The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

"His group, they are mostly stealth. No ones outside, just the bodies", she said. Richard smiled,"Oh you would know quite a bit about them wouldn't you. After all-", he said before Vera cut him off,"Shut up!", she yelled at him. "After all you wanted to be one, killed your own family to try and get approval", he said smirking at her. Vera lifted him by his shirt,"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!", she yelled at him,"Where are they?!" She saw people moving on the third floor and dropped Richard running after them. She hit a button sending a lockdown alarm off.
Tomorrow looked around the dead bodies but there was no sign of Richard's group. That's when she heard the alarm go off and she pulled the doors shut and ran back in. She looked around and saw movement on the third floor. "Who is it?!" she shouted, aiming her gun towards the area. She knew she didn't have much of a shot from where she was but she tried. She began to walk towards the stairs but kept her gun on the movement.
Vera made it to the third floor very fast and shot at the people she instantly recognized. She started counting them then realized something,"A distraction...three are missing", she said biting her lip,"Shit! Scar look out!", she yelled down at her.
Scar was stunned, but showed no such emotion. She watched as Vera ran to Siren the Alarms. Scar walked over to Richard quickly and grabbed him by his shirt. She pressed the blade against his bare throat. She could speak to Vera, because all she knew was that she was a traitor. She could have been sent here under an alias to gain trust. " I will shed your blood with my pwn two hands." She threatenes, growling at him. She turned back as Few left, wihout loosing her contact with Richard. "I almost trusted her!" She hissed. She hward Vera shout out and Scar lost her grip of the guy, she turned towards the door. Waitibg.
Tomorrow heard Vera's shouts to Scar. She ran up the stairs to the second floor, then the third while keeping her head low. Finally, she made her way beside the girl. "Who are they?!" she shouted and kept her gun aimed at them but was read to pull out her sword if it came to close combat.
"Rich's men", she said while running after the group. They were very fast and hard to keep up with. Vera was losing energy from running.

The three others crept from the shadows and grabbed Scar from behind. They instantly pushed her into one of the cells and cut open Richard's handcuffs,"I warned you", he said shrugging.
Tomorrow ran after Vera and the small group. Her energy was beginning to dwindle and she pushed herself to keep up. Protect them, that's your job, she reminded herself. "Where do you think you're going!" she shouted out to the group ahead of them.
Addison heard the alarms and quickly went running back to the room with the cell. "What happened!" She said loudly. "How didnt something already happen? I wasnt even gone that long!"
Scar cried out, when she was grabbed from behind. Her Katana was knocked from her grip as she was shoved into the cell. Scar jumped to her feet and raced to the front. Even though she was weaponless she still decided to be brave. "Release Me!" She screaned at him.
Richard looked at Addison,"Hello girly", he said smirking at her. One of the others grabbed her and put her in a seperate cell. Vera ran backwards to catch them the opposite direction. It worked very fast and she shot at them. The men smiled and tackled Vera to the ground along with chasing after Tomorrow. Vera screamed out as she was starting to panic.
Tomorrow jumped back and held her gun tight in her shaking hands, "Who the hell are you? And let her go cause if you don't, I'll make sure this moment is your last." She would stand her ground, she wasn't going to back down. Not now.
Scar saw the others in distress, and quickly got on the ground. She placed her hand through the card reaching for her weapon, hoping one of thw guqrds wouldn't exactly notice her. Her fingertips brushed the handel of the katana, she growled, forcing her shoulder further through the bars.
One of the men shot her hand that she held the gun with. Vera had been knocked out by the men for easier transport. They surrounded Tomorrow,"Give up already", they said.

Richard grabbed the guns on the table and inspected them while smirking at the girls,"Well isn't this convenient. The roles have been switched", he said then whispered orders to the others. They searched the two girls to find weapons on them. "See? I do my job right", he said to them.
Tomorrow cried out in pain and used her other hand to grab the sword from it's sheath. "Never!" she spat the words at the men that surrounded her. She took a deep breath, and swiped it at each of them, hoping the pain would push them back.
Scar heard the gun go off at somebody, she reached even further until her hand grasped the handel. She pulled herself up and smiled, maybe the tip could break the lock. Scar growled, they were harming her friends. Her red hair fluttered begind her as she shoves the sword into the lock. "Come on, Come on..." She mumbled, retrieving it before thrusting it once more. The lock crqcked and Scar smiled, drawing back for one more strike.
Richard shot at Scar's foot,"Put the sword down girl.", he said with a threatening look. The men had finished searching Addison and were moving on to Scar.

On the third floor one of the men shot her other hand to make it more difficult for her to hold before attempting to disarm her. She was being a bit difficult at this point. One man that wasn't trying it take down Tomorrow picked up Vera and headed to the cells.
"AH!" she screeched as the warm, red liquid now dripped from both hands but she kept a very loose grip on the sword. While the man tried to disarm her, she figured it was her last resort and she attempted to swing the sword into his arm, hoping to buy herself some time. The tears the ran down her face mixed with sweat. She was desperate to do all that she could. She wouldn't go down without a fight. She wondered where the scientist could be. Would he really let all the people he brought here go down like this?
Scar cried out. Now she was angry, "You will die by my hands." She screamed at him. Scar got back up and forced her pressure on her good foot. He may have had a gun, but she believed her Katana could gg her out of any situation. Scar took her sword and shoved it into the lock. This time it broke. She pushed the door open and slashed her sword at him. Her eyes turned blood red. She almost had a murderous look to her. "Die..."
When she swung the sword the man grabbed it and pulled it away from her. Since she was now disarmed the others grabbed her by her arms and started to drag her to the cells as well.
"It wont be long before someone comes to kill you. I've done nothing wrong toward you. Im help to help everyone!" She screeched and sat down in the cell not exactly knowing what to do.
One man jumped in front of him to protect Richard. He shot her good foot and moved quickly behind her grabbing Scar's arm. He twisted it behind her back and also grabbed her by her hair,"Behave or I'll have to kill you", he said getting irritated by her behavior. The guy who jumped in front of him was dead,"What a waste", he muttered.
No... the word echoed in Tomorrow's head. She felt the tears stream down her face and the blood drip down her hands. "You'll pay for this," she growled, her voice growing fainter. She was losing her energy fast and she wasn't sure how long it'd be before she passed out from the pain.
Scarlet cried out as the man disarmed and grabbed her. She stopped struggling as apon as he placed her ARM between her shoulder blades. "Release Me!" She growled, reaching up with her good hand to try to atop the man from pulling her hand. She could barely stand with her feet shot, but she forced herself to stay up. Scar hadn't gave up, not yet.

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