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Realistic or Modern The Teens of Randleigh Mansion


Come As You Are.

  • Keep it clean.
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  • Language is okay, just don't overuse it.
  • Perfect people do not exist.
  • There is no limit to characters, everyone is welcome.
  • Be nice, please. :)

The Mansion

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/westlake-drive-house-by-james-d-larue-architects-1.jpg.ff7562ab38470705ef899af3e10ab5e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37566" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/westlake-drive-house-by-james-d-larue-architects-1.jpg.ff7562ab38470705ef899af3e10ab5e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Jason Rivers (Jace)

Age: 18

S/O: Straight

Personality: Jace generally doesn't talk much to anyone. He's a destructive person if you ever make him mad, which happens quite a bit. Even so, when he is committed to something he puts his all into it. He'll never stop if his heart is in it. He loves, hates, perseveres, everything with his soul. If you stick around, then he'll grow on you. Despite the minor flaws, he's someone you'll want around.

Hobbies: Guitar. Skateboarding.

Other: He has a German Shepherd named Ace that's his baby.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/P1470732-2Large.jpg.fc25b158b3a4bb4ead59b70e0b24a166.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37606" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/P1470732-2Large.jpg.fc25b158b3a4bb4ead59b70e0b24a166.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Jason.jpg.90dbb6e7dcda863c2a674a384de40554.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Jason.jpg.90dbb6e7dcda863c2a674a384de40554.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Riley Thames

Age: 20

S/O: Straight

Personality: Riley speaks only when spoken to, most of the time. She is very intelligent, but doesn't show it often. The world fascinates her in every way. She loves to get lost in the nature and the woods found behind the mansion. Intricate as she is, Riley is very gentle and doesn't generally take well to violence or anything close to it.

Hobbies: Roaming the woods. Singing.

Other: n/a


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Riley.jpg.219cb6ef0c34cc0c207b9d1e122ba549.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Riley.jpg.219cb6ef0c34cc0c207b9d1e122ba549.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Dakoda Smith

Age: 17

S/O: Pansexual.

Personality: Dakoda is a very lively person. She's always happy and welcoming to everyone, and is determined to make everyone a more joyful person. She can have a serious side, but she loves to be playful. If ever someone needs a shoulder to cry on, Dakoda is the one to come see. She's great with advice and even better with comforting. She is most definitely the maternal figure of the house, if ever there was one.

Hobbies: Anything the house members are up for. Horseback riding.

Other: If she can't be found, she's at the nearby stables with her dapple gray, Charm.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/millie.jpg.1ecd7728ca1a8db1c931fc1697bc83f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/millie.jpg.1ecd7728ca1a8db1c931fc1697bc83f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Blake Riviera

Age: 21

S/O: Straight

Personality: Blake has a very big heart if you give him a chance to show it. He's kind of shy at first, but warms up quickly to people. If he's comfortable with the crowd, then he's the life of the party. He's full of warm smiles, but he holds secrets about him closer than anything. If he opens up to you then you have to be super close, and it's suggested that you don't repeat them.

Hobbies: Skateboarding. Riding stable horses with Dakoda occasionally. Music.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Blake.jpg.fe921751633691443c6eea31bda95ecf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Blake.jpg.fe921751633691443c6eea31bda95ecf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Dakoda walks into the kitchen in her baggy sweats and a Guns N' Roses tank top. She pours water into the coffee pot and goes to work at making enough for everyone who wants any. Yawning, she walks into the living room and curls up on the couch. Zombieland is on, so she leaves it on and waits for everyone to wake up.

Jace wakes up to the sound of gunshots and zombie sounds coming from the living room. He rolls his eyes and crawls out of bed, patting Ace's head on the way to brush his teeth. With his toothbrush still in his mouth, he grabs the dog food and fills his solid white German Shepherd's bowl. Ace begins to put it away before Jace can even finish filling it up. He chuckles to himself and puts the food and his toothbrush away.

Tristan walked into the mansion carrying his violin case and other bags over his shoulder, he found his room and was surprised to see it had a second bed he must be getting a roommate, which was fine by him as long as the guy or girl was nice. He set his stuff down on the bigger bed and made a small mess of that area claiming it as his own, before opining up his violin case and starting to practice for a recital tomorrow. He wondered what the other kids who stayed at this mansion would be like, and which ones he would make foes, friends or fools out of.

