The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Scar caught his glare and walked over to the cage. Slowly getting on her knee's to become eye level with the prisoner. She corpus glared at him in a harsh manor. "What do you thing your looking at?" She growled, placing her hand on her katana like a normal reaction of hers. The guys stare was almost sinestar.

Marie Rain
'Whatever, you'll crack sooner or later." She snapped at Richard as she waved goodbye to everyone and left the room heading to her room for the night, before she left she made sure to turn back with a glare towards Richard.
Richard kept staring,"Oh I'm just admiring your beautiful hair", he said smiling. Vera looked at Tomorrow,"We will work mostly together. First me for now while you gather some supplies and take a break", she said smiling and turning her chair to watch Richard.
Scarlet narrowed her eyes at the inmate. She didn't reply, but stood and quietly walked over to Vera. "If you ever need a break, Vera, come and get me. I'll take over." She offered. But the way she spoke obviously sounded as though she wasn't asking but more of commanding. She glared at the inmate. With just little information about him, she still didn't feel satisfyed about only one gaurd protecting him.
"Sure thing!" said Tomorrow, trying to perk herself and others up a bit. She walked out and began to explore the mall a bit, as there was some parts she had yet to venture to. She stumbled upon a small store in the very corner of the mall.. It seemed untouched and unnoticed by anyone else. She was curious and began to walk in. Does this count as gathering supplies? Oh well, she thought. It was filled with all sorts of odd trinkets, none of which seemed to be of any real use.
Addison turned back around and walked back to her room...If you could even call it a room. Shes completely home sick and begins to start thinking of her little sister. Addison lays down to try and relax for the night.
jack took the cigar out of his mouth and went over to one of the bugs that was close to death and put it out on it, he could hear it scream, he enjoyed tormenting those things. he walked back to scar."happy." jack said with a bit of gum in his mouth.
She nodded back at Jack, "Very," She mumbles, glancing back at the inmate. He seemed like a threat to her. One that should have been exhiles immediately. But yet they hadn't executed the dude just yet. Scar glanced down at her clothing. Her top was torn in the back and blood stained. " I'll Go and change now." She mumbled.

(( I'm gonna go now. Don't get to far ahead with out me. Good night! ))
Vera nodded at Scar and once everyone was gone turned to Richard,"How'd you get caught?", she asked curiously. Richard sat up,"Well I walked up to one of your guards and shot him in the head. After that I let the others take me here.", he said with a smug look,"Why'd you cut your long hair....was it because of me?", he asked. Vera smiled,"All you did was make me realize weaknesses to improve", she said rolling her eyes. He walked to the cage,"Did you improve that one fear?", he asked sticking his hand out of the cage. Vera pulled out her sword,"Hand back or lose it", she said glaring at him. He nodded and backed up. He was trying to get to her but it wasn't working well,"How would the others react to your past I wonder?", he said in a threatening way. Vera aimed her gun at his head,"I like this place Rich", she said to him,"I'll kill you easily if you like. What are you really doing here?" Richard smiled,"My group will be here soon so try not to worry.", he said,"And your friends will be mine to do with as I please." Vera turned pale and shook her head,"Stop talking", she said taking a deep breath.
Tomorrow engulfed herself further into the store and it almost seemed like it'd never end. She found two hand guns which she grabbed. She had no bag so she figured she'd go back to the room where Vera was waiting and return to the store at a later time. As she was strolling back, she wondered if she should tell anyone about the place she had found. Richard was suspicious and she didn't wanna release any sort of information in front of him. When she returned, she came to the realization that she should keep to herself about the store and maybe talk about it some other time. "I found these," she said to Vera, holding up the two hand guns. "They were just, uh, laying around. Loaded too."
(Sorry but I don't think there is a way for you to right now...)

Vera snapped to attention with Tomorrow back,"Oh hey that's great.", she said looking over the guns. She remembered still having bug blood all over her and decided to go to a sink and wash up. It used to be a water fountain and was right across the cell.

(Going to bed too, night)
Tomorrow put the guns on a table far out of Richard's reach between the bars. She leaned against the wall and slid down until she was in a sitting position. She sighed and looked at the man in the cell then down at the floor.

(Guess I should be off to bed then, I'll see you all tomorrow)
Scarlet walked off to her room, or the section that was considered as 'her room.' The small section was only one bed, a lamp, and a small dresser. But like many others Ahe had limited amount of clothing. Having one of her good shirts ripped wasn't pleasing to her. Scar pulled through the drawer, only to retrieve one of her V-Necked Shirts. Scarlet slipped her shirt on over the bandages wrapped around her waist. Scar took her old, bloodied shirt and tossed it into the drawer. Maybe somebody here could patch it up later. Evweythings walked from her room to the fountain, where'd she could wash up. She spotted Vera at the other side. Scar walked over to her and reached into the qater to scrub her hands and face. "Is Somebody Watching the Prisoner?" She asked as thought she was uninterested.
jack went up to the forth floor, somewhere only few people ventured. He got to the forth floor. He went over to his "room", one of the stores that he moved around, to look like a room. As he laid on the rock hard conter top that was his bed. He heard a loud clanging coming from the stair well. He grabbed sarah from her spot on one of the arm chairs he drew his weapon as he walked towards the stair well door.(an opening for someone. if they want it.)
Janie walked down the stairs. She dropped her book that she had under her arms and it bounced down the stairs making noise. She looks over the side watching it slide down the stairs with a loud bang when it finally stopped sliding. "oh bother" she muttered to herself upset with herself for dropping it.
jack entered the stair well. He pointed his gun down the stairwell."who there?" he said with his gun at the ready to fire at anything that doesn't answer in english, spanish, german...etc.
Janie looked up hearing a voice. She looks around for the source. "Who's where?" she asks not sure how to answer. She runs down the steps and picks up her book looking it over to make sure it wasn't broken and put it back in her bag.
jack goes down the stairs, and sees janie."god damn, you scared the crap out of me." Jack said as he turned the stair well seeing her. He pointed sarah's barrel at the ground. "watch what your doing, it might of raised an alarm." jack then started to walk back to his room.
Tomorrow heard Scar and answered with an "Uh yeah, I'm right here." She rose her hand as well and sighed.
Scar glanced back at Tomorrow and nodded. She cupped her hands, before ducking them under water. Pulling them out, she splashed the water on her face. Scrubbing off the blood of the dead bugs. She pulled her long, red velvet colored hair to the side, qllowing it to rest on hee shoulder. Her parted bangs fell over her left eye as well. Scar walked over to Tomorrow and the prisoner. She leaned over the vil, ao Ahe could whisper in her ear. "Tomorrow if you Have any Problems with him, or he says anything. Get somebody to fetch me. Just don't leave your post, Understood?" She questioned, staneing upright again Scar placed her hand on her Katana. She was pretty sure everyone else could sense the tension of being near thus guy. Hopefully Tomorrow could handle it.
"Don't you worry, I'm capable of handling this," said Tomorrow, slightly annoying and a little sarcastic. She didn't like people doubting her abilities. She wasn't the tallest nor did she have very much of a build but she knew what she was doing. She was quick on her feet and could take Richard, if it came down to it.

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