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Realistic or Modern The Vacation

Brice Tang

Seeing the redhead always excited, but also created this small pool of weariness, always waiting for the moment that she irked him. But he was fine right now, even with her bossing him around. He was used to it, but also permitting it in this moment. As they headed to her car, he listened to her go down the list of alcohol she'd brought along. "So, I'll make sure you don't fall off the bar," he joked, "but no promises I'll stop you if you start stripping." He chuckled.

She was going through the car now and he couldn't help wondering just how much she'd actually brought with her. 'Great. I'm about to be a pack mule...' Actually feeling the temperature outside as he waited, he brushed an arm across his forehead to wipe away the sweat that began to bead. He rolled his eyes when she called him so endearingly before telling him what he'd be carrying. He hiked an eyebrow. "A bag full of basically bras and panties is too heavy for you to carry, princess?" He asked as he took what she passed him. "Or, were you scared you just might break a sweat?" He teased with a smirk.

When she brought up rooms, he admittedly wasn't sure what to say. He almost suggested that they share, but a million other reasons why that wasn't a good idea popped into his mind - including the obvious ones. "Who's good enough to live amongst Her Highness for the next few weeks?"
Daisy Adley Daisy Adley
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Luis raised an eyebrow as Yasmine. "One blunt of this stuff is worth at least one bottle of vodka," he teased, a wide grin on his face. Still, he had been meaning to light up a new one. The one currently between his first finger and thumb pad was getting small, to the point where he might as well just let it permeate the room rather than actually smoke it. Searching briefly for an ashtray, and relenting to set out a small plate from a nearby cupboard, he set the blunt he had been working on down. Fishing around in the pockets of his board shorts, he surprisingly deftly opened a plastic baggie of pre-rolled blunts and plopped a comparatively thin one into Yasmine's open hand. "Start off on that. It's been a while, y'know? Don't want you in the fifth dimension halfway through."

Snatching a shot, he expected some kind of chaser, like a lemon or lime or something. Looking back to the shot of vodka, he decided to just go for it, throwing it back quickly and grimacing at the burn it left in his throat and mouth. "Woo! Now I'm awake." he laughed, wiping the corner of his mouth despite there being nothing there to wipe. When Ari inquired about free samples, Luis chuckled and pointed to half of the still-burning blunt on the plate-turned-makeshift-ashtray. There was enough left in that half to equal that entire blunt he had given Yasmine. Just to attest to how much Luis smoked in one day. "I mean, if you really want something free, you're welcome to that one over there. Perhaps I'll make some edibles later, but those'll be first-come, first-served." He shrugged again, expecting some form of protest, or for her to point out the trade for alcohol he had made not only a few seconds earlier. "A guy's gotta make a living somehow, right?" Luis stated with a chuckle. It wasn't like his folks were gonna give him weed money, anyways.
"Oh, please, you'd be dancing on top of the bar with me. I'll make sure you let loose a little this summer." Ivy winked playfully, but her expression faltered at his little comment about her stripping, "Oh, please, you'd be so lucky to see anything. Typical boy, I guess. Can't even go a few minutes with a girl without insinuating some objectifying, sexual ideas upon her." She scoffed, popping the handle up on her suitcase so she could carry it up the stairs and through the entrance. Brice was adorable, and she couldn't help the blush that would creep its way up to her cheeks when he spoke to her. The redhead was just a bit of a brat, a bit of a princess, and a bit of a drama queen... But her friends usually see the best of her. Usually she would want to be on her best behavior around Brice, but sometimes she couldn't help herself.

"Brice, I bought a milkshake, I'm not going to risk spilling it by carrying all those bags. And two trips? Are you kidding me? That's a waste of time. Why wast the energy when someone can do it for you?" The ginger began to walk towards the house, motioning for the boy to follow her. "I don't trust many people here. Maybe Freya, but I'm not sure if she'd even want to share a room. Besides, who wouldn't want to share a room with me, I'm the best." Her voice was confident, as usual, and she managed to open the door without crowing the entryway. "Avery!" Ivy called out, raising a brow as she looked around, furrowing her brows at the day drinking.

"Can't help yourselves, can you?" She was mainly referring to Arianna, but quite frankly, she didn't care who took it the wring way or not. "Anyway, are we allowed to pick our rooms. I just carried about a million things, and I want to get comfortable, since we are going to be here for a while

(Mentions: Aato Aato JustAlexandra JustAlexandra apolla apolla )
Freya Thomas
The Artist // mentions: Cychotic Cychotic JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Noivian Noivian // Frontdoor // x

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“Yeah I still haven’t been given the all clear” she said as a response to his question her heart still pounding in her chest from the exhaustion “I’m all fine though, really” she said shaking her head trying to dismiss any worries about her, this was all about Sean.

She listened to his unclear answer biting her lip, she knew that his not knowing was not a fault of his own but she honestly just wanted to know what was going on, Sean’s happiness was her top priority and after that every one of her friends wellbeing, Freya had to come last it was just the way it had always been. Even as Sean answered unclear she saw a flicker in his eyes and noted in her head to bring it up with him later when he was less stressed.

