The Survival of The Apocalypse (RP) (Still Open)

Janie stood up when he woke up. She thought about running. She still wasn't comfortable around him and it didn't make it any better that is seemed like he was talking nonsense. She didn't think that these fearful feelings of him were going to pass anytime soon.
October watched as Kaito opened the door. A beetle sped through the door. Instinctively October shot. The bullet bounced harmlessly off of it's exoskeleton. She frowned and dropped her gun knowing it would do no good. But what now? She watched as the beetle destroyed the bed. Sorry Kaito. But that's when she seen it. A soft spot on the belly of the beetle. She lifted her machete from the floor and stood from her crouch. Running at the beetle she dropped and slid across the floor. Please work. She drove the large blade into the beetle's stomach and turned it before yanking it across the bottom. . Blood squirted from the wound and the beetle stomped it's feet. One came down on October's leg. She cried out in pain as she rolled from beneath the beetle.
October was able to wound the beetle and with that kaito could see a weak spot near its head. Kaito took his sword and ram it in the head of the creature. The beetle let out a whaling sound before kaito shot it in the head and now it lays there dead on the ground. There was a green blood oozing from it and kaito stood up. He looks to see that October was injured and quickly got to her side. "October what broke" he said in a worried tone for her.
October gasped as she looked at her leg. She could see a lump through her pant leg. Her head swam and she suddenly felt very nauseous. At Kaito's voice she turned. " Is it dead. " She asked through gritted teeth.
"Yes it is now we need to patch you up" Kaito said getting the mattress from the broken bed and set it down near her. He then took her body and gently lay her down on it. He moved her pants leg up to reveal her leg was badly dislocated and it need to be reset in. "October I'm going to have to put your leg back into place" He said knowing he could do this but it will probably hurt her a lot.
October lay back on the mattress and covered her eyes with her arm. She dislocated her arm during basketball before. She knew the pain of getting it back in place. She groaned. " Please just do it. " She whispered her voice cracked at the end of the sentence. Her body tensed as she waited for the pain.
Vera went to her room to think about many things. She had a window in her room that was mostly boarded up but still able to look out of. As she looked out of the room she could see the bugs swarming around what seemed to be a couple of dead bodies. If only it were Richard who got eaten, but they wouldn't be that lucky. Maybe he will just give up on them and move on to somewhere else. Vera turned to watch guards patrolling the area, she was glad to see someone doing their job well.
Kaito gave her a nod before he slowly massage the area so it can relax a bit. He then got a splint and some bandages ready. He took the knee cap and her bottom leg and quickly put them back together. There was a resounding crack from it and it really sounded bad but he got it back into place. He also quickly put his hand on October mouth to muffle her scream so insect wouldn't find them.
October braced for it. She was ready, but when she felt the pressure she knew she wasn't. The pain was suddenly very much there. The sound of the cracking was cut off by her scream which was muffled by Kaito's hand. Every swear word October ever heard raced through her mind. Tears traced her cheeks as she took a deep breath. The pain was starting to recede but not by much. She pushed Kaito's hand away. " Jesus Christ, it hurt less getting stomped on. " She said with a smirk.
Kaito chuckle lightly at her humor before he start to put the splint and bandages on her leg. He then gave her some pills that will suppress the pain as she heals. "Thanks for saving me back there October if you didn't come I would probably be beetle food right about now" he said wiping away the tear from her face and giving her a light smile. He was really thankful for her helping him and he feels kinda bad that she had to break her leg so she can help him.
October took the pills quickly, hoping they would work fast. She sat up on her elbows. " Well I couldn't let it kill you. " She noticed the way he was looking at her, as if this was his fault. " I shouldn't have gone under it though. This is my own fault. " She chuckled lightly.
Kaito gave her a light smile feeling a bit better. "Well just rest for now ill tell you when it morning" kaito said sitting next to her and keeping a watch for insect. He know she needed her rest and plans to stay up keeping watch over her. It was the least he could do while she recovers.
She rolled her eyes and lay back down. " Kaito go to sleep. " She grumbled. Tomorrow's going to be hard enough with my leg, we don't need somebody half asleep too. October closed her eyes and drifted to sleep almost immediately.
"Kaito gave a sigh before he station himself looking at the door. He decided to sleep was the best option at the time and slowly start to drift off to sleep.

(Time skip)

It was the next morning and the sun slowly start to fill the room. Kaito slowly open his eyes to see it was the next day. He stretch himself to see that October was still sleeping. "October wake up its morning" he said lightly shaking her and having a hand go in his pocket to take out a energy bar.
"C'mon October wake up we have to try to find a better shelter" kaito said again trying to wake her up. He also had an energy in one hand to eat for a quick breakfest.
October sighed but opened her eyes. " Alright, I'm up. " She stretched her arms high above her head before sitting up. She smiled slightly. " Good morning. "
"Good morning" kaito said with a light smile before he reached into his pocket. "You want a protein bar" he said holding out one for her. It was not much of a breakfest but it keeps them going for a bit.
October shrugged in response. She reached out and took the protein bar from him. " Thanks. So where were you thinking we should try? " She asked asked she unwrapped the bar.
"Well there is a mall not to far from here and before we met I heard some rumor that there is a small community of survivors there. Do you want to go check it out?" Kaito said as he finished up his protein bar and he takes a bottle of water a sips from it. He didn't know if the information good or not but at least it was better then just walking around aimlessly.
October nodded her head and finished off the rest of the bar. " It's our best shot. Besides even if nobody's there it would probably be packed full of supplies. That would be good. " If nobody was there no harm no foul, but if there is well their problem could be solved.
"Well okay we should probably get going now. You can use me as support as we go there but we have to be quiet so we don't attract any insect" Kaito said standing up and putting his gear on for the trip ahead. He then extend out his hand to October to help her up.
October smiled at him and took his hand. " I'm really sorry about last night and this now. I shouldn't have been so stupid. " her smile turned into a frown. Here he was always being so kind to her and she repays him by having to support her now, not to mention the danger it puts him in.
"C'mon October cheer up it fine and you did save me last night so it okay. You are a precious person to me October and I won't just abandon you" Kaito said as she used him for support and he starts to make his way out of the room. She might not know it but she had helped him a lot but not in a physical way but in a mental way. She has helped him from going into a deep depression and without her here, He would have probably went insane.
(Anyone wanna fill me in about what's goin on?) 
(I think I have the jist of it)

Tomorrow yawned, stood up and stretched. She was exhausted, it was like she never slept anymore. She rose and went upstairs to her room. She laid down but she just couldn't sleep. She stared up at the ceiling, completely silent.

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