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Fantasy The Walls Between Us


Aurora walked through the school gates amazed at the sight of new school in her human form. It was very different from the school she previously went to. It was a dragons only school, and because she's a very common type of dragon she was bullied a bit and was moved to this school. The day was warm and she wasn't to it. Aurora smiled slightly as she moved toward the schools large door to her assigned locker.


Tyler was on the tired side of the morning. He didn't really want to do anything. He did his morning routine. He put on his headphones and walked to the school. Though the music in he was listening to blasted loudly in his ears, he was still a bit amazed at how large the school was. The school was large enough to fit more than seven thousand students. He sighed and walked to the his assigned lockers in the school.
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Peter walked up the sidewalk to the school. Everything was so much different, he had lived in a forest his whole life tending to the small things of the world. One thing that he had been in charge of when he was little was making sure that a beaver made it from one side of the river to the other. Peter hadn't even used the internet before but he was happy to have a new surrounding and although he never toke any responsibility seriously before he did learn things quickly. The only thing he wasn't enjoying was wearing a human form because it was painful and exhausting.

Aspen Fall; Human

Chin up, shoulders back, perfect posture - the basics of upholding the 'Fall' name. That and remain open-minded to what is different.

However the werewolf she passes in the halls smells and her facade quivers slightly, her eyes blinking rapidly to prevent them from tearing at the terrible stench. 'You're representing our family with every step, every word, every look - do not disappoint us.' Her personal feelings didn't matter, only their reputation in this new world of equals.

Locker 211, Aspen finds her locker easily. She moves the door back and forth, testing the durability. It was less than satisfactory but it would suffice for the time being. She starts to unload the books in her messenger bag. The only decoration she displays on the inside is a family picture, taken on the Fourth of July at a professional establishment specializing in portraits for the rich.

She slams the locker shut extra hard.

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Luka walked in the school building as usually wearing his panda hat his purple hair sticking out behind it covering one of his eyes. He was in human form not wanting humans to freak out on the first day, he would like to say he was excited but then he would be lying. In fact he was mostly nervous, he wasn't even sure if he could tell the difference between the humans and the supernatural if they were all in human form then there would be no difference.

He put his hands in the pocket of his hat and entered the school building avoiding some of the looks as well as the taller kids that definetly wouldn't see him. He made his way to his assigned locker and opened it. He bent down taking his hands out his hat pocket and putting a few of the books he would need for later not bothering to decorate his locker at the moment, he would do it later, maybe after school if there wasn't a piano in the music room.

He closed his locker shut double checking to make sure it was closed before pausing and taking a breather. 'It's okay, I will definetly make it through this day.' He repeated in his mind constantly closing his eyes still not able to tell who was human and who wasn't. He had probably already seen a bunch of them, but maybe he hadn't seen any of them he just didn't know.
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Peter walked down the halls seeing a boy that felt was another fairy. He didn't expect to find another fairy, at least not so soon since he had a hard time convince his mother to let him come here. He patted the boy on the back seeing how nervous the boy was and whispered in his ear, "don't worry about it, I am sure that they are nicer than we think." He then walked away not giving the boy time to see him, it would bring bad publicity to him if the boy knew that he came from a royal line of fairies. Alright I need to get to my locker now, what was it? 213. Thankfully I learned the English language when I could. He began walking down the hall looking at the lockers. 105... 157... 200... 211. He was almost to his locker and he didn't know what to expect. However, as he was about to get into his locker he bumped into a girl next to him. "Oh I am so sorry, I am not use to being here yet." He looked at the girl a little scared of her. He took a glance at his locker, not know what to do with it and then he looked back at the girl. "By chance would you be able to help me with this?"

@JayKuro @shatteredxfrost

Luka jumped when he felt someone pat his back, he felt it was another fairy and calmed down a little not accidentally hitting his face into the locker like if it was someone else. He looked around and not seeing him he sighed. 'I'll probably see him a little later if I'm lucky, although I highly doubt it, it seems like he didn't want to be seen. Maybe he feared I would recognize him from somewhere?" He thought scratching his head a little waiting for the class bell to ring, he didn't want to be there too early although he had no idea why not. It was just an instinct, and he usually always went by instinct, unless he had an instinct that his instinct was wrong of course.