After feeling satisfied with his violin skills he put it away and set up his keyboard he practiced that for about an hour before wondering around the mansion and checking out all the other rooms and services it had to offer him. He found the grand living room which had a nice grand piano made of pinewood in the center of it, he was happy to see he would have a piano and not just his small keyboard, he also found a spa room which he was sure he would be using often.

After that he pulled out his phone and began to check twitter and Facebook sending out tweets and posts about how cool this mansion was, Tristan was happy here and could defiantly get use to this kind of life it was much bettwer then living with his abusive parents.He hadn't heard of any no smoking rule so he pulled out a cig and began to smoke s he walked threw the mansion.
Jonathan walked into the mansion, stretching his arms to the sides. The mansion was warm, so he took of his sweater and threw it to the corner of the entrance. And soon and he went a step further, he smelled the sent of fresh coffee. He went there, with a run-walk, Jonathan loved coffee, black even more, so he rushed there. He grabbed a cup and filled it with fresh coffee, before plopping onto the couch of the living room. ''I like this movie, a lot.'' he said, while tilting his head to the direction of the girl.
Gaia took a drag of his cigarette as he watched the world pass by from the top of the mansion. It has become a little habit of his in the morning as he never felt like hanging around the mansion while the others woke up. Blowing out the nicotine laced smoke he sighed running his fingers threw his hair. Everyone should be up by now or nearly up so he supposed he should go in. Taking one last drag he stomped the cigarette out before pushing himself up from where he sat. Humming cheerful he began making his way in and downstairs where the sounds of zombies being shot echoed from. He loved a good zombie movie. After grabbing a cup of coffee he flopped onto the arm of the couch to contentedly begin watching the movie.
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Nessa awoke to the sound of Jesse Eisenburg's delightfully geeky voice, checking off his list of how to survive if the world was to be infested by zombies. Rubbing her eyes, and inevitably her left over mascara, she pulled the blankets off of her and got out of her bed. Her room was cluttered with clothes and food packets, but, she reached over to grab a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Brushing her hands through her hair, she picked up her black bowler hat off of her desk and walked out of the door. She could tell that only a few people were up, as usually, the sound of arguments and debates would echo from beyond the staircase, but today, there was no such thing. "I like this movie, a lot." She the sound of Jonathan coming from the living room. "As do I." She entered, grinning slightly as she saw the television. "What time is it?" She scratched the back of her neck as she fell back onto the couch, staring at the television.
Jade woke up from another troubling dream to hear people walking around and the sound of the television already rather loud. A handful of her bedsheet was clenched in her fist and her palm was coated in sweat, as proof that she'd had a nightmare. She let go of the sheet and sat up, brushing her hair back out of her eyes and tying it up. She reached for her diary and flipped it open to today's date, writing down the details of her bad dream.

Owlie didn't wake up because he'd never gone to sleep. He was a total insomniac that rarely got any sleep; he was used to it by now, though. When he heard the others getting up, he smiled to himself. Now, he wouldn't have to be alone anymore. He screwed up his sketch of the flowers on his windowsill, deciding that he didn't like the drawing at all. Then, he got up from the floor and headed downstairs. He entered the living room and sat down on the floor, cross legged. There was a movie on but he payed no attention to it. There were already lots of people there. He smiled at them.

"Good morning everyone!" Owlie said, brightly,
pulling his pen from his pocket and returning to doodling on his arm. There was already drawings inked almost all the way up to his elbows, some of them left over from yesterday, some of them drawn during the night.

Clarissa hated a lot of things and the people living in this mansion with her was the one of them. Mornings was another. So, when the two were combined, she was out to murder people. In short, Clarissa was already irritated when she woke up. Then, she heard the people that she shared the mansion with moving around and getting up. And then, she felt annoyed. After that, she heard the TV and was ready to kill. How could she sleep with this racket going on? She tried to get back to sleep, regardless, burying her head under the blankets and hoping that nobody would dare bother her.

Dylan woke up and didn't care enough to go back to sleep. He left his room and found that everyone was gathering in the living room, it seemed. He joined them there, leaning against the doorway. He didn't care enough to sit down. It would take too much effort and he was too cool to put effort in.
He looked over his shoulder at the sound of Nessa's voice. He smiled before making a completely serious face. ''I didn't ask you.'' He stared at her for some good seconds, before smiling at her and turning his head around to the TV. ''Don't know what hour it is, should ask Dakoda.''
Riley grabs her acoustic guitar and pulls some shorts and a tank top on with her combat boots. She laces them up and pulls the guitar's strap across her shoulder. Opening her bedroom door, she maintains eye contact with the carpeted floor and makes her way downstairs to the front door. She quietly slips out and find comfort within the trees. When she's sure no one could hear or find her, she sits down on a large rock she's claimed as her own. Strumming a random tune for a minute, she falls into the melody of A Part of Me by Neck Deep and sings softly along with it, her small sweet voice ringing through the trees.

