The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Vera opened the oven looking in,"Found you", she said pulling him out,"I'm really sorry about this." She cuffed him quickly while dragging the guy out. Vera looked like she was on another planet right now in a bit of a zombified state.
Tomorrow scrunched herself up and crawled into the little space behind the counter of the store. She held her hands over her mouth and breathed through her nose, as to not make a noise.
David was rather stubborn and attempted to make things as difficult as possible for Vera, but it was no use.
"Anywhere their not is where I'm hiding. But if you don't want to come you don't have too if you feel safer in a cabniet." Scar stood kind of slouched and walked off. She was avoiding Richards sight quickly. Scarlet crouched low watching the group. How could she betray us? Scar watchrd as Vera appeared with David..... I knew it.
The blonde could hear faint noises and voices but kept her hands clasped over her mouth. This was life or death, possibly.
Janie followed the girl. She seemed to know what she was doing. she crouches down next to her and followed her vision looking over at the group. "Do you know what is going on?" she whispers.
Vera pulled him to the others, she looked ashamed of herself. She seemed to regain something and looked at Richard,"I'm done.", she said grabbing a gun and shooting him in the shoulder. She was aiming for his heart but missed. Richard screamed in pain and grabbed her by her hair holding her up,"You're a fool!", he said throwing her. His men picked her up bringing her to a cell. This time she was searched thoroughly.
She sighed, "Yeah I do," Scar kept her head down, her hair was a vibrant color and didnt blend in to well. "You keep look pt as i explain," She commanded. Scar slipped from the groups vision and glanced over at Janie. " The man, leading the group. His names Richard. He's old friends with Vera. He was brought here as a prisoner, but he planned an attack on us. Vera betrayed us, and Richard is planning something huge." She spoke glancing around at the shops. There was a bakery up ahead. "Follow me..." She mumbled as she raced towards it. BUt suddwnly ahe atopped by the sound of a gunshot. " i have a better idea..."
Tomorrow winced at the sound of the gunshot. She wondered who it could've been. Then she began to wonder if she should leave her spot to search for the others and she tried to build up her courage to do so.
Janie follows scarlet trying to pay attention, but her mind wandered over a few questions over the situation they were in. She looks over at the bakery wondering why Scarlet wanted to go there.
Vera curled up in a ball in her cell trying to think of something else. She was traumatized and in shock but was smiling,"I did it....I shot him", she said quietly.

Richard looked pissed,"Fix this up quickly!", he ordered. He noticed the people starting to question what was going on and bit his lip. "Time to leave", he said to the others. They started to leave quickly through the shadows recognizing the danger.
Tomorrow heard a commotion and managed to make out the word "leave." She wondered what he did and her curiousyu was too much now, she gulped and crawled out of the small spot then went to enterance of the store, hiding in the shadows and just barely peeking her head out.
Scarlet Tyned to the girl. "Janie crawl back in the cabniet and wait, I'll come back for you. I have to retrieve Vera." She announced to her. "I'll be back real soon." Scar ran towards the bakery quickly and jumped over the ledge. She raced through it, fumbling through the drawers quietly. Scar stopped once she had what she wanted. Scar ran back to Janies hide out and winked at her. "Be back soon." Scar walked toward the jail, slipping her item in her back pocket. One Guard was outside the door. Sue stepped forward with her head down and arms raised. The guard turned to her and told her to freeze. " I-I Give Up...." She mukbled. The guard stepped forward to cuff her, when Scar pulled out her blade and thrusted it into his jugler. Scar peered in the door, carrying the bloodied knife. She dragged the guard in before turning to Vera. "Why should I Let you out?" She asked the girl leaning up against the wall.
The girl wandered out a little further but sticking closely to the store and the shadows. She couldn't see anyone where she was, this corner of the mall seemed almost untouched and so she went out further to where she could see a group of guards. She smiled, remembering that she had grabbed another gun she found. She was crouched and stayed quiet.
Vera simply laughed in her cell to herself. She was going insane,"Finally shot him...missed but tried...", she said still curled up in a ball. She didn't even notice Scar for the most part. People were shouting outside the room,"An uprising...he's gone", she muttered sitting up. Vera began to realize what was going on and got scared,"I-is he gone yet?", she asked looking up at Scar.
Janie climbed back into the cabinet and shut the door. She hugs her knees not seeing why she had been ask to come out only to return where she originally had been hiding.
"No," She mumbled crossing her arms. Scar stepped forqard and sighed, she began to pick the lock on her cell. "Vera snap out of ut and join reality." She urged, as the door swung open.
The guards went the opposite way of Tomorrow and she went to the stairs while keeping her movements as quiet as possible. She ran into the familiar room and was relieved to see familiar faces. "Just what the hell is going on?" She asked, her eyes first on Scar then they moved to Vera.
Vera looked down at the ground,"Why should I? The worlds gone to hell why should I even bother...", she said slowly going back to normal. She stood up and rubbed the back of her head,"I'll get out when he's will be soon. He wouldn't like these odds.", she told her.
Scar narrowed her eyes, she wasn't going to argue with her. "Fine.." She howled stepping forward abruptly. Scar shoved Vera back in the cell, before soaking the cell door shut. She was agitated with her attitude towards the world. "Im going to kill this bastard once and for all." She growled, storming past Tomorrow and going to retrieve Janie.
"Why the hell is he just up and leaving? This can't really be it. He's gotta be planning something. I don't trust him..and I'm not sure I really trust you right now either," Tomorrow said to Vera. She felt bad about what she'd said, but she was trying to protect herself. The girl had ties to the man, who knows if they were really severed.
Richard was leaving fast, he took a jeep his group rode in to escape. He was seriously pissed off and it wasn't the last of him either.

Vera was taking deep breaths to calm herself down,"He's gone now...but everyone knows....I should leave", she said quietly to herself while standing up. When the door opened she was going to pack up and leave as to not cause problems for the others. No one liked her to begin with either.
Scar had stormed out of the room and leaned up against the wall outside the room. She didn't want to face anybody right. Richard had taken off and hopefully all of his henchmen had too. Scarlet noticed something and walked back to the room. "Where is he going? He has my Katana!" She urged silently.
Janie sits in the cabinet waiting wondering if scarlet was going to return. She had no way of tracking the time to know how long she had been waiting. She was curious to know what scarlet was doing.

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