Aspen Fall; Human

With one hand still on her locker, the pale skin of her palm turning a shade of pink from the force slightly trembles. She glances at the boy who bumped into her, forcing herself to remain diplomatic and respectful. It was difficult to tell if he was Supernatural or not, but he looked human enough so she attempts a smile to put him at ease.

"Store your books inside. See the lock?" She nods at the dial. "Put your own code in and press in on the lock button. No one will be able to get inside but you."

Looking at her own locker she does the same, cupping her hand to shield any prying eyes. Using a birthday or date of importance was over-rated and often resulted in being broken into. She simply reverses her locker number '112' and presses her thumb into the lock button. She had nothing valuable inside, only books solely based on education - her novels remained in the messenger bag close to her body.

"I'm Aspen Fall, it's nice to meet you."

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Peter looked at a piece of paper that he had in his hands after she told him the basics of what he needed to do. Great how do I work this contraption, I really wish I had been able to study technology at my last school. He scratched his head as he looked at the numbers on the paper. His mother was the one who had made the stupid code. The first number was four for the four seasons, than twelve for the number of months in the years and seventeen for the number of years he had lived. Carefully he entered the numbers into the lock and opened his locker. Then he threw of his backpack and pulled out the books he would need for his next class before putting everything else in the locker. "My name is Peter, and the pleasure is all mind. Want to compare schedules since we are locker neighbors?"


Aspen Fall; Human

Aspen digs into her messenger bag, producing her laminated schedule and holding it out when a light shines within her bag. Adjusting the strap on her shoulder, she takes hold of her phone and turns to leave. "Sorry, I have to take this."

Aspen strides down the hall to the nearest exit and answers the call from her brother.

"Fallen! You missed four of my calls."

Seeing no one around in the courtyard, Aspen inches around the fountain and lowers her voice. "Because I'm at school with a bunch of freaks. What do you want? Class will begin soon."

"Mother and Father are fighting again."

She sighs and rests on the edge of the fountain. "What am I supposed to do about that? I have to go." She hangs up and powers the phone off. She's about to stand, return inside and go over her schedule with Peter but the fresh air hits her and she stills, soaking in the breeze and chill that follows.


Peter didn't know what had gotten into Aspen but he wasn't going to go digging around into her personally life and once he was finished in his locker he went back down the hallway towards the one fairy he had walked past. He wasn't to scared of being recognized anymore. Once he saw the little boy he swung his arm around the young fairy. "Sorry about ealier I had to go to my locker to get myself sorted out. Any ways my name is Peter, what is yours?" It felt good to know that their were other fairies at this school and that he had a sort of safety net since he had never left the great fairy kingdom before. Getting honey out of a bee's nest felt easier than this.


Luka pulled the schedule out his locker and looked at his schedule, as well as put his lock on his locker. He didn't do his birthday because that was way too obvious and instead did the first numbers that came to his mind. '0720... I have to remember that.' He thought putting his lock on his locker. He put his ha ss back in his hat pocket when he felt an arm draped around his arm, he looked over to see who it was trying not to freak out. 'Is this a normal occurrence or is it. Just me?' He thought listening to the other. 'Oh... He's the fairy from earlier.' He thought stating the obvious 'well of course he's the fairy from earlier you haven't met anyone else!' He thought mentally slapping himself. "My name's Luka, it's nice to meet you Peter.' He said looking up at him 'it's time like this when my shortness is s curse... I can't wait until it's a blessing again...' He thought smiling a bit relaxing.


Lily entered the school with little smile on her face, her cheeks red from excitation, eyes wide open, shining in curiosity.

She couldn't really see the differences in their appearance but she knew, she could feel the strange auras around some of the students.

They looked at her too, some with curious looks, some with contempt.

But it was fine to her, not everyone is going to like her.

Lillian took out a small paper out of her pocket.

"Locker numbeeer..... ah! Here it is!" She jumped in joy once she found her locker.

"2188...and...yes!" The doors opened and Lily quickly packed her books inside.

Then she looked at the big, old clock that was placed on the opposite site of the corridor.

"Oh no. Do I have a lot of time? Or I will be late?" She asked herself paniced, searching for her shedule inside pocket and backpack.

