The Traveler's Tavern

Rune:youll need the charm to not smell bad odors in here, and also dark elf blades are perfect for there users, not feeling odd at all somehow...
"But still I can't use a sword"Akihiko mumbled then showed him the necklace pulling her shirt down for him to see it seemed to shine with her ring,"I make sure to keep it beautiful"she said softly then went inside looking around and saw a pile of gold and gorgeous rubys a pearl necklace and the cutests stuffed plushie beat and bunny at the top,"the twins would love that"she said.
Rune:fine ill teach you later....with a fake sword tho....dont think ill be able to take decapitation if you miss...hmm...*he kicks a wall and it collapses revealing a huge chamber filled with treasure*rune:hardly a nagas hoard or a dragons but its good
Akihiko smiled at Rune rolling her eyes,"be greatful please"she said and got a shadow to grab the two plushies at the top and bring them to her,"I'll be sure to wash those"she mumbled and the shadow dissappeared with the plushies."whelp ill let you get what you want I'll wait outside pick out something nice for the twins and me"she said walking out she stood outside and hid in the shadows.
*rune pulls out his magic bag and wispers the password*rune: treasure room*the treasure dissapears into my bag with the sound of a cracking whip*rune: gonna have to divide it later....
Akihiko wanted to close her eyes she had caught a cold from the day before but it didn't feel that bad she came out of the shadows and collapsed fainting as she breathed hard. Akihiko's face was red and was sweating a lot she felt cold though. She hyperventilated a bit but not drastically.(like if she walked up 10 flights of stairs 0-0)
Akihiko was still out cold,"mmmmm the sun...... H-hot but I'm so cold"she managed and groaned she continued to hyperventilate her body began looking hotter and hotter as the time passed she was burning the grass around her,"so cold"she said.(I have a reason 0w0)
Rune:an ice spirit? She must have been taken over....i dont know what to do!*in rage he snaps his fingers blowing up a mountain behind him*
(What the- dammit Rune blowing shit up is not the answer XDDD lies its always the answer)Akihiko groaned again and slowly went back to normal she looke at Rune and coughed,"hm? What happened?.... I must have fainted"she said still red,"ah Rune your so warm"she said hugging him,"lets go home"she said faking a smile in all truth she knew she was sick and caught a shadow realm style cold. Akihiko coughed again,"ah let's hurry up"she said and stood up then jolted falling on Rune,"sorry so dizzy haha!"she said trying to seem preppy and normal.
Rune: we need to get you in bed....ill make you something for your cold....ive seen this once and it isnt killed a grim reaper in a week, ive got some dragons bane in mt bag so making a potion will be easy
Akihiko rolled her eyes,"I said I'm fine!"she yelled and ran off she sprouted wings and flew back to the house she flew into her room and locked the doors and window,"that jerk thinks I'm-...... I hope he doesn't figure it out.... And shadow style colds aren't that bad as long at I dot set myself on fire it's like a regular cold"she said and sniffled then sneezed,"sick I'm so sick"she said and hid in her closet with a blanket,"come here darkness I missed you"she said and fell asleep inside.
Rune in a sad voice:aki.....rune mutters: im so stupid ...she probably mad at me*he kicks a pillar and it falls on him pinning him to thw ground*rune:why bother getting up....
Two hours later Akihiko woke up and walked around with a blanket,"Rune?"she asked she was feeling a little better. Akihiko walked around,"RUNE!!!!"she yelled she got up on the roof and noticed something different and flew over to it,"RUNE?!?!? Where are you?..... I feel better!.... Rune?"she asked and blinked and looked around worriedly,"Rune?"she asked wanting to cry,"Rune?"she yelled and flew off searching nervously,"RUNE?!?!?!?!?!"she yelled at the top of her lungs she jolted getting a headache,"ah..... It's too bright"she said and hid in shade under a tree and thought,"damn it.... Rune where are you"she mumbled and closed her eyes falling asleep again with burn marks on the grass by her.
*a large section of the mountain collapses making a huge noise and lands on me, my sword barely stickingbout ofbthe rubble*rune weakly: oww...i cant breath
Akihiko jolted up hearing and ran over,"RUNE?!?!?!"she yelled and saw the blade she threw the rubble off frantically,"Rune?!?!?"she yelled and got all the rubble off of him and jolted. Akihiko hugged him,"Rune? Rune are you okay?"she said crying a bit she kissed him,"Rune?"she asked hugging him close she heart wa pounding hard.
Akihiko looked at him she wrapped her legs around his waist tightly an hugged him tighter. She licked his cheek then his neck and sucked his nek a little,"no love.... I was just fever-ish.... I didn't want you to be worried I'm sorry"she said hugging three and kissed him passionately.
Akihiko looked at him,"it's okay it's-"she started then coughed looking away and covering her mouth she moved away as she sneezed,"sorry I slept most of this off it was just a shadow realm style I catch a cold and my body wants to heat up if I don't burn myself I'm fine"she said and hugged him,"I will always love you no matter what"she said hugging him wrapping her legs around him again then sighed in content,"I love you"she said.
Lochrose suddenly felt bad for making Ani worry. "Thanks," he said, then gave her a hug. After a little, Lochy kissed her right on the lips. He led her back to the tavern. "Sorry, Ania for acting like that," he chuckled, a little embaressed. He let his hand touch her's.
Aniasta blushed a bit she softly and tenderly kissed his cheek usually her kisses were rough and passionate this kiss was soft and sweet. She then brushed her hand back against his letting her finger tips touch his. Aniasta then put both hands in her pocket and looked away,"s-sorry for treating you like a toy..... And calling you a puppy.... I won't do it again... L-Lochy...."she said. She had never called by his name like that she looked away. Aniasta moved a little away folding her ears back her tail was brushing against the ground.
"It's okay," his tail swayed and swifted against her's. He scratched his cheek," To be honest, Ani.." He started," You were kinda cute, messing with me like that," Lochrose murmured very quietly, only loud enough for her to hear. Loch leaned in to her face," You can call me whatever you want," he whispered," As long as you love only me," Lochy leaned out, waiting to see her reaction. He looked away and loojed back at her.
This seemed to be where her endless travels had decided to leave her for the day, a farewell departure before their arrival later. The curved silhouette was slow and meticulous, body poised in a show of silent confidence and personal worth, the form taking its final shape as it embraced the gentle glow of the lights that beckoned her from the strange building's front porch. Blackened heels clicked against the wooden porch that a crystalline blue gaze had sought out over the distance, the dull thunk of her well-placed footsteps a continuous harmony that consistently followed the figure in her wake. With every step the feminine form took, a swish of her skirt brushed against her thighs, her arms slowly following in subtle sways while the tips of fingers coated in a blackened glove dragged themselves over the railing's fine finish, a bored expression following with every shift of her body. More impressive sights had been seen upon her way. Detaching her fingers from the wood surface, thin digits dragged themselves gingerly through the waves of boundless white locks that shifted like silk over her shoulders while she pushed them back and out of her way, her head turning now towards the front door with her lips pursing in a gesture of curiosity.
Aniasta blushed deeply,"Lochy.... You can be flirty too"she said as she tail wrapped around his,"I-I.... I do love you.... But.... How do you feel about me....."she asked walking close to him her thighs rubbing against his and her ears perking up,"I'm not good at holding back.... I act on impulse....."she said,"it makes me quicker then most females"she said smirking,"and more agile"she whispered in his ear then jolted,"s-sorry couldn't resist"she said as her tail slowly pulled away.

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