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Fantasy The Vampire Lee Plaza Hotel.

Wanda Maxy

You're beautiful to me.

An old fashioned hotel for vampires of all species. Enjoy our live entertainment, ballroom dancing, luxury rooms, fine dining, room service and alcoholic beverages at the singles bar.

You will be greeted at the front lobby by either me or the staff. Your luggage will be carried to your rooms and every room is always prepared for each new guest.

So come and join my little family.

I hope to see you soon.
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Ah, Another day has ended. From the penthouse you get a beautiful view of the moon rising from beyond the horizon, I stand at the window looking out at its beautiful glow. A knock comes from my door as a voice called out "Good afternoon ma'am, I've brought what you've requested" I happily hum as I hurry over to the door and gracefully open it. I smiled ever so softly and said "Ah, Sebastian, come in" gracefully gesturing my hand into my room. He walks in carrying a tray with one glass full of blood and a celery stick for show. I hummed a little tune as he handed me the glass and took out the celery. I brought it up to my lips and took a small sip. "mmm, Italian?" I asked wondering what kind of blood he had brought me.

he shook his head and smiled, "hmm, won't tell me?" I said noticing he was being cheeky, I took another sip still trying to figure it out.

"ah, Polish?" he nodded his head as he replied "yes, Ma'am".

"Ah! don't call me Ma'am, It makes me feel old..." I said walking over to my walk-in-closet. "Sorry M- Mistress" he said lowering his head. I smiled back at him and said "that's better, Now tell me. Do we have any new guests?" I grabbed a corset and a long skirt and then placed them on a bed that looks like it had been untouched. "we have had several new arrivals and a few of the guests have left, Mistress"

I took off my night gown and slipped on the skirt, I wrapped the corset around myself and called Sebastian over to help me.

"its a shame they left so soon, I would of seen them off, AH! careful!" I yelled as Sebastian laced me up. "sorry, Mistress" he said in a low voice. "Tighter, Tighter!" I yelled holding onto the bed frame.

"If I pull any tighter, you won't be able to breathe, Mistress" he said with concern in his voice.

I laughed and said "When you are like me, you don't need to breathe, Now tighter!"

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A car arrives at the front of the Building, the driver opens the Door, Jodie's long Black boot steps out & crushes the leaves underneath his heel, as he steps out he flicks back the long fabric of his coat & removes his sunglasses looking up upon the buildings mighty stance biting the end of his glasses he looks to the windowpane watching the reflection of the moon his fangs un-sheath & his mouth curls into a naughty smile.

the doors to the hotel are pulled open for him as he approaches, he retracts his steps & they close the doors, a quirky smile appears on his face as he approaches & retracts, making them manually do the same thing over & over again, eventually It got less & less funny to them, so they left the door open, He pout & walks inside popping up his collar & rubbing his mouth with his hand & sighs making his lips flap.

his attention then draws to the service bell on the reception desk "Hue hue" he giggles to himself as he approaches it, behind him his luggage being brought in by a porters cart his face taking a weird turn as his Joy & Temptation to ring that bell was too great.

He lifted his finger with a wide grin & presses the bell down once, the sound that vibrated from the bell sent chills down his spine, he wiggles his fingers & presses it continuously on a loop, eventually until the Staff comes along.

I, Marguerite, am the proud owner of this lovely hotel. My staff respects me and I respect them, We have our blood supplied to us by the vampire Council. Sebastian is my personal Butler, he tends to my every need and doesn't complain. Which is very hard to find these days, Humans can be such rude things.

When Sebastian was done lacing my corset up, I sat down on the desk stool turned towards Sebastian. Without question he applied my make up, "how do I look?" I'd ask him, I'd ask the same question every evening and he'd say the same thing every evening.

"Still beautiful as the day I met you"

I smiled warmly and caressed the side of his face as I let out a sigh and said "I don't know what I'd do without you Sebastian..."

He placed his hand on mine and nodded. I cleared my throat and said as I stood up "come on, we have guests to tend to"

"Yes, Mistress" I grabbed my coat and put it on as he held the door open for me. "thank you Sebastian!" I said as I walked out the door and over to the elevator with Sebastian at my side.

We reached the Lobby floor, I was greeted by regulars as I made my way to the front desk "Good evening Miss Marguerite!" they'ed say, I'd wave, smile and ask how they are enjoying their stay and then I'd move on.

