The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

(Yeah don't worry my notification for alerts sometimes acts weird too. ^^)

"Well it looks like your going to have to deal with me a bit longer. I had found us the shelter so can start moving now" Kaito said as he went over and help October up so she can use him as support. "looks like we will be settling down for a while" He said looking at her with a light smile.
" I guess I can live with it. " She said with a smile as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder. Settling down. Funny how things have changed. Before that term meant getting married and starting a family, now it means finally getting to stay in one spot where you might actually be almost safe. " What are the others in there like? " She asked curiously.
(recap plz? I stopped writing a bit because I got left hanging and had nothing to do.. I meant to come back sooner but I didnt have time.... So sorry about that but I'll try and be more active on this thread ^-^ )
( Jack Got Drunk and shot Scar in the shoulder, he passed out. Later after he woke up a giant beetle broke in. Scar, Jack, and Tomorrow were fighting when Kaito joined in. Meanwhile, Kaito left his buddies in search of a place to 'settle down' and joined in on the battle. After he went back to get his friends and the others are waiting in the mall. Basically all that has happened.. )

Scarlet stood from her place she was resting and walked off to the fountain. She wore a shirt that showed the bridge of her wrap over her wound. Scar pulled her katana from its pouch and began to slowly wash it. Bug blood did stain metal if it stayed on to long. Scar shook the handel as water dripped away. Kaito and his friends shoulld be back soon.
Joey was quiet, listening to what Kaito had to say. She was tired and was glad she would be able to rest soon. It had been a long day full of running and making new friends. Her favorite part was meeting October and Kaito. She felt blessed for having met them.
"Well they are not bad but I only briefly met them. C'mon Joey lets go" kaito said as he made sure October was on right as they start to head out of the shop. Kaito walks quietly with October as they head to the direction of the mall.
Joey smiled and followed along, "okay." She hoped this place was really as safe as it was made out to be. If anything it had to be better than living outside in the open. Wrapping her arms around herself she walked on with the two. Excited? yes, but also nervous.

David gathered up the stuff he got and put it in a backpack and went back to the mall
October nodded at Kaito's words. She hoped that the others were nice. What luck would it be to finally find another group of survivors only to hate them all, or be hated. She sighed at the thought. Don't think that way October, it'll be great. She told herself. " Kaito.. why are you covered in blood? " She asked finally.
"Oh I had got into a little fight with an ant horde but don't worry I'm fine" kaito said as he led her throught the streets to the mall. He had look around and see that there were no bugs so for now they were safe.
October's mouth fell open. " Oh goodie. That makes me feel safe. " She muttered to herself. It was better than running around in the streets everyday though. She turned her head slightly so that she was able to see Joey out of the corner of her eye. She wondered if they didn't find her if Joey would still have found the mall or not.
Kaito led then back to the mall and opens the front door to see the other survivors were there. "Hey I'm back and I brought my friends like I said" kaito said as he led October into the room.
{ I wasn't getting alerts for it either. -.- And basically everyone is just resting after fighting the ants and Kaito, October and Joey just returned to the mall. I think that's basically it.. }

jack walked over to the fountain with scar. looking at the bandaging work."you know thats a good job you did with that. I'm surprised that you know how to do that, did anyone teach you?" he said as he put the gun on his back.
The first thought that came to October's mind was 'Oh my god, there's so many humans. '. Sure it probably wasn't the most intelligent thought but it was her first. She glanced around the mall. How are they all surviving here? Sure the mall would be packed with supplies but eventually it'll run out. What then? She smiled to herself. No more thinking about the future. Think about now. Think about how you're surrounded by other survivors.
Joey was surprised of all the people at the mall. She hadn't seen a soul for as long as she was alone. She was a little worried about all the new people though so she stayed close to Kaito and October trying not to draw any unneeded attention to herself. She was shy with most of people but she took well to the two. She trusted them.
( No Alerts )

Scar stood when Jack had walked up. She glared oer at him for his smart remark, "My mother taught me how," Was all that she replied, before stepping forward. "Now let's greet our newcomers." She advised. Scar approached the three, though one seemed slightly injured. She smiled at the group, "Hi, I'm Scar. Nice to meet you." She prompted warmly. Scar wanted to help them settle in. "Do you need medical help?"
October shook her head. " No, I'm OK. It's just sore. " She said. It was the truth. Her leg really didn't feel all that bad anymore. That was most likely because of the pain pills though. She smiled at the Scar. " So, how are you managing to keep all the bugs out? " She asked curiously.
Before they go and greet the new people: jack shifted the gun on his back." I forgot about her, I'm sorry that you lost her. I shouldn't of brought up the topic. Im sorry." he moves to meet the new people."ah man they're all youngins, Im surprised they lived so'd you guys survive." he notices the kid with a 50 CAL."god damn boy, your choice in weaponry, is amazing, if you ever need ammo reloaded come see me on the forth floor." he went back to speaking to the group."if you all want beds you can join me on the forth floor."

(Nikki Rodgers october_rain)
Scar ignored the comment Jack had made about her mom. She really didn't talk about her a lot. Or at all really, it just wasn't her thing to talk about the women. Scar turned her gaze back to October, "Alright, as long as your sure that its not to bad." She mumbled. Scar pushed her velvet red hair from heer face. It had fallen there when she was sitting on the fountains edge. "How'd you hurt yourself?" Scar inquired quickly. She realized they were probably exhausted from the journey. But she was curious.

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