She nodded in agreement with his decision to go help Avery “Of course she’s your girlfriend” she said with a small smile waving him downstairs with a flick of her wrist and nod of her head. As Sean offered to carry her she laughed, shaking her head trying to make a joke out of something she knew full well that he was serious about, “I’ll meet you down there just give me some time” she said softly once again waving him down and watching him as he ran down the stairs and into the kitchen as Freya started on the first step downwards.

She continued to go down the steps one at a time, slowly creeping down the stairs while observing all of her friends mulling around including some new arrivals, which included Luis. Luis and her had been good friends for quite some time but she hadn’t seen him for weeks so completed the last few steps at a rapid pace before following him into the kitchen but when she saw Avery’s ash fallen face while Sean mentioned them talking she decided it would be best not to enter the kitchen and instead just called into the room “Sean can you get me a Coke Zero please” in the nicest tone possible when telling someone to do something before proceeding to the front door eyes cast downwards and impatient for the conversation to continue


coded by constellation constellation
So RPN glitched while my internet died and this post is lost as of now ;c
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Freya Thomas
The Artist // mentions: Cychotic Cychotic JustAlexandra JustAlexandra // Avery's car // x

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Freya smiled up at Sean as the weight of the glass bottle fell into her hand, her eyes quickly darting over the label to make sure is was the right type before she took a long swig , parching her thirst and clearing her mind. As she removed the bottle from her lipgloss covered lips she noticed that Sean had pushed open the door and started swearing about the light, and she had to agree that it was rather intense so she slipped her rose coloured spectacles from her forehead to her nose and smirked at him jokingly saying "You need some of these bucko"but quickly realising his attention was elsewhere cutting her words off short

As Freya stepped into the sweltering hot day it was her turn to swear "its satans arsehole out here" she muttered following Sean to the car and wiping abroad of sweat from her brow as he started to talk. She Sighed and crossed her arms as he teased her simply telling him to "fuck off" before hopping up onto the trunk her legs winging out of the cars hot against the metal. Her defensive posture changed straight away as he started to talk more carefully something which was quite unusual for the athlete.

She listened to him talk without interrupting her expression one of understanding "You can't blame yourself for everything Sean, a relationship is a two way street and right now both of you are crashing into the other" she said calmly "I love Avery and I love you but you both have issues and your not going so well dealing with them" she uttered waiting again as his tone turned nonchalant "That's the wrong bloody attitude, we're all stuffed but this only works if we all care a whole lot" she said making a circular motion as she said this. Freya was terrified of the group splitting apart especially after all they'd been through and she saw herself as the peacekeeper someone to make sure everything stayed just Right. And so she took another swig from the bottle and hoped to god that everything would be okay


coded by constellation constellation
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As Freya hopped into the car, Sean began pulling another suitcase out. The two would have to return soon. God knows how Sean would respond to Avery's constant hounding and passive agressive nature.

The longer they took, the more likely she would whine about it to him later. He pursed his lips, hoping she would be too drunk to care.

As Freya told him to not-so-kindly fuck off, Sean wiggled his eyebrows with a laugh. "Girls usually don't tell me that," he chuckled.

He was nearly about to dig a bigger hole for himself with that joke, but 'satan's arsehole' was too busy searing his own arsehole.

"Scoot over a bit," he requested, seating himself in the trunk. "The devil's ass is going to murder me."

"Crashing into each other is an understatement. She's frustrating, so frustrating," Sean stated, bitterness in his tone. He refused to address his own mistakes with this phrase, knowing fully that he caused many of the problems.

"It's not entirely my fault, I know that," he scoffed. It was bizarre to even think of himself taking all the fault. It just wasn't in Sean's nature to think like that.

"But my huge ego isn't letting me get away with being an entire ass to keep my image clean," he admitted.

Sean tapped the trunk twice with both hands before rubbing the back of his neck.

"No shit we're not dealing with them well." A grunt escaped his mouth as he furrowed his brow.

With heated tone, he spoke. "I don't want to care anymore."

And with that, he hopped off the trunk, causing the car to creak a bit. Grabbing the remainder of the bags and making sure none of it hit Freya, Sean placed them down.

"I think you would fit on one of these," Sean laughed, attempting to change the subject. He patted the top of a particularily large suitcase. "If you sit here, I can push you back towards the house."

Sean grabbed the bridge of his nose in thought. "Or maybe not, you might be too heavy."

His tone was forced, but light nonetheless. Sean squinted, muttering about rose coloured sun glasses. "Remind me to get some of those," he told her.

"Now get on," Sean stated.

