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Fantasy The Voices in the Walls(Gyvierre College)


I'm the salt master
It is the 1st of September, 2015, at least, according to the human calendar. Gyvierre College stood proudly on top of Mount Erra, basking in the light of the morning sun. A long bridge extended from the entrance, held up by arched pillars that grew above the bridge, topped with statues, each representing a study of magic. At the end of the bridge was a large circle, where the deputy headmistress, Vivienne, and the other teachers stood watch, each with a clipboard in hand, stacked full of papers.

"Zanden Iizsha!" She spoke crisply, pulling off the top paper, she threw it down onto a pedestal in front of her feet. With a loud pop, a petite, female student with blue skin and black hair, stepped down from the pedestal with a large suitcase.

"Morning miss," She bowed politely, before proceeding to tow her luggage to the school.

"Wonder what kind of a bunch we'll be having this year..." She murmured, looking on as Iizha approached the entrance in the distance before she looked down at her clipboard, before she looked around at all the other teachers, they were still going through their lists of names. That should be all the eighth years..."Aaagh!" She slapped her forehead, nearly dropping her clipboard. Another migraine? No, these aren't migraines, she thought to herself; she could tell from the piercing throb in her temple that was beginning to subside. She looked on once more at the castle, in the direction of the headmaster's office, before she sighed and continued with her work of bringing students, continuing her monologue, "I don't like this..."
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Persephone stood calmly with rucksack on her back and a lit cigarette in her hand as she waited for her turn to be teleported to the College. She was wearing a common human outfit, jeans, white tank top and grey ziped hoodie and her standard vale and glasses. She hated the first day of school as there is always some delay in registration meaning she had to wait at least hour from the expected time of registration, enable to anything since the teleportation could happen any minute.

Well, cant do anything but smoke and this day more then any she felt like smoking. She felt terrible a result of a migraine she was suffering all week with only the cigarettes taking any of the edge at all. Also her snakes were acting strange almost troubled and angry, she thought it was because she kept them under her vale more then usual recently and wanted a breather. However, she had let them out to breath recently but they didnt seem to be come less agitated. She stroked them through her vale tried to hum calming tune in between buffs of her cigarettes.
Majora kept her right hand on her luggage bag (which was an impressively uncharacteristic teal) and cradled a playing card in her left. To all who were unaware of the context and history of the card in question - it looked as though The Chariot was holding it in an almost tender fashion.

An extremely good Reader or informed person of some sort may have known better, though. Majora held the ornate paper with concentration - not gentleness.

The concentration of course being on her attempt to not crumple the nasty thing up and throw it away.

Eventually, after much consideration and a deep, stony frown - the spirit opted to carefully slip the Tarot card (for it could be nothing else) into her double breasted taupe jacket pocket.

'It's changed again. That's the third time it's changed in the months since I've accepted a place at the college. Usually Fortune is more. . . subtle with her changes. At least, outwardly on the card itself.'

Anyone who saw her face as she was contemplating these events might say that she looked as though she'd just been given accurate information on her own funeral.

Considering the nature of The Wheel - fast paced change and life altering decisions and opportunities - perhaps grief-stricken was not a wholly inaccurate expression to wear. Nothing ever stayed the same; a harder fact to learn than the (equally depressing) fact that you could very well up and die at any moment.

Or worse - be forgotten.

Shifting to holding her bag with both hands, Chariot considered how a life changing event was soon to happen (possibly already had). Things were being set in motion, she could at least deduce that with what was left of her meager ability.

Majora was neither excited nor disappointed to be going to school - which, in another life, she would have considered beneath herself. She was intrigued at the possibility of getting back her divination ability, and passively concerned with what she had seen in the card and could feel in the air. Beyond that, there was a slight hope that the food at the school would be passable - and little other emotion towards her situation.

Majora sat still as the grave and waited in her shadowy alcove to be teleported to the school.

For something, anything to happen.
Zane stood in sight of the bridge, watching everyone who came to the school while he smoked his cigarette.

"Ooo...a definite six..." He mumbled as a girl around what he guessed could be his age entered.

