The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

(Not much actually just stuff going back to normal. Vera's out and has been training to distract herself. Tomorrow and Jack are in a relationship or something. And something about a book but I don't really understand that part lol)

Vera went to get and energy bar and water bottle. She sighed sitting down covered in sweat, her memories were there again since the adrenaline wore off.
(There's a couple new people. Tomorrow convinced Vera to stay. Tomorrow found an odd looking book that scared her that she showed David and Janie. Janie took it. Now Jack is being all sweet and hugging Tomorrow and asking her what happened)
(Okay Thats Good.)

Scarlet grabbed her Katana from the Floor and placed it back into her pouch. After the recent attack, she wasn't very sure who she could trust anymore. Scar brushed her red hair from her face. She wasn't very satisfied with the fact that Richard had just taken off after Vera had shot him. Was he really that Scared? Scar walked over to the Fountain and sat on the edge.
(I was thinking that it could be different ways of experimenting on people and stuff? Cause I was gonna say that it belonged to the scientist. I was gonna explain Tomorrow's bad feeling was because inside, the experiments seemed a little twisted)
Vera saw Scar out of the corner of her eye and thought about talking to her. She immeadeatly changed her mind and walked past her heading back to the training room. She got out her short sword and worked on speed as well as strength against the dummies.
Britt said:
(I was thinking that it could be different ways of experimenting on people and stuff? Cause I was gonna say that it belonged to the scientist. I was gonna explain Tomorrow's bad feeling was because inside, the experiments seemed a little twisted)
(That's a really good idea O.o )
Janie flipped the page and her mouth fell open at what it contained. She looked at the book realizing how used it was and felt a bit sick. She flipped the page only to find more of the same. She thought it was a science book, but this, this wasn't science. She closed the book and dropped it on the floor not wanting to even touch it a second longer. She stared at the book.
(Don't know what to do now since Tomotrow is in the middle of something with Jack. Anyways, since jack is 22 I wanna change Tomorrow's age to 19 instead of 16. Also, she looks like the girl in my signature)
Britt said:
(Don't know what to do now since Tomotrow is in the middle of something with Jack. Anyways, since jack is 22 I wanna change Tomorrow's age to 19 instead of 16. Also, she looks like the girl in my signature)
(Fine by me :3)
(Jack and Tomorrow are making kissy faces. Joey joined the rp and is outside scavenging for food. Vera is pouting and eating and now punching dummies. Scarlet is doing something at the fountain and Janie opened the book and found it was full of science experiments on people. I think that covers everything.)
(ok. I would of gone back and read it myself but my connection is really slow..)

David walked outside of the mall and looked for supplies. He figured with that many people there that most of the decent food would be taken. And so he decided to try and find something to eat
(seeing how shes 16, I got to admit the perv. flag went up im mean hes 22, and shes 16 thats a five year difference. but who cares.)

jack saw scar."babe, I will be right back I got to go talk to someone." he kissed the top of her head and left. he went over to scar."you and I are talking right now." jack pulled her aside." listen I know you and I have differences but we need to put that ind us. That remark about me being a psycho makes things worse. do you remember the first night you were here."

(Nikki Rodgers)
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(That's why I've changed her age to 19 and her appearance to the girl in my signature haha)

The boy just kept surprising her. Tomorrow's mouth hung open slightly for a moment then she began to smile. This felt nice. She returned to her spot near one of the exits with a grin on her face.
Janie picks up the book and runs over to tomorrow. "Tomorrow!" she calls and stops beside her. "You were right." she states. She grips the book tightly not sure if she should open it to show tomorrow what was inside. She was too scared to open it in the first place.
Tomorrow turned at the sound of Janie's voice. She gulped when the girl had said she was right. "Wh..what's in it?" She asked hesitantly. Did she really wanna know? She wasn't sure.
Scar wasn't paying to much attention, because she didn't even hear Jack approach until he was right up on her. She pulled her arm away from him, quickly. She listened to him speak and crossed her arms over her chest. Her stare was inpenetrable. She wasn't in the mood for an arguement with him. "No. I don't remember the first night we were her, it was a long time ago Jack. What's your point?"

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Vera finished and walked out of the training room to go find Tomorrow. She was the only one that she could talk to anymore at this point.
Tomorrow's mouth fell open, staring at Janie then at the book. "Are they bad.." She trailed off, getting worried. She knew that book was no good. Her mind was racing with what things could possibly be written in it.
Janie nods "real bad" she states closing the book. "If you are right and someone had been reading the book recently then they must have memorized it's contents. What would someone want with that information?" she tucked the book under her arm.

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