Florels Florels (mobile so no code)
Freya Thomas
The Artist // mentions: Cychotic Cychotic JustAlexandra JustAlexandra // Outside the house // x

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At his request, Freya scooted to her right crossing her ankles and pushing her knees into her chest trying to take up as little space as possible to make room for both of them and Averys seemingly countless bags "I thought I packed a lot" she muttered looking at the slowly growing mound. Before giving him a half-hearted chuckle at his retort about Satans arse her attention elsewhere as she focused her attention on his next statement which was obviously glazed with contempt and plain old hate his tone one with which would suit talking about an enemy, not a soulmate. "You're an arsehole and she's a little bit of a brat so it's just sorta how it works out" she said sincerely with a shrug "I think you can make it work you both just need to work so much harder than you are now, maybe even do some couples counselling, I have someone you could see" she said with a shrug knowing fully well that Sean would hate the idea."And I know your fucking ego gets in the way but sometimes you need to think about your part in the equation and how it affects the people you love" she said her eyes still soft trying to make sure he didn't feel to criticised. "Also you need to care, it's hard work but you need to" Her voice was matter of fact no slips of sweetness shining through

As he finished with the bags and made the comment about her fitting on the luggage she laughed and shook her head jumping out of the boot as she spoke "I don't want to add to your load" she chuckled but this laugh was quickly cut short by his next comment which she knew was meant to make her feel better about everything but the way that it was forced made her wince hating that even he, the one person who truly knew what she had gone through found it hard to pretend that the way that she looked was normal and what she had been through hadn't happened or had any affect though she quickly covered these feeling of disappointment with her usual thoughtful smile and instead of wallowing followed his command perching herself on the largest suitcase so her legs were dangling off the edge. "I'll buy you some next time," she said quickly getting up off the suitcase to place her glasses on his face laughing at how emasculated he looked before hopping back on the luggage ready to enter the house and mulling everything over again and again in her head, trying to comprehend her thoughts


coded by constellation constellation
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Mood: Excited
Location: Kitchen/House
Currently: Being stupid with Yas
Mentions: I can't keep track of all you people anymore
We're all a little naive

Avery Grace
Luis came into the kitchen, asking about a shot, and Yas responded with a request for a blunt. Avery didn't smoke often, but when she did it was only when she was drunk. And, I mean, really drunk. She didn't mind other people smoking though, it just made her feel too weird when she wasn't drunk ontop of it. When she was drunk and high though, it was like the two came together quite nicely, actually. Yas had set out the shots, and Arianna had jumped the gun on taking one. Oh Well, Avery thought, taking her shot as well and placing it down. "Me too."

Luis was practically giving out blunts, it seemed. Even though the one he had been smoking was small now, it looked like it was jam-packed and Avery figured that there wasn't any shitty pot in that. No dealer would smoke the crappy stuff, anyways. She heard her name ring out of Ivy's mouth. Her name. Ah, shit. I don't think I've done anything? She bit her lip, but was relieved when Ivy just wanted to know if they could pick their rooms. "Oh, yeah. Just pick whatever one," she said, keeping herself from adding "I don't care" from the end of her sentence to avoid some drama.

Freya called out to Sean, asking him to bring her a coke zero. Avery couldn't help himself this time, and rolled her eyes as she spoke. Avery liked Freya but right now she was really pissing her off. She gritted her teeth as Sean walked out. Avery was jealous, she could admit that, but she wasn't normally so jealous that she didn't even want him to speak to another girl. But she had a feeling that something was going on between the two, she was convinced. Was it really too much to ask that Sean just pay attention to her for awhile? They were a couple, weren't they? Now, here she was feeling stressed on the very first day there. Instead of waiting for another shot to be poured for her, she poured herself one - all the way to the top and took it without hesitating. "Alright, who wants to go to the pool?" she asked, feeling thankful that she had thought to wear a bathing suit under her clothes. She figured she wouldn't want to muck around with changing, and luckily bathing suits worked pretty much like underwear. She felt the warmth of the alcohol in her stomach, but she definitely wasn't drunk. Or even close, really. She wasn't a lightweight but she couldn't drink a ton, either. She was somewhere in the middle.

coding by cychotic
Brice Tang

"Hey - doesn't stop you from loving me," he snickered. He adjusted the things she handed him in his hands - which really wasn't much and the heaviest thing was probably the bundle of alcohol. Just before they headed for the house again, Ty had pulled up - but, of course, he heard him before he saw him. He couldn't help smiling, happy that his best friend had finally arrived. When he approached the two, Brice sat one of the girl's bags down so they could do their signature handshake - a necessity any time they greeted each other. A faint blush tinted his cheeks from the wink Ty flashed him, but he cleared his throat and ignored it. "Alright. Sounds good." He responded, then the boy was headed inside just as quickly as he appeared.

They weren't far behind as Brice picked up the bag again, now following Ivy inside as she explained her logic to him for why she couldn't handle her things on her own. Admittedly, she had a point - at least with making two trips - but she was still spoiled. Part of him really didn't mind spoiling her, though. He tried staying on her good side as much as possible although he knew there was always some petty argument ahead, usually a clash of egos.

When they made it inside, she continued on to the kitchen, immediately calling out Avery's name and asking about rooming. Part of him thought to sit her things by the door with his, but he decided against it. Why have to pick it up again? Speaking of kitchen... He headed that way to find out what she wanted him to do with her liquor. At her side, he nudged her, "Fridge or your room," he asked, gesturing with the drinks.
Daisy Adley Daisy Adley
Arianna Jamison

Location: kitchen
"Ooh, brownies." Arianna hinted, standing from her seat beside Avery and heading over to the still burning blunt. She studied it for a moment, then shrugged and picked it up, bringing it to her lips and inhaling, turning back towards the room as she did so. She smoked probably a little more than Yasmine, but she was still far from a pothead. Taking the blunt away from her lips, she held the smoke in her lungs for a few moments before releasing it, a small cough erupting as she set the blunt back down. "Talk about being awake." She grinned.

