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Fantasy The Voices in the Walls(Gyvierre College)

A clanking of metal against the tiled floors of the dining hall seemed to draw the student body's attention. Conversations began to cease as Arcturus, the headmaster, proceeded down the center aisle, he was in his armour this time, which reflected the setting sun that filtered through the windows, . He had several bruises on him, but they didn't seem to bother him. Clank, clank, clank. His sabatons climbed the steps at the front of the dining hall, which was also used as the auditorium, and stood behind the podium. His face more serious than usual.

"Ahem. Welcome, my students to Gyvierre College! Atticus Gurm, has once more reminded me that there is an updated list of school rules, please check them. There isn't much to say at this ti-" His sentence was cut short, he could feel Vivienne's eyes staring daggers into him from behind, "Well, school will proceed as per normal this year, all first years have been randomly assigned to a school house, your school house is in your letter of enrollment, which brought you here. Lastly, I'd like to emphasise on the last rule of the school rules..." All air of ease had suddenly been replaced by a tense mood, "No students, or staff, are to impose any danger to any member of this school, be it a student, teacher, alumnus, or staff." He emphasised on the main clause of the rule, before he smiled and concluded, "With that said, have a happy school year! I'll see you all around."

Vivienne's eyes widened.
That actually went relatively well... Of course, he missed out on a lot of things, but they were in the letter of enrollment anyway, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Hoorah! Orientation has passed, all students, regardless of whether they have made an introduction post, will be proceeding. You can pick any house you wish to be in, a list of houses is under the dormitory sub-header in the Settings/Locations tab of the Overview. Share whatever classes, periods, and recesses you want, but stick to your own grade's classes. No need for timetables, this RP is not too complete a system(recesses and dismissals will be announced in these blocks
;) ), and when in a class, you will be taught by the head of department of the subject. ;)
You snooze you lose - the Tarot spirit had opened her mouth in surprise and was just managing to get out a stunned greeting to the sandy-blonde haired bloke - when the headmaster started speaking his (foreboding, slightly stress-inducing) piece.

By the time she turned back to him - Majora had lost what she had been about to say in surprise all over again.

"I apologize," the Chariot's voice was stiff and stony and not at all welcoming.

Which, in truth, was a poor reflection of how she actually felt by being acknowledged: slightly relieved and completely and utterly baffled. Majora had figured that any introductions she would have to dispense would come much later and at the request of a teacher. Surely no one would wish to converse with her? Especially not so soon?

This; and the fact that the surfer-dude-esque man reminded her of someone with whom she had a terribly poor relationship with - made Majora rather awkwardly unfriendly.

"I had of course meant to return your greeting in kind - but we had an obligation to listen to the announcements," here a perfectly well kept hand with elegant nails was extended to shake.

"I am Majora C. Aracanai," - a small smile graced her lips as though at a private joke - "But you may call me Majora, if you please. Dormitory Circe."

Majora held eye contact painfully long before blinking. She also seemed unnaturally intent on the boy - as though picking apart the best way to triumph over him in combat.

Such was the nature of The Chariot of course - it meant victory and conquest when pulled from the deck. Not necessarily warmth or even friendship. It may or may not have been slightly grating to have to interact with others - against her core nature, at the very least. She was trying her best, though - seeing as the (Californian?) man had gone out of his way to greet and compliment her.

And speaking of that -

"Thank you for the compliment. It's a laurel leaf circlet . . . an ancient symbol of victory." Her hand was still held out - perhaps she had extended it too early? Social situations were so much more difficult than stabbing someone on the opposite side of the battlefield.

And yet curiously - she found herself warming slightly to the boy with the squishy shoes. And it occurred to her blatantly that she hadn't asked anything about him - not even his name.

"I apologize once more for being rude," Majora said hurriedly - eager to impress upon him that he wasn't actually bothering her, and that in fact he was a pleasantly surprising development.

"You know my name - but I haven't asked for yours. Or - your dormitory?" She secretly hoped it would be her own - so that they might continue this conversation.

Something must have been wrong with her - perhaps she was becoming sick?

"Also, if you don't mind asking - what sort of spirit are you? If you happen to be a spirit at all, of course," she hurriedly corrected herself, hoping she hadn't offended him.

"You seem as though you might be sea oriented," she inclined head at his massive board.
"Woah beach bunny take it easy, ya seem kinda stressed out" replied Henry with a chuckle and a piece sign in response to her onslaught of talking. "The name's Henry, I'm half water nymph and half siren, gnarlly am I right? Probably not as gnarly as you though, I'm kinda boring" replied Henry with a smile and another chuckle, even though he was making fun of himself. "Oh yeah, and this is Joey" continued Henry as he pointed to the starfish to his head.
"Beach . . . bunny . . . ?" The words were mouthed quietly as Majora perused her knowledge of language - and came up blank as to what the title might mean. It had probably been a form of compliment given his tone. . .


"I'm most pleased to meet you, Henry." She was sincere - even attempting to use informal language to assure him that she was most definitely not stressed.

That would just be silly.

"I am of course also pleased to meet your watery friend as well. Joey is an interesting name for a . . . starfish. He must be your familiar." The Chariot would admit she had never before encountered such an esoteric animal familiar. Usually it was more conventional animals - butterflies, dogs. The occasional monkey, perhaps - never a sea creature.

"'Gnarly' is not a word I have a good grasp on," she admitted, adjusting her leaf circlet in mild embarrassment. Surely after living so long she should know lingo such as this.

"You are indeed very sea oriented, then. Was your water nymph parent fresh or salt water?" Continuing to awkwardly adjust her circlet, Majora found she was enjoying the conversation almost as much as she was failing at making it.

