The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Vera looked at the girl who walked up,"Just some prisoner brought in for holding", she told her. She then looked at Scar then the prisoner,"I was caught on purpose to find this place", he said with a smirk. Vera glared at him,"Don't trust his words", she said to the others. She looked back at the group,"I'm not sure why he is here but we shouldn't hang around him long.", she said quietly. A siren went off at the front that meant a breach in the mall. Vera bit her lip,"Shit...", she said running off guns in hand. When the siren went off all fighters, guards, and possibly medics were to report to the scene.
Addison was still sitting down, she put down the plants and watched as Tomorrow walked into the room. She noticed the man as a prisoner but wasnt exactly sure what was going on. Addison heard the alarm and quickly went running to the scene.
"Well excuse me," Tomorrow remarked, rather sarcastic, towards Jack. Then that's when the siren went off. "Dammit!" she screeched as she reached for the gun in her holster and darted towards the scene of the breach. What's going on? For the love of everything, please don't let it be some other survival group trying to make this place their own. Please, the girl thought to herself as she ran to the scene.
Jack pulled out sarah."looks like we get to do some more work today baby." he said talking to his gun. he ran to the entrance and got behind the wall of sand bags that were there for protective measures. he pointed his gun at the breach hoping for something good to come through the wall. he keep his eyes in sights his weapon was drawn,ready to fire at anything.
Scarlet nodded towards the Guard that had approached them. "Nothing to impeach your time, miss." She spoke up, twirling her long blade in her hand. Scar glanced at the prisoner as he spoke, she knew something was being hidden from her, and she didnt like it one bit. But as the siren went off, she had no choice but to forget about it and help the breach. Scar smiled lightly, cocking her head down in almost a smirk. "Time for work. Let's see how long I live with this child's toy." She announced to Jack in a mockinh tone. Scar followed Vera as she headed off to the spot of breaching. Scar soon started to catch up with Vera and surpass her just by a few feet.
A mixture of wasps and spiders burst through the entrance. Vera shot at the wings first then headed after the spiders legs. She hated these bugs more than most others. They were more difficult to deal with.
Addison saw that it was another bug entry and she figured she wasnt of much use here and went back to watch over the prisoner to make sure he wouldnt try to get out.
Tomorrow cringed upon arrival. She had always hated spiders, ever since she was little. During an apocalypse, there was no time for fears. It was all about survival and so she drew her gun, trying to make a clear shot at the head of the spider. She always seemed to be a little off and her shots did hit it but only seemed to make it angry. She figured shooting was a bust, drew her sword and rushed in, attempting to slice the spider's head.
Damn it..... Scarlet thought, as the peat entered the building. "How did they get in?" She called out to those who had joined forces in the combat. "Did somebody leave thief post?" She announced, watching the fighters that were firing their weapons. Scarlet couldn't help out unless it was hand to hand combat and that would be a pretty risky move. Scar slipped over the sand bags and turned to Jack. "Cover me!" She announced, twirling her weapon. She looked over to see tomorrow had rushed in. Scar saw an oncoming attqck from behind the girl that she hadnt spotted yet. Scar ran in and jumped ontop on the wasp that had landed, ahe brought the tip into the head. "are you crazy?" she yellets at tomorrow, jumping to her side.
Vera made most of the wasps fall from damaged wings but they could still walk. She kept firing at them changing guns instead of reloading because it was faster.

