The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Addison woke up in a pain as she does every night, She sighed and got up and left her room. Addison decided to go back to where the prisoner was, she needed more answers. She slightly waved to the others in the room and sat down next to the cell looking over to Richard.
jack goes back to the room/store and tries to falla asleep but can't. He got up and went down to the first floor. Jack went over to scar." He say anything else." Jack asked scar, while taking some of the water and splashing it over his face, washing any blood that splattered over his face.
Addsion sitting on the ground next to the cell, looked up to see Jack come in. She senses the tension between everyone so looks back down and over to Richard.
She nodded at Tomorrow quietly. If she said she could handel it, Scarlet hoped she would keep her word. Scar leaned up against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest. Scar closed her eyes to relax. After all the slayings today she needed a momnt of silence. Which of course was interrupted by Jack. "No," She mumbled, opening her eyes. "He's been quiet..." She awnserred in reply.
She noticed everyone cleaning themselves off from the fight earlier and looked down at herself. She didn't really get much blood and guts on her, just a bit of spatter on her arms and legs and most of what got on her face have dripped off with sweat. "Just give me one second.." she said as she ran over to the sink, rinsed her face quickly and returned to her spot on the floor and kept her eyes on the inmate.
Jack grabbed the 6 cylinder 357 from his boot. He unloaded all but one bullet. he walked over to the table and placed the 5 bullets on the table."let me interigate him, I got a way to make him talk." he said as he put the cylinder.
"Did you not hear Vera say time and time again that all he does is lie? What could possibly make you think you'd get the truth out of him?" said Tomorrow, rolling her eyes.
( We'll Keep it up to date with you )

Scar shook her head. "Jack your going to get frusterated and end up killing him before we know nothing." She mumbled, with a sigh. Scar placed her hand on her Katana's handel. It always made her feel safer, though it usially made other uncomfortable. "Besides Tomorrows right. He won't tell you anything close to the truth. Don't bother." Scar closed her eyes peacefully once more. She had no intentions of the inmate dying just yet. He could have held key information.
Tomorrow smirked then her gaze turned to the floor. "Weren't you guys going to go to bed?" It wasn't directed at anyone in particular, just everyone but Vera since they were meant to be guarding Richard together.
"Oh I don't plan on killing him, yet, but there are some ways that Men know how to make other guys speak." he said holding his 357. "I don't intend on him dying for a few days. Plus I couldn't get anysleep someone in the stairwell woke me up."
"He's nothing but a liar and while 'men' may be able to make other 'men' speak.. I doubt you'll get any clear or useful information from the likes of him," she said to Jack but her eyes remained on Richard.
Scar snickered at the pair. Of Course Jack was going to play the 'Men' card on them. Scar glanced over at .Tomorrow. "Seems like your ready to get rid of us." She smiled lightly, crossing her arms over her chest. Scarlet glanced at the prisoner. "And I Can't sleep knowing their is a physco in the building, and I'm not talking about the inmate." She mumbled to herself, glancing to Jack.
"Who? Me? What makes you think that?" said Tomorrow, a little taken back.

(I don't mean to self promote but could you guys check out my roleplay Push in the sign ups of the supernatural section please? :) )
"I couldnt exactly sleep so I figured i'd come down instead of sitting in my room with nothing to do..." she said quietly, but just loud enough to be heard.
Richard rolled his eyes,"Hey isn't it time for me to get food or something?", he asked sitting back in his chair. Vera grabbed a few things and put them on a tray,"Keep a gun on him", she asked of the others. Before opening the gate she looked at Richard,"Go back to the wall.", she said. He did as told. Vera opened the door, slipped the food in, and closed it as fast as possible. Vera looked at everyone else,"Hey I have to go and look around outside for something, make sure he's watched", she said before heading outside. She took what he said into consideration, his group showing up was likely.
"I got it," said Tomorrow as she moved closer to the man behind the bars. She removed the gun from it's holster and stared down at him. "You know, we won't let you win. I won't."
"You won't even have a say in the matter", he said to her with a smug grin. Vera went to get all her weapons loaded after she had changed into camo-cargo pants and a black sports bra. The sun was already coming up and it was going to be hot out. She went to get the papers neccisary to leave and fill them out. When she was finally ready she headed to the entrance to leave. They were still cleaning after the bug accident.
Scar smirked slightly, cocking her head sideways. "It just seems like your ready to Ty rid of us." She mumbled, lacing her ankles over one another. Scar hoa.fee at the inmate who had suddenly piped up. She glared at him codly. Any hint of happiness had evacuated her face immediately.
"Oh? You don't think?" She said, moving closer. "Listen to me, I've watched people important to me die. I may not know these people that well, but I refuse to watch anything happen to them. I'll fight you til my last breath if that's what it takes." She was almost leaning against the bars at this point and her voice was low but loud enough for just Richard to hear.
Addison stood up and paced around the room a bit before sitting back down, you could just see by the look of her that she was completely nervous being in this room, but she refused to leave even if it would ease her mind.
Scar leaned back and watched as Tomorrow edged closer to the bars of the cell. She sighed and walked over to her. Scar got onto her knee's and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Tomorrow," She spoke, leaning in closer. "Dont get the gun to close to the bars, if he's as smart as Vera says. He can quickly disarm you. That wouldn't be any fun." She prescribed, glaring over at him. She looked back at Addison.
"Don't worry, I know," she smiled at Scar. She put the gun back in it's holster at her waist but remained where she was. She was trying to be intimidating but being a small, 5 foot 1 blonde girl, that didn't really work for her.
He smirked,"Why would I want that gun? Who says I don't have a weapon on me? The other dumbass guards didn't even search me", he told them. Richard pulled his hair back,"You know what's great about the fact you are in a mall? Many entrances and exits but not enough people willing to guard them all.", he said while moving his chair to sit closer to the bars.
Tomorrow tried to keep her composure. "You aren't gonna get in my head, if that's what you're trying. You're nothing but a liar, why should I believe anything you have to say?" she crossed her arms and glared at the man.

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