Dakoda smiled at the group of people gathering in the living room. "It's a really great movie. I've probably seen it at least twenty times." She checked her phone and looked at Nessa, "It's about 11:30." Yawning, she sat up and tamed her tangles, sleep still evident in her eyes. Observing the people surrounding her she felt the need to clarify something. "Um, if you're going to smoke, could you take it outside? We have animals in here and non-smokers and I just want to keep the peace." She says it in a timid voice, not wanting to start and argument but wanting her point to be clear.
Georgina let out a groan at her alarm clock "It can't be morning already." She flung her art at the alarm clock in an attempt to hit the snooze button, but misses, which resulted in it flying across the room whilst still ringing. Now even more annoyed, Georgina forced herself to get out of bed.

After getting washed and dressed, Georgina set off downstairs to get some breakfast. She poured herself some coffee, silently thanking whoever made it, and made some instant porridge. Georgina decided to eat in the kitchen and mentally prepare for the day in peace. Zombie movies in the morning aren't really her thing.
Quincy sighed as she opened her eyes, wishing she couldve slept longer. But there was a small, wet nose nudging her freckled face, making soft chuffing sounds. Trinny wanted out to hunt. With a soft sigh, the girl rolled out of bed, scooping the mink up and allowing it to stands on her shoulder. She padded out of her room and down the stairs, clad in a pair of running shorts and a sweatshirt. The mink hopped off her shoulder and scampered ahead, making a detour to peer into the living room at the gathered teens. The little creature let out a joyful gurgle, jumping onto the couch and butting his head up against anyone sitting on it, hopping about excitedly. With a peep, he popped back to the floor and nuzzled Owlie's arm, gazing at him brightly. "Trinny." Quin called, waiting for him to get over the people and remember his hunger. "Sorry guys." With a chur, the mink made its way back to her, following her to the door. As soon as it was open, he was out of sight. Making her way quietly back to the living room, she murmured a collective good morning and watched the movie for a few second.
Dom wakes up, the sound of the tv was clear even through the sound of his closed door. "Always early morning..." he thinks to himself as he gets out of bed. Mia his pet fox uncurls from her spot on his bed. Her ears twitch as she yawns and stretches. "Morning Mia... gimme a sec to grab you some melon from the kitchen." He says as he heads to the door. Just as he is about to open the door Mia whines as she follows him with one of his shirts in her mouth. See ing the shirt he realizes it was the one he went to bed in. Looking at himself he realizes that he was just in boxers. With a smile he takes the shirt and a near by pair of shorts "thanks Mia" he says scratching her chin.

Tyler tugged his sweater over his head, he had put on his beige chinos and was ruffling his hair. Clearing his throat, he made his way downstairs. He passed his sister, who was talking to the other kids in the house. He threw her a forced smile, and she winked at him. He noticed they were watching some zombie-themed film, which really wasn't his type. Twiddling his thumbs, he strode into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. Turning around, he noticed a girl, eating her breakfast. He hadn't noticed her upon entering, but now he did and he had to switch on the emergency social powers. "Um, hi?" He gulped, trying to casually drink a cup of coffee. As usual, his plan failed, and he ended up dribbling the coffee down his sweater.


Squinting, sarcastically at Jonathan, Nessa heard the sound of the girl speaking to her, trying to lay out a rule. Nessa giggled a little, "Sure, I'll smoke outside, on one condition-as long as it isn't raining." She snorted. This chick obviously thinks she has some sort of authority over me. Obviously I'm going to smoke in the house now. Her brother passed, and she winked at him. As usual, he look somewhat unsatisfied, so she decided to follow him. Standing up and tipping her hat to the two people, she said, "Good day, lady and gentlemen, I am off to the realm they call kitchen, to pour myself a pot of the coffee liquid." She laughed at herself once more and followed her brother into the kitchen. Once she got there, she noticed her brother making a giant fool of himself. Trying no to laugh, she put her hand over her mouth and said, "Ah, little brother, would you like a hand there?" She giggled. "Ahoy." She nodded to the other girl in the kitchen.
Owlie looked down in surprise as he was nudged by a cat. He liked cats and smiled softly at it, stroking it once before it ran off after its owner. He watched as the cat left the room, following it with his eyes. He leaned so that it could see it wander from the room. He heard the door open and the cat dart outside. The cat's owner- Quincy, if he remembered correctly- re-entered the room and he felt the need to glance over at her.

