The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

"GODDAMMIT!" Tomorrow screamed out in pain but she forced herself to get up. She returned to slicing and shooting at the giant insects, wincing every so often as the blood dripped from her nose.
Kaito run to a safe place behind the 2 unknown girls and sheets his swords. He take out the sniper from his shoulder and start to kill a lot more bugs. He sees a big bug in front of one of them (Scar) and he shoots that one in the head. The bug falls and he keeps shooting all the bugs around them.
Scarlet had readyed her weapon, only to have the ant crumble at her feet. The bullet hole in the ants head confirmed her suspision, the mysterious kid had shot him. Scar nodded over at. Him in gratitude, before rushing past another ant.
Kaito returned the nod before resuming to shooting the Ants. There were a lot of them but he's noticing that there numbers are starting to decrease. He shot at one but the bullet went through its head before hitting another ant.
jack fired non stop killing ant after ant. he saw that scar lost her primary weapon. "told you that thing won't be reliable like one of these babes." as soon a he said that the gun jammed."SH*T." it was ironic he pulled out a pair of pistols and started firing. the numbers of the attacking insects were dying down till their were non left. "give me a medal for leading the defence of the mall, cause, I just proved my worth." they didn't lose anyone in the attack. they were lucky.
Kaito sees the ants stop coming and out his sniper back on his back. He looks to the group in front of him and awkwardly stands there. "Um.. hello" He said with a small wave eyeing the people in front of him. There was 2 women and 1 man from he was seeing. He kept his guard up though just in case if things start to go sour.
Scar glarred at Jack, as she killed the last one that she had aimed for. Was he serious? Scar cut him an creul smille when his gun jammed, "At least my Katana doesn't jam up in the middle of battle." She smirked, hiding the dagger fromm earlier in her boot. Scar walked over to her sword and quickly pushed it back into its pouch. "Yeah Jack, your the one who saved the mall." She rolled her eyes from the incovience of his lie. Scar crossed her arms, before tunrning her back on him. "Tomorrow are you alright?" She asked. Scar glanced over at the stranger ( kaito ) "Now who are you?"
Kaito looks over to the girl who he saved and decides to try to be neutral. "My name is Kaito. I heard that their is a shelter here for survivors and I was wondering if me and my friends can possibly join" He said keeping his guard up just in case. He doesn't know any of these people and he is in unknown territory so he had to be cautious.
jack picked up all the shells that he fired and the mags, he dropped, and put them in the pouch on his back. he was going to reload them later when he had a chance. he walked over to the new guy."I gave out orders that were needed." he said to scar trying to convince her that he should get a medal."yeah whats the name?"
Scar glared over at Jack, before glancing at Kaito. "Nice to Meet you. I'm Scar. yoour welcomed here if Jack-" she puased shooting him a horrible look. "Isn't going to mind. Since he's our 'leader'" she quoted sarcastically. The guy, Jack, was starting to get on his nerves. Horribly.
"Thanks you but you see I need to go out and get my friends. I left them outside the mall just incase things went bad." Kaito said a bit worried about October and hopes joey is protecting her. He was glad that scar seems like a okay person but jack seems a bit off. He just seems to radiate a lot of pride and he didn't like that so much. He still going to keep an open mind but he feels jack might be a bit of a problem in the future.
"hell yeah I am in, chance to head out and kill some bugs. on there turf. give me an hour and I will be ready." he said with pride. he knew what he was doing, and he liked acting a bit cocky. it was his nature to act like that.
"Wait my friend are on guard they would shoot at anything that's not me. I will bring them hear don't worry" Kaito said before he exits out of the mall. He was happy that he found shelter for them as he head to the hideout to make sure they are okay.
Scar rolled her eyes at Jacks witty comment. "Kaito please go and get your friends, your welcomed to stay." Scar glanced over at Jack. He seemed to be raidiating with confidence. "I'm surprised your not hung over Jack." She spoke up quickly, turning to face the open, or should she say shattered door frame. Scar pulled out her Katana. Her shoulder was starting to hurt, but she didn't allow any of that emotion show.
"damn, there goes my fun for the night. I was actually looking forward to going out and killing something." he said to scar as kaito walked out the door." well I guess we should get out of the way so the builders can repair the doors." he moved into the break/ living quarters. " hey I don't have to be drunk to have a fun time, you ought to know, we've known each other for a good couple years now."
Scar nodded in agreement. She needed to change anyways. Scar walked to her liing corridors, before brushing her long red velvet hair up into a ponytail. The bangs falling out into her face. She brushed them into the side. Scar pulled off her shirt. Changing the bandeges on her shoulder, before putting on a pair of fresh clothing. She wore a sleeveless shirt that showed the bandeg from the bullet wound. She walked from her room, with her Katana in its case around her waist.
"sorry about that, you know how whisky gets to me." jack said as he saw the bandaging."why don't you just move up to the forth floor with me, thats where all the cool kids live." he said in a joking tone, hoping to get a laugh out of her.
"Cool kids?" She questioned, "Spare me." She mumbled. Scar sat down in one of the chair's. She rested her head on her hand, her hair lazily lapping behind her. Scar wasn't in the mood really. Apoligy or not, it didn't change the fact that he had still shot her. Scar closed her eyes to relax for a moment.
Tomorrow just held her hand over her bloody nose, wiping the blood away as she walked silently up to her room. She laid down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
The girl was slightly annoyed, she felt neglected by the others. She got slightly mad at herself for getting upset over something so stupid so se tried to shake off the feeling
Scar opened her eyes a few minutes later. Not much had changed but the guy, Kaito hadn't returned with his friends just yet. They were fine, she considered. Scar fiddled with her katana momentarily.
Tomorrow sat up in bed. She was annoyed and she didn't really feel like sitting around right now. She wiped the dried blood from her nose and walked downstairs. She walked around the mall, looking at each exit. She figured it was time for her to go looking for her family. Although she had no idea where to look, she wanted to try. She tried to look for the exit that no one was around and no one noticed.
Joey looks over to October , "shouldn't be too much longer...". At about that time she heard footstep at which she rose her gun just incase it wasn't Kaito. She wasn't sure who it was though so she called out, keeping her voice low, " Kaito?"
"It's me Joey" kaito said as he come back with a bit of his clothes torn but he was still okay. "I also have great news there are people back there at the mall and I was able to get us some shelter there" he said with a soft smile seeing that they no longer have to keep moving from town to town and could settle down somewhere safe.
Joey breathed out in relief, "oh my. I'm glad to hear that." She put down the gun, " I was scared I would actually have to use it." She was happy they had been accepted into the mall but she couldn't help feeling nervous about it. The only people she trusted were Kaito and October. "So we just walk in?", she asked not quite sure how this works.
( Sorry I haven't replied in a while. It hasn't been sending me notifications, which is starting to frustrate the hell out of me :P )

October froze as she heard the crunching of gravel. as she heard Kaito's voice. As he rounded the corner she resisted the urge to smile. " Awe man, you didn't die? " She sighed dramatically. " I guess I still have to put with you. " She smirked and leaned back against the wall. " So there's actually people in there? " She asked.

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