The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Vera looked at the new girl,"Just a new prisoner who is causing trouble", she said simply then turned back to Addison,"He's trying to confuse you and get you afraid of him, in this cage he is harmless." He was still glaring at Vera with killing intent,"Just ignore him", she added while looking at Richard. She knew that glare well from the past. Vera was shaking a bit but it was barely noticeable and she controlled it quickly.
Scarlet smirked at her words. But instead of offering any help, she simply turned towards the prisoner. "He plans on messing with us? Oh I see..." She mumbled. Scar pushed her velvet red hair away from her eyes and glared at the prisoner, as if challenging him to strike. She turned to Jack, "No Pain, No Gain." She mumbled. Scar kept her arms over her chest and sfayed in the same spot.
Addison ran back in the room with a few supplies that she put together. "Can I help you with that? IF you wait around too long you surely wont make it" She said then looking over to Tomorrow, "Hes trash... He likes to mess with your mind. Dont trust him at all" She then glared over to Richard.
"Ah." Tomorrow leaned against the doorway, taking in all that was going on. She sighed very audibly as she noticed the way she didn't really "fit in." But hey, this wasn't about fitting in. This was all about survival. Being the social girl she was, she craved interaction and being pushed to the background didn't sit well with her.
Vera looked at Tomorrow,"You're a guard right? Can you inform the other guards about him. We need to warn people about him and I don't know many people in guard. It would be a big help in preventing manipulation", she asked of her. She kept an eye in Richard who was still ready to kill,"Maybe I should just tell them all how I know you?", he threatened her. Vera shot his hand without even looking at him,"Shut up or I'll shoot again", she said.
[QUOTE="Nikki Rodgers]Scarlet smirked at her words. But instead of offering any help, she simply turned towards the prisoner. "He plans on messing with us? Oh I see..." She mumbled. Scar pushed her velvet red hair away from her eyes and glared at the prisoner, as if challenging him to strike. She turned to Jack, "No Pain, No Gain." She mumbled. Scar kept her arms over her chest and sfayed in the same spot.

"like I said I don't care we don't need someone else dying, we have had a few people die today we don't need to have more." (Nikki Rodgers)
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"Sure, of course," she nodded her head and with that, she was off to inform the others. She left the room with the others.

(Anyone besides myself a guard?)
Janie sat down looking through some books she found in a store. She looked at the titles trying to decide on a good one. She opens one of the books in her lap and flips through the pages. She reads it silently to herself in her head. She rests her head on her hand reading the book to pass the time.
(Well then, this will be quick then)

Tomorrow went from post to post, informing the guards she knew of the prisoner and the danger he presented to the group. After taking several minutes to do so, she returned back to the others. "All done," she said to Vera and her eyes darted to Richard, really looking at him now. She kept her face blank as she looked him over. What are his intentions here? she wondered.
Vera nodded at her,"Thanks you're very helpful", she said then looked at Richard,"Somone should figure out how he was captured." She sat in a chair watching him,"I could interrogate him and figure out his lies but it would take time and its late", she said looking at the others for their input. Her bravery was going down quite a bit recently and fear was slowly setting in. Richard stopped glaring and sat quietly in his cell while waiting for something.
Waiting for a response from Scar, Addison went and sat next to Richards cell. She sat there looking at him wondering what his real intentions were and if what he said was true.
"I'd imagine it was one of the guards. Who knows where he was found or why he was taken in though.." she replied to Vera. She studied the man and gulped. She could see in his eyes he was up to no good but she couldn't help but want to know more about him, why he was here and what connections he had to Vera.
Vera sighed,"I wish this mall had booze", she said rubbing her head. She needed a drink to calm down and since there were no laws anymore she could drink all she wanted. Sadly there was a lack of alcohol at this point in time. As she stood she looked at everyone,"We should make a list on who watches him when...", she said then added,"I can watch him over night while everyone else gets some rest and try to figure out what's going on."
Scar sighed, seeming she had no choice she turned to Jack, "Alright, i'll let Addison help me." She mumbled, feeling as though she had became a burdan. "Addison, you can help me now if you want too." She advised. Scar hated when she was the one pulling everyone down. How could ahe have been so stupid as too of gotten hurt, Ahe mentally scolded herself.
jack opens one of the pockets on his combat vests, and pulls out a cigar, "you want one." he offered her a cigar, un touched. not even open from its wrapping. he pulled one out for himself and lit it." ah nothing like a nice stogie after a battle to really make you feel great to be alive."
"You're not the only one.. trust me, I could use vodka right about now," said Tomorrow, sighing. "But anyways, you seem as though you need some rest yourself and well.. it is my job to be a guard, I could watch him overnight if you'd like. I have all the energy I need, I haven't really gotten to do much all day. My post was pretty dead."
"Great!" Addison said moving over to Scar excited that shes actually getting to do something. "Let me just wipe the blood away and apply this cream, and you should be fine. Apply it again in the morning and you'll be just fine!" she said handing Scar over the rest of the cream she made from the supplies to use for the morning.
"Maybe it would be smart to watch in pairs?", she said to Tomorrow. She then looked at Jack,"Nah I don't smoke, enough to worry about now and don't need an added worry of lung cancer", she said shrugging. Richard remembered something then smiled obviously having an evil thought in mind. It wouldn't be noticeable unless you had seen him at that one moment because he instantly hid it.
"Sounds good to me," Tomorrow said and smiled. She hadn't smiled in quite sometime and well.. it felt good. She was starting to feel at least one person accept her. She breathed deeply and leaned against a wall, close to the cell.
Scar glared over at Jack. "Dammit, Why can't you listen. Don't smoke those Things Around me or I'll burn your wholw surpluses." She growled a at him. Scar hated the thought of smoking, the smell and aight were much worst to her however. She took her hand and flicked it from his mouth. The smell was intoxicating of obnoxious fumes. Scar turned to Addison and took the fram, putting it in her back pocket. She smiled, nodding down to the girl. It was her personal way of saying thank you.
Addsion noticed the smile from Richard and moved closer to the cell "Tell me what youre planning. Like you said, they wouldnt believe me if I told them anything, right? I dont trust you and if I dont get answers then you have no point in even being alive." She said quietly over towards Richard.
Janie stands up and places the book in her bag. She walks over to the others finding them gathered around a jail cell. She looks at them curiously wondering why they wanted to be there.
Richard looked at her,"Nah it's more fun if you don't know yet", he said almost as if mocking the girl. He started to eye Scar for some odd unknown reason. It was an almost disturbing type of stare. Vera smiled at Tomorrow and took a deep breath,"Well guys I think it's time for first watch.", she said as the curfew alarm went off. It meant that certain people had to report to stations and others had to go to their rooms which were basically just gutted out protected stores.
"Who's first, you or me?" Tomorrow asked Vera. Her eyes drifted to Richard suspiciously then back to Vera.

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