The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

"Thanks for the offer maybe ill come to you. We got into a little scuffle with a bug but that's a story for another time. We are a bit tired though do you know a room where we can lay down or maybe rest for a bit" kaito said as he supported October and holding onto thier bags. They were a bit tired from traveling a bit and a place to rest would sound good.
"follow me, you can take shelter in one of the shops just like me." he shifts the gun on his back, and leaned against the water fountain."you know I can also use a sniper like yourself, come talk to me when you got a chance."
Joey listened to Kaito and October as they talked to the people in the mall. She was too shy herself to talk so she tried to learn what she could of them from second hand conversation. She used to do this all the time when she went to school to learn peoples names and what they enjoyed so she had experience in it.
jack noticed a young girl hiding behind the others."miss." he called out."don't be afraid of us, well its ok to be afraid of scar, shes crazy." he said in a joking manner." I will tell you my name if you tell mr yours, I'm jack."
Kaito gave Jack a nod before he starts to follow him with October. Jack seems to be friendly enough and maybe they could become friend but kaito knows that just giving trust around will kill you so he was going to wait to see where this was going.
Giving a small smile Joey stepped out of her comfort zone a little bit. She tried to speak clear and proper but her nerves wouldn't let her. She gave her name, " I-Im Joey."
(lol okay I'll just go with it then..)

Tomorrow sighed and slipped silently out of one of the exits. She wasn't entirely sure if she was really doing it to find her family or if she just no longer wanted to be in the mall. Maybe both. She definitely had no way of knowing if her family was alive and if they were, they could be very far from her. Maybe that was just her excuse to leave. She walked in the parking lot, it was empty. No bugs, no people. Nothing. Just silence. She liked it better this way.
"well miss Joey, its a pleasure meeting you. and don't worry when your in here, your protected. we have some of the best damn fighters that the bug armys seen. now If you all would follow I will show you to your rooms and other and such." he leads them to the forth floor. "first, that room over there is mine, knock before entering. Second the roof is right above us, and don't worry about people coming up here, cause they rarely do." he pulls kiato aside." now for you, I got the offer that your going to want to know, now follow me to the roof." he went to the roof.

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Tomorrow walked further and further from the mall when she reached the edge of the parking lot. From there on was a whole lot she knew nothing about. There could be bugs that could gang up on her and kill her or some other survival group who could make her their prisoner and for whatever reason.. she didn't seem to care. She walked on but there was nothing interesting in site. Nothing but ruble, abandon cars and things of that nature that you'd expect to see in a post-apocalyptic world.
October frowned as Jack took Kaito up to the roof. She had feared this would happen. She knew it would. She just didn't expect it to happen so soon. Nice knowing ya. She thought to herself before looking over at Joey. " I guess we have to find our own rooms. " She said with a shrug.
Kaito reluctantly followed jack up to the roof leaving October in joeys care. He didn't know what he was going to do but he kept his guard up just in case. He followed him up till they were on the roof and was ready to deal with him if he shows any sign of betrayal. "Do what exactly do you want to show me" he said looking at jack.
Joey's attention went to October as Kaito left the room. She tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear as she spoke, "oh, ok. um..." She turned herself in all different directions for she was confused as of which room she was supposed to go to.
"your a scout, and that sniper can be very useful. Now I know you wouldn't give it up, but if I may pitch you an idea, use that to protect all of us. When your friends are on a misson, provide over watch. Or alert us to an attack." he moves to a radio." you can use this to help alert, I can patch you to the whole mall, or just to me." he pulls out a mic."this is mine, you can talk to me through that. so what do you think of my offer."
Scarlet watched slowly as the group was guided away with Jack. They had arrived safe and sound, without any interruption by bugs. Scar had shot Jack a look about the fearing Scar thing, until he was out of sight. Scar decided to take a patrol around each entrance. Scar drew her weapon as she stopped at an deserted entry. Where had the gaurd gone, was all that crossed her mind. Scar drew her weapon and peered out. The surronding was calm and quiet.
"I would need more time to see if I want to take the offer but ill consider it" kaito said not taking his offer at the moment and he heads back down stairs. He comes back to October and Joey. "So where do you think would be a good place for us to set up" he said seeing a few shops that were empty.
October leaned against the wall and glanced around. " Anywhere's good. " She didn't see it making much of a difference which store they slept in. She noticed an candy store across the way. I'll have to visit there later. She thought to herself with a smile. " How 'bout there? " She asked pointing to a sporting goods store. If there was an attack there would be quite a few objects in there that could be used as a weapon.
"Okay" Kaito said as he helped October over to the sporting good store. The place was a bit of a mess but he found a nice area which they could set up. It was a bit hidden so you had to look for it. He set October down and he puts there bags down aswell. "Hey October are you hungry" he said taking out another protein bar since they didn't have a lot of food.
October shook her head. " Not really. " She said quietly and looked over at Joey. " Are you hungry? " She asked, leaning back against a shelf. The quietness of the mall was almost unnerving.
Joey shook her head as to say no. She wasn't hungry and hadn't really been for a while. Living off crackers and cereal bars for a few weeks kind of shrinks a persons stomach along with their appetite. She took a hoodie from off of one of the displays, zip down and green, her favorite color. She was thankful for it, she had been cold in a tank top and shorts. The person who owned the shop wouldn't mind she thought. "Kaito, I think this shop has one of those pull down security things at the door", Joey pointed out trying to be helpful.
"That good and its getting late so it be best if we just put it down for now" kaito said putting down the security door and going back to thier little make shift camp. He found a small electric lanter and put it in the middle to give them some sort of light. Kaito had his overcoat to give him warmth as he sits besides October. "So what do you guys think of this place so far" he said putting his weapons on the floor so he can lay back properly.
October shrugged and picked at a hair on her jacket. " The people here seem nice enough. " She said quietly. She only really met two of the survivors in the mall so far and it was only for a couple minutes. She wasn't sure how to feel about them yet or about this. She had gotten so used to running the thought was almost odd to be staying in the mall for a long period of time. Maybe they would be safer here. " So what did Jack want? " She asked looking down at the ground.
"He wanted me to scout and just to stay at the base. I declined it for now saying ill think about it" kaito said as he sat there, another reason why is because he didn't really trust anyone just yet. He still was cautious around the people of the mall and techies ally only October and Joey has his trust right now.
Joey was curled up on the floor, "I think this is better than the FedEx truck I was staying in." She opened her eyes to look at the area around her , "Probably because of you guys though. Not as scary as being alone."

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