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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Aaron blushed, “Thanks. I’ve uhh, I’ve been working out,” he said with a casual shrug. “Gotta keep in shape for Quidditch season, ya know? Don’t wanna be knocked off my broom easily,” he said. “Alright hot stuff, let’s get to a compartment,” said Aaron finally as he laughed and took Xavier’s hand.
Xavier smiled at the blush on his boyfriends face. "I can see that" He said with a grin. "You're gonna win this year and stay on your broom" Xaie said, before smiling. He grabbed his trunk and his boyfriends hand. "Oh alright" He said with a laugh as they found the first empty compartment. Stepping in, Xavier slipped his trunk under the seat before settling down, looking at Aaron and waiting for him to sit down beside him.
“With you cheering me on in the stands I have no doubt,” chuckled Aaron. He quickly shuffled into a compartment and put his luggage under the seat. Then, he sat down right next to his boyfriend, his shoulder touching Xavier’s.
Xaie smiled as Aaron sat beside him, their shoulders touching. With the new more obvious height difference, it was much more comfortable for Xavier to rest his head on his boyfriends shoulder. Over the summer their OWL results had come in, and Xavier was happy to see he'd passed all of them, earning high marks in each. He shifted himself so he could look up at Aaron. "So, how did you do on your OWLs?" He asked, remembering how stressed the both of them had been before and during the exams.
Aaron grinned as they sat together, shoulders touching. He tried not to laugh seeing their much more defined height difference this year. It was an interesting feeling being taller considering he was always average height as a kid. “Oh! OWLs!” Aaron said as his boyfriend brought up their fifth year exams from last year. “I did well! Passed ‘em all, and pretty convincingly too!” Aaron said with a grin. “And you? I bet you got the top score at Hogwarts,” he laughed.
Xavier had never thought much about height differences until this year when he'd see the difference between him and Aaron. Xavier didn't mind though, he was happy as he was. "Great job! I knew you would!" Xavier said with a smile. "I don't know if I got the top score, but I got pretty high marks on all of them" He said with a blush, feeling the train start to move, taking the two towards what would prove to be a rough Sixth year. With an ending no one could've predicted.
“You’re the smartest one in our school,” chuckled Aaron. “Even smarter than Granger!” he said with a laugh, gently nudging Xavier’s shoulder. Soon, the train began to move and they were off on their way to Hogwarts for a sixth time. “I knew you’d do well,” he said with a soft smile.
Xavier blushed listening to Aaron. He did not think he was smarter than Hermione. "Oh I wouldn't say that" He said shyly. He never did have much self confidence, but he found it growing the longer he was around Aaron. The lad beside him just knew what to say sometimes. "Thanks" He added. "Guess what we get to learn this year?" He asked Aaron. His father had told him about it and he was very eager to learn how to do it.
“Yes you are!” Aaron giggled, giving Xavier a good poke in the belly. “Ok tell me- what do we learn this year?” Aaron asked, curiosity raising his eyebrows and titling his head slightly as he looked at his boyfriend.
Xavier let out a laugh as he got poked. He looked over at Aaron with a smile. "We get to learn how to Apparate. It's a form of teleportation magic, but it can be very dangerous if done wrong. The Ministry actually comes out and supervises the lessons" He said. He'd been so excited to hear about it when his father mentioned it and he was excited, yet nervous, to try it. "But it sounds so cool anyway!" He said with a grin. He loved learning new spells and magic, it all came so naturally to him.
“What?! Really?!” Aaron asked, perking up in his seat, his eyes lighting up and glimmering with excitement. “That’s bloody wicked!” Aaron said eagerly. “I can teleport to your house!” he laughed. “That way you can never get rid of me,” he said with a giggle. “That should be fun!”
"Yeah! It's gonna be awesome!" Xavier said with a laugh, looking at the excitement in his boyfriends eyes. "Wait, hold on, maybe it isn't a good idea" He said playfully when he heard Aaron's comment on teleporting to Xavier's house. "I don't know if I could handle seeing you so much" He laughed with a teasing tone to his words. "I can't wait to learn it though" He added.
Aaron laughed, “Too late! The idea is already in my head!” Aaron grinned thinking about apparating to Xavier at any time he wanted. “You’d love it too don’t kid yourself,” he snickered.
Xavier rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Oh boy" He said playfully. "I'd love to see you, but I swear if you scare the hell out of me Aaron Hoskins, we're breaking up" He told his boyfriend, his voice serious but his eyes clearly sparkling with a teasing nature. Xavier was not a fan of jump scares, even from his handsome boyfriend. He then laughed, looking at him.
“I’ll appear when you least expect it!” Aaron said, poking Xavier in the side playfully. “I’ll be in your room after you come out of the shower! I’ll be at the breakfast table in the morning when you’re still waking up!” he teased. “I can go on and on!”
Xavier rolled his eyes looking at his boyfriend. "You really want this relationship to end that quickly love?" He asked, his own teasing tone echoing through his words. "You better be prepared to hit if you show up in my room" He added laughing. "You know, it goes both ways right? I can show up any time as well" He said with a grin. "Maybe I'll show up in your dorm and scare you in the middle of the night" He said smiling.
“I’ll just sleep with one eye open! You can’t scare me, I’m a Gryffindor!” Aaron proclaimed boldly with a confident smirk. “Besides, you’re bound to me forever. You’d never be able to break up with me, you don’t have the heart,” he laughed. “You love me too bloody much, and so do I to you,” he said with a wink. “Try me!”
"Oh yeah? I wanna see you sleep with one eye open there" He laughed, looking at that confident smirk on Aaron's face. "I am, well maybe we should just break up now, I'll prove you wrong" He said, turning himself towards the window with a fake huff. "Do I though?" He asked, referencing the second comment, glancing back at his boyfriend to see the wink. He blushed, and turned away again. He was stubborn, he could handle this.
Aaron widened his eyes and tugged on the sleeve of Xavier’s robe. “Oh shut up! You wouldn’t!” he said quickly. “R- right?….” he asked, slightly unsure. Aaron tugged on Xavier’s sleeves again, wanting his boyfriend to look back at him and not out of the window.
Xavier tried to hold onto the serious face he had, but then he felt the tug on his robe and the unsure voice of his boyfriend. His heart hurt, and he turned back around, looking at Aaron. He wrapped his arms around his torso, head on Aaron's chest. "No I wouldn't. I'd never break up with you. You and me, forever remember?" He said, tipping his head up to look at Aaron, his eyes full of love. He hadn't meant to hurt his boyfriends feelings and he felt bad. Xavier brought his head up and kissed Aaron gently, before pulling back. "I love you way too much to do that" He added, smiling lovingly at Aaron.
“Yea, like we always said- together forever and ever against the world,” he said, the smile returning back to Aaron’s face as Xavier turned to face him and reassured him that they’d never break up. His heart rate began to decrease, a bit frightened of the thought of ever breaking up with the love of his life beside him right now. “Bloody hell never scare me like that again!” Aaron said, exhaling with relief. He smiled as Xavier gave him a little kiss.
Xavier laughed as he looked at Aaron. "Its not fun being scared is it" He asked teasingly. He knew he'd never break up with Aaron. He needed him like he needed oxygen to breathe. They truly were connected and Xavier refused to let that go. He would give anything to keep what they had and nothing would come in between them. "Let's go tackle our Sixth year together love" He said, resting his head on Aaron's shoulder. Contentment settling in his bones and his heart.
“No it’s not…” said Aaron, frowning slightly, very humbled from this little experience of thinking he was potentially in danger of losing the love of his life. He then regained a smile and nodded with determination. “Let’s do it Xaie!” Aaron said.
Xavier felt a little bad that day on the train, but he made sure to make it up every time he saw Aaron. Between the hugs, the small kisses and the little things like holding his hand and just being close, he tried to prove over and over that he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Their sixth year started relatively simple, although a few days in Xavier's friend Hannah Abbott's mother had been found murdered by Death Eaters. Xavier had gotten close to her as a study friend after the death of Cedric two years prior. He only knew because he'd been in the common room when she'd come through to grab her things and he had tried to comfort her. This little incident only 13 days into September had fueled Xavier to stay closer to Aaron where he could.