"You have an adorable cat." he told her, smiling. Then, he sketched a small cat on his arm, filling the only empty gap on his arm. He ran out of space to draw on that arm and let out a "humph!" of frustration before rolling up his other sleeve and starting to draw on his other arm.

Jade could hear everyone gathering downstairs and decided that she'd go downstairs soon. As soon as she was dressed, she left her room. She was careful to put her diary back in its usual place, beside her bed, before she left the room. Everyone was in the living room, so she avoided there and went into the kitchen instead. Somebody had helpfully left coffee out and she was about to pour herself some when a boy entered then room and took the coffee pot before she could grab it. She said nothing and just watched quietly, feeling somewhat disappointed. Then, a girl came in and she started talking to the boy and Jade wanted to leave but if she did, they'd notice and think they scared her off, so she just stood awkwardly and watched, trying not to draw attention to herself. She felt herself going into panic mode and took a few deep breaths to calm herself.

Dylan muttered under his breath as first, a cat shot past him into the room and again as it went back out. And people kept entering the room, pushing past him. He would've complained but he was too cool to complain. Complaining was so cool that it was uncool and was only cool now if you complained ironically. It was too early for irony, Dylan decided, so he said nothing. Coolness and irony were important to him, so he thought about them a lot. He also thought about himself and how cool and ironic he was.

Clarissa fell back into sleep for a few moments before she was woken up again. It was no use, there was too much noise. She groaned and dragged herself out of bed. She wasn't prepared to see anyone this morning so she just got dressed, fixed her make-up and got back into bed.
Dakoda looks down at her hands thinking of a better way she could have said that, but comes up with nothing. Sighing, she removes herself from the couch and goes to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. When she got there she avoided eye contact with everyone and realized the coffee pot was empty. She went to work at another pot, seeing a girl looking longingly at the empty one before her. She gave her a small smile and poured some in a mug when it was done. Offering it to the girl she gives her a warm smile. "It seems there are more coffee drinkers here than I thought. I apologize."
Tristan walked up the steps leading up to the doors of the mansion. He didn't like the idea of being in such a huge place with a bunch of strangers at first, but Moon seemed to like it. Her tail kept moving back and forth quickly, which he thought meant this place wasn't bad. Tristan noticed the doors were open, so he quietly went inside and closed them behind him. Tristan was carrying two duffle-bags on his shoulders along with a large backpack. He saw that someone had left a sweater beside the entrance, and took it as a sign nobody would mind if he unpacked later.

Laying his bags down, Moon jumped off his shoulder and ran off into what he saw was a living room. Tristan followed silently, as he wasn't sure howto address himself to all these new faces. Glancing over as Moon had started meowing loudly as she watched what was happening on the TV.

"Moon, speak a bit quieter." He told Moon as she stopped meowing and began to purr quietly while sitting down on the floor. Tristan looked around and was not very sure what he should do next.
Georgina answered the boy with a wide grin "Morning!" She then chuckled at the boy dribbling coffee over himself, but not in a mean way, at least, not to her. "Need a paper towel?" she asked him as she handed him a roll.

Georgina turned to the girl that walked in "Hey."
Tristan put out his cig and walked into the crowded living room. So these are the people I'll be staying with. He thought to himself, they didn't seem like a bad crowd though. Tristan grabbed himself a cup of coffe before taking a seat on the couch and introducing himself to everyone. He turned a blind eye to the tv and took out his phone quickly checking over his Twitter and Instagram accounts for updates. Eventually he put his phone down and took the time to truly inspect everyone in the room with him, in the end it semmed he would fit right in to this mansion full of such odd people.

The girl who had been stood in the kitchen as he had arrived spoke up, "Thanks." He accepted the paper towels. Glaring at his sister for mocking him, he said, "Thanks for the support, sis." He shook his head, ignoring the other girl who had entered the kitchen.


"You are SO welcome, brother." She grinned. "Anyway, I've decided, I'm planning a party tonight." Nessa began. "It's going to be BIG." her grin widened, especially as more coffee was flowing. "Thanks." She nodded to the girl who had filled up the coffee pot.