Zane watched for a few more minutes in boredom before he turned and entered the school as well, flicking his cigarette butt off an unsuspecting first year nearby.
Novega stood at the frozen teleportaion platform with his usual demeanour of calmness and lack of care for his surroundings. He was more than happy to go to college and learn how to control his 'water problem', but he wasn't enthusiastic about leaving his monna and azza(mom and dad) behind. Something which both parents felt too. His mother was good at reading the 'air' around her, and she said it smelled dirty the moment they decided to send him to school, now she would do anything to stop her child from leaving his home.

The First Lord, as a proud man was suppose to go against her and say how his son was a man and could take care of himself, but he didn't, he was even more worried than his wife. But thanks to much assuring from him that he would be fine, that Asmort( his elk) would be there to keep him company and so would Alai and his companion Voliath, his parents finally conceded. Now here he stood, his deer sized elk standing next to him with his luggage waiting to be teleported to this 'college'.

His parents refused to wait with him, stating that they might change their minds and force him to stay, so he was alone, in a large room where anyone could attack him if they wished, but no one would dare, after all, the Frozen Prince was not someone to be attacked, and not someone to be scared by 'smelly air'.

Vega allowed a rare public smile to adorn his face, he might not be scared, but he sure as hell hoped there was going to be something to make him scared, it's about time to test his true strength against worthy opponents who actually want to hurt him.
Yuki giggled as she waited for her turn to be summoned to the college. She had her usual attire one, a very pretty dress and her bat cloak, which looks really cute and adorable on her. She carried in her hands Mr. Kerfaffle, her stuffed bear, and a knapsack was slung across her shoulders. She keeps bouncing on the balls of her feet, giggling in anticipation.

To anyone who might see her, she just looks like a normal elementary student, but most people would be wrong. In truth, she is actually a quite powerful vampire, her childish and cutesy charm only a front. She is actually kinda sadistic, but not that anyone cares. After all, what harm could a little kid like her do.

"Oh boy, oh boy, I wish there's a lot of cute girls out there. I really want to have a big sister as a slave there." She giggled, kknowing she could easily impose her whims on others without even trying too much. This is going to be a fun school year, at least, fun for her.
Kierna's arm pulled away quickly, "gah," she whined softly to herself soon turning to see where the cigarette butt had come from. She glanced around the crowed a moment, but she couldn't really tell who did it. So she returned to herself, patting down her clothing straightening them out, and running her fingers through her hair to fix it in place. Her clothing was as neat and tidy as they could possibly be, and for once her hair looked adequate. She took a shower just that morning, so the grease hadn't set in just yet.

The crowd was making her nervous, but really... What didn't make her nervous? Maybe this one time she had a valid reason to be nervous. New school, a special school. In a sort of atmosphere she had never been put into before, and now it was sort of a plunge into the queer environment. But it was within her norm to be a bit of a nervous wreck, so long as she was around any living organism. Plants didn't exactly do it to her, but something as dull as a goldfish could make her in a bit of a huff. Well, maybe that example is drastic. Well, even with their short memory Kierna can't help but feel like they have very judgmental eyes.
The living, breathing science experiment, known as Haru Krest, was the one that nobody wanted to be near. Haru knew very well why, though she felt that it wasn't right for them to assume like they all seemed to do. Haru noticed that there were a good handful of people staring at her like she was some kind of insane and heartless monster, though she didn't mind, since she really did look like an insane and heartless monster. Not to mention that while some of her little experimental drugs were active, her body kind of drooped down a tiny bit, just making the sight look more like she was an insane monster.

Haru took one step forward, then the entirety of the students around her seemed to clear back a few small steps. "How'd a monster like that get here...?" One person whispered. "I don't think they should even be allowed to live... Clearly they'll kill us if we don't kill her first..." Another person whispered, though everybody that was whispering about her like that were clearly too scared to even carry out an attempt to kill her like they said to each other that they were going to do. Haru could hear the whispers, but ignored them for the sake of not having someone idiotically try to tear her head off and her getting in trouble for killing them in self defense.
Flashes in the shadows, glimpses of the stone wall of the winding corridors. The sound of rapid breath. Running, ever running. But for what. She could sense a darkness but she could not see it. She felt it growing closer and then, nothing.