I walked over to the front desk where a new guest was ringing the bell, I smiled and gracefully walked over to him.

"good evening, do you have a reservation?" I asked as I walked behind the desk and started flipping through the guest book.
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His finger rests pressing down upon the button as he looks up & with his fingers clutching over the bell he pulls it off the reservation desk "the paper days should say the extensive stay that I am to have, nnngh~! - he lifts his shoulders & tucks in his head - here. Underneath me, Jodie Wright, J.o.die W-right." he puts the reception bell in his pocket & leans over the desk grabbing a pen & a sticky note hiding what he is writing. "Master says staying here is like being kept in the mothers womb & the mother being kept in a padded cell, very safe very safe. - he continues to scribble - his body should appear here when he is ready to retrieve that which he loves the most." He puffs his cheeks & nods as the note is in the same place where the bell use to be *IOU 1 Bell desk O)u(O*
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"hmm?" I look at the boy and a grin crawled up on my face, the boy spoke in riddles. "Ha-ha, I see your a malkavian, I don't get a lot of your kind here, It is a shame... I do love your kind. the way you all speak is so fascinating" I said giggling, I lift up a feather pen of the desk and brushed the feather tip against the end of my nose as I flip through the old pages. I slam my finger down on a page and said "AH HA! found you, right." I look back up to see the desk bell gone and the boy scribbling on a note. I laugh and said "ok, It says here you have requested a first class single room, if that is correct, how long will sir be staying with us?"
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He Breaths In deeply, his expression explaining that he hand no Idea to be sure " for the days that the masterful body does not arrive The compensation will be paid in bounty" in other words *I'm very rich & will wait till my master comes for me* He looks satisfied with his own statement crosses his arms & nods,he opens one eye then twists his body around to look for his bag.

"the wheeled bag stand with my boxes of supplys...is..Ahha!!" he unfolds his arms picks up a carry on bag & takes out a smaller bag full of cash, he walks back to the reception desk "take that which satisfies your money purse." he smiles gently.

New town. More jobs. More requests. All to become lead assassin in my clan. Atleast second in line I mean. Only chance I would ever become lead assassin is if our leader were to pass on. I doubt that would ever happen though. Many people have tried to kill him. Tried to become leader but they always lost more then the fight. And I was not about to have that happen to do. I did not want to die.

Thinking of this I just shook my head as I drove up to the hotel. I wasn't one to be driven around or surrounded by guards. I was rich yes. I had many years to gain the money. From the kills and well other ways. I wasn't one to need protection. I was very capable of protecting myself. Fuck with me your blood will burn you from the inside out. I smiled at the thought of my ex's blood boiling out of him and just laughed Alittle as I parked my pure black car grabbing my bags from the trunk and heading inside.

The place was huge and very neat and clean. Peaceful. Just how I liked it. But just cause I like peaceful places doesn't mean I can't have fun. Who doesn't like to have fun. I smiled just looking around as I looked around and saw the check in desk. With my bags around my left shoulder and setting on my left arm I walked over to the table and waited since there was someone else infront of me.
I leaned over the desk and closed his money bag, I smiled and said "It is alright, you don't have to pay right this moment, When your master comes and when you know how long you'll be staying here, I'll be able to come up with a price. So until then, Welcome to Lee Plaza Hotel." I clap my hands together and yell "LOBBY BOY!" a sluggish man, with the complexion of a zombie. walks over to the front of the desk pushing the porters cart with the boy's luggage on it. "Room thirty four!" I yelled grabbing a key from behind me and throwing over to the lobby boy. the lobby boy grunted as he then pushed the cart towards the elevator. "Have a nice stay" I said brightly smiling and then wrote down the date and his room number next to Jodie's name in the big book.

I looked over to the right to see another guest waiting for assistance, "Good Evening Miss! Do you have a booking?" I asked lifting up the Feathered pen. Sebastian stood quietly behind me keeping a eye on me and all the other guests, including the new guests.

Kei was beyond himself in glee, pushing the doors open with his slender hands, eyes lighting up when he took in the sights of the hotel. "Marvelous. Simply marvelous." He nodded in approval as he seemed to glide across the floor. It would not hurt to take in some of the sights of the main lobby of the grand hotel, so he stood behind and to the left of the woman being attended to, his attention turning to the spacious hall.

