The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

"So you're just gonna up and leave too, then? You'll only get yourself killed," said Tomorrow then she turned to Scar, "Don't worry, you'll get it back."
"All of the weapons are in a storage room. Remember?", she said looking at Scar,"Let me out." Vera seemed to have regained her senses.
Tomorrow simply sighed in frustration then walked out and off to the storage room. If they were leaving, it didn't matter who saw her, right?
Scarlet crossed her arms, she wasnt going to be letting her out. Scar tossed the blade to Tomorrow. "You can let herbout. I will be right back." She mumbled, walking from the room. Scar stopped to where she had left Janie and opened the door. "Its all safe now, you can come out Janie. I'm just going to gather my weapons and theb we'll meet the others." She announced walking towards the storage room.
Tomorrow watched over Vera, it was weird thinking of someone he formly trusted as.. Well, a prisoner of sorts. She looked at the blade curiously then back at Vera. She sighed.
Janie climbs out of the cabinet "What do you mean it's safe?" she asks. "I thought you said that guy took over and I could get killed?" she asks confused. It couldn't have changed so quickly.
Vera sat down while waiting for her release. She would have to find somewhere else now, no one here would ever trust her again. In this world you either die or do anything to survive. She would go somewhere probably alone and not have to worry about anyones opinion again.
David was still slightly confused about the situation, but he decided to just stay quiet and wait until he was released
Janie heads out to join the others. She didn't want to stay by herself if he was really coming back. She still thought it odd. He was winning wasn't he? why would he leave? She looks at the others not sure what to do about the situation at hand.
Tomorrow looked at her reflection in the blade. She lowered her left hand, the one that held the blade and she looked down at her feet. She wanted to ask Vera why but figured it was no use.
Vera looked at Tomorrow,"Listen just let me out, I'm going to leave anyways so I won't be causing problems.", she said standing up. Vera seemed sad and accepting of the situation.
Tomorrow looked up and could see the look in her eyes but all she could say was, "Can I trust you?"
Janie looks at Vera in what looked like a jail cell then over at Tomorrow. "Did he really leave?" she asks interrupting whatever they were talking about. She still wasn't sure that they would just...leave.
"Seems like that's what's happening," Tomorrow said, turning to Janie. "I don't think this is the last we'll see of him, though."
"If I said yes would you even believe me? If I had planned to hurt you I would have already", she explained to her.
Tomorrow sighed and got the lock open and held to the blade tightly. "Don't try anything, please," she begged.
Janie looks down shuffling her feet around "I don't get it. Why did he just leave? Wasn't he winning?" she asks still baffled.
"Not too sure, to be honest. I was in hiding most of the time.." said Tomorrow. She still wasn't too sure what had happened and why things suddenly changed.
Vera nodded and gathered her weapons then went to her room to pack her bags. It would take a lot to make her stay and with the lack of trust she doubted that anyone would try.
Tomorrow followed after the girl, "You'll die out there. You know that, don't you?" she looked worried but she was still a little worried about all this. "Whatever you know about him, you need to tell us. If you want our trust and you want to stay, you owe us that much."
"You want to know that bad? I know that he's a murderer, will throw you away for anything, he's a kidnapper, he's a rapist, and I know very well he can warp your mind. I haven't been in contact with him for the past four or five years because I ran away.", she said obviously agitated,"I hate him more than anyone else on this planet, even more than the bugs." Vera finished packing a couple bags and threw them over her shoulder,"I can survive out there, I did it for years on my own.", she said,"Thats the only reason I was recruited..."
"I don't doubt you can do it alone, that's not it. But he'll come after you and it's only a matter of time before him and his little group of his will find you. With the hate he harbors toward you, I would say it'll be brutal and slow," said the petite girl. "Stay. I care too much about others to watch someone I know walk into their own demise."
"If I do stay then I'll just be looked at like a danger to everyone. When I leave everyone will be happier. If...if he finds me...well I can deal with that when it happens...", she said slowly losing her courage. Vera really liked this place, she was going to miss it and the people. But now that everyone thinks she's a danger she didn't know anymore.
"I don't wanna sit here and fight for someone who wants to go. If you want to, that's your choice, I guess," she said, sighing. She bowed her head and put her fingers on opposite side of the bridge of her nose. She tried, didn't she? Her weakness really was that she cared too much. Although she barely knew these people, they were all she had left. No family left, at least not that she knows of. Who did she have left to care for but them?

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