The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

They reached the cells and put Tomorrow in one and Vera in the other. Richard put Scar in a new cell after making sure she didn't have anymore weapons on her. They already got rid of Tomorrow's and Vera's. 
Richard gave an order to move all the weapons to another room for safe keeping. He sat in a chair smiling at his easy success. They already had taken care of pretty much everyone else there.
Tomorrow forced herself up and she walked right up to the bars, holding them as tight as she could. Blood ran down the silver bars. "What do you want with us?" she questioned Richard. She didn't expect the truth but she wasn't gonna just sit around and stay quiet.
Scar yelped as they threw her into another cell, one that she hadn't broke. Now Scar was disarmed and injured. She forced uerself to stand, leaning on the bars for support. Her feet screamed at her in pain. She stepped forward, leaving footsteps of blood behind her. Scar made the bars before collapsing. She puled herself up once more. "I'll kill you.... I'll kill your men.." she growled.
"I'm taking this place as my own. You are just simply toys for the time being. Can't risk you attacking", he answered to her. Vera was starting to gain consciousness slowly and glanced at Scar.
"Why did you have to come here? You had a group and by the way you guys are armed and clearly skilled in fighting, you were obviously well off. So what made you come here? I want the truth now and I swear I'll get it from you, one way or another," she growled the words. She wouldn't let it end like this. Not here and not now. She was only 16.
Richard looked at Tomorrow,"People, supplies, shelter, and power can all be gained here", he said smirking,"Dimple fact of life. Don't follow and die."
"Well if that's the case, we'll see how this plays out," she said as she walked towards the back of the cell, "One thing is for sure, at the end of this, only one of us will be alive," she said quickly turning back around and her beautiful blonde hair whirled around her. She smiled at him.
Scar leaned her head up against the bars. She gripped them tightly to keep herself up. Scar was in serious pain, she was shaking slightly. Her feet bled heavily. She hated the fact that she was useless and a burden to those around. Scar cried out as she collapsed to the ground. She couldn't stand anymore. The blood was fluently gushing out. " I -- I Will kill you. " She growled, trying to stand.
Vera stood up wobbly,"Richard they need medical attention", she said holding onto the bars. She kept a steady glare on him. Richard smirked,"Well look who's awake", he said then nodded calling someone to get in the cells and help. They started with Tomorrow.
She gritted her teeth but accepted the attention she needed. She let out a sigh of relief, the pain was really starting to get to her as her adrenaline levels returned to normal because for a while, she didn't really feel it all that much.
The man finished quickly then moved to Scar's cell to help her. Vera was almost fully recovered and standing up straight. Richard smirked,"Scar found out about our past Vera", he said. "I bet you didn't tell her the rest while I was gone.", she said back.
Tomorrow sat down, looking at her now bandaged hands. She looked back up at Richard then her eyes moved to Vera. "What past?" she questioned, curious and a little afraid of what she might hear because Vera seemed quite defensive. What was she hiding.. wondered the blonde.
Scar leaned up against the bars, watching the men who had came to aid her. They quickly set to work, before Scar looked over at Vera. "I Almost Trusted you," She mumbled, glancing down at the floor. She remained silent, gritting her teeth as they guys cleaned her wounds.
Richard smiled,"Vera killed her parents to get acceptance by me and join me.", he said. Vera glared at him,"Always only telling half of stories", she muttered.
"OH.. oh.." said Tomorrow as the shock set in. Someone she had tried hard to protect had kept something like that a secret. As much as she wanted to scream at the girl she realized she was right about Richard, he wanted to turn them against each other. "So I was right then," she grinned at the man.
Scar pulled away from the medic once she was sure he had finished, but something caught her attention. She glanced around the room for any sort of weapon. If the man had to leave the cell she was in, didn't that mean it was a way out. Scar concentrated on that thought. Escape, Must...
Vera stood up straight,"Here's the whole story. I wanted to join the group because I thought it would keep me safe. He said that if I killed my parents I would gain acceptance. I was desperate and he twisted my mind to where it sounded like the right thing to do. After I did....he and his buddies abused me....they laughed at me....they made me realize I was a murderer...I had developed fears of guys, adults, many thing. After they had taken a break I shot three of them in the head and escaped. I went back home, he came after me...more happened that I don't like to talk about", she explained to them,"Judge me all you want." 
Richard smirked,"You're still a murderer always under my control.", he said. Vera gave up and went to the back corner of the cell to focus on something else.
"I see.." said the petite blonde, trying to understand. She knew what it was like to be desperate and alone and scared. It felt like she had spent forever looking for her mother and her younger brother and sister. She was lucky the scientist had found her when he did, or she surely would've resorted to something she wouldn't be proud of. She wasn't going to outcast Vera for what she did.
Scar didn't look at anybody, she kept her head low for a second. "She May Have done some terrible thing's in her past, but she is still one of us." Scar growled, pulling herself to her feet. "She fought for us, she had our backs, and I Trust her." Scarlet announced, glaring him down. "I Refuse to give up until I'm Dead. But I Sure as hell won't allow you to harm them, without me interfering." Scar stepped backwards, she was going to break down the door with all she had left. She was persistant for good reasons.
Richard looked at Scar,"Behave or I'll tie you up", he said then stood up. He left some guards to watch them and go do something else. Vera stood up walking to the bars, she pulled a knife out of her boot and started to pick the lock going unnoticed. When she was done she threw it to Scar quietly. She had gotten away before and was going to do it again.
Tomorrow sat down and her back leaned against the bars, she twirled at the ends of her long golden locks. She sighed, not noticing the actions of the others.
Scar smiled over at Vera. The girl had a few tricks up her sleeve. Scarlet took the blade and shoved it in her shoe when a guard walked by. She glanced down pretending to be innocent. Scar pulled the knife out and began picking the lock, with a satisfying click. The lock was open. Scar tossed the blade over to Tomorrow. "Hurry.." She mumbled, glancing back over to Vera. Scar stepped out of the cage quickly.
Tomorrow took notice to the blade without drawing any attention on herself. She grinned and began to pick at the lock and quickly held it behind he back when a guard turn. When his back faced her again, she continued to pick until she heard a tiny 'clink' informing her that the could now be free. She slid the blade quietly back over to Vera.
Vera got out of her cell quietly and walked up behind the guard breaking his neck instantly. She took a deep breath pulling him away. Making no noise was the best way to escape. She looked at Scar,"Ready?", she whispered. Waiting for the others.
Tomorrow got out of her cell and was impressed by Vera's abilities. They were definitely gonna put up one hell of a fight. "Ohhhh, that guy has no idea what he has coming to him," said Tomorrow with a smirk.

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