Ivy appeared, and Arianna just knew her comment was directed towards her. Just to piss her off, Ari headed back to the table of shot glasses, lifting the bottle of vodka and pouring herself another one. "Day drinking is for grown ups. If you can't hang, that's on you. And your arms looks pretty empty for someone who carried a lot." Downing the shot, she set the glass back on the table. "I'm so down for swimming, by the way." Done with Ivy, she glanced down at her outfit and sighed. "I knew I should have worn my bikini under my outfit. Damn it."

Arianna couldn't help but laugh at Yasmine. "Oh, come on. You'll be the one saving our drunk asses." It was probably the nicest thing she'd ever said to the girl, but the liquor in her system was making her cloudy on who to be nice to.

Turning around and seeing Brice appear, as well as his best friend Tyronne, another grin broke out onto the dirty blonde's features. "You boys look like you need to cool off. You down for swimming?" She asked, her eyes on Brice.

"Hold on tight," Sean shouted, beginning the push the suitcase. The rolling of the wheels was rather rocky and so he had some difficulty getting it to move smoothly. It didn't help that the thing seemed to weigh a ton.

"What the hell did she pack?"

Refusing to stop, Sean rolled it all the way to the front of the house. It almost toppled over once, but a frantic grabbing of arms tipped it upright.

Panting, Sean stopped the suitcase and pulled open the door.

"You can go inside now." A chuckle erupted from his mouth. "I need to hang out with Avery. Can you go pick a room for Avery and I?"

He paused, furrowing a brow. "If you want to, that is. The stairs don't seem fun right now."

Sean cast his grey eyes to the side, making out a group of people hovering around Luis. He had just arrived and there had already been weed dealing. Sean shook his head, knowing he would have to join later.

Noticing a dark headed boy who had also just arrived (Lucifer), Sean called out for him.

"Hey! You there, one with the dark hair."

Sean waved his hand to get his attention. "Could you take Freya up the stairs?"

He turned his body to Freya and shot her a concerned look. "Holler if you need me."

"I'll bring the bags upstairs as soon as Avery gets some attention."

With that, he turned towards the kitchen. As he arrived, he clapped Luis' back in greeting. "Remind me to get weed from you later," he grinned.

"I'll go the pool with you," he answered, sliding his arms around Avery's waist. Sean gave her a light kiss on the neck with a small chuckle.

He could do the pool.

spookie spookie Noivian Noivian Florels Florels JustAlexandra JustAlexandra

-x lucien "lucifer" wynters x-

After ditching his stuff, Lucien had returned to retrieve the rest of it when he was flagged down by some guy he didn't recognize. He looked like one of those obnoxious popular types, and Lucifer mentally groaned. He was so not ready for drama, especially since he'd barely even arrived yet.

He was about to say something witty and perhaps a bit insulting when the stranger asked him rather directly to take Freya upstairs.

This seemed more than a little random, but as he liked Freya, he reluctantly agreed.

"Yeah, I guess," Lucifer said, giving him the suspicious eye from behind his dark fringe.

It didn't take a genius to realize that the guy seemed just a little too flustered, and the emo wondered just what he was getting himself involved in.

Drama, duh. There's always drama in situations like these.

Lucien looked at her a bit awkwardly, not wanting to impose himself on the girl without her permission.

"So, you wanna head up?"

Leaning against the wall as he waited for her response, he noticed Arianna and some other girls drinking and messing around with a guy that was obviously their dealer. Lucien couldn't care less about weed or people that smoked it, but the last thing he wanted was to deal with a bunch of party-loving drunks, and especially not her.

The dark-haired boy glared in their direction, his displeasure obvious.

Good thing he'd packed Advil, because with the partiers around, Lucifer was gonna need it.

-x memento mori x-

interacting: Cychotic Cychotic Florels Florels

mentioned: apolla apolla Noivian Noivian

code by spookie spookie
Freya Thomas
The Artist // mentions: Cychotic Cychotic JustAlexandra JustAlexandra spookie spookie apolla apolla // In the kitchen // x

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Freya winced as her tailbone dug into the suitcase, the luggage which she was perched upon ricocheting along the stony path her delicate fingers grabbing the sides for support as it nearly toppled to the side causing her to gasp out loud her eyes widening slightly but she made no move to hop off the case knowing that Sean wouldn't let anything happen to her. As the suitcase neared the grand front door she jumped off and took a small bag from Sean's stack trying to help him out as she looked at him all sweaty and with a red face "I'm sorry I added to your load I should've just walked" she said rather forlornly now feeling quite guilty about her actions, but she brushed it off and went inside holding the door open for Sean before dumping the small bag with the rest of Avery's things by the stairs. As he talked about spending time with Avery her face lit up hoping that he'd give it his best shot to repair whatever was broken and as he mentioned her choosing a room for the pair she scrunched up her face confused "I love you Sean but I'm not a bellboy" she said with a laugh letting Sean call over the boy much to Freya's horror, she was not going to let herself become a management issue or someone who had to rely on others and this command was uttered in such a demeaning way towards Lucifer that it made freya clench her fists

