The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

David was slightly startled at first, but he then decided to walk down the stairs, not noticing janie, and onto the first floor. He put the knife away, but in a handy place encase something bad may happen.
Tomorrow saw the two approaching her and smiled because none of them were the men who just ravaged their mall. "So um.. I found this, er, book. It was in a store I had never noticed before and it seems as though no one else really has either. It's just rather strange but someone has definitely been using it. I didn't build up enough courage to open it though. I'm a little afraid of what I might find, though I have no idea what it could be."
David just smirked. "it's just a book. What could it possibly do to you?" he said, not taking anytime at all to even glance at the book itself
"I don't know.. it just strikes me as odd, there's something about it.." Tomorrow said, getting a bit sheepish. She began to feel embarrassed about the uneasy feeling she got from it.
Janie looks at the book. "What's it called?" she asks wondering why the title of the book could be so spooky. It was the title that scared her right? What else could it be?
David looks at the others a moment and realizes how little of them there where. "Huh.. wait so is this everyone?" he mumbles to himself curiously
"I don't know, trust me, the feeling from it is just weird.." she said in response to Janie. Tomorrow turned her eyes to David, "No, there should be others but I'm not quite sure of their whereabouts right now." She looked towards the small shop and motioned with her hand for the others to follower her, "Come. I'll show you it."
"Sure," said Tomorrow. The book was old a little worn, but used recently. It had an odd looking stone, the color of the ocean, embedded in the front. No title. The cover just contained intricate patterns around the blue stone.
Janie took the book and looked at the cover and then opened the book peering inside curiously. It looked interesting, not scary and she wasn't sure why the girl didn't want to open it.
She saw the look on the girl's face, "It's just.." she began explaining herself. "There's something about it that makes me feel not right. And this place itself has barely been touched, so who's been coming in here to look at that book?"
David looked at them. "sorry for being rude and not introducing myself. My name is David."
Janie looks through the book "Maybe its a used book, you know like someone donated it or sold it to the book store." she shrugs.
"But that's it, when was the last time someone's been in here besides any of us. It's been a long time and it ain't hard to tell that someone has been coming back here to use it." Tomorrow eyed the book.. why did it make her feel like this? It felt almost.. sinister.
"Maybe she's right it was donated, but then perhaps another survivor could of just looked through it due to curiosity.."
"I guess so," said Tomorrow. She could tell no one else shared her feelings and gave up hope convincing them that there was something odd about the book.
David was curious to know why Tomorrow thought it was evil, yet he didnt want to ask any questions
"It's whatever," said Tomorrow. She was embarrassed and didn't want to dwell on the subject. And so the blonde made her way out of the shop.
"No idea, really," said the girl. She looked around, "This is place is quiet for now, so there isn't much to do."

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