The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

"Youre just trying to play mind games with me, I wont give in." She said walking away a bit to check to see if anyone was on their way back. "Dont get scared...Stand your ground....He cant harm you, hes locked up" She said quietly reassuring herself.
Vera noticed only one spider remained and slipped under it slicing as she ran, it took a while to die but did. She took a moment to breath and count what was left. There were four wasps left to kill and they were going down fast. She went to help barricade the door because the others could handle the wasps. 
Richard laughed looking at her while inspecting the cell,"God this place is gonna be child's play", he said to himself hoping the girl would hear him. He stood up moving to the bars again,"Oh~ seems to be loose", he said loudly playing with the bars.
The wasp got dangerously close to Tomorrow but she finally sunk her sword in and stood up, wiping the sweat from her forehead. She managed to kill off two more wasps and was making her way to a third as she began to breathe a little more heavy.
jack released her." god damn just trying to help." he shoots at the wasp that she is fighting, aiming for the eyes, trying to blind it for her give the killing blow. jack starts taking out as many eyes as possible, shooting out 5 before it begins to fall to the ground."nows your chance, take it." he covers her as a wasp starts to go for her. jack shoots the wasp in the stinger, then the wing then the face, bringing it down falling at her feet.
"Can you just quit it?", she said walking up to the bars where Richard was at. "I'm done letting you try to play mind games with me, I can only hope they just kill you off when they come back.", she said walking away from Richard to check again to see if someone was coming and then walked back to Richard.
Scar winced slightly. She was bleeding lightly on her back from a gash caused by the spider that had taken her by surprise. Not to mentioned that part of her shirt had been ripped. " I can handel myself." Scar growled, twirling her Katana in her hand. Scar brushed back her red hair, before bringing her sword down on the head of a wasps that Jack had wounded for her. "Nice aim." She told him, quietly. Scarlet didn't praise others often.
Richard looked at her,"No they won't kill me. Murder is wrong remember? They might try to move me but they won't decide that till its to late", he said to her while sticking his head through the bars. He was obviously enjoying her reactions to the things he said.
"hey it helps that I was a gunnys mate in the navy." Jack said as he was shooting down one of the last wasps that was flying around. he shoot at the wings trying to get it come close so the others could go in for the kill shoot. It finally came down after he shoot it in the wing. He then started to pick up all the shell casings he fired and the mags that he let drop to the floor, putting them his his pack.
Tomorrow put an end to the remaining bugs. She panted but took in a deep breath and stood up straight. "Well that was.. rather annoying." Her eyes darted to Scar and looked over her injuries. "You need to get back to the medic," she said and although it seemed obvious, she figured she'd say it aloud.
Vera finished patching the door then went back to help kill the remaining wasps. They were surrounded and it would be done fast. She shot a wasp until it was dead with a gun she found on the ground. There were only a total of two casualties so far.
"Yeah...whatever. Well hopefully you get sick and...hmm maybe the medics will be too busy with other things?" She smirked but then turned around and sighed. "Stop letting him under your skin. You got this." She repeaded over and over quietly.
Richard sat back just watching her movements having fun with her. He loved manipulating them and it was to his advantage with her being alone like this.

(Brb gonna shower))
Scar glanced at all the dead creatures that had perished in their battle. She ignored Jacks Comment. Scar pulled her left hand down he side of the blade, cleaning off he blood of he dead from it. She placed her weapon back into its case. She was exhausted on the inside, but on the outside she remained to have a strong defence. Scar listened as Tomorrow talked about how Scar should have her wounds cbck. "No that ain't be nesiccary. It's just a scratch Tomorrow." She spoke in a witter manor. Scar closed her eyes for a second and glanced at everything that still remained.
jack after gathering the last of his mags went over to the cage. he shoved sarah's barrel in his face." you say one more god damn word and I will blow your f*cking brains all over the wall. Do you understand." Jack said with his finger on the trigger of his gun, just itching to pull the trigger getting rid of the problem.(Marie Rain)
"If you say so, I guess.." she trailed off. She surveyed the damage then she looked to the door that Vera had patched up. She was a little suspicious of another attacked and lingered near the area which put some distance between her and the others. "Well, should we return to where we were, then?" she called out to them.
"Thank you very much for the back up" Addison said looking over to Jack, mainly ashamed she let him get to her so easy.
Richard raised his hands up,"Calm down, just having a little chat", he said moving back to his chair. He sat quietly while still keeping an eye on Addison. Vera finished up with killing after she saw the last one go down and headed back to the caged area,"I can watch him for the night. I know his tricks more than anyone", she told Jack and Addison. She was cleaning her weapons again to avoid rust.
Tomorrow took the lack of replies and everyone leaving as a sign to return and so she did. She walked in and again, could feel the tension. "So, anyone wanna inform me about this guy or..?" she asked. As a guard, she figured she had a right to know.
"yeah, now get out of here. you hear, this guy can mess with your head." Jack took the barrel out of his face. He put it over his back. But kept his hand on his hand gun, ready to fire." try anything funny and boom, your dead." jack said as he checked to see if the gun had anything in its chamber.
"Hah... yeah a chat? You mean about how youre behind the latest outbreak of the bugs and you have more planned? YEah I guess you could call that a little chat." She jumped quickly towards the cage and then looking over to Jack for his reaction.
He just kept smiling at her then looked at Vera,"Oh you plan to watch me over night, seems like a familiar situation don't you think?", he asked smirking. Vera shot at his foot making him scream,"Oh my bad, gun went off I guess", she said smiling. He glared at her, obviously pissed off. Vera looked at Addison,"Don't listen to anything he says ever", she said to her as a warning.
"Um.. Hello? I just wanna know what there is to know about him-" she pointed to the now injured captive, "Can someone tell me anything?" she was starting to get a little ticked off.
Scar crossed her arms as she turned to follow Jack. He had already aimed a gun at the prisoner. She sighed lightly, "Jack you can't shoot him yet. Just wait until after we get some information out of him for that." She mumbled, with a light smile edging over her face. Scar could feel blood dripping down her back. Her shirt had stuck to thee wound. Maybe I should go and talk to the healers, she considered. Afar kept her eyes on the prisoner, before turning to the girl who had watched him. "what did he aay to you?" She demanded.
"But he told me how he released these bugs abd he has more planned! What are we going to do with him we cant just keep him around here to mess with us...right?" She said to Vera backing away from Richards cell. Addison quickly looked to Scar, "Oh my... I'll be right back Ill get supplies to help you." She ran off as quick as she could.
"oh but I would love to, get rid of the problem of having to kill him later." jack starts to see a pool of blood start to from behind scar." look I don't care how tough you are, your coming with me to medics, you need to get patched up.Plus we don't need anymore casualties, we already lost two, we don't need anymore."

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