Luckily for her Lucifer was just as unsettled about Seans plans as she was and so she shook her head and rolled her eyes at him muttering an apologetic "No that's fine really I think I'll get something to drink instead" with a shrug of her shoulders offering a manicured hand to Lucifer to take with the intent of leading him into the party but noticed his glare towards the group of girls especially Arianna so instead of dragging him into the ramble she let go of his hand and walked right up to him before whispering "Come on I promise they don't all bite" turning away from him with a cheeky smile as she walked into the kitchen her pink heels clicking on the floor as she neared the bench and mixed herself some vodka and lemonade before pouring it into glass and taking a quick swig mentally noting down the 130 calories in the sweet treat before she found her way over to Arriana and the rest of the girls silently melding into the group like clockwork


coded by constellation constellation

Mood: Excited
Location: Kitchen/House
Currently: Being stupid with Yas
Mentions: I can't keep track of all you people anymore
We're all a little naive

Avery Grace
Avery looked up as someone asked for another drink. She looked up, seeing Ty standing in front of Luis. Apparently, he was not asking for a drink but instead asking for a blunt. Apparently everyone was getting high. Well, not Avery. Not yet, at least. She smiled at Tyronne. "Hey Ty," she said, trying to sound cool. They were on weird terms at the moment. They had dated before, and they had ended on somewhat of a bad note, but she wouldn't say she really held a grudge either. In retrospect, her relationship with Ty had less problems than her current relationship did, believe it or not. Yet, somehow she and Sean were still together. Although, Avery did have a thing for black guys.

Avery raised an eyebrow as Yas complained about her worry to not drown. "Um, Yas, I don't think you're going to drown...whatever is in the blunt must be good," she said, trying not to laugh. Maybe she would have more fun watching everyone else get stoned out of their mind rather than getting stoned herself, especially if everyone was gonna act this fucked up. "Also, Yas..." she giggled. "You're a lifeguard."

Avery tried very hard not to cover her mouth in awe as Arianna completely shit-talked Ivy. Some girls called Avery naive, but she would not have done that. "Hurry up and get your bathing suit on then! Sheesh," she said, flashing Arianna a smile so she knew she wasn't serious. "I'm still hot, anyways," she paused. "In more ways than one," she added, waggling her eyebrows around the room. Sean walked in just them, from whatever he had been doing with Avery outside (besides getting her bags). But he walked up to her and put and arm around her, and she couldn't help but snuggle her face into his side a bit. She didn't feel ALL better, but she did feel a little better.

Freya joined the others, which was fine with Avery. Like she said, her and Freya were friends, it was just that Freya and Sean had been a little closer lately than Avery could appreciate. "Hey, Freya," Avery said. "Whatcha drinkin? Oh - and are you gonna come to the pool with us?"

coding by cychotic

-x lucien "lucifer" wynters x-

Lucien nodded when she voiced her change of plans, a bit relieved he wouldn't have to feel awkward about helping her. He would've offered it himself if she'd asked, but being ordered around never sat well with a free spirit like him.

"Okay good," he said, rolling his own dark blue eyes in response, "because honestly, that was a little weird."

Freya obviously wanted him to join her over at the makeshift bar, but Lucien shook his head in hesitation.

"If Arianna tries to bite me, there's gonna be hell to pay... they don't call me Lucifer for nothing," he said with a smirk, winking at Freya playfully.

In truth, he'd earned the rather intimidating moniker when he was 16 and freshly moved out. One of his cousins had dragged him to a party, and he'd passed the time by mocking drunks and videotaping their stupidity. In fact, he'd even managed to catch said cousin making out with his fiancée's best friend, a moment which he'd threatened to expose unless the guy managed to cough up three hundred dollars.

Not wanting his future bride leaving over a lapse in judgement, Lucien went home just a little bit richer that morning. As wrong as it may have been, that evil little deal had caught him up on his rent and kept the somewhat naive teen off the streets. Besides, his cousin was rich anyway... a few hundred was pocket change to most of his family.

Following her to the group of girls reluctantly, Lucien side-eyed Arianna as he poured a glass of straight-up lemonade and took a sip.

"Getting wasted already, Air-head Ari? Why am I not surprised?"

The words had slipped out of his mouth before he had a chance to stop them, but he wasn't about to apologize, even if he hadn't meant to be quite so blunt.

-x memento mori x-

interacting: Florels Florels
apolla apolla

code by spookie spookie
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Arianna Jamison

Location: upstairs
Arianna watched as Sean reappeared, wrapping his arms around Avery's waist and pecking her on the neck, stating he would join them in the pool. Truthfully, she thought the relationship was a waste of time, but perhaps she was biased. Not to mention, she genuinely cared about Avery and her happiness, despite what everyone might think. Arianna had a heart; she just cared who she let inside it. With a small shake of her head, she looked up as Freya and Lucien appeared in the kitchen.

Her posture straightened in such a slight way that almost no one would notice, and her grip on her shot glass tightened. It would be her luck that while Freya would blend in with everyone perfectly, Lucien would lean on the counter near Arianna and give her a sly look and a smartass comment that made her want to slam the shot glass into the sink.