He had also learned through the other students that the Second Wizarding War had been kicked off that summer. Being out in the countryside, Xavier had no idea that had happened. This drew him to start having nightmares again, relying back on the pills that he'd once weaned off of during last year. His nightmares now were about loosing Aaron to Death Eaters, much like the frightening feelings he'd witnessed during the Dementor attack on the train in their third year. Xavier was not clingy, normally, but he started to feel like he had been lately with all these worries and fears swirling around. He couldn't lose Aaron, he'd never survive that kind of loss. However, the months passed by, and Hogwarts was still seemingly safe again. He allowed himself to relax slightly, but he could never shake the nightmares away, and so every month he'd get more sleeping pills from Madam Pomfrey. Today however, on February 1st of 1997, he was excited, they were having their first Apparition lesson. The Great Hall had been cleared of tables, and a man from the Ministry was there to conduct the lesson by the name of Wilkie Twycross. He stood beside Aaron, eager and ready to learn this spell. They'd been just informed by him of the 3 D's of Apparition; Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. They needed to apparate into a hoop by focusing their mind on the hoop and then spin around with the intention of appearing in the hoop.
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Aaron and Xavier’s sixth and second to last year at Hogwarts started typically. Nothing was too out of the ordinary. They got off the train, got to the castle, sat through the long sorting ceremony, and filled their bellies with the delicious welcoming feast food. At some point, Aaron had been informed that a Second Wizarding War had been started from some of the other Gryffindors one day in the common room. There seemed to be lots of soft whisperings about this war and Aaron had to admit he was a bit scared. Lord Voldemort and his Death Eater followers were now more stronger than ever before. Their attacks on half bloods and the muggle born only increased and even those they considered “blood traitors” were certainly not safe. It made Aaron fear for not only his own life, but more for Xavier’s. Xavier chose to hang out with a half blood like him and even went as far as to date one. What that meant for Xavier in the eyes of the Death Eaters made Aaron shudder.

He tried not to let it show but he was frightened and worried. Aaron just hoped that Hogwarts was safe and wouldn’t be attacked, but the death of Jacob Cromwell was incredibly fresh in his mind despite happening about three years ago. As a result, he made sure to stick close by to his boyfriend. Aaron certainly noticed that Xavier was clinging to him and he had a gut feeling it was because his boyfriend feared for his safety. He wish he could reassure Xavier that it would all be okay but he honestly wasn’t too sure himself that this would be the case.

The year rolled on and soon it was the first day February of 1997. Today was a very special day- the sixth year students would be beginning their first apparition lessons. Aaron had been looking forward to this for a very long time, ever since Xavier had told him about it on the train. Aaron stood by Xavier in the classroom as they were informed of the big three D’s of apparition. He gulped nervously as he saw that their task was to somehow apparate through a hoop, that seemed a bit too small in Aaron’s humble opinion.

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