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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier smiled at him as the carriage ride took them towards the gleaming red train. He grabbed his luggage and tagged along after Aaron, boarding the train and searching for an empty compartment for the two of them.
Aaron led Xavier to the first open and empty compartment on the Hogwarts Express that he saw, entering and settling down his luggage. He shoved his trunk under the seat and sat down.
Xavier followed along and shoved his trunk under the other sides seat, before coming over to Aaron and sitting down close beside him. "Alright, so how do you really think you did on those OWLs?" He asked his boyfriend, taking one arm and putting over his shoulders.
Aaron sighed, thinking about the OWL exams and all the stress it had caused him both before and during the actual test itself. “Blimey, I’d prefer not to think about them,” chuckled Aaron lightly. “Well, erm, I think I did alright,” he said with a nonchalant shrug. “They’re so bloody difficult though. I just hope I did well. You fail those, you don’t graduate,” he said.
Xavier nodded, knowing the importance and remembering the stress. "I think I got gray hairs from those mate" He laughed. "You're smarter than you give yourself credit for love, I'm sure you did great" He said, looking at Aaron. "I think I messed up some of the written stuff though" Their results wouldn't come until the end of July, so they got to wait for that. "Then I hope we both passed them" Xaie said, he didn't want to have gone through all of this and not be able to graduate.
“Oh shush up you! You’re a bloody genius, brainiac! I bet you did fine- no, better than fine. You probably blasted it out of the park!” Aaron said with a smile. “I wouldn’t fret. You’ve probably gotten very high marks mate,” he said. The train eventually started to move and they were off along on their journey back home to King’s Cross Station.
Xaie rolled his eyes with a laugh, although a fierce blush crossed his face. "I'm not a brainiac, I'm just learning and trying my best" Xavier said, looking away with that tomato red blush still flaming on his cheeks. "I'm gonna bet and say you did really well too" He added, looking back at Aaron with a grin. "Can you believe we only have two more years left?" He asked, the shock that their fifth year was over settling in. He had no idea what he was gonna do after Hogwarts, of course he also had no idea what was coming up for them in the next two years either.
“Don’t be so humble Xaie. You’re a whole lot smarter than you think,” said Aaron. “You’re a nerd,” he laughed. “But you’re my little nerd,” he said softly with a smile. “My cute little nerd,” he said tenderly, leaning forward and giving Xavier a small kiss on the cheek.
Xavier blushed again, looking at Aaron. “You really know how to make me blush.” Then he pouted. “I wouldn’t say I’m a nerd” although he smiled when Aaron kissed his cheek. Xavier returned the favor, kissing Aaron’s cheek. “And you are my handsome Quidditch player” He responded.
“Good because you’re adorable when you blush,” chuckled Aaron. He then did the blushing as his boyfriend called him handsome. “But yes, I can’t believe we’re already done with five years of Hogwarts,” said Aaron, mentioning the point that Xavier had brought up before. “Hoping I can be your handsome WINNING Quidditch player again. I’m not satisfied with just winning the cup once,” said Aaron.
Xavier smiled at Aaron, with another blush, again he wondered just how lucky he was to get Aaron as his boyfriend. “Have you ever considered what you wanna do when we get done at Hogwarts?” He asked before sending a grin at him. “You’re always a winner in my heart, but I think you guys can win it during our sixth year” He added with a smile and a chuckle.
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Aaron grabbed his arm and rubbed it sheepishly. “Well err, I have thought of what I want to do after Hogwarts…” he said softly. “But I dunno it’s kinda embarrassing,” he said quietly, looking away and blushing slightly. “I uhh, I wanna be a professional Quidditch player- just like the guys we saw in the summer of ‘92,” he told his boyfriend. “I know it’s silly but ever since I saw them I’ve wanted to do that. Playing Quidditch has only made me want to do it more,” said Aaron.
Xavier looked at Aaron with a soft smile. "I don't think that's embarrassing love. I think you'd be a great professional Quidditch player. You took to the skies on the broom right away." He said. "And besides, any of those teams would be lucky to have to you" He added, drawing Aaron to his side. He could picture it now, Aaron all grown up flying around the huge Quidditch pitches and he'd be in the stands every game, cheering him on as loud as he could.
Aaron chuckled and blushed, smiling shyly and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “You always know what to say,” he said sheepishly. “I know I’d win every game if I had you in the stands,” he said, looking over at Xavier lovingly.
Xavier smiled at Aaron with love in his eyes. "It's easy to say things when they're true and said from the heart" He said. "I'll be in the stands every game, cheering loudly for you" He added. His heart was full and he was the happiest he'd been in years with Aaron beside him.
“That would make me the happiest boy in the world, Xaie,” he said tenderly. Eventually at some point during the journey, Aaron had fallen asleep, at peace with Xavier’s presence in the room.
Xavier had also found himself falling asleep on the train as well. And with that, another summer came and went. On August 23rd 1996, Xavier had turned 16 years old. He found himself packing up his trunk for the sixth time. Xavier was excited to make it back to Hogwarts. He had missed Aaron very much over the summer, though they did have a barbecue that summer in the beginning of August. Xavier had been going on jogs every morning since he'd gotten home. It helped to keep his mind occupied, and thanks to that he finally began to build muscles in his arms and legs. He was still short, having not grown any more, but he was filled out. He looked over his trunk, shut it and made his way down to the kitchen.

