The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

The walk was quiet, but October knew this is how it had to be. The slightest sounds could attract the insects and she really wasn't in the mood for another beetle attack. As they neared the mall October's stomach turned in knots. When they got to the mall, if there were people there would it still be like this? Watching each others back? October and Kaito would they even still talk? October sighed and hoped that they did.
they reach the room."alright but know that I am always here for you." he walks out the door and goes to the first floor. he walks to the glass doors and sees a giant beetle coming." sh*t sssshhhhhhiiiiiiitttttt. scar." he called out, we got some company,"
Vera sat on the railing of the second floor looking at how big the mall was. She started to wonder if there were places hidden within the mall that she didn't know about. When she looked around she saw a few people walking around the mall, she smiled at the quietness.
Scar stood hearing Jacks voice call for her assistance. Why should she help? She would have thought if she wasnt a Fighter here. Scar stood.from the bench and raced down three flights of stairs before she reached Jack. "What do you me- Oh Hell." She started to say, but immediantly stopped before she spotted it. Scar twirled her Katana. "Should I pull the Alarm?"
"what do you thin there is a huge a*s beetle coming right for the there fighters take positions against the stair well, you two on the second floor, load that fifty cal. scar with me, they can take out the bettle were the mop up crew." he ordered the other fighters around getting them ready for the beetle that was close to ramming the door."And god damnit someone pull the alarm."
Scar listened to Jacks orders, before she walked to the wall and pulled the emergency alarm. This day was about to get just a little bit more exciting. She twirled her Katana once again. Before groaning slightly. Her ahoulser was still hurting from the shot Jack fired.
the beetle crashed into the glass doors, causing them to shatter."I guess were going to have some fun." jack aimed at one of the legs on the beetle and started firing." a few bugs began to pile in.Jack watched and waited for his time to strike. aiming for the antenas of the ants now piling in.
Scar stepped backwards, shielding her eyes when the glass shattered. As Ant began to pile in, she twirled her Katana, before dashing forward at the Ant. Scar took the blade and pulled down on its two front legs. One out of the two came clean off. The other one gave out. Causing the bug to fall forward. Scarlet quickly, stabbing into the head.of it.

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It was just bright enough for joey to makeout the shape of the buildings against moonlight. Joey heard alarms coming from one of the nearby buildings though she couldnt tell which one. She had been turned around in the dark. She ran away from the sounds sure that they werent a good thing. Eventually she met face to face with a couple of people in the street. A man helping a woman who appeared to have too bad of a leg wound to walk by herself. Not knowing what to say she stood like a deer in headlights.
Kaito was helping October to the mall but sees a girl looking at them with wide eyes. She doesn't look hostile but Kaito kept his guard up. "Hello who are you" Kaito said curiously at the young girl. She looks like she lost and don't know where to go.

(Sorry but i have to go so good night ^^)
jack saw an ant going for scar he shot it in the eye, then the feet causing it to charge at her faster. He took aim and waited for the right moment then, bang. he shot it in the limb causing it to fall, he then watched as the crew above him started up the fifty cal, it created a hole in the exoskeleton jack climbed the beetles leg and fired three shots at the beetle. it fell with a thud."thats right big boy night night."
They seemed nice but she was still scared and suprised even, "i... j- joey". She stopped to take a breath. She was so happy to see another person, and two at that, "and y-you two are?" She looked them over focusing on the ladys leg, "oh my...", her sentence trailed off.
Tomorrow ran out of her room and down the stairs when she heard all the commotion. She joined in the fight with the rest, using both her hand gun and sword. She never really had a preference to one or the other.
"tomorrow get out of here, I don't want you to get hurt." he shot at an ant that was charging her, it fell about 3 feet short of her feet."Go now."
Scarlet nodded over at Jack who had stopped one feom attacking her from behind. She then jumped to acting. Using her sword as offensive and defense. Scar slashed at an Ants antennas that had swung to close to close to her. The antenna fell off clean. Ant blood dripped down her Katana. The ant hissed before backing up on its back legs. "Never seen an Any do that before..." She mumbled, as the thing started to sway. Before long it pulled its legs down quickly in the spot Scar was in. Now normally it would have crushed her, and even killed her, if she didn't roll away in the knick of time 
(Wong be on until later today )
October's mouth fell open when she seen the small girl who introduced herself as ' Joey. '. A human. There was another human. " Are there any others with you? " She blurted out before anything else. Her head swam with the possibilities of other humans alive and kicking. Even if it was two or three with the young girl it would help at least.
"Calm down October she look to be lost and alone" kaito said wanting to try to get information out of her too but he doesn't want to scare her off. "So Joey where are you going now" kaito said trying to be friendly with her because she could be of some help to them. Kaito wasn't cruel and use her but he did want to know where is she going to see if the place had resources.
October frowned. Alone? She couldn't be alone. October looked the girl over. Joey looked to be only a couple years younger than October. October shook her head. No, the girl couldn't be alone. She couldn't believe that.
Tomorrow was annoyed by what Jack had said. She understood that he didn't want anything to happen to her but she was more than able to handle this. "Jack, I can do this to. This is what I'm supposed to do!" She yelled in his direction while jumping up to plunge her sword into the face of an ant.
"um I haven't... I-i mean your the first people I've seen in a long while.", Joey stumbled on her words. She looks down at the ground in embarrassment, " I don't really know where i'm going. I don't know where to go." Looking up at the two, who were a good bit taller than her she asked, " what about you?" She wrapped her arms around herself awaiting their response.
"Well we are partners and were heading towards the mall over there" Kaito said using his good hand to the direction to the mall. "You see I heard that there are human in there and we are going to go check it out. Do you want to join us?" He said to joey. The reason why is because with October not being able to fight and him carrying her they are a bit exposed so if he could get her to at least help them until the reach the mall it would help a lot.
Alone. The word echoed inside October's mind and she frowned. " We're going to the mall. There's been rumors that there's a group of survivors there. " October paused and chewed on the inside of her cheek unsure of what to say next. Invite her? That seemed like the obvious thing to do but October wasn't sure how. She glanced at Kaito hoping he would know what to say.
[QUOTE="october_rain]Alone. The word echoed inside October's mind and she frowned. " We're going to the mall. There's been rumors that there's a group of survivors there. " October paused and chewed on the inside of her cheek unsure of what to say next. Invite her? That seemed like the obvious thing to do but October wasn't sure how. She glanced at Kaito hoping he would know what to say.

(Um everyone in this roleplay is supposed to already be in one group. Gatherers just go out to collect stuff and come back. Sorry I may have forgotten to mention this earlier.)
[QUOTE="Marie Rain](Um everyone in this roleplay is supposed to already be in one group. Gatherers just go out to collect stuff and come back. Sorry I may have forgotten to mention this earlier.)

( I know, but I came into it kind of late and me and another decided it'd probably be easier to say that we didn't know about the survivors at the mall then just suddenly be in the mall. Sorry. )

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