The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Scar narrowed her eyes at the inmate. " I'm sure that if you had a weapon you would have shown it by now. And besides, if you tried to attack us, my partner would shoot you dead in your tracks." She smirked, edging closer to the cage. Her long red hair fell in her face. In the shaow for a moment she almost looked evil. "And if thwy dont, I'll do it myself." She growled, standing.
Richard raised an eyebrow,"Well if I'm not lying it'll be your fault when everyone dies", he said shrugging. He had figured out part of her weakness by just her talking. It wasn't to difficult for him to find these things out. He then looked at Scar,"Careful of that hair, wouldn't want it to get caught", he advised.
Tomorrow winced slightly, that one hurt but she quickly snapped back up and grinned. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say!" She still remained in her place near the bars and stared him down for a while before looking around the cell. She looked back at Richard, staring at his pockets to see if she could tell if there was an object in there.
"You have no weapon, youre nothing but a liar" Addison snapped quickly and looked back down, still sitting right next to the cell trying to relax.
Richard laughed to himself,"It's like this, you don't know for sure if I do. But if I do, when I decide to escape and you all die I'll make sure that I leave you alive blondy. But very weak. That way you can see that it was all your fault this happened because you didn't make sure as a proper guard.", he said to her. He pretty much ignored the others because of the focus on this target.
Scarlet's eyes grew extremely vibrant. She clenched her hand's, it would have been so easy just to kill him, here and now. Put qn end to all the threats. She placed her hand on the handel of her Katana. "Trust me," She shot back, "My hair will be perfectly fine. I would just watch yourself." She growled, leaning against the walk that she had been up against before. She crossed her arms over her chest. She turned to Tomorrow, "Dont let him get to you."
Tomorrow gulped but kept a smile on her face. "I can handle myself. You think you know me because of the way I look? I look weak, don't I? I'm not. I told you, if it came down to it, I will protect these people til my dying breath. But trust me, it won't get that far." She tried to keep her tone as threatening as possible. She didn't want to give in, but this guy was really pushing her buttons.
"I'm bigger, stronger, more educated in battle than you and I'm sorry but you are no threat to me. I don't have any intention of killing you all yet", he said standing up and stretching. Then something occurred to him and smirked pulling out a gun and throwing it through the bars,"That ones out of ammo anyways, it's useless to me", he said while leaning on the wall of his cell.
Tomorrow laughed, "I mean, if that's how you wanna look at it." She watched the gun slide across the floor and she finally moved from her spot in front of the bars and walked over to the gun. She picked it up and placed it on the table but on the opposite side of the guns she had found in the store that she had found.
Scar watched as he threw an empty gun through the bars. Dammit! She thought, he does have weapons on him. Scarlet pulled out her Katana. She eidnt like the looks of a gun. Jack had already tries many times to get her to use one, but she trusted her Sword much better. Scar glared at Him, "Is that all you've got?" She questioned, with a stern tone. Scar knew hoq to handle herself well and could defeat nearly anyone in a battle. She would kill him of he harmed anyone.
"Oh now you're curious about the weapons?", he asked laughing,"Come in and try to search me." Richard smirked at her while watching the room, he took note of the guns and many other things that would be useful.
"Don't go in that cell, Scar," Tomorrow warned. "We can't trust him, if you go in there to search him he could turn things around very quickly. We can't take that risk, not now." The girl glared at the man behind bars once again and walked back to where she stood before, "Don't think I don't see what you're trying to do."
Richard stood next to the bars looking down at her,"What am I trying to do little girl? Please enlighten us all on the genius plan that you have deduced", he said in a mocking tone,"You know nothing." 
Vera had made it outside and kept gun in hand looking around the area, it was quiet and barely anything was there except for an occasional friendly bug. She took a deep breath to calm herself before going to look for higher ground.
Scar smirked, "As if I'm Stupid enough to fall for your mind tricks. When I enter, you'll pull out another weapon and attack me." Despite her appearence, she was no where near idiotic. She turned to Tomorrow and wink, "Im not so sure he is as smart as Vera explained." She smiled, before lacing her ankles again. She still had her weapon out however.
Tomorrow only smiled, two could play at that game. She was going to stop giving into him, he wasn't going to get the reaction he wanted from her. Maybe she was bluffing about knowing exactly what he was doing but she knew he had a plan to exploit their weaknesses, for what reason? She didn't know. To get them to turn on each other so he could separate them, maybe? She wasn't sure but she kept on her toes and hid everything behind that smile of hers.
Richard looked at Scar,"Vera had good reason to warn you. If only I could tell you about that story but she still wants to look like a good person in your eyes. If you knew about it then I'm pretty sure she would be in the cell with me", he said to her. He went off into thought,"I wasn't expecting her to be here though. May cause some small problems but oh well", he said shrugging.
Tomorrow shot Scar a look, a look that said 'Do not trust him' then her eyes, once again, returned to Richard and she smiled. "Hm, where is Vera anyway? I feel like it's been a while since she left, maybe someone should go check on her?"
Addison decided to leave, she was getting way too worked up in this room and it didnt help that she couldnt speak to Richard on her own. "How can I be useful? I need to know." She wondered as she got up and walked out of the room.
"Knowing her she's out looking for some old friends", he said sitting back down again,"I wouldn't worry to much."

Vera came running back to the cell in a hurry, she opened the cage and walked in cuffing him and kicking him out. She held him to the ground with her foot putting the gun to the back of his head,"Come with me or die", she said pulling him with a rope on his handcuffs.
Scarlet couldn't deny it, but she was intriuged by his words. Maybe it was just curiosity or just that he was lying to her, but some reason she wanted to know what Vera's backstory was. Scar caught Tomorrow's glare and understood imediantly. She stod quietly and walked to Tomorrow. "Ill check on Vera. Keep a close eye on him now." She edged, walking off from the cell and Tomorrow. Only seconds later did ahe run in. " Nevermind...." She mumbled, watching as Ahe intruded in. "What are you doing?"
"What's going on?!" shouted Tomorrow. "What did you find while you were out there?" She seemed startled and both hands were at the weapons on either side of her waist. One on the gun, one on the long sword. She was ready to strike at any moment.
Vera kept pulling him,"They're all dead", she said to Tomorrow,"The outside guards are all dead." Richard laughed a bit,"Took them long enough", he said. Vera pulled the rope hard making him fall,"Where are they?", she asked shooting the gun next to his head. She was on edge and looking around everywhere. "Ah you've already noticed? They are already here", he said smirking at her.
"," Tomorrow said in disbelief. "You stay here, with him!" she shouted then ran out the door and down the stairs, she was on her way to the outside. Someone needed to defend them.
Scar Gritted her teeth. All dead, how? She wondered, but quickly decided her Awnser. It was him! Be did this. "Vera get a grip on yourself, who's here?" She growled, pulling her weapon from her sash. She put her long red hair up in a ponytail. Some still fell down, however. What were they supposed to do?

( brb lunch )
Addison was out before any of the craziness started in the room with the cell. Addison decided to explore a bit and get to know the areas around the mall.

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