He had decided to stay here a while, so that he had a new venue to share his music and collect inspiration. The surroundings certainly did not disappoint. There were rumors that the entertainment was divine and he couldn't be held back from the desire to add his own artistic flair to such a marvel.

When it came to musical performances, he was quite talented, that much he was confident in. It had been a while since he had been mostly among other vampires and was curious to see if his abilities could dazzle others of his kind, who's minds and hearts were not so easily swayed.
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He takes the reception desk bell from his pocket laying it flatly upon his hand following slowly behind the Lobby boy, he stops walking & stands looking at the bell as his finger raises suddenly pressing down on the bells button, when the Zombie like lobby boy had relised Jodie was no longer following him to the elevator it was too late, the doors had shut & the elevator was going up.

Jodie took it upon himself to walk around while playing with the bell Until that person came back to get him, he walked until he was In front of Kei he looks up & presses the button. * ding * tilting his head he lifts the bell up to his eye level & rings it again " Man whom is majestic, the ringing is intriguing isn't it?, & it shines like the sun on the surface of water." his finger wipes around the round surface of the bell with a brow raised.
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Kei chuckled melodically, looking at the shiny yet unremarkable bell that the other vampire seemed so fascinated by. "I do believe it shines more brightly with your enjoyment of it's chime." All beautiful things became more captivating when they were enjoyed. The flower blooms wildly when tended to with care. A performer's voice swells with warmer tones at the sound of his audience's cheers. Even this little bell could bring someone enjoyment. The blond looked at it with a new appreciation, slowly bringing a finger up to tap it's top, closing his eyes as he listened to the short yet ringing tone the bell created.

Drawing his attention away from the bell, he focused on the other man beside him. With a smile, he bowed in greeting, one arm sweeping rather grandly to the side. "Kei Akiyama. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." he was certain that the two had never met before. After all, he was excellent at keeping memorable faces in his mind, and his certainly fit the bill.

he covers his own eyes as the man touches the bell, listening to it ring his smile shows his toothy grin in a sweet childish way he reminisces of the tiny toy piano he would play with in the mental ward its sweet notes that would ring in his ear.

Uncovering his eyes, his teeth grind together he leans up on the tip of his toes as the man bows in front of him "groovy" he tugs at the sides of his jacket & curtseys "Jodie Wright.The once caged but now free." he stands straight & places the bell upon his head

@JohnNeko O)p(O
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Lilith's eyes glistened as the maroon town car pulled up to the hotel. A slight smile played across her slightly plump lips. Slowly the car door was opened by the driver, allowing Lilith to place her ballet like shoes on the ground, crunching a few leaves in the process. With a light nod of her head the driver closed the door and bowed out before driving off, leaving Lilith there alone with her bag.

It took her a moment to compose herself, closing her eyes and thinking of a tune. After landing on Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky, Lilith made her way towards the hotel stepping lighting on the balls of her feet, moving to the tune she had chosen. She gracefully pushed the door open with open hand. Once she was inside the hotel, she slung the bag over her shoulder gracefully while looking up at the ceiling. With a little spin of her body, Lilith was able to take in all the structure, artwork and designs of the lobby area. Smiling once more to herself, she knew this place was already better than she had pictured it.

There was already someone being attended to at the front desk, so it gave Lilith the opportunity to sit down in one of the chairs to relax for a moment until it was her turn. After she had sat down she smoothed out her long maroon skirt, her hand sliding over the black lace that covered the maroon fabric. Her gaze roamed across the lobby floor, taking everything in as her gaze stopped on two males, one holding a bell while the other pressed the top of it.

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Walking up closer to the counter I place my salt black wallet on the counter and nodded to the lady behind the desk. "Yes ma'am I do." I say pulling out my ID just incase it was needed and along with a credit card. Many places Iv been in had us pay up front some didn't but it was always best to have things ready. There was a few more people behind me so the faster I did this the faster the others could be done.

"I'm Ashlynn Denner. I beard this was one of the best vampire hotels and I decided to come here instead of trying to stay at another human hotel." I say with a slight smile and mumbled Alittle as I spoke. "It's also easier to finish some of my job plans I was given." I say then clear mh throat alittle as I looked back up at her with a smile.
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I let out a little sigh as I wrote her name down and the date, "why do people keep calling me ma'am..." I mumbled to myself. I looked back up at her and smiled as I said "when you leave us is when you will pay for your stay, since there would have to be payments for things like room service and alcoholic beverages... and unexpected visits" I grabbed key from behind me and yelled "LOBBY BOY!" Another zombie minded human walked over with cart and started to place her Luggage onto the cart, I threw him the key and said "your room is number thirty two, Enjoy your stay!".

