The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Vera walked over to Tomorrow,"Hey why do you two look so upset?", she asked raising an eyebrow. She didn't know if Janie trusted her but she did know where Tomorrow stood on the situation. Vera saw the book,"Is there something wrong?", she asked.
Tomorrow's worst fears had come true and she felt herself begin to tremble, ever so slightly. "I.. I don't know. But all of society's fallen apart, there's no laws, so no one could stop them if they tried.." She said, her voice shaking as well. 
Tomorrow looked at Vera, "The contents of that book.. It's bad."
Janie looks over at Vera "Someone had been reading this book. It's full of some strange stuff. It's kind of scary." she explains. "It's been read through pretty thoroughly."
"Well think about who would have any way to actually do the stuff and that should help", she suggested. She was trying to be helpful even though she had no idea what was in the book.
Janie hands her the book "Who do you know who would do something like that?" she asks. She couldn't think of anyone who would experiment on people.
"I'm not saying would...I'm saying could.", she said going through the book,"I don't know many people who would have the equipment and resources for this." Vera looked at them,"...One person comes to mind...but...", she said rubbing the back of her head.
"The only person I could think of.." Tomorrow hesitated. Should she really voice her suspicions? She thought for a couple moments before saying, "the scientist."
"...No it can't be. I know him as being kind. He even took in someone like me knowing everything.", she said even though she was suspicious. Vera looked down,"But...does anyone else have the ability?", she asked.
Joey had made her way well down the road and wasn't very sure about where she was going. There was nothing left around her little camp and had to go to another area to find supplies. She wondered if there was anyone left in the city. Last time she remembered seeing people they were either packing up and leaving or dead. Then she heard something, a sound not familiar to her. She raised her gun preparing to shoot whatever horrible creature might show itself.

She had not intended to shoot till she absolutely had to but, she had been startled and misfired. The shot knocked her to the ground. Quickly pulling herself up she ran as fast as she could; to where she didn't know. Eventually she reached a car that was parked in front of a mall, climbing into the floorboard and closing the open door. She decided she would stay there till she thought it was safe.
"Unless anyone is hiding anything.." Said Tomorrow as her eyes darted around the room. "There's no one else I could think of that has the capabilities to do it."
Vera nodded in agreement,"Lets not just frame him yet...I think it might be smart to do a little snooping", she said crossing her arms. A thought occurred to her,"Put this book back immeadeatly. What if he figured out that we suspect him? We need to put this back", she said to them.
Janie took the book "I'll do it" she states "I remember where it was." She puts it back into her bag and turns to walk back to where she remember they found the book.
jack pulls out a knife from his boot, and sticks it into the wall. On the hit theres was a heart with scar scratched in." If you don't remember then try and think about this. I remember, I remember your velvet red hair when we liad in bed. When you fell asleep, I left, I took this knife from your assortment. I never forgot about that night. but I guess if you don't remember then I guess its not worth remembering." with that jack to his leave he went to his room.He went up to one of the windows and looked out at the mass of bugs. He pointed his gun at the window. And waited. (Nikki Rodgers)
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Tomorrow just leaned her face against the window and eventually was sitting down. Her smile turned into a frown but her gave was still in the same place.
On first instinct, Scar stepped backwards when Jack had pulled out the knife. She recognized the knife, after all, it used to be her's. She had it a long time ago when she first met Jack. When she used to be scared of the situations. Scarlet watched him as he spoke. Now she remembered that night. How could she forget it. But as he began to walk off, she stepped forward. "Jack!" She called after him. But he didn't stop and soon he had faired from sight. Scar sighed and walked over to the wall. She brushed her hand over the handel of the knife. Scar pulled it from the walk and slipped it into her boot. She should keep it, she decided. Scar walked off. Scarlet stopped over at the fountain and glanced around. The only one she spotted was Janie, but she want in the mood to speak to her. ( dakup )
Janie returned the book to the book shelf and stood back making sure it looked like it did before. She leaves the bookshelf walking back out into the hallway. It was a little nerve wracking, but she didn't think anyone saw her with the book.
jack angry and his gun pointed at the window, aimed it at the floor and started to fire.His yell could be heard from the first floor. he open fired on the ground creating holes in it. he fired a whole clip into the ground. after he was done. He looked around seeing blood, red as a rose pouring out of his foot.
Tomorrow heard the gun fire and Jack's scream and she was worried but decided against going to find him, worried for her own safety. She remained where she was.
Vera wanted to talk to the scientist but no one usually went into his lab. Normally he would just call us in to tell us missions where we had to retrieve something for him. She paced a bit while in thought wishing there was an easy way to go about doing this.
Kaito was walking down the empty streets of the town and avoiding all the insect. He has been just wandering for a while now with no real destination in mind. He sees a small store and decided to go in to get some supplies. He goes inside to see there were a energy bars in there and quickly put them in his pack. He still had his guard up just in case anything happens.
(What about giant wolf spider..)

Scarlet was quiet, until gunshots were fired. Scar ducked behind the fountains edge. Which, once again, was a natural reflex. She even had drawn her Katana from her sash. Jack, was the only word in mind whens she heard him yell out in frustrtation. Man she had upsetted him. Once the shooting stopped Scar regained herself until she was standing. She wasn't to pleased herself. She hadn't eatened in a while, but still didn't have an appitite. She hadn't been on a Mission in a while. Maybe I should do one, she considered.

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