The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

(I guess it's fine to continue on like this. :3 I just thought I wrote something weird in the plot and role descriptions for a second and was like "how the hell did I make that mistake" xD )
A small amount of hope shined in her eyes, "yes, please." Joey really enjoyed the idea of their company, having been alone so long. She thought for a moment before speaking up, "hm...I did hear alarms earlier. I just couldn't tell from which building. maybe the mall?" She smiled at the two, glad she was no longer alone.
"Alright then keep low and be quiet okay. I need you to watch our backs as we start to head to the mall." Kaito said as he made sure that October was secured as he starts to head toward the mall. Joey joining them was a good blessing because with her at least they have a little bit more protection. "Are you still good, October" Kaito said as he looked over to her.
October grinned. " Never better. " She replied quietly. She glanced behind her at Joey and smiled slightly. October never knew how to act around knew people and always had a hard time talking to them. Hell, I think it was a week before she would even talk to Kaito and that's only because the silence was making her go crazy.
Kaito gave her a small smile and they make it to see the mall. There were a lot of defenses and he could see people there. "Looks like we found a shelter" Kaito said but he was still cautious of the whole thing and still don't know if there completely friendly. He found a spot behind a building which was nicely hidden and set October down. "Okay look I will go there first to make sure there friendly. Joey I need you to watch over October for me also if I don't make it back in 2 hours leave the area got it" Kaito said looking at the 2 girls with a serious expression.
Tomorrow continue to slay whatever bugs came her way. There was a few times where she got tripped out but she caught herself. She smirked at the work she was doing.
"o-ok", she replied hoping he would come back safe. Joey was going to do everything she could to help. She had only just met the two and didn't want anything to happen to either of them. Then she realized , " oh! I know October but, I didn't get your name." She really did wish to get to know them.
October rolled her eyes. " I don't need a babysitter. " She said in a exasperated tone. She looked up at Kaito and frowned. " Be careful, don't get yourself killed or anything. " October said her tone turning serious.
"I'll be fine" Kaito said to her before giving her a small smile. He makes sure his gear was ready before he started to go toward the Mall. He scouted the area and saw a few people already but he had a plan but it is risky. He moves toward the mall with his arms raise up so they know he means no harm.
October frowned as she watched him disappear into the mall. She turned to Joey. " So,how have you been surviving so long? " She asked her, attempting to make some kind of conversation with the girl.
She fumbles with a bandana in her back pocket before opening it up revealing all she owned. Inside was a lighter and a pack of crackers. "I hide a lot. When I don't I look in cars and shops for stuff." She pulled out a 9mm pistol and placed it on the ground between the two, " I have this too but, I don't know how to use it... I never hit and fall down sometimes."
October smiled at the girl and picked up the pistol from the ground. It wasn't a bad gun, but against most of the bugs it would be useless. I glanced up at Joey. " You never hit? Well now I feel safe" She said with a smirk. She placed the gun between the two girls again and stretched.
Kaito see that there no one there at the entrance but he sees a window he could go throw. He starts to enter the mall to see a few people getting swarmed by ants and he then took out his weapons. He started to shoot some of the ants while slicing other with his sword.
Joey was a little embarrassed, "sorry. I'll figure it out." She tucked a strand of loose hair back behind her ear " I'll get it. Don't worry." Joey knew these things took practice she just wished her father had taught her. She looked over at October, "What happened to your leg? ... if you don't mind me asking."
October shook her head feeling very guilty. October remembered back to when the insects first attacked and how confused and scared she was. How she didn't know how to use any weapon and was sure she was going to die. But then she found Kaito and suddenly things seemed better. " I didn't mean it like that. I was kidding. It's probably better that we found you. " October looked down to her leg and cracked a grin. " I was stupid and slid under a beetle. " She said and shook her head.
She smiled knowing she was getting along pretty well with October. Joey felt the chill of the night air breeze past her, " I miss when we could just step on them.". She brushed her hand across a patch of grass finding a coin. Holding it in up she observes it before handing it over to October, "It could be lucky, you should keep it." Smiling she shows her necklace that also has a coin on the end of it.
October chuckled. " Those were the days. " She said before reaching out and taking the coin from Joey. She held the coin in her palm examining it. " Thanks Joey. " Her hand closed around the coin. She pursed her lips. " How long has it been? " She asked.
"no problem", she answered looking at the sky. Estimating the time she took a second to think, " I think.... about fifteen minutes. maybe twenty." She didn't really have a way of telling time, "I don't have a watch though so, I'm probably a little off."
Kaito was doing his best to ward off all the ants. He jumps on a chair and keeps shooting them but he ran out of ammo. He takes out his other sword and starts to ckeep chopping them up. It felt like he was doing this for a long time and he is slowly getting tired.
Tomorrow continued to fight alongside Jack and Scar. She was just as tough as anyone else there and it offended her that a guy who supposedly liked her thought otherwise.
Kaito was slicing up the ant and made his way to the group of people. He eventually is know right next to the group of people and is continueing to stab the insect.
Scarlet didn't care if her shoulder was injured, she fought as though theiir life depended on it. Scar took her Katana and swiirled around an ant that seemed confused. She stuck her sword into the back of one's leg. The ant spun around, knocking a leg into her stomach. Causing her to topple over. Scar rolled to a stop a few yards off. "Damn," she mumbled, standing to her feet. Her Katana was lost from her hands. Scar peered up to notice her sword a few feet away. Scar took off for it and apparfently the ant had the same idea. Scar jumped at it, before grabbing the pocket knife with the heart on the handel and pulled it down on its face. The thing retreated enough for her to grab her Katana and hide away the Knife. ( dakup )
Tomorrow gulped as an ant swung one of it's gigantic legs at her but she managed to duck. Unfortunately, another ant had done the same at her feet and she went face first into the ground. She felt blood pouring from her nose and she wasn't totally sure if it was broken. She couldn't get up and she knew the ants were approach fast. At the last minute, she took all her strength to lift herself slightly off the ground to shoot one ant right between the eyes.
Kaito was still fighting off the ants and moved back to see a girl had push one off of her. He continues to hold them off so the girl can recover. One tried to jump on his back but he moved around and it landed on his sword. He kicks it off the sword and keeps on slicing all these little bug.
Scar glanced over at. Tomorrow who had eaten a face full of dirt. But someone had caught her eye. A kid she had never seen before. ( Kaito ) she'd never seen the kid before, yet he was doing an okay job at defending the mall. Scar realized that she shouldn't take her focus off of the ants. Scar jumped backwards as one slammed its foot down on where she had previously stood.

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