Sebastian tapped me on the shoulder and whispered into my ear, I nodded my head and gave him the ok. He walked away from the desk and over to the elevator, as the doors closed he adjusted his suit and smiled. He came up to the second floor where the guests go to be entertained. Waitresses and waiters set up the tables and sweeping off the stage, getting ready for the first act of the night. He then walked over to the singles bar, behind the bar was a vampire worker cleaning the benches with a piece cloth. Sebastian whispered to him and the Vampire bartender started to mix a drink, which was for Mistress Marguerite, Me. When the drink was done Sebastian placed it on a tray and took is back down the elevator to the lobby and handed it to Me.
"ah, thank you Sebastian" I gracefully picked up the glass and took a small sip "mm, beautiful" I said as I licked my lips.



"I know why the caged bird sings, he sings of joy that freedom brings." he smiled at the other man before turning toward the woman behind the counter, who seemed finally unoccupied.

"Good evening my lady. What a lovely establishment you have here. There should be a reservation under the last name Akiyama? I spoke to you about perhaps borrowing your lounge's stage one of these evenings." He gave her a small bow of his head, keeping eye contact with the red headed woman. She had the sort of loveliness of a woman who knew she was good looking and also knew how to use it to her advantage. Though he could appreciate it, that sort of beauty never particularly captured the eye of the artsy vampire.

He watched as a human boy came to her with a drink. The boy was likely her thrall, and seemed a surprisingly free minded one at that. It was certainly a breath of fresh air. Clasping his hands together he turned from the thrall, to the woman behind the desk, and back to the rather striking man he had just been discussing bells with.

"I do think I am going to like it here~"

@Wanda Maxy
I was surprised at the energy that the new guest had. I looked him up and down and figured that he was a Toreador by what he was wearing, I laughed and said "Oh, Right, yes. Tonight we are having one of our local girls is performing her smooth jazz song along with our hotel's band, we can make space for you after her and tomorrow I don't believe we have much going on... No, wait we do, A comedian is performing. yeah thats right. and then the night after that is burlesque night".

I took another sip from my glass and looked back towards Sebastian "I do love our new bartender, Such fun!"

Sebastian nodded and said "Yes, Mistress" I turned back to the new guest and said "right, so you have accommodations for a first class single room? correct?" I flipped through the book looking for his name once I found his name I wrote down today's date and then looked at him as I waited for him to answer my question.
"Take your time. I'll be happy to drink in the delightful acts you've got lined up, my dear. Just keep me posted when you've got a free evening and I'd be happy to fill in." It was an honor to experience entertainment through the ages, and gigs at a vampire owned establishments tended to have a higher threshold for talent.

When asked about his room, he brought his hand up to his forehead dramatically, making a show of his 'woe' before sending a playful smile her way, fangs poking out. "Ahh, alas I am on my own, bound only to my craft. So that single, first class room is exactly what is needed." He flicked his bangs with his hand as he brought it down to his side in an arching motion. "Still, it is not bad to be able to take in the beauties of this ever changing world in solitude. We make friends, us immortal ones do. But the bond of love is far more...illustrious. Though unfortunately most of the embraced find little interest in such a 'banal, mortal concept' and thus I'm doomed to a life of pleasant solitude."

The idea of love was such a fascinating one to him, and he had found himself taken by quite a few people in his long life. Still, most non-toreador vampires found him silly for believing that someone like himself could find a single partner forevermore. Someone to walk the ages with, to experience the fine things in life by his side.

@Wanda Maxy
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I didn't feel impressed, I coughed and said "hmm, alright. LOBBY BOY!" she screamed, a slow minded human walked over with a cart and placed sir's luggage on the cart. I took a key from behind me and wrote down on the book the number of the room and then placed the key on the counter.. "You shall be staying in room sixty two, I hope you enjoy your stay. I'll be looking forward to your performance..." I drank the whole glass of alcohol that Sebastian had given me and I then threw the empty glass over my shoulder.