"Also - you are by no means dull, Henry. Certainly no more dull than myself. I am a Tarot Spirit - have you ever tried to divine using a Tarot deck? Supposedly, you can predict the future depending on the cards you pull," a small smile here. "I'm the seventh trump of the Major Arcana - which is a fancy way of saying I'm the seventh card of the face card category."

Here she pulled out one of her many decks she kept in her many, many pockets. Deftly shuffling it - she picked out her own card between to fingers and flipped it to show him.

The image depicted her in old Grecian style - wearing a toga/robe type thing, complete with done up hair and the same leaf circlet.

And the chariot itself, of course.

"I was a dramatic thing back then. . . " Majora crumpled he brow in memories of when she actually used to dress like that. Styling her hair had been a nightmare.

"You actually remind a little of one of the other trumps. . ." Trailing off down memory lane - she narrowly caught herself before revealing more. Dwelling wouldn't do anyone any good.

"You've yet to tell me your dormitory, Ser Henry," Chariot was becoming stiffly formal again - even using the appropriate honorific for his name.

Because that wouldn't draw more attention to her blunder.
"Nah beach bunny, Joey ain't no familiar, he is like my best friend in the world" chuckled Henry with high enthusiasm. "Gnarly just means awesome, ya know, off the wall? Like you beach bunny" chuckled Henry again as he gave the piece sign towards her. His eyes went big when Majora revealed what she was. "Awesome, so you can like predict the future?" chuckled Henry, not quite grasping what she meant.
"Remember, classes start at 8:15 a.m., as per usual." Vivienne announced to the murmuring body of students, "I suggest you all go unpack, we are losing daylight, and the curfew comes into effect starting from 9 p.m., to 5 a.m.. Dinner is at 7 p.m., as always. Students are strictly prohibited from leaving their dormitories during the curfew. That is all, have a good day." Vivienne bowed before she turned to the other teachers. The student body was slowly beginning to trudge to their dormitories, where the luggage they had deposited earlier would lie waiting for them, "You all know your shifts, right?"

"Course." Leon and Noel piped up simultaneously, Leaning against each other, the only difference between them was their ties.

"When will the Student Action Board begin recruiting prefects again?" Yzabela placed a finger on her cheek, pondering. Her airy voice was soft, but it had an odd effect of drifting to all heads within earshot, as if her voice stood out.

"It will be announced tomorrow, but it will begin on Friday." Choma replied, shifting some strands of auburn hair behind her ear to reveal her mysteriously fair complexion, "Today's a Tuesday, by the way." She added. It may not have been necessary, but for Yzabela, who was more absent-minded than the entire student body put together, it was rather useful.

"Until then, we will be having six teachers instead of four patrolling per shift." Vivienne stated, her eyes scanning the auditorium as she looked around for the headmaster. It wouldn't be hard to spot him, since his armour would reflect the evening sun. He's gone already? She squeezed her nose bridge between her eyebrows, before she returned tot he subject at hand, "Lohks'ana, I'm sure you feel that don't you?"

"It's been skirting around the edges of my field. I don't know its motives." Lohks'ana replied flatly, her arms folded beneath her breasts, lifting them slightly, as if on purpose.

"Well that changes things..." Vivienne turned to Pato, who immediately nodded, "Let them know curfew will come into effect an hour earlier."

Students are to head to their assigned dormitories immediately, curfew will be activated one hour earlier. Students are not allowed to loiter.

"Is that good enough?" Pato opened his blind eyes, the glass was still reverberating from announcing Pato's announcement to the entire school.

"Yes, thank you. That should be all, I'll see you all tomorrow." Vivienne said, bowing to the other teachers before she made her way through the hall and shot a look at some of the remaining students, "Don't stick around guys."
Persephone sat through the painfully boring "welcome back" by the head teacher, though see played more with her snakes then listened. She was relieved to hear it was over and walked towards the dormitories, seemingly placed in the Madea dormitory. She groaned, could the be more obvious. Yeah, the greek spirit goes to the greek names dormitory. Woopy do.

She felt like she needed to smoke though considering the time she had to break curfew to do so. She smirked, nothing new there. She sneaked out of the line of students going to the dorm and went to her usual spot. It was a buttress the castle exterior with an arch centre. She hid under the arch and took out a cigarette and lit it, inhaling the smoke to ease her cravings.
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Haru was at the front of the line for her dormitory, which was probably because everybody wanted to avoid her and say where they can watch her, but it wasn't all too obvious whether or not they were avoiding her, or she just simply ended up at the front. Haru walked into the Circe dorm, going to her little area and pulling out one vial of blood. She made sure real quick that all her belongings were there, then poured the blood on the floor below her, right next to her bed. Focusing for just a second, she took a light step, almost like hovering, right above the blood, dropping through it like it were a portal, or she was becoming one with the blood. When she was all the way through, the blood became like regular blood to everybody else, no way to go through it until Haru activates her magic on it again. She was now in her blood realm, where she could be alone for a while as she worked on her little experiments. Maybe I could go check out the planetarium once I finish with a few experiments...? Haru thought, starting to do various things with her materials.
Rue softy approached the line for Medea. She stared as many were in one line. She clasped her moon drop as she waited. There were plenty of students, plenty of rooms, and plenty of time.

Rue definitely wanted to head over to the library tomorrow. That was her plan, a library that was so broad. She wanted to inspect every spine of every novel. She realized she was at the front of the line and headed upstairs to her room. She took notice of her room and softly placed some of her items in her drawers. Her hands went over the old items that she had brought with her. A quill and small bottle full of ink. And all she could ever think about was tomorrow.
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