She couldn't find it.

Great. And I thought it will be a nice day.

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Beau Jackson

This was it. William Beau James Jackson(preferably going by Beau)'s first day at this new school. He was nervous. It wasn't any day you'd meet a human. Sure, he was half-human but he'd never known a life without enhanced agility, ears and a tail. He gulped and pulled down on his pastel pink shirt sleeves and over-sized, watermelon pink sweater. He blew his mauve hair out of his eyes and walked through the main entrance and towards his assigned locker. He took unneeded books from his bag and placed them inside before closing it, only then did he notice the male human next to him. He had blue hair and wore a black beanie with white headphones. He couldn't help but stare before mentally slapping himself and looking at the floor whilst holding his tail, a usual thing he did when he was nervous.

@MidnightWolf )

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He look at Luka with a large smile on his face. It seems he didn't even recognize who I am, that makes me happy. "I am happy to meet you. What part of the kingdom are you from? We might have lived near to each other before." Thank goodness the bell was taking for ever to ring. It probably was giving them time to adjust to their new surroundings. He just hoped he didn't have to class soon. "I am from the great tree."


Aurora scanned the halls and found her assigned locker next to a girl the seemed to be in a having some trouble. Aurora took a deep breath not knowing whether the black haired female was human or not. Aurora checked to see if any of her scales were showing. Aurora wasn't planing on having someone being freaked out by her, and after all keeping up a human is exhausting. Excuse me, do you need any help?


Tyler soon enough found his assigned which was locker 287. He took a crumbled locker combination out. 41-22-09. He thought as he put in the correct combination. He opened his locker with ease before swinging bag from off his back to the the front of him. Ty held the bag up by one strap with one hand and opened it with the other. Then took out books he didn't need into his locker and kept the rest. Only then after he closed his locker he feel like someone had been staring. He turned his head to see a anther male. His hair was pale purple and the male wore a lot of pink. Though that's not what he was interested in. What he was interest in was the ears and tail. Neither looked fack, but he was trying to figure out what supernatural type he was. Never had he see someone have ears and tales and weren't cosplaying. Her found himself staring. He tilted his head a bit in a skeptical manner. He only knew the few supernaturals. Werewolves, vampires, etc.

@Rosalie Woodland

MidnightWolf said:

Aurora scanned the halls and found her assigned locker next to a girl the seemed to be in a having some trouble. Aurora took a deep breath not knowing whether the black haired female was human or not. Aurora checked to see if any of her scales were showing. Aurora wasn't planing on having someone being freaked out by her, and after all keeping up a human is exhausting. Excuse me, do you need any help?


Tyler soon enough found his assigned which was locker 287. He took a crumbled locker combination out. 41-22-09. He thought as he put in the correct combination. He opened his locker with ease before swinging bag from off his back to the the front of him. Ty held the bag up by one strap with one hand and opened it with the other. Then took out books he didn't need into his locker and kept the rest. Only then after he closed his locker he feel like someone had been staring. He turned his head to see a anther male. His hair was pale purple and the male wore a lot of pink. Though that's not what he was interested in. What he was interest in was the ears and tail. Neither looked fack, but he was trying to figure out what supernatural type he was. Never had he see someone have ears and tales and weren't cosplaying. Her found himself staring. He tilted his head a bit in a skeptical manner. He only knew the few supernaturals. Werewolves, vampires, etc.

@Rosalie Woodland

When he felt the male staring back at him, Beau blushed. He thought that this was just the sudden attention he was receiving, "I-I-I'm sorry for staring," He stuttered, "M-My name's Beau; Beau Jackson. Well, that isn't my full name; I hate my full name," Beau's full name was William Beau James Jackson. He was put up for adoption at 5 years old as his parents were done with having to take care of a child. He was named after both his granddads (William and James) and one of his mother's childhood friends. He kept the name Beau as then his name wouldn't relate to his parents biologically.
Lily was in deep thoughts when she heard a voice, she jumped a little surprised that someone talked to her.

"H-hello!" She greeted smilling embarrased "I..em... I think I've lost my schedule. It was in my pocket!" She said confident "or in my backpack...." she added looking at the girl suddenly not really sure.

