The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

(srry i only have internet on my phone now so the replies might be slow )

David loaded his gun when he heard gunfire.He didnt want to find where it was coming from but he was more cautious now. He saw some form of flying bug nit it didnt notice him
Joey peeks out the window of the car to see if its safe. Unfortunately there were more bugs outside than she expected. She wouldn't be leaving any time soon with all of them around. She kept quiet as she watched them hoping they would leave. She jumped, hitting her head on the window. She had heard gunshots and wasn't exactly expecting to. Luckily no bugs heard her so she continued watching them, wondering who fired the shots.
October stepped out from behind the old building, following Kaito but not close enough for him to know. She watched as he disappeared into small store. She took off in a run down the street and slid through the door before it had a chance to close. Smiling to herself she stepped forwards and accidentally knocked over a small chip rack. The metal made a loud clanging noise as it hit the ground. I flinched and looked back out the window to make sure it didn't draw any unwanted visitors.
jack still bleeding made his way down to the first floor of the mall and walked ove to the fountain. He limped there. He grabbed a bit of cloth and wet it in the fountain, he then wrapped his foot with the wet cloth. Still bleeding he went up to the roof and walked out of the cage. He looked out across the hordes and fired shooting till he emptied clip after clip."eat sh*t." he kept repeating. over and over again till he finished his last clip. he went back into the cage, and went down to his reloading station and started reloading.
Kaito heard a sound and instantly go into some cover behind a broken down vending machine. "If anyone is there show yourself" He said as he starts to draw one of his sword in one hand a small handgun. He didn't know who was there and was preparing for the worst.
Scarlt watched as Jack approached the fountain, before limpinng off. He must have shot himself, she thought before following him. Scar stopped only when he stepped to reload. "Jack, what the hell are you thinking? You could had hit someone, not to mention your wasting ammo!" She growled. Scar stepped forward and grabbed the barrel off his gun. "Stop it now." ( dakup )
October glanced back to see a small bit of fabric from Kaito's coat sticking out of the side of the vending machine. " Calm down, it's just me. " She muttered as she stepped towards the vending machine grabbing a few packages of mr. noodles and shoving them in her bag.
jack with whiskey on his breathe stagers around. "why would you care, you got that thing on your back." he said as he pulled the gun from her hand. "and why do you care about me, your the one whos calling me a psycho."
Kaito looked over to see that It was october and he sheets his weapons back. "Okay, what supplies did you get" Kaito said as he got some water bottle and putting them into my pack. He also got one and opened it and start to drink he was thirsty.
David went into a nearby store. He took a bag and filled it with food and other things needed to live.
Scarlet could smell the intoxicating smell of Achohal. "Why do I care? Because your druk, your going to end up killing one of us Jack!" Scar stepped forward and pulled his gun from him. " Your acting like a physco!" She growled, somebody was going to get hurt if he didn't callm down.
jack having his gun taken away pulled out his berretta and pointed it at her. He fired a shot, at her feet."give me back sarah or the next one finds a resting place in between those pretty little eyes of your." he said with fire in his eyes."no one touches her. now give her to me or die." (guy I need to go so don't expect a post for a bit.)
( Okie )

Scar growled, as he pulled out another gun. " You wouldn't shoot me." She mumbled, to herself. Jack shot at her feet, causing her to stumble back quickly. Sober he wouldn't have shot her, but intoxicated he sure would. Scar lifted her hands lightly, before tossing the gun to his feet. "Jack calm the hell down. Your drunk, and now your threatening to kill me?" Scar scolded, drawning her Katana from her holder.
October opened her bag and said, " A couple water bottles, mr. noodles, bandages, and pain medication. You? " She glanced up and smiled slightly. " By the way, what was the point of asking who's there. You knew I was following you and I don't think one of the bugs would answer. " She chuckled to herself.
"I have a a med pack, some energy bars, and a couple of water bottles. Sorry about that, I not really used to having someone around" Kaito said as he show her what he has and chuckled a bit from her joke. He met October only a a few days ago and they both agreed to work together since it was easier then working alone.
October smiled before turning back to the window. " We should probably go soon. Find somewhere to stay for tonight. " She suggested, even though she really didn't want to go back out there. Not yet anyways. She glanced back at Kaito and suddenly felt extremely grateful that they found each other. He already saved her life multiple times and really having someone is much better than her previous months of solitude.
"There no need I found a second floor to this place and thier a room we can stay in for the night. There also a bed but it came only be for one person so you can take it" kaito said as he open the door to reveal some stairs. He was grateful he found October since it was much better then he's time alone. She really helped in a few battle and without her help he would probably be dead.
October followed the stairs to a small room. She glanced at the bed and then shook her head. " I'm not taking the bed. You found the place, it's yours. " She walked across the room and sat down, her back pressed against the wall.
"C'mon don't be stubborn and just take the bed" kaito said as he puts his stuff down and sits next to October. He didn't mind sleeping against the wall it was fine for him beside her just wanted her to comfortable.
She smirked and shook her head. " Stop being gallant and take the bed. I had the bed last time. " She stated. October stretched and took off her jacket. Laying it beside her with her shotgun she unclipped the machete from her waist.
"Then how about we share it" kaito said jokingly as he put his sniper leaning on the wall and unhook his wakizashi. He really didn't think she was actually going to take it and meant it as a joke. He also took off his over coat leaving him in his black muscle shirt.
October's cheeks burned red at the request. She knew he meant it as only a joke but she couldn't help it. She looked away and muttered something that she could hardly make out. She chewed on the inside of her cheek. After a minute or so she whispered," Will you please just take the bed. You'll make me feel bad if you sleep on the ground again. "
jack watched as she threw sarah to the ground he pulled the gun out of her face and moved it to her shoulder, and fired. Bang. "thats for taken sarah away from me."
"Huh fine I'll take the bed but I'm least giving you the blanket for it" kaito said giving in to her request because he didn't want her to feel bad. He took the blanket off from the bed and handed it to October. He then went on the bed taking his coat with him. He lays down on the bed with his overcoat drape on him acting like a make shift blanket.
Janie looked over at the fountain watching Jack walk by. She didn't take much notice of it until she herd gun shots. She walked out into the hallway and noticed the blood in the fountain realizing Jack was wounded. She thought scarlet had followed him, so he must be okay. She bit her lip not sure what to do. She decided to make sure they were both okay. She ran up the stairs but slowed as she neared the roof. She walked out slowly "Are you guys okay?" she asks worried.

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