"And, how is that different from any other time?" Tyler shook his head. As usual, he would be picking up the pieces; holding her hair as she threw up, putting her to bed as she moans about how she'll never drink again. He slammed his coffee cup down and wiped his sweater. "Thanks again." He attempted a smile at the girl who had given him paper towels. He stormed out of the kitchen and over to the quiet corner of the living room, to read his book.


"Someone's got his panties in a twist." She laughed, "So, are you guys up for it, a party?" She drank her coffee, filling her mouth with the strong liquid. "It'll be amazing, just saying." She promised, smiling.
Quin smiled to herself. "Mink, Owlie. He's a mink. Like an otter, but less aquatic. " She explained brightly, not phased by the confusion. "Excuse me, Dylan," She said softly as she squeezed by him, her clear blue eyes meeting his dark ones confidently. He never seemed to speak to anyone, except to be kind of rude, but it didnt stop her from being polite. She slipped into the kitchen, grabbing a muffin from the pantry. "Good morning, everyone," She greeted, smiling at them all easily. With her muffin in hand, she went back to the living room, forgoing the couch in order to sit on the floor near Owlie. She did, however, lean back against the bottom of the couch, her head not far from Jonathon and Nessa's knees. Biting into the muffin with a tiny smile, her eyes lighted on the screen, following the movie lazily. She glanced up as a newcomer came in, introducing himself as Tristan. She mumbled a greeting around her mouthful, but a sudden bout of shyness kept her from saying more. Instead, she turned back to the tv and watched as more zombies were killed, and more rules laid out.
Jace puts Ace on a thick leash and makes his way downstairs with him. Ace's attention was fully concentrated on a small kitten perched on a guy's shoulder and he let out a small bark. Jace kept his face neutral and pulled the leash tighter. "Come on Ace," he says in a slightly harsh tone. This was his normal tone. He walks out the front door and lights a cigarette while making his way to the trail he usually walks on.

Riley decides to make her way back to the mansion and try to make a few friends. Awkward as she is, friends do sound nice. Maybe the new people aren't so bad. She walks through the front doors and her eyes widen at all the new people. She shyly looks back down and starts to make her way to her room.
Georgina raised her eyebrows at the confrontation between the two. They didn't seem like the happiest family.

Georgina put another spoonful of porridge in her mouth. A party would be a good way of meeting friends, but if this girl is hosting it, is it a good idea to go? She just seems.... off to Georgina.

She swallows her porridge. "I actually have some work to take care this evening, but if I'm free I'll come." she tries to be as diplomatic as possible "What's your name by the way?"
Gaia leaned back as the room be became more crowded. Contentedly he sipped his coffee keeping his eyes on the tv. When a Mink appeared he patted it on the head before it was called back. He peaked around the room at everyone wondering what they were doing and his interest was caught when he saw Owlie's doodles. Grabbing his own sharpie that he usually kept behind his ear he leaned over bit the cap off and doodled a small rose on a clear spot on Owlies arm. When he was finished he leaned back satisfied popping the cap back on it.
Tristan looked at Quin who had semmed to mutter some words then back away, he moved to the spot open next to her. "Hi there, there is no reason to be shy and don't bite" Tristan held out his hand to shake hers. "Let's be friends ok, I'm new here and I would like to have a friend, plus I'm the only boy here that can help people with the makeup" he said with a slight laugh.
"Oh! A mink. I thought it looked weird for a cat." Owlie tilted his head slightly to one side. He'd never heard of a mink before. Perhaps it was a foriegn creature, from far away; that would explain why he didn't know it. He would look into it later and find out. Suddenly, somebody leant over and drew on his arm. He looked over to find a boy with a Sharpie.

"Pretty flower." was his only comment. He didn't like other people drawing on him, he decided. Then, he saw the new guy WHO HAD A CAT. He didn't bother to stand up but crawled over to the new guy and his cat.

"Meow." he greeted the cat, stroking it.

Dylan stared at the girl as she went past and actually spoke to him. If he wasn't so cool, he'd probably be bothered that a pretty girl had spoken to him. But he wasn't bothered and besides, the only person he was attracted to was the cool, ironic, laid back dude that he saw in the mirror.

Jade was grateful when the girl made some more coffee and poured herself a cup.

"Thank you." she said, quietly, sipping her drink. She listened to the other girl and boy talking. Then, the boy stormed out and the girl said something about a party. Jade died inside, when she realised that she couldn't escape the party because it would be HERE. Another party. Great. Another chance to prove how much of a social diaster she was.

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