Xavier followed his parents to the car, getting in the backseat and impatiently waiting for the drive to the station to be over. All he wanted was a hug and a kiss from his boyfriend. Xaie looked out at the landscape as it past by, and eventually they arrived at the station. He followed his parents to the platform, his trunk easy to carry now, even though it still held the same stuff as it did his first year. Xavier hugged his parents good bye, boarded the train and began searching for Aaron, his sharp chocolate brown eyes looking for his handsome hazel eyed light brown haired Gryffindor boyfriend.

The summer ended up coming and going by fast. Once July 20th, 1996 rolled along, Aaron had officially turned sixteen. With turning that age of course came all of the changes that puberty brought. Aaron had become taller, his jawline a bit more defined, and his voice had gotten significantly deeper. He was turning into a handsome fine young man. Too keep in shape during the off season, Aaron had upped his work out schedule and did it more often. Because of it, his muscle mass grew and he became quite the nice and toned kid. He could only hope that Xavier found his new changes attractive.

Before he knew it, September 1st, 1996 came around and it was time to go back to King’s Cross Station and back to Hogwarts for a sixth year. Aaron felt butterflies in his tummy realizing that this would be their second to last year. Aaron said a quick goodbye to his father who had taken him to the platform and took his luggage, going off to hopefully find his adorable shorter Hufflepuff boyfriend with his cute little bangs. As he boarded the train, he spotted the back of Xavier’s head, which he noticed because he knew every little part of his boyfriend. He quickly ran towards him, his luggage still in hand (it certainly wasn’t heavy at all any more thanks to Aaron’s regular work outs over the summer). He practically tackled Xavier from behind, wrapping his arms around his stomach and squeezing his boyfriend tightly. “Guess who?” he mused, giggling.

Xavier had been searching his compartment, his eyes peeled for Aaron. He was a little sad that they only had one more year at the school after this year. It was kind shocking to realize that they'd made through five years, and how much things had changed, for the better. He felt someone tackle him from behind, arms wrapping around his stomach and squeezing. His free hand went right to one of the arms with a laugh. "Hmm, I don't know. Who?" He asked, tilting his head back so it rested on Aaron's chest. Suddenly all felt right in his world with Aaron right behind him.
“Maybe you’re not as smart as I thought,” snickered Aaron. Aaron gently put his head on top of Xavier’s. The boy didn’t seem to have grown much over the summer- but Aaron sure did. “I dunno pipsqueak- try guessing your boyfriend,” he chuckled as he grinned. Perhaps Xavier didn’t recognize him because of his deeper voice, he joke fly thought to himself.
Xavier let out a huff at Aaron's words. "Oh yeah? I'm probably smarter than you" He teased back. He felt Aaron set his head on of Xavier's and he smiled. "Hey! I'm no pipsqueak, you're a giant love" He said with a laugh. "Now let me go so I can kiss you" He said, he could feel the muscles in Aaron's arm under his hand. He tried turning around, but it didn't work so well.
“Sure, keep telling yourself that,” laughed Aaron. “You’re so bloody tiny mate,” he giggled. He exhaled, “Fine, I’ll let you go,” he said with a grin, finally relenting and releasing Xavier from his loving grip. “Go ahead, kiss me,” he said with a smirk to his boyfriend. As Xavier turned around, Aaron could see his boyfriend in all of his glory. Sixteen was kind to him. Aaron couldn’t help but blush as he saw how handsome Xavier had gotten over the summer. His hair style had changed too. The adorable bangs of his youth were gone, having probably been a phase. He now had somehow an even better hairstyle that made him look all the more attractive.
Xavier had noticed over the summer than the bang's he'd so carefully grown out had shortened and now his hair while shorter, did still have that sideways swoop. It had gotten fluffier though. "I'll tell myself that if I want to" He said before pouting at the tiny comment. Xavier turned around to look at his boyfriend. Aaron had definitely been working out that summer, sixteen looked good on him. He'd gotten taller again, now almost a head over Xavier who came up to his shoulders, and his jawline became more defined with muscles on his arms. He did still have that handsome haircut that he'd had last year. "Oh don't worry I will" He said with a smile. He leaned up, put one hand behind Aaron's head to bring his head down just enough and kissed him, putting the fact that he had missed him into the kiss along with love. He didn't know how, but Aaron just kept getting more and more attractive to Xavier.
Aaron closed his eyes and sunk into the kiss, his heart beating passionately with immense love for his handsome boyfriend. Aaron absolutely loved Xavier’s new look. He was incredibly attractive- even more so than before, which Aaron didn’t know was even humanly possible. When they eventually broke from their kiss, Aaron stared into those stunning brown eyes of Xavier’s with his own hazel orbs. “Wow you got even hotter over the summer,” he whispered tenderly, smiling softly as he admired his boyfriend.
Xavier smiled into the kiss, his own heart rate increasing as he stood there. When they broke apart, Xavier locked his eyes onto Aaron's hazel ones. He smiled softly, before a bright red blush covered his face. "You've gotten a lot more attractive and handsome over the summer yourself." He said, his eyes full of love as he looked at his boyfriend. He didn't want to break this moment at all, quite content to stand there forever.

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