"Anyway. I'm Lily, or Lillian. But Lilly" The black haired girl said "I mean, Lily, because it sounds better, yeah" she said smilling widely.

Am I talking crazy? Do I? Oh no, she will think I'm weird or something! - Lily had a battle in her mind.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm just talking weirdly. It just that.. I'm not really good at first time contact" she explained, scratching her arm awkwardly.

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Acacia Starfall

Acacia hands ran through her hair for what seemed to be the tenth time. She was excited but nervous at the same time. Acacia hadn't communicated with a human -- that she knew of at least -- so it was only natural she felt this way. Her surroundings were also very different since she lived around nature for most of her life. Her hand tightened on the strap of the floral canvass backpack slung over one shoulder and walked to her locker -- 288. When she reached there she saw a boy, a human boy, with his head tilted staring at a Neko. Acacia bit her lip from saying something stupid and taught about a greeting. She grabbed a piece of crumpled paper with the combination on it and input it quickly. As Acacia was putting her books in the locker she decided to go with the classic 'hey'. She was in her human form which was pretty hard to maintain so her wings were hidden. He would probably mistake her for a human but that didn't really matter to Cacy.



"That probably why I do t recognize you, I grew up pretty far from where you lived and we didn't travel to the great tree often." He said readjusting his bookbag on his shoulders. "I hope you're not offended that I don't know who you are." He looked up into Peter's eyes with his own purple ones. It was a way to see if people were lying, there mouth might lie but there eyes never do. He had to learn that the hard way, but in the end he was still glad he learned that.



Aurora smiled at the Lily and how nervous she was. It's fine. She said. You're not talking weird. You sound fine. She said trying to reassure the nervous girl. I'm Aurora, it's nice to meet you.


No, that quite alright. He responded to Beau. “I didn't mean to stare either.” Ty picked his words carefully now want to offend Beau due to his ignorance. “I'm Ty by they way.” He greeted to him. Ty heard a slight ‘hey’ behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see a girl with bright pink hair. He gave a slight smile and said “Hey

@MuffinRPs @Rosalie Woodland @Starry Night

Peter looked up remembering his life, he didn't remember ever leaving the great tree. This was the first time that he had left his home. "I never left the great tree so that explains everything. It is great that we get to hang out now. The queen never let me do anything, it took a lot of persuasion to convince her to let me come to this school." He looked back down at Luka seeing how he was looking Peter straight in the eyes. "After school do you want to go to the park or something and hang out? I am sure it will feel good to get out of this skin."

MidnightWolf said:
Aurora smiled at the Lily and how nervous she was. It's fine. She said. You're not talking weird. You sound fine. She said trying to reassure the nervous girl. I'm Aurora, it's nice to meet you.


No, that quite alright. He responded to Beau. “I didn't mean to stare either.” Ty picked his words carefully now want to offend Beau due to his ignorance. “I'm Ty by they way.” He greeted to him. Ty heard a slight ‘hey’ behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see a girl with bright pink hair. He gave a slight smile and said “Hey

@MuffinRPs @Rosalie Woodland @Starry Night
"Nice to meet you," He smiled shyly and shuffled from foot to foot. He twisted his tail around in his hands and blushed more. He still thought it was the new encounter. He looked behind him to see a fairy by her locker, "Hey."

"Yeah sure I'd love to, but if I may ask, why didn't the queen let you do anything?" He asked puzzled as to why he had to get the queen's permission to go to school. He rocked back and forth on his feet a bit putting his hands behind his back. He loooked around once more only to see if he could tell the difference between the humans and supernaturals although he don't he doubted
be able to if he couldn't just a few minutes ago. He turned his attention back to Peter as he saw in his eyes he wasn't lying he definetly didn't seem offended and in all honesty Luka was glad he wasn't.

Acacia Starfall

"I um..." She shut her locker after putting her stuff in and turned to fully face him. Make conversation! Acacia held out her hand and said, "I'm Acacia Starfall." It was directed to both the neko and the human. She was trying to make friends but she felt as if she were being too formal. Acacia's other hand went to the hem of the black shirt she was wearing to tug on it. Cacy was really nervous, she felt as if she was going to break her human form because of her nervousness levels shooting through the roof.

@MidnightWolf @MuffinRPs
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