finally stumbling across the mathematics class. 'That wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.'

@Anyone who has math @ChoasMaker
Serilia was happy that she wasn't just completely ignored. She fished out her schedule from her pin-covered messenger bag to check her classes. "Awww...no gym today? Looks like I've got writing now..." She nodded to herself, trying to psych herself up for a great start at this new school. "Alright, let's go!~" She blasted off at the speed of light started running towards her class with a bright smile, taking in all the different kinds of people she passed.

@Anyone with writing class (or anyone who crashes into the speeding human)

Aspen Fall; Human

Noting that Writing was indeed the first class of the day, Aspen walks at a leisurely pace behind the speeding red-head. While the girl before her takes in every sight as if she's been locked away in a dungeon most her life, Aspen keeps her head straight and eyes forward. Making accidental eye contact with anyone that might cause her to be late would be troublesome.

Then again...

Figuring out who was Supernatural on the first day would help her down the road. She ducks around a corner and up a flight of stairs until she arrives at the 'Offensive Magic Control' class room. The front door is open so she slips inside, takes a seat up the back and begins to craft a cover should she be called on.

@Anyone who is in 'Offensive Magic Control'
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(Sorry I haven't been on I've been busy with moving.)


Aurora smiled at the Aspen. It's no trouble. She responded, before acknowledging a girl with vibrant red hair. I'm fine. She gave a simply response. Aurora noticed that Lilly was panicking a bit. She put her hand on Lilly's shoulder to calm her down. Hey, hey. She whisper-yelled calmly. It'll be fine. The font office should be around here some where we'll find it. Aurora started waking in a general direction. She didn't know where the office was, but she thought she saw it one her why too her locker. Though that could have been the counselors office. She thought either would be helpful. After all she'd rather help than to lead her stranded. Before going any further Aurora turned slightly and made a hand gestures that said 'come on'


Ty smiled at the pink haired female. Ty. He said simply. Nice to meet you. Only A few seconds after her heard the bell ring. He sighed. Time for class. He thought. Honestly he didn't really want to go to class, but at the same time he did really want to skip his first day, so he decided to just tough it out for today. The first class he had was Writing, which he kinda hated, because his creativity didn't lie in that department.
"S-sorry, I'm just really nervous!" She said once the girl calmed down, she smilled to Aurora.

"She's really kind and smart. I wonder if we will have classes together... - Lily thought, again spacing away.

She didn't noticed that Aurora walked away, only when Lillian heard her voice she came back on earth.

"C-comming!" The black haired girl shouted, running to Aurora, nearly tripping on her way.

When she was close Lily smilled widely, her cheeks red.

"Thank you for helping" Lily said, she was very thankful and happy she have made a friend.

At least she hoped.

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"NO!" Ichika yelped as he heard the bell ring signaling the students to all start moving at once making it harder for him to find his friend "I haven't even found my stuff!" Ichika sprinted off in his raiju form as fast as he could. Not only did he leave his school stuff in backpack he had also left one very important thing in his backpack. Something he would die without.

His lunchbox. "I swear if I have to eat the school lunches again I will be so freaking livid" he said panting as he started running around the school. He tried remembering which of his classes was first going through the classes he could remember off the top of his head. 'Was it offensive pr defensive magic control that was first?' he said nervously in his head. He eventually just took an educated guess and rushed towards the offensive magic control room and quickly switched back into his human form as he entered the class. He took a seat next to one of the windows in the far back so that he could avoid being called on or at least if this was the wrong room he could leave faster.

He sat in his chair for a bit until he slighty turned his head to see another person sitting in the back with him. At first he didn't really bother until he nose started to pick up a unfamiliar smell about her. She didn't smell like any supernaturals he had ever come acorss. In fact she smelled exactly like a human. He started to shake his head "maybe it's just the transformation that's throwing the scent off" he whispered under his breath. Despite this he was really bored so he began waving at the girl that sat a couple desks away from him.


Serilia was dashing between groups of students rushing to classes when she remembered something important she had to do. "Right...where's the front office..?", she asked herself, u-turning and taking a new path.

She continued until she turned a corner, almost colliding headfirst with a pair of girls before skidding to a wobbly stop.
"W-whoa, sorry cuties!" Serilia looked at the two, one was dark-haired and seemed to have been flustered while the other had pretty silver hair and blue eyes. "My name's Serilia, do you two know where the front office is by any chance?", she asked with a smile, hoping they could help her.

@MidnightWolf @Rosalie Woodland
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I walk to the school while I look at the invitation. "Seems like the place." I walk through the gates with what little stuff I had and then realize that I don't know what to do first. Maybe I should ask someone? But who looks available and wouldn't hurt me for the slightest thing I say? Hopefully I can find some one. My room key came in with the letter, but I have no idea where the dormitories are at.

@ Anyone
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Aspen Fall; Human

Skin-Walker, Aspen decides, thinking back to the one she met on social media when curiosity got the best of her. That gave her an excuse why she seemed so human-like and why she cannot demonstrate her ability.

Her peripheral catches a wave from someone with the same coloured hair as her and blood red eyes. His attire made him seem like the rebel Aspen was hiding inside. Despite herself, she returns his wave and offers a tentative smile.

"Hello. What's your name? I'm -" Her rehearsed line falters and she tries again. "I'm Raina Fell."

@Jeremy Jangle
Ichika gave a warm smile "Ichika Rongusto. It's a pleasure" he replied while having his nose twitch at the same time. Ichika's curiosity immediately got to him though as he wondered why this girl smelt like a human. 'Maybe if I got closer?' he said to himself as he slowly sat up and began walking to her.

About a foot away he starred into her eyes before he bent over a couple inches from her face. He closed his eyes and leaned in as if he was going for a kiss, but instead he began sniffing her. "You smell like a human. Care to explain?" he said knowing he gave off the wrong impression of what he was gonna do and giving a devilish smile because of it.


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