The Walking Dead

As the night go's on Bryan wakes up. With his back against the pillow. the pillow against the wall. He notice's Harli is gone. And decides since he is now rested decently, he get up and continue his work. He get's up and walks around the dark mall, with the moon shining though the large glass up above. he cranks his neck t the right, and it pops. "Oh god..that hurt..." He says silently to himself..walking around the mall. coming near the sporting good store where Harli is.
Without looking back at Jackson, he answered, "I know of a place not too far away. It's a farm house a friend of mine owns - or owned - I'm not sure if he and his wife made it or not. It's secure, fences all around, and enough clear space to watch for any walkers. If he's still there, we'll know that he managed to survive in it for this long. If he's not there but there are no walkers, we know that it's secure from any walker attacks." He glanced into the rear-view mirror, his darker blue eyes making contact with Jackson's lighter ones. "Sound good?"
Jackson nodded at his words "Farm eh?" He sighed and gazed up at the mirror, his near grey eyes roaming over Declan's darker ones. He pried his gaze off of Declan's, turning so his back was facing Declan, his eyes closing, his face nuzzling against the seat. "Mm," Jackson muttered subconsciously due to comfort.
Harli dropped the Cross bow again and walked over to the wood that was now covered with holes. She yanks all the arrows out. She loads the cross bow and aims. She places her finger on trigger and let the arrow loose. It hit the bulls eye with a thud. She then loaded another.
Kat waved to Darrell as he left and walked over to the window. She watched him walk down the steps, and closed the curtains. She leaned against the wall, letting out a deep sigh. She hated herself sometimes. She was so terrible at dealing with people. She just couldn't bring herself to trust anyone.

After a few minutes, Kat headed upstairs and found a bedroom. She set her things down in there, on the bed, except for one of her pistols. Despite Darrell's words, she went through the entire house, checking for any unwelcome guests.

Twenty minutes later, Kat had found nothing, and returned to her room. She had even locked the doors and windows, just in case, her military training not letting her rest otherwise. She finally laid down on the bed, slipped a pistol under her pillow, and got comfortable. She wasn't that hungry anymore, just tired. So she quickly drifted off.
(((I just decided to name them as some episodes. Seemed it like might be fun)))

(((Spark I hope you got the Daryl and Merle Reference!)))

Episode Two-New Friends, New Enemy's Same Damn Problem!

Bryan notice's Harli in the sports section playing with the bow. "Some how she reminds me of some type of badass redneck...hmm...I wonder if she has a badass sister named Perl?" Bryan wondered to himself. As he continued to walk. The securty office, perhaps theres some Batteries for the radio. Or something more useful. Bryan see's a employee only sign on the wall. As he exits though two doors. And walks down a dark mall hall way. Although its nottoo dark as theres a door among many others first he see's theres light. Like.."Candle's?"

He walks into the open door room. Which signs shows and reads Security office. There's a lot of candales everywhere. Bryan slowly creeps in the office. As he draws his knife entering the office. Out of no where from behind. Bryan gets hit in the back of the head! "Ah!" Bryan yells, as he falls to the ground knocked out cold. Though he yelled that one instant. No one could of heard him. He was too far off. His knife, and him on the ground now. He's unconscious. As nothing is shown but him being dragged away by his feet.

Back in the town where Kat and Darrel are. Darrel is seen in his house. Taking off his suit. And putting them on the bed. His cowboy hat is on the hat stand near the front door. As he sits on the bed, with his brown leather wallet next to him. he grabs it. and opens it and pulls out a picture and just stares at it. The night continues on to morning...
(( HA! And what the hell is going on? I thougt Bryan and Steven where both going to be taken? O_O))

With the last shot going through the mist of her sons head, Harli fell to her knees exhausted. She crawls over to the wall and leans against it. she pulls her knees up to her chest and lays her head on her knees. Falling fast asleep in the dark now becoming light hall way.
(( They will be taken as planned. I'm so sorry for the confusion spark!))