When I do that Sebastian would try to catch it, I throw it in hopes of him missing. I waited to hear glass shatter behind me, but no, he caught it. I snapped my fingers and said "bugger".

I flicked my hair and walked away from the counter as I called over one of the workers to take over at the desk for me. Sebastian followed closely behind me as I walked into the elevator and Pressed the button for level two.

As the elevator doors opened I was greeted by the workers and familiar guests. I walked over to the band that was setting up their instruments, tuning them and polishing them. "Darlings! How is everything going?" they all were happy to see me, we laughed and talked. "That's great, Such fun!" I'd say as I waved my hand. then as I turned around I bumped into Kat, the local Jazz singer. "Marguerite!" she squealed "Ally Kat!" I squealed back. we both hugged each other friendly like. "let me look at you" I said as I held out her arms to look at her up and down.

"you look stunning, Love the dress *Gasp!* and the gloves! You must tell me where you get all these clothes!

She'd laugh and say "I'm not telling! besides you look gorgeous as always" I pouted and then I broke into laughter. "Alright then you don't need to tell me, anyways, I'm looking forward to the show, You'll do great Sweetie." I said before letting go of her arms and walked over to the singles bar to talk with the bartender.


Jodie Pats his bell - ding - Smiling back, a ringing comes from his ears he shakes his head & wiggles his finger in his ear stepping back a little he squats & rubs where he had old Electroshock treatment scars, he frowns, the bell falls from his head as his body quivers he grips his head. as the pain slowly fades away he picks up the bell, then slides it into his pocket "The Memory hurts more than the experience...safe & sound. Safe & sound."

The Zombie Lobby boy eventually comes back & hands Jodie his keys, Jodie puts the plastic room number in his mouth, he walks up behind Kei & gently grips his Coat tail & tugs to get his attention "the drink of poisens.." he looks up with eyes large, " partake with me will you not?"
At the feeling of his coat being tugged backward, he turned around, meeting a big eyed gaze which was beginning to become familiar to him.

Beaming, Kei nodded, slipping his room key into the breast pocket of his jacket as he waved noncommittally to the owner. "I'd be happy to join you Jodie." He held his arm out to the other boy, in case he wanted somewhere to cling to. Jodie seemed more fidgety than before, and he wanted to make his new acquaintance feel at ease in his presence.

"Were you wanting to have a drink at the bar then?" The lights cast charming patterns of shadow on their skin as they walked, the sight amusing him.


Jodie grips His room key with his teeth & with his Right arm he grips upon Kei's sleeve, "Liquid that dulls the mind, Liquid that makes you forget, Liquid that makes you limp & Liquid that makes you we-.." he was going to say the next part, but figured it was a step too far for first encounter. His left hand goes into his own hair as he twirls his finger around the strands, they twist & curl, round & round. " Masters favourite Liquid is red like the sea in a Volcanos Rage. but he says it is more gentle then the innocence of a new born Child or animal." his hand grips harder on Keis sleeve with a delighted smile on his face.

As they approach his eyes look upon all of the bottles with different names & colours, he points to one, not sure of the name or the taste, he just liked the look of it
"A liquid which intoxicates the mind and body, making the senses both dulled and heightened. It's good to enjoy yourself every once in a while." He guided Jodie toward the bar, listening to his crypitc words. He was starting to become fond of the strange fellow. Something about him was oddly delightful, and though they had just met, Kei found himself enjoying his companionship.

"Two glasses of the pretty one then. What's life without a bit of mystery, anyway?" He pointed toward the bottle that the monochrome haired boy had been taken by. He could only hope that the taste was as delicious as the liquid's hue appeared.

He leaned his free arm against the bar counter, taking in the smells that mingled in the air with one deep breath. For one who doesn't need to take in oxygen, even seemingly simple things like breathing could be a work of art.


Jodie smacks his hand upon the table startling the bartender, The bartender pats over his heart then looks at Jodie, Jodie points to his drink in front of himself "tube straw, if you please." the bartender sighs in relief & pokes a stripped straw into the drink, Jodie smiles then while looking at kei he tries wrapping his tongue around his straw but can't quite reach it, or it pokes his cheek & moves away.

he grips the straw with his teeth then sucks at the drink, he smacks his lips "the fallen are we, when were you?." he rubs his own eye then drinks some more, "I am still yet a child in the eyes of the Beloved"

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