The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

October smiled victoriously. " Thank you. " She covered her legs with the blanket and rested her head against the wall. " Hey Kaito, do you think this will last forever. That humanity will forever have to hide from these bugs? " She asked in a whisper.
Kaito turned around and is now facing October. "I honestly don't know October but I do know as long as thier human alive we will keep fighting till the end" kaito said looking at her and think about it. He honestly don't know how long will this last or if it will never end. "Are you sure you don't want to join me" kaito said with a playful smirk to lighten the mood.
Scarlet winced, but quickly pulled her Katana across his chest, before stumbling backwards. "Your Physco Jack!" She growled, holding her shouldering in one hand and her Katana in the other. Scar glanced back at Janie with a look that said, 'Leave.; Scarlet was angry too. Extremely that was. Last time she had gotten this upset, she nearly kille(d her co-partner in training. Scar stood. ( dakup )
Janie looks at the gun and swallows staring at it frozen in shock. She wanted to do something, but she didn't know what. She felt frozen in place. She looked over at Scarlet. She was hurt, her shoulder was bleeding. She looks back at Jack watching him pick up something. She tries to put the pieces together of what happened, but couldn't make sense of it. "Did you shoot her?"
October thought about what he said and smirked. " Nothing I would like more. " She answered with a wink. A second later she blushed again. Oh god, why did I do that? Her eyes dropped to her lap. Should I apologize or would that make it more awkward. Just see how he reacts. She told herself. October sighed and looked up at Kaito waiting.
jack pointed the barrel at scar. "drop it." he then runs to janie and holds it against her head. "or this one dies." he said with his finger on the trigger. ready to fire the gun into her temple.
Kaito gets a light blush and turns around so she won't see it. "A..alright you can join" he said but was mentally kicking himself. He felt that he just made it more always by saying that but he couldn't take it back or he will just make the situation even more awkward. He just keeps looking at the wall waiting for October to do something.
Before she knew what was happening, Janie felt the cold gun against her head. She panics trying to get out of it's way. She had thought that the bugs were what they were supposed to be scared of, but right now she didn't think they could match the panic that ran through her. "No no please" she muttered feeling herself shaking not sure what she was begging for.
Scar glanced over at Jack, before at Janie. She hated the situation they were in. "Drunken Fool," She mumbled, bitterly. Scar gripped the handel of her Katana before throwing it to the side. She was practically shaking in anger. Scar kept her hand over yer shoulder. She put the one free hand in the air. "Release her Jack. Your intoxicated. I'd prefer your cigarettes than this." She announced.
October noticed a tinge of pink on his cheeks before he turned away from her. She thought for a minute. Sleeping on a bed did sound nice but after she practically forced him to take it wouldn't it be wrong to share. She sighed. " I'm alright over here. " October whispered.
"I might be drunk but I am no fool, now I want you to lay down and count to ten, with your eyes close." he grabs ahold of janie and starts backing up to the cage door." if any of you try and follow me, boom goes her head."
"Alright then... Good night" kaito said a bit relived she didn't actually go into the bed but he did feel a bit sad from it. He shook those thoughts out of his head as he keep looking at the wall. He knew next morning they had to go out and see if they can find any good shelter to stay permantly.
"Jack!" She growled stepping forward. "Lower the gun and release her. You don't have to kill her, you can shoot me if it would make you feel better." She persauded, slowly edging forward. "Release Janie now!" She growled, before glancing at Janie. "Stay calm," she mumbled.
Janie felt herself being dragged backwards. She bit down on her lip trying to keep herself from crying. She felt stupid for interfering and even stupider for not running when she had the chance. She stared ahead of her at scarlet hoping she did what he said. It was terrifying having no control over what happened.
"do as I said or this one dies." he said as he inched his way to the door. when he reached the cage door. he tripped and fell on a shell casing. when he hit the ground his head went bop. He was still alive but knocked out.
" Good night. " October muttered back. She removed the small knives from her jacket and placed them with her gun and machete. She scrunched her jacket up and rested her head on it. The sound of scurrying could be heard from the other side of the wall. October's stomach dropped as she imagined what might be just on the other side of the wall.
Janie felt herself fall and wasn't sure what happened the wind was knocked out of her. She sat up shakily breathing heavily and looked over at Jack. He seemed to have fallen asleep, no he hit his head. He was unconscious. She shook her head and scrambled away from him. She didn't want to be anywhere near him when he woke up.
Scar charged forward, when Jack fell. She pulled herself over him and pulled the guns from him, shoving them in her back pocket. She glanced up at Janie "You okay J?" She asked, quickly, before taking his pulse. "Janie don't take it personal. He was drunk and when he comes to he probably won't remember what happened." She prescribed. Scar retreated and placed her hand over her shoulder. Her whole right side was throbbing from the wound. Scar walked over to her Katana and placed it back in the pouch. "Lets get him in his room," she sighed.
jack woke up a few hours later, he was in his bed."nah, what the f*ck happened, why does my head fell as if it was hit with a ton of brick. What are you two doing in my room." he sees scar is wounded."OH goad don't tell me he came out again. don't tell me I drank whiskey again." he looked around and saw a empty bottle laying on the floor." oh great, just great. I let him out."
Kaito could hear something coming from the walls to and got up. He put his finger on his mouth to signal October to be quiet. He grabs a sword and a hand gun. He had his back on a wall near the door of the room waiting for whatever is going to come.
Janie looks at Scarlet and nods in agreement standing up. She walks over a bit more brave now that his weapon was in Scar's pocket. She looked over him not sure how they were supposed to move him. He looked heavy, not that he was fat. No wait, she didn't have to apologize for her thoughts and even if she said them out loud he was unconscious.

She looked at Scar taking in her wound for how bad it was for the first time. "Are you alright to carry him?" she asks thinking it would strain her shoulder. She was probably in enough pain as is.
October's hand moved over her shotgun. She gripped it and pulled it onto her lap. Nodding at Kaito she moved onto one knee, preparing for whatever was coming.
"I'll be fine, lets just get away from here for now." Scar didn't mind getting injured as long as it wasnt life threatening. She hated medicine. Scar helped Janie bring him back to the room, before stooping into the corner of the room.


Time skip..


Scar was sitting in the corner of the room. "You shot me earlier." She mumbled, edgingly. Scar wasn't the happiest camper at the moment. She had been shot at least five times in the last few days. And it didn't help that one was her alies. Scar watched Janie, she still seemed slightly off edge. "Where do you keep gettin Whisky?" She inquired. Personally, Scar hated Drugs, Achohal, and Cigarettes. And everybody knew it. Thats why she hated getting treated for an injury.

( dakup )
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Kaito slowly opens the door to see a big beetle the size of a human there. It lunge at him and was trying to bite him but kaito was only holding it off with his sword. The beetle pushed him and the broke the bed. The armor of the beetle was a too hard for him just to pierce where he was. He was doing his best so the insect won't eat him.

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