Glai'lei woke with a start, bolting upright from where she lay her body curled over the desk. Sitting up she yawned, rubbing her eyes tiredly. This was the fifth time she'd had that dream. Perhaps it was her FarSight trying to warn her, but of what she could not be sure. Perhaps if it was stronger, more focused, she would be able to figure out what it is that was making her so uneasy. She was already in her fourth year, but her power over her FarSight had improved little. Glancing at the clock on the wall she shot up from her chair, her wings glowing as the metallic plates bloomed outward; reopening themselves.

"Oh no... I'm going to be late to class if I don't hurry...!"

Grabbing the large book, bound in soft green dyed leather, from the library desk she quickly filled out the form for how many hours she had spent on duty as the library assistant. Dropping it in the tray she made her way to one of the large window, open to let in the breeze. Hopping up on to the ledge she let herself slip through the window. It was a warm day and the wind caressed her skin as she glided across the courtyard, the long emerald lengths that hung at the front and back of her skirt blowing in the wind.
"Aracanai, Majora C.! Hrisostomos, Persephone! Cecsus, Novega" The teacher's voices were picking up pace, all kinds of names were being called. Students began filing from the circles like no tomorrow, and with the mass of incoming students, the students on the bridge began pacing faster, dropping off their luggage by a magic circle before they placed a letter on top, and the luggage disappeared, sent to the rooms they were assigned in their dormitories, before they headed to the dining hall, which also served as their auditorium, to wait for orientation.

((@X3 Infernal Infinity, Orientation comes first btw ;) Classes won't start till the day after))

It's finally ready!

Welcome to Gyvierre College, all the information you need is in the Overview, and your students are being summoned as we speak.

Let the roleplay begin! > :D

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Zane also found himself heading for the dining hall, stuck behind a slow moving girl, not bad looking either, but she was in his way.

"Move!" He growled, shoving her to the side.

"Eh," Kierna gave a slight whine when she was pushed. Waiting a moment before she turn over to look at who shoved her to the side.
Zane gave a glance back, meeting her glance with a devious grin as well as the finger.

Indeed she didn't look bad but she seemed like a total wimp.
Kierna stood up straight, her hair falling in front of her face. Then she clutched to her things, her knuckles turning white. Quick to take a step back from him.
Zane grinned again and walked away, wimp indeed. Good lookIng and a wimp. This would be fun indeed. Very fun.
Kierna stood still a few moments, waiting for the guy to move on before she started forward again. Holding closely to herself, trying to tune out the rest of the crowd. Doing the best from starting a panic attack as she could.
"That should be the last of them..." Vivienne looked back at the castle, watching the last few students entering the doors as she tucked her clipboard between her arm and hip, "We're heading back to the castle, I need to go fetch the headmaster. Knowing him, he just might attend the orientation late..." She sighed, palming her forehead. At least I don't have a fever...

"Will all students and staff please head to the dining hall in 10 minutes," The glass windows that lined the college reverberated, announcing the message throughout the school. That must be Pato...

"Well then, Vivienne, I'm going on ahead!" Bertram waved at Vivienne before he headed towards the castle, briskly passing the statues, "Don't stand around for too long!" Vivienne called out to the lingering students before she headed towards the college, muttering under her breath, "If the headmaster is taking a break, I swear, I'll slap the living daylights outta' him... He's already two days behind on paperwork and school hasn't even started; unbelievable!" She exclaimed in the distance, complaining as she entered the college, leaving behind the midday sun, only to meet Pato and his crystal ball.

"I heard that Vivienne..." He smiled mischievously, "Humans in Japan would call your type a tsunde-"

"Enough of your mouth," She snapped, "And you'd better not skip this year's orientation just because you saw something in that ball of yours!" She retorted, much to his chagrin, as she passed by a student with a cigarette, snorting at the smoke coming off the butt. Ugh... She waved her hand through the air and fanned away some smoke from her.