Bryan is seen tied up, in a chair by the security cameras on a table. Next to another chair. Bryan opens his eyes and tries to see who it is. Only two candale's are lit. And the man is dressed in nothing but black. "What...are you mall?...." The strange man asked. Bryan looks over to the left and see's security clothes on the ground in the corner. Along with a busted radio next to the clothes. "Judging from what I was a security guard...right?" bryan asked boldly. "SHUT UP!" Out of no where the man hits Bryan with a black knight stick across his right jaw. "AHHH!"
Steven awakes with a smile and a yawn. He grabs his skateboard and takes off down the hall toward Journeys. He skates insde and grabs a few pairs of shoes. He slips on a pair of Bam Margera Adio's and tries them out. "Perfect." He grabs a Bat Man shirt and takes off toward Hot Topic. He slips on the shirt then slips on a pair of new jeans.
"You asked me a question...I answered...and you hit me..yeah... you have real mental problems...." Bryan said turning his head to the guy. Dressed in black and wearing a security hat on. the man walks over to the table and grabs duck tape. Ad tapes Bryan's mouth. "That's a nice knife...I would help some things inside the mall...but the chief...sent me keep watch..." The man stated taking Bryan's bowie knife. "If you excuse me.." the man said walking out the door with bryans knife. The man seems to be walking where Steven, and the group are.
Steven preformed an oili as he skated through the mall. He stopped infront of a fountain. He dipped his head in the foutain and shook his short hair dry. "Damn I need a shower." He grumbled as he sat down and checked the wheels on his skate board.

Harli woke up and looked at the arrows that lay around her. "Wow... I had a rough night." she grumbled looking up at the sun through the glass roof. 
( I was just wondering. Its okay.))
((If she has watched The Walking Dead then she should know that they don't use money. Lol.))
The man in black, wearing a security hat. See's Steven by the water foundation. He slowly make's his way behind Steven. "He will be proud of me for doing this..." The man thought to himself. Stopping behind Steven with bryan's knife in the man's left hand and the knight stick in the right. Waiting for Steven to turn around.
Steven huffed at the wheels on his skate board. He shook his head of the water again and stood up. He turned around to skate off but a man was standing there. Steven dropped his skate board and fumbled for the gun in the waist band of his pants. 
((Your character would currently be with Jaylee or my character Harli or out on her own))
Declan eventually merged into an exit that lead into some hills. The grass was yellow, dead. Just like everything else around here, he thought bitterly. He drove down the dirt road and came to a slow stop when he encountered a gate. It was closed, and it seemed like it hadn't been opened in a while. "Jackson," he said quietly. "We're here."

Up ahead there was a large two story house that was in good condition. There were a few cars, but they had been unused for a long time. The lights were off in the house. A large fence led off from the gate, going a few acres to the right and left, then venturing off. The whole plot of land was securely surrounded by the fence.

Before Steven could get his gun out. The man used his night stick and hit Steven's arm before it reached for his gun. Then hitting Steven in his jaw and the on his head knocking him out cold. Steven dropped to the floor. The man, put his night stick up. And bryan's knife in his belt waist. The man dragged Steven to where he was holding bryan. It was easy to move Steven because he was so light. Dragging Steven on the mall floor.
~~Stevens KO dream~~

He awoke from the sun coming from the window above his bed. He smiled as he tightened his grip on the girl that was cuddled into his chest. "Morning babe." She said with her feather like voice. He looked down at the girl. "Good Morning Darah." He smiled at his love. "What are we doing to-" she was cut off by stumbling in their apartment. "What was that?" She whispered. Steven stood and walked through the home. He turned around and smiled at Darah who followed him. "No one is-" He was cut off as someone bit her on the neck from behind. "DARAH!" He woke up and screamed. 
((AWEH!!! NUUU!!! D: ))
In the morning, Kat sat up quickly in bed, looking around. It took her a moment to remember the past day's events, and recall where she was. She let out a silent sigh of relief, and stretched a bit. That was the best sleep she'd had in a while. It was nice.

She got up a little while later and changed her clothes before she walked downstairs. She wore a pair of jeans, a pistol belted at her hip, and a simple white tee-shirt. She wandered into the kitchen and found the food there. She found some cereal and sat down at the table, pouring it into a bowl she had scavenged. She started to eat, enjoying the momentary peace.

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