So what if she'd spent senior year drinking and partying? She'd graduated, hadn't she? Eyeing him and his glass of lemonade carefully, she gave him a tight-lipped smile that was obviously anything but pleasant. "We all know people need a shot of
something strong before they can put up with you. Why not throw in a few extra?" She turned away from him, inwardly fuming, and moved to set the shot glass back down on the table. "I'll be back." She smiled at the girls-- yes, even Yas-- before making her escape from the kitchen, locating her book bag, wherever she'd left it.

Some people had picked rooms already, but Arianna hadn't. She knew that Avery would likely be rooming with Sean, and though she wasn't sure about Freya, she wasn't about to double back and ask. Thankfully she'd shoved a last minute bikini into her book bag along with everything else, so she went upstairs and found an empty room, tossing her bag down onto one of the beds. With a quick glance behind her, she unzipped the bag and located the two pieces of the bathing suit.

Without bothering to shut the door, she stripped out of her travel clothes and pulled on the bikini, studying herself in the mirror afterwards.

Noah James Lox

At the shrill ringing beside his ears, Noah suddenly jerked upright, his limbs flailing in every direction. "W-wah!" he cried out, getting tangled in his sheets and falling to his bedroom floor with a loud thump! Letting out a whiny groan, he slowly pushed himself into a sitting position, one hand propping himself up while the other rubbed at the spot on his head where he slammed into his nightstand. "Why the hell did I put that there..." he mumbled to himself, glaring at his phone that was still placed perfectly on his pillow, letting out a shrill ring every few seconds. His lip started to curl in annoyance before it hit him why exactly his phone was going off.

It took him a second to process, but once he did, he was up.

Jumping to his feet, Noah forgot about how he had actually ended up on the floor and tripped, his feet sliding along the floor over his sheet, causing him to slam face first onto the floor again. "Ow...." he mumbled into his hardwood floor. Deciding to lay there for a minute was something he figured was best for now, seeing as he had terrible luck in the morning. His alarm had other ideas, however.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Oh my god I GET IT!" he cried, lifting his head up and banging it against the floor once and immediately regretting it. "Ow..." he groaned, finally pushing himself up and working on extracting himself from the mess on his floor.

Once finished, he gathered the mass of bedding and tossed the lump onto his rumpled bed and dashed into his closet to get changed, muttering prayers about not being late. Luckily he'd though ahead for once and packed the night before - probably why he'd overslept - and only had to put everything in his car before leaving.

Rushing out of his closet, Noah grabbed his giant duffel bag and threw it over his shoulder. Reaching for his phone,
he slid it smoothly into his pocket and grabbed his keys and wallet off of his nightstand before darting out of his home and to his car. Starting the engine and buckling up, he quickly took off, heading for the house everyone was staying at. Crap, he really hoped he wasn't late.

A few hours later he pulled to a stop and jumped out of his car, his foot catching in the door, causing him to stumble, arms flying out to help him catch his balance so he wouldn't kiss the dirt. "Crap!"
he cried out, running forward a few steps to make sure that he was fine. "Crap, don't let me be late,
please tell me I'm not like three hours late or anything?"
he rambled aloud, not even sure if anyone was around at the moment. Quickly snatching his phone from his pocket, he looked at the time and deflated.

"So...like....fifteen minutes late....does that even count as late or...?" he trailed off, tearing his eyes away from his phone and looking up.
© hoseok
Ivy Rose

Ivy Rose narrowed her eyes at Ari, her lips forming her famous pout. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry that I don't feel like wasting my life away by constantly having drinks in my hand all day and all night. I have respect for myself." Usually, their bickering didn't go too far until Ari mentioned Ivy's dad or called her, 'Daddy Issues.' Then the claws come out, and they were bound to at leas once during this trip. She stuck her nose up at the party girl, motioning for Brice to follow her. "Bring the drinks to my room, I don't want that hound sticking her wet nose in my drinks nor taking any of them. She can further damage her body with the cheap liquor she's used to."

The redhead made her way up the stairs, passing by people and ignoring the looks she got. There were plenty of rooms, but one stuck out like a sore thumb. It had a king bed, and closet space that Ivy found decently sized in order to house her many outfits. Not to mention the bathroom connected to it. It was seemingly perfect. She rolled her suitcase into the room, propping it by the bed before she hopped onto it herself, milkshake in hand. "I choose this one! What do you think, Brice?" She didn't even wait for an answer before placing her milkshake down on the bedside table and strolling the few steps over to Brice, who had set her bags down while he looked around at the room.

She knew that she could persuade him, sometimes, so she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, "So, what do you think about sharing a room? I mean, the princess needs her prince. Not some stupid, day drinking peasant!" Ivy pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek, then looked him in the eyes, "Pleeeaaasseee?"

i n f o;
apolla apolla
@Aaliyah Veda


coded by @lorde
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Mood: Excited
Location: Kitchen/House
Currently: Being stupid with Yas
Mentions: I can't keep track of all you people anymore
We're all a little naive

Avery Grace
Avery nearly choked on her drink, gasping as she sipped the mimosa. It nearly came out her nose, in fact, and she covered her mouth, trying not to sneeze mimosa onto everyone. She coughed a few times, catching her breath. Whoever this kid was, he seemed to have some balls coming into the kitchen and talking shit to Ari like that. Who even invited him, anyways? Avery hadn't seen him before, and he sure didn't fit in with her crowd, it seemed. She was so surprised, she didn't even register the look that Arianna had given her and Sean a moment before. Probably a good thing, too. "Holy shit," she said, appalled. "You're a dick!" she said, like she was just realizing it for the first time. And, well, she was.

