The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Vera sat down,"No one here is ever going to believe me again...I didn't even lie to anyone...he just mentioned what happened when I was ten...", she said holding her head in her hands. She had given up completely.
"I'm asking you to stay, you can build up trust again. It's possible," she looked down at her. "I understand, I care.." The girl lowered herself to Vera's level.
"Would you ever trust me like you did before? Knowing I killed my own parents? Knowing I even switched back then when my life is on the line?", she asked looking up at her. Vera stood up,"But no one pays attention to the fact that I did shoot him, in the cell I made sure he wouldn't escape, and if I was working with him then why did he give me up so easily with a secret I have kept for years? Why would I be terrified to death over him?", she asked.
"I'm trying to trust you, don't you see that? It can't go back, not right away. You've done things to redeem yourself. As of right now, I don't see you as someone threatening the safety of anyone here. Stay. I protected you and I don't wanna watch someone I protected just walk away when I have no idea what could happen to them," the girl said as she got up. She stood there, just looking at her.
Vera thought for a few minutes then set her stuff down,"I'll try.....", she said pulling back her hair. She stretched and looked around as things started to return to normal in the mall.
"Good. Now, what do you think will happen next?" she questioned. She knew Richard better than anyone there and Tomorrow figured she might have some clue as to what he planned.
"Since he's injured by me...I doubt the mall is much of a target anymore. He will probably plot revenge for now and heal. He won't be back for a long time", she said while thinking.
"Then that buys us some time to stock up and work on our teamwork, as well as battle skills. We have a lot to prepare for but we have the time for it, so.. that's good," she tried to smile but with her lack of energy, it didn't really come out right.
Vera smiled brightly,"Thats it! I can train! When I train I will forget", she said happily. She grabbed her weapons and headed to the second floor where there was a training area built. When she arrived it was empty and made her more relaxed.

(Going to bed night)
She smiled as the girl walked over but remained there for a while. She sat down and leaned against a wall. Her eyelids were heavy and began to flutter and eventually fell. She just passed out.
(well i got handcuffed earlier and i haven't been released so I'm just gonna say that he managed to get out of the cuffs somehow and yeah....)

David walked off to where there weapons had been held. He took back all of his knives, and an additional pistol which he had found lying around
Tomorrow, being asleep, basically slid down from her sitting position until she was just laying there on the ground of what was supposed to be Vera's room. She stirred a bit in sleep and mumbled a few words, barely audible. None if it seemed to make much sense, though.
(I was left hanging..again.)

Janie looks at the now empty cell. She scratches her head wondering why it was so important for them to leave so quickly. She guessed that she was forgotten about again. It tended to happen more then it didn't. Not that she ever got used to it. It still hurt, not that she would complain about it to anyone. Maybe if she complained more and made for a scene that life wasn't fair, she would be worthy of a full conversation. That seemed to work for the girl who was in jail. She still didn't understand what the girl did.

She leaves and walks down the hallway deciding to find a quiet place to read. She decided to herself that she wanted to be alone. There, that way it wouldn't hurt so much if she chose to be. That was a lie though. It didn't make it any better. Not for long.
(I'd say about late afternoon. Tomorrow was up all night the previous night while watching over Richard, so that explains why she was sleep and Dreamer, I'm sorry)

Tomorrow stirred more and more, the floor wasn't very comfortable place to sleep. More mumbled words escaped her little pink lips. Finally, the blonde's eyes fluttered open. She wondered what time it was as she began to get herself up. She couldn't have been out for longer than a half hour cause she was still exhausted. Yet, she wasn't sure if she should go to sleep in her own room or look for any of the others and see what they were up to and so she just sat there on the floor.
The groggy blonde rubbed at her eyes, yawned and then stretched before she stood. She walked out of the room and she didn't see any of Richard's men anymore. She breathed a sigh of relief but she wondered when he would return. She walked around aimlessly, not really sure where everyone had went.
Janie sat down on the stairs deciding that to be a nice quiet place and opened her book resting her head against the wall and read for a while. It was an interesting book, but she couldn't keep her attention on it. Her mind kept wandering over the events of the day. Focusing was hard.
David walked off again and took out one of his favorite knives and kept fiddling with it to hold back some of his boredom. He looked around, slightly suspicious that perhaps maybe one of Richard's men wasn't hiding there in order to spy or something like that. He doubted that was the case, but it made him a little more... jumpier.
Again, Tomorrow yawned. She felt like calling out to anyone who could hear but she couldn't push herself to do it and so she returned to the store she had found and searched it for more things. That was when she came upon an odd looking book. It looked old but she could tell someone had definitely been using it recently. She stared at it for a while, confused about what she had found. She wasn't too sure about opening it yet.
David looked around for quite a while, until he got to the point where he knew that it was safe..... for now.
The girl stared at the book for another moment then left the store. She walked towards the middle of the mall. Confident that all of Richard's men were gone, she called out to whoever was around. "Um.. Hey guys! Could someone maybe come down here, to the first floor!"
Janie looks up from her book hearing a voice. She puts her book in her bag and walks down to the first floor and walks toward where she thought the voice came from.

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