"Gods finally." Persephone exclaimed glad for some progress in the registration front of things. She took the last puff of her on exaggerate and stumped it of on a nearby wall before tossing it aside haphazardly. She saw some of the new human students took a look at her with curiosity due to her appearance and smirked slyly, she quickly removed her vale with a flourish and revealed her hair. Her snakes raised themselves and hissed at the students and she gave a wild look as she went to raise her sunglasses. She may not have been as the monstrous appearance of her infamous ancestor but Persephone still can be scary if she wanted to. The mix of surprise and freight in the faces of the students as they rushed off was priceless, she chuckled before walking off into the hall.
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A boy about 6'2 came walking towards the hall, completely drenched from head to toe, yet didn't seem to mind. In his hand was a large 10'6 SUP board, and a starfish on his forehead, again not minding at all. He seemed to be talking to himself, or the starfish, one of the two. "Right, it's just like, dude, you get the best barrels ever, dude! It's like, you pull in. You just get, like, spit right out of 'em. Drop in and smack the lip. BWAH! Jump down and it's like, BWEAAAH! And then after that, it's like, drop in, ride the barrel, and get pitted, man! Like, so pitted and then like..." he continued on as he entered the dining hall, his dirty-blonde hair now digging into his emerald green eyes.

Zara yawned to herself as the announcement came, a hand scratching the back of her head. "Man I have to move now?" asked the girl to herself as she grunted in disapproval. After a few minutes, she finally began to drag herself over to the dinning hall, her feet barely leaving the ground as if that itself would take to much work.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
"Gods finally." Persephone exclaimed glad for some progress in the registration front of things. She took the last puff of her on exaggerate and stumped it of on a nearby wall before tossing it aside haphazardly. She saw some of the new human students took a look at her with curiosity due to her appearance and smirked slyly, she quickly removed her vale with a flourish and revealed her hair. Her snakes raised themselves and hissed at the students and she gave a wild look as she went to raise her sunglasses. She may not have been as the monstrous appearance of her infamous ancestor but Persephone still can be scary if she wanted to. The mix of surprise and freight in the faces of the students as they rushed off was priceless, she chuckled before walking off into the hall.
"Careful with them snakes, someone might get hurt..." A voice said with a smirk as it passed her, turning just slightly to catch her eyes and give her a devilish smirk.

Said group of new humans were huddled down the way watching from a distance and whispering. Zane took a final puff of his own cigarette and flicked it their way. The butt seemed to flip end over end slowly before it smacked the ground between them all and exploded with a bang and a flash that sent the entire group running and screaming.

Zane turned completely around and walked backwards, flashing Persephone double birds, bring it he mouthed before flipping back around with a smirk.
Persephone seemed less then impressed, Zane trick was amusing enough though his attitude left a lot to be desired. She rolled her eyes at him." It is not my snakes you have to worry about." She said simply before walking on deciding to ignore him already not wanting no further interaction with him. She looked around trying to find someone she recognize.
Haru slowly walked down the hall, body still loosely hanging as she walked. While everybody else was probably headed to the dining hall, she was on her way to her dorm, as she had a few things to take care of. The snakes had seemed like something scare to everybody, but their reactions to Haru were probably more filled with fear than from Persephone's snakes. She slowly walked down the hallway like she was part zombie or something, arms hanging straight down, body loose as she walked.
"Asinus, ad lyrum," the Latin phrase may or may not have been muttered in the direction of a certain boy who may or may not have been throwing exploding cigarettes towards a group of unsuspecting students.

And the phrase may or may not have meant something along the lines of: "A jackass attempts to play a lyre".

More accurately, perhaps - "You're making a fool of yourself".

Majora looked to the boy with red hair and a seemingly infinite supply of cancer-rettes - and was reminded of another man with red hair and devilish eyes.

And then she shook her head and let out a humorless, cold laugh - because the difference between the "man" Chariot knew (had once known) and this boy who smoked was just that. He was smoke blowing up your ass - and He had been fire; something to be truly afraid of.

The fact that she had even made the comparison between them troubled her in that same way one gets troubled when they see a stranger who possess the likeness of someone they know to be dead.

Blinking her eyes blank the Tarot spirit turned her thoughts to other, more savory potential acquaintances.