The prisoner smiled at Addison,"Well decide to miss the excitement did you?", he asked while sitting lazily in the ground. He seemed arrogant and obviously had bad intentions.
jack starts shooting for wings and spider eyes, after taking out a few he calls out."hey scar hows that little child's toy handeling?" He said in a joking tone. Every time he needed to change out his mag, he would just drop the clip where he stood then reloaded.
"I think they can handle it perfectly fine, and I dont exactly need your smart remarks." Addison said quietly as she grabbed a chair to sit down and wait for everyone to come back.
Tomorrow gulped and figured it was now or never. She somehow made her way underneath the giant spider without it's knowledge and plunged her sword into it's center. She darted out as fast as possible as the creature went down and just for good measure, sliced its head clean from its body. She then joined with the rest, shooting out the wings of the wasps.
The man stood walking closer to the bars,"I planned this, broke the entrance to let them in. You know that right", he said watching her,"Everything is going just as planned, you people are so....easy" He put his arms over the bars,"I can't wait for the next step to go into action...", he added smirking at her.
Scar managed to keep her focus on everything that was going on around her. Unfortunately this also ment Jacks smart ass comment. "Shut Up Jack!" She growled at him, charging a wasps that had list its wings. The stinger turned its beaty little eyes on Scarlet. Scar readied her weapon to draw for an perfect aim, but before she knew it. The bee had turned completely. It brouht its wtinger down and swung at her. Scar rucked and rolled from the impact. She mqnages out of the way, but when the stinger connected with the ground, it broke through as though it was a soft piece of candy.
"EXCUSE ME?" She quickly yelled. "What exactly is your problem with us? We are all just trying to survive here... Just wait until everyone get back and I let them know whats going on." She said a bit skiddish now.
"Are you alright?!" shouted Tomorrow in Scar's direction but never tearing her eyes away from what was in front of her. She kept shooting out the wings and figured that these opponents would be easier to defeat if they were on the ground but she began to notice that more and more started to crawl towards her.
Vera ran out of ammo and brought out her short sword. She got the higher ground and came down on a spider's blind spot. When she landed on his back she stabbed it in the head and twisted her weapon killing it instantly. When she got off it was still twitching a bit before curling up. She ran to the others swiftly. There were still atleast four or five left.
"SCAR." he ran up his weapon still drawn, firing at anything that came into the hole. He got near her."I thought I told you that thing was going to get you killed." he gave her his hand gun."here use this cover me I'm going to take you to cover, cover me." he grabs onto the katana case, and began to drag her back to cover.
"They won't believe you, trust is thin among your ranks.", he said staring her down,"Slowly you will all loose control...after that....well I won't spoil it now." He laughed to himself,"Oh but I can see you will be useful", he sang to himself moving back to a chair.
Scar regained her balance and tilted the Katana in her palms. "Just Peachy..." She announced in reply to Tomorrows Question. The wasp that had recently attacked her had turned to Tomorrow. "Oh no you don't," she growled. "Your Mine!" Scarlet took her sword and cut off one of its legs. The wasp hissed quickly before turning her way. She stepped backwards loowering the thing away from Tomorrow. From behind a spider had clawed at her, catching part of her back. She yelped at the wound, but quickly sliced at it, cutting off a leg. Scar stabbed between his eyes. She turned back to the wasps and quickly killed it.

But soon wnough Jack had grabbed her. "Release Me at Once!" She yelled.
She quickly stood up getting a bit angry "Useful? How on earth could I ever be useful to you?",She sat back down "I'm sure they'd trust the person whos out here opposed to the person in cuffs." ,she laughed.
Tomorrow jumped around, sinking her sword in the center of each wasp that was down. She kept on her toes, making sure not get taken down by any of the mutant bugs. She wanted to make herself useful to these people in ways she could no longer be useful to her family. "You can do this. Protect them, that's your job," she mumbled to herself. All that had happened with Scar, the wasp and the spider was a blur and before she knew it, both bugs were dead. "Thank you!" she shouted to the girl.
"Yeah believe that", he said smiling at her. He had a perfect poker face that wouldn't show weather or not he was bluffing. Richard watched her movements for openings which was made obvious,"Trust me, you will be of use", he said confidently.

Vera did the same move on another spider killing it, she was running out of energy then picked up another gun blowing out the brains of a wasp. She seemed to be getting slower in her movements.
Tomorrow noticed the way Vera began to slow down and rushed to the girl's area, helping to kill off what wasps remained. She pushed herself to be stronger, faster considering she hadn't done much that day. One wasp came at her faster than the rest and she didn't notice it until the very last moment, she stumbled back and managed to fall on her ass and grunted in complaint. She quickly removed the gun from it's holster and shot at the thing's torso but it wasn't dead just yet.

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