She watched Ari walk off, and decided that if she didn't return soon, Avery would go and find her. Avery wasn't very good at consoling people, so she'd rather just let them work it out than run after her. But, she didn't want to let Arianna sit there and mope either, not that she really thought that that kind of thing got to her, anyway.

Avery grimaced as Ivy kept rambling on about something or other. Damn, that girl was annoying. She didn't want to get in a fight with her, if only to save herself from her constant self - centered droning. "Alright, I'm done being in here," she said, walking to the counter where she had left the champagne and orange juice and filling up her drink. "We're going outside. I expect people to be coming!" she sang as she took Yas's hand and walked out the back door to the pool. She set her drink on one of the small tables and stripped out of her clothes, revealing her bikini underneath. Some would call it skimpy, but it was pretty normal for a bathing suit that Avery would wear, and she felt comfortable in it. "Yas, do you even have your bathing suit on under that?" she asked, realizing she might need to go get it for her. If she sent Yas up there alone, the girl might get lost or something. She seemed quite... stoned.

coding by cychotic
sean lane
the jock
Nodding towards Avery, who seemed incredibly happy until Ari stormed off after Ivy's remarkably rude statements. Freya had chosen not to help him choose his room, which was fine by him, anyways. The drama seemed to already be kicking off and they had all barely just arrived. With a sigh, Sean let Avery walk off towards the pool. He sent a glance towards the group with a smirk. "Don't have too much fun without me. I'll be down in a second."

Sean shoved his hands down into his pockets, only taking them out to lug Avery's luggage up the stairs. It took him a few rounds, but he eventually dumped them into a room with two Queen sized beds. The bathroom was fairly large and the view was spectacular, directly facing the ocean. He rolled the bags into the room, propping them against the wall. Sean's own packing was within the numerous bags.

He unzipped his luggage, rummaging inside to pull out simple swimming wear. It was dark blue, with two white stripes on both sides of the legs. Sean shoved the door closed with a click and began to change.

The man was quick, wanting nothing but to jump into the pool and relax. He needed one after all that had happened. Running his hands through his hair, Sean hurried down the stairs. His sandals slapped against the surface as he moved towards the pool, noticing Avery who wasn't far away from him.

He allowed himself to catch up and grabbed her hand, giving her a smile. "You look nice," he said warmly. "I'm going to have to keep all the guys off of you," he joked, leading Avery to the poolside.

Daisy Adley Daisy Adley JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Florels Florels apolla apolla | CHARACTER SHEET | coding by cychotic
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Brice Tang

Ahhh... The girls were at it again. Brice usually never intervened unless necessary, though he'd occasionally scold Ivy when they were alone. Of course, whether or not she listened to him was another story. In any case, they were big girls and could settle their own problems when they got ready. So, when Ivy called for him to leave the kitchen within a snide retort to Arianna, he said nothing and followed. Though, with the amount of smoke building in the kitchen, you would have expected everyone to be more... civil.

They headed upstairs and Ivy picked a room. She practically marked her territory as she placed her things where she wanted them and plopped onto the bed while he put down what he carried - the drinks on the dresser and her bikini bag on the floor in front. He had begun admiring the room - more or less, inspecting it - when she asked him what he thought. "It's--" Before he could finish answering, she was in front of him and seemingly unconcerned with his response.

She stepped closer, touching him tenderly as she draped herself over him. He looked at her with a hiked eyebrow. 'What is it this time?' She had to want something... Then, she spoke and he was caught off-guard. "You're harsh," he teased in regard to her comment about the other girl. When she dotted his face with a kiss, he could feel the blush spread across his cheeks, but ignored it. Instinctively, his hands found their place on her hips. "You know how we get..." He began, referring to their clashing egos, "but, since you asked so nicely and I can't blame you for wanting me around..." he smirked playfully, "I'll think about it while we're in the pool." He then patted her back before stepping away from her. "You'll need this, princess." He picked up her bikini bag and placed it on her bed. "Get dressed."

Now, there were a couple of ways this could go for Brice. Either she'd be offended that he didn't instantly accept her invitation and he just lost his opportunity, or it'd be a rare occasion where she actually made things easy and gave him time to think it over. Honestly, he was ecstatic that she had asked - after all, he had thought to ask himself - but he guessed his brain was just hung up on his wavering infatuation...
Daisy Adley Daisy Adley
Arianna Jamison

Location: outside
Arianna was still looking at herself in the mirror when she heard the familiar, whiny voice of Ivy as she ascended the stairs. She heard heavy footsteps that she figured belonged to Brice, and she let her hand drop from where it had been in her hair and sighed. It was painful, really, to watch Ivy throw herself at Brice, yet they weren't even a couple. Or were they? Who the hell knew anymore. It wasn't like Arianna cared much. Ivy treated Brice like shit and everyone knew it.

