The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

October's cheeks flushed red as he called her a ' precious person '. " Thank you, " She said quietly. She was about to continue and tell him why she was thanking him, from his company that helped her to get through those rough nights to the way he seemed to protect her always but she couldn't find the words. So instead she smiled at him and hoped he would just know.
"Its no problem" Kaito said as he led her outside of the store. He knew from her smile she was grateful for everything he was doing for her. The mall was a bit to the north so he made sure she was holding him tight before he helps her to the mall and he made sure to keep a look out for any bugs. He moved slowly so they won't make any noise going through the town.
Tomorrow sighed, staring at the ceiling wasn't very fun and it was clear she wasn't going to fall asleep. She sat up in her bed for a moment, thinking of what to do. She didn't have a shift today, so she really could do whatever she wanted. 
The small blonde got up and walked back downstairs. She sat at the fountain, trailing her fingers through the water and watching it ripple. For whatever reason, she just loved the water and she swore she was meant to be a mermaid.
It seemed that most of the bugs had moved farther away from the area around the car. Joey decided it was time to get out of the car so she checked her surroundings and open the door. Crawling out slowly then standing up she realized there really wasn't many places to hide. Left in the middle of the street in between a mall and an abandoned restaurant she tried to decide where she should go and how. Though in deep thought she still tried to keep an eye out for danger.
Tomorrow wondered where everyone was and her thoughts eventually went to Jack. He was so.. confusing. She really thought he didn't like her and then all of a sudden he's telling her he'd do anything for her and kissing her forehead. Why did he like her like this so suddenly? In all honesty, she thought him and Scarlet were going to develop a relationship. But she did like being cared about like that, she hadn't known what that felt like in a long time. She smiled and looked at her reflection in the water.
jack got up from his bed and went to the first level. he saw tomorrow sitting at the fountain. he went and sat next to her."whats up babe."
Janie watches Jack leave the room. She waits a few minutes before darting out herself. She made her way to the library. She felt safer in there. There was no one ever in there. Nothing was very useful in there. It would be nice to be alone for a little bit.
Scarlet had left Jacks room shortly after, returning to her own to replace the shirt that was blood stained. It wasnt long after she had entered her room, did she stumble forward accidentally. She neatly collapsed. "Damn, light headed." She mumbled. Scar way on her back for a moment, to wait for the room to stop spinning. In a minute or two it had stopped. Scarlet used a wrap she had and wrapped over the bullet wound in her shoulder. Blood, however was lightly on her hands. Scar pulled a different shirt over herself, before tossing the old one on the drawer. She would wash it later. Scar pulled a granola bar from her bag and quick ate it. Before walking up to the third floor.
Tomorrow looked at him over her shoulder and raised a brow. As much as she liked this, she needed to know why. She wasn't gonna sit around and wonder anymore. "Why do you like me? More importantly.. why is this so sudden? I could've sworn you hated me and then next thing you know, you're holding me telling me that you'd do anything for me. It's just- I don't know- weird, I guess," she said.
"its this whole apocalypse, it starts to make a man think, I never hated you, I thought nothing ove you. but when I heard you screaming for help, I couldn't help it." he said as he brought her in close.
Again, Tomorrow was limp in his arms. She was still suspicious so she didn't have the heart to hug him back. "That's really it? I could've sworn you were gonna go for Scar.."
"lets just say me and scar, we have a past together, and it ended in me almost killing her. I never wanted to hurt her, but she left. but don't think about it. it will keep you up at night." he tried to hold her closer.
Tomorrow eased up a bit but never lifted her arms to return the gesture. She was guarding herself. She didn't want to get too close and something bad happen and then she's left heart broken.
jack felt her not return the gesture."whats wrong babe, was it something I said, or did cause I can change." jack said waiting for her to speak.
Janie sat down opening her book. She got lost in a word that didn't contain giant mutant bugs trying to kill people or hostages and guns. She flips through a few pages feeling better now that Jack wasn't around.
Vera got out of her bed in the middle of the night and decided to go for a walk. She was in a big t-shirt and some flannel pants. As she walked she looked around the area carrying only her knife in her boot. All the people who were there to be protected were in their rooms since there was a curfew for them.
"No, no. It's nothing. Everything is fine," said the blonde as she lifted up her head and grinned. She didn't want to worry him.
"I can tell by the tone in your voice,something is wrong. tell me, I will try and change for you for us."
"I promise you there is nothing you need to worry about. Everything is okay," said Tomorrow.
"alright."he said. but he knew that something was up. something he didn't like. he hugged her, and kissed the top of her head.
It was pretty dark and joey's eyesight isn't exactly the best in the world so it was hard to see. She didn't really have a sense of direction and it probably didn't help that she doesn't know the area. In a desperate attempt to light the area she lit her lighter, only for a second in fear of attracting bugs. Unfortunately it didn't help much but, the small amount of light did bring her a little comfort. It kind of reminded her of when there would be a bad storm and the power would go out. She would sit with her father in front of a lantern and he would tell her stories.
"I guess you should head to bed, I will walk you to your room, and watch over you to make sure nothing gets to you."he stood up and offered her his hand.
Scarlet was on the thrift floor. It was quiet, but peaceful. She was sitting on a bench that was left up there for ni appaent reason. She drew her Katana. It only made her feel better to have it out.
She took his hand and began to walk towards her room. "I probably won't fall asleep, but okay," she said.

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