There was a woman - no, a Medusa - dripping in equal amounts of venom and irony (Persephone, indeed). She seemed to have a clear head about her - if a slightly antagonistic heart.

That suited Majora just fine - she resolved to try and associate herself with the lady Gorgon if at all possible.

If for nothing other than the separation and privacy such an association might offer.

There had been another girl - one that others whispered about and who didn't seem to be. . . present.

It wasn't that Chariot was relieved that the little lady wasn't there; that would be stupid and judgmental of her - seeing as she didn't even know her name. Honesty was a virtue, though - and Majora would be sinning if she said some tension didn't bleed out of her shoulders as she looked around and saw that the stranger had apparently wandered.

It was a silly feeling of foreboding that made the Tarot trump wrinkle her brow in a mental note to keep an eye on the . . . human?

Well - mortal until proven otherwise, yes?

Then there was a man - muttering to himself and obviously sea or water oriented or some-such. Actually the word "muttering" was a little generous - he was being rather loud. But in an almost charmingly oblivious way - he might have even been talking to the starfish that was stuck to his person.

It was adorable, and reminded her of another boy (that whole seeing the other trumps in regular humans thing was already starting to get old) who was foolish - but lovable, and charming.

She only hoped he didn't take his salt water-logged self near her chariot. The rust would be just awful.

And finally the only other who had caught Majora's passive attention was a woman who seemed very tired. Or maybe just lazy. Un-disciplined at the very least. Majora found herself silently judging the shuffling girl - whether she wanted to or not.

Hard work, discipline, conquest - duty, honor, and victory.

("These are a few of my favorite things") - not to mention the key words that made up her soul.

Not that it was really anyone's fault but her own when it came to that. . .

Primly and almost jerkily - ankle boots clicking their way over the hall to the Auditorium - Majora made notes in her head; not that least of which that this place was already shaping up to be more engaging than previously assumed.

Orientation should be fun.
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Henry saw a girl walk in, noticing that she was looking at everyone one at a time, and noticed she looked towards him. Thinking this was a great way to make a friend, he speed walked over to the girl, his shoes making the lightest squishing noise, signaling even his shoes were wet to a degree. He waved a hand at her while calling out "Hey wait up!" Henry got to the girl and stopped, his dirty-blonde hair jumped for a moment before slowly falling back down to dig into his emerald green eyes. "Gnnaaarrlly leaf circlet bra, it looks off the wall" claimed Henry as a greeting, smiling and revealing his white teeth as he spoke the words. "Joey thinks so as well" added Henry as he brought the bottom of his board down to the ground, standing over both of them at a outstanding 10'6.


Zara finally slugged into the hall and rubbed her eyes slowly before yawning quite loudly. She examined the room and found a nice place to lay down and began to slowly trudge over to it and lay down. She let out another yawn before closing her eyes and falling asleep, snoring coming out of her as she slept there.
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"Oh dear... I nearly forgot that we have orientation again..."

"Do you ever remember anything other than what's in your book Glai?"

The amused yet raspy voice came from Glai'lei's left, and the girl sigh casting her gaze at her companion. The creature that had spoken was her Spirit Companion, a young celestial dragon that she called Habren. The dragon was still rather small due to his young age, being only six feet in length but his body bore considerable bulk.

"I don't have time for your snark Habren... Now either get flying or turn back into an egg... I'm not going to be late because of you, cranky dragon..."

Habren snorted in response and Glai'lei simply shook her head. The young dragon was both stubborn and lazy. Standing, Glai'lei brushed off her skirt with one hand. Luckily the dining hall was just across one of the nearby buildings, an easy flight for both her an Habren. Not bothering to check and see if the dragon was coming Glai'lei took flight, gliding across the rooftops. She could hear Habren's talons as he disembarked from the roof, his wings spreading as he took to the air, soon catching up with Glai'lei.

The angel alighted first in the courtyard just outside the dining hall; Habren landing with his front claws on her shoulder and the rest of his body resting on her back just between her wings. The metallic structures gave off a heat which the dragon absolutely adored. With Habren on her back she headed into the dining hall.

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