The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Scar expression was blank, "I Want my Katana back." She mumbled, glancing up at the pair. Scar nodded, she wanted this bastard dead. She wanted to kill him herself. Her eye's were a dark shade of Maroon, which indicated she was calm. Any shade brighter could have ment that she was lethal, or murderous at the moment.
Vera found the keys and opened the other cells,"Great", she said running out,"I'm going after Rich." She took off with the knife and went to find him. She stuck to the shadows like she learned and kept her breathing steady.
Tomorrow was a little dizzy from everything happening quickly and before she knew it, Vera was gone. "Well, what are we to do?" her gaze turned to Scar. She sighed a bit, she needed her weapons as well. She could fight without them, but she wasn't all that good with her fists.
Richard, in such a short time had gotten everyone in the mall to follow him through fear. Vera recognized this and was getting afraid. It was completely possible for him to have anyone killed now. She didn't know what to do...if she didn't follow along she would die...if she did she would betray the others. Vera didn't want to be his pet again. She stuck to her shadow while he commanded the whole mall. There were already bodies of people who tried to fight back. Vera was pulled out of the shadow by one of his men, she looked terrified.
(Richard escaped with his men and threw us all in the cells, we escaped and he has now taken over the mall through fear)
Tomorrow just darted out of the room and when she noticed what Richard was doing, her blue eyes widened. She ran, keeping herself in the darkness of the shadows to the store that she had found the previous night. She could hear him faintly as she hid behind the counter, thinking of what to do next.
Vera was taken to Richard's side and put down on her knees in front of everyone,"Will you follow or die?", he asked like before with many others. She was shaking in fear not speaking. "Next is your friends. Now answer me!", he commanded. Vera bit her lip to the point of bleeding,"I....I will follow....", she said quietly. He smirked bringing her back onto her feet,"Always in my control", he said moving her to the others who decided to live. Vera was completely pale and looked ashamed. She didn't know what else to do at this point. "Find the others", he commanded his men.
Tomorrow slumped against the counter as she could faintly make out the conversation. She couldn't believe her ears, she didn't want to. How could she do this? She tried to understand the girl again and had some hope but she figured it wasn't likely that she was still allied with herself, Scar and the others. She had ties to this guy and it made sense for her to go back to him.
Janie curled up in a cabinet hugging her knees. She was good at fitting into small spaces. She didn't get claustrophobic too easily, actually it was comforting most of the time. She knew most people wouldn't look for her there and she knew where everything was in the enclosed area. But right now she was hiding, she wasn't sure from what. The people who had taken over didn't seem friendly. She breathed heavily staring into the darkness.
(um.. Im gonna try to figure out how to jump in... )

David hid in an appliance store. He quietly took the racks out of an oven and put it into a second nearby oven. He then squeezed into the first oven and closed the door. The door slammed shut but he caught it a second before it closed completely so it would make no sound.
Richard thought of something and looked at Vera,"Take her with you to hunt down the others.", he said smirking. Vera took a deep breath trying to calm down and obediently followed the others. She looked around the area looking as if she had just died inside. She wouldn't even speak at all when the others did.
Janie fought the urge to open the door and peer outside and look to see if anyone was there. She listened to her heart racing in her chest and tried to calm herself down.

Scarlet watched as the two bolted out of the room. She followed quickly, but lost sight of the others. Vera was gone and so was Tomorrow. What am I going to do? She asked herself, ducking behind a counter. Where did he put her sword, she wondered, fuiously. Scar crawled over to a door, hiding from the groups view. But before she die snuggledng else, she saw Vera. At Richards aide, before she walked off with a few guards. Was it possible that Vera had betrayed them? No it cant be. Could it. Scar's expression hardened. The girl did betray them. She thoght she had earlier. Why was she so blunt. Scar hide behind a few cabniets, until she heard a shaky breath. Scar pulled open the box to see Janis huddling inside.

"Janie? Whqt are you doing in there?" She hissed quietly.
David looked through the dark glass of the oven. The window of the oven made him nervous, and he thought about changing places however then he thought it might be to late for that
The door open and light burst in blinding her for a moment. She blinks finally adjusting to the light. Janie looks at the girl, what was her name scar something. "Hiding." she states as if it were obvious answering scarlet's pointless question and grabs the door closing it again.
Vera opened her senses to find what was hidden to her. It was a difficult thing to do. She looked all around her and went from store to store on the search. She needed someone to snap her into reality, someone to tell her what to do. Where was the scientist in all this, probably hiding. Vera needed help.
Scarlet sighed, pulling the door back open. "Youll get killed if I leave you behind." She advised, pulling the girl from the cupboard. "Come with me..... Vera betrayed us." She spoke up, peering over the counter at the group that had piled below.
Tomorrow remained in the store that was untouched and tried to keep herself, well, stable. She was emotional. She just wished none of this happening. Her eyes welled up but he blinked away the tears.
Vera found a room that seemed suspicious. She started to go through everything while the others moved to different rooms.

(This is the one David is in)
"Where are we going?" she ask looking at the girl. She was a little uncomfortable with being out in the open. If one of the guards came by, she would easily be spotted.
She could hear Richard's men marching around the mall. She was begging in her that they wouldn't find her. She didn't wanna be a traitor but she wasn't sure she'd survive to resist them.
David made a nervous swallow when he heard nearby footsteps. He got as far away from the glass as possible.

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