Wondering if the two even knew she was up here, Arianna crept silently to her doorway and leaned against it, arms crossed, listening to the two of them talk. She thought she heard Ivy ask him to share a room, but she wasn't sure. Ari couldn't help but roll her eyes as Ivy's insistent whining,and eventually, she'd had enough of it. Pushing herself off the doorway, she strutted down the hallway to the room Ivy and Brice were in, and stood in the doorway, hands on her hips, in all her bikini-fied glory.

She saw that they weren't touching, though it looked like Brice had just stepped away from her to grab her bag. Lifting an eyebrow, she met Ivy's gaze evenly and gave her a sarcastic smile before allowing her gaze to land on Brice. "Brice!" She called, sounding as though she'd just seen an old friend for the first time in forever. "Are you going to cater to her this entire trip? Or are you actually going to come have some fun?" She gestured down at her bikini body, and stepped back, glancing towards the stairs. "You're welcome to come swimming. You too, Ivy, if you're not afraid of getting your hair wet."

She looked at Brice one more time, flashing him a flirty smile before turning and flaunting off down the hallway and back down the stairs. She noticed that Avery and Yas were already outside by the pool, and while normally Ari would steer clear of the darker girl like the plague, she was feeling good and friendly-- to anybody except Ivy, that is. Oh and that devil kid.

Snatching up the bottle of vodka and a few shot glasses on her way out the back door, she set it down on a table outside, turning to the other two girls. "Shots?" She asked, lifting the glasses up.

Ivy Rose pouted, but accepted, deciding that she'd just change and convince Brice later. It was too early for an argument with him, and she really didn't want to make him feel bad or vice versa. She actually cared about him, which was a rare thing for her to do towards anyone. Over time, the crush turned into a like, and then something a little more, so she always knew that her actions meant walking on eggshells around him. But he accepted her and only scolded her in private instead of embarrassing her, which meant the world to the ginger.

She had already pulled out a bikini she'd bought after seeing it on Kylie Jenner's Instagram, knowing she'd have to own it too. It was cute, and showed off her body in all the right places, as a bikini would, but she dropped the material once she heard a voice that she so dearly hated. The redhead turned around to see Arianna flirting with Brice. Her jaw dropped, and her smile from earlier deteriorated and became a scowl. "Did everyone downstairs get tired of your incessant need to poison your body and realize they were staring into the eyes of Satan himself? Because wow. -And please, stop sticking out your chest, your boobs just look like mosquito bites." Ivy crossed her arms, taking a step forward so she was closer to Brice, standing by his side. "Bricey wouldn't want any of that, he knows better than to take some other guys' sloppy seconds... Or should I say, many guys' sloppy seconds. His standards aren't as low as the gum on the bottom of my shoe, which- according to everyone here, that's where you stand. Just kinda gross and sticky... And dirty." A fake gag came from Ivy's lips as she rolled her eyes a snide chuckle following. She usually had the better comebacks when arguing with someone, but when she started, stopping was the problem. Insults would just snowball, and become bigger, and worse, and more harsh as seconds flew by.

"Anyway, see you at the pool! Hopefully you wont drown, it'll be hard for you since you'll be incredibly impaired by your excessive alcohol consumption- let's hope someone likes you enough to fish your smelly-booze corpse out of the water." Ivy waved as Ari turned to walk off, and she went back to grab her bikini. Her attention was back on Brice, and she cleared her throat.

"I'll get dressed. In the meantime, you should bring your stuff up here." The redhead rested a hand on his bicep, leaning in to whisper in his ear softly. "Just in case you decide to stay with me for the night." She smirked, moving away so she could head on over to the bathroom.


Aato Aato apolla apolla
Brice Tang

Suddenly hearing Arianna's voice caused Brice to look up at the blonde perched in the doorway. Her words caused him to blush faintly, but this time more in embarrassment. Did he really follow Ivy that much; was it that obvious? Admittedly, his eyes were scanning the party girl's body up until Ivy pulled his attention away again.

Looking to the red-head, he noticed the drastic change on her face, nearly looking as though the pleasant face she had never existed a moment ago. He listened as Ivy got started, lashing insults back at the girl who had taunted her. He only placed a hand over his face and sighed. He phased out their voices and zoned out into his thoughts. 'Why do I feel like I'm on some type of Housewives? Why can't women just get into a fist fight then be friends ten minutes later like guys?' By time he looked up again, Arianna was leaving, inviting him to the pool and dropping a final insult to Ivy... and Ivy was still going. He was going to stop her, but she soon cleared her throat and focused on him again. He'd talk to her about it later.

She came close again, touching his arm and leaning to whisper in his ear, her tone sultry and words suggestive. Again, he was caught off guard. How many times would that happen today? He noticed she was laying the flirtation on heavy today, much more than when they were at school and he wondered if it was because they were here. Though, he also wondered how much of this was just competition versus genuine attraction. Y'know, claiming something just to be able to say it was yours. Then again... 'claim' was a loose term when they weren't a couple, but the status of their relationship was pretty vague itself. He'd probably just call them close friends, but at this rate, it seemed 'benefits' were trying to be added...

Ivy parted, grabbing up her bikini and heading to the bathroom. And Brice? Well, he went downstairs to get his things so that he could bring them back to her room...just for now.
Daisy Adley Daisy Adley ; apolla apolla

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