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Realistic or Modern the summer of our lıves. [Nieva and NickNacks].


𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
The last day of school
Location: annabelle's locker
Mood: excited

"It's here!" A squeal that could only belong to Kallie Myers sounded throughout the hallway, gaining the attention of curious onlookers, yet not one of them made a comment. Why would they? Kallie was known throughout the school. "Summer is finally here!" She came to a stop outside the familiar blue lockers, Maeby and Belle already there. In less than four months, they were set to go their own separate ways, Belle was given a scholarship to some dance school, Maeby had her heart set on Yale, though she had yet to hear from the university, and Kallie? She had a one way ticket to Harvard Law school.

"The beginning of the end," Belle commented, lips curved into a frown. She was excited to start a new adventure, a new chapter in her life, but she wasn't ready to leave everyone behind. Not yet.

"Cheer up, Bells." Maeby grinned, nudging her shoulder against hers. "We still have the entire summer together! You know how much fucking fun we're going to have?" The Valeska family had a decent enough paycheck, which meant they were able to afford to rent things out - and it just so happened that Maeby had full access to a cabin down south, where they would all be heading a few weeks before the end of summer break. "Plus it's not like we're gonna forget each other's existences, right? Face-Time is still a thing, you know."

"I guess," The brunette offered a stiff grin, exhaling a soft sigh. What if she never saw them again? What if they all...lost contact? They had been friends for years, since before they could even walk. "Have you seen the guys today?" Switching topic, she turned to type in her combo, yanking open the metal locker.

Kallie tilted her head, sending a glance over her shoulder, blue hues surveying the crowded hallway. "Not today, no." She murmured, brows furrowed. "They'll meet us here, though." The six of them were..an unusual group, to say the least. All of them had different personalities, but Kallie had always believed that opposites attract, and they all adored one another. "Who do you guys have first period again?"

Maeby stifled a giggle, shaking her head. "How long have you known us?" She teased, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "I have English with Mr Sanders."

"I have history." Bells sighed, a little too dreamily. Derek was the newest substitute teacher, and the only reason Belle cared so much about the topic.

"Lucky," Kallie groaned, blue hues rolling. "I have gym class."

code by fudgecakez
Toby stifled a yawn as he made his way down the school hallway. He was tired this morning-but then again, he tended to be tired every morning. His chores back at the farm meant he was usually up before the sun was. Then it was feed the chickens, pull the eggs, let the dog out, let the goats out...And all that with enough time left for the long commute up to the high school. He was looking forward to not having to start his days before six anymore-or, at the very least, to be able to sneak back into bed for a couple more hours.

"Hey, Tobs!"

Instinctually, his shoulders stiffened-but he recognized the voice quickly enough.

Despite them being the same year, Toby was already significantly taller than Malachi-but then, Malachi had him beat again by the fact that he had started to grow facial hair, and Toby was woefully lacking in that department. The other boy slung an arm around his shoulders, a gesture Toby had long since learned not to try shrugging off. Better to just tolerate it until it was over.

"You're wearin' too much Old Spice," Toby commented, wrinkling his nose. "Where's Dan?"

"Here." The answer was monotone as Danny trudged towards them, bringing up the year. He never seemed fully functional during the mornings, only beginning to wind up enough for conversation around mid-day. There was a distinctly girly-looking Starbucks drink in his hand, which made Todd snort.

"Don't judge. Just because you haven't discovered the pleasure of a cherry frappe like the rest of us modern, privileged folks." Danny retorted.

Toby rolled his eyes. Sure, the whole ''farm boy' shtick was his main source of bullying during Elementary school, but it was different when Danny did it. He knew it was just a joke, and no harm was meant. Besides, with Toby's distinct southern accent, he couldn't really blame Danny for the wisecracks now and again.

"Gimme it black any day."

Malachi slowed up to wait for his brother. Side by side, the two were almost the spitting image of each other-same dark, curly hair and thick brows. The main difference was the eyes-Malachi's were hazel, and Dannys were dark brown (when they weren't obscured by a thick pair of Aviators, which was rare indeed.)

"You better start waking up, fellas," Malachi commented as they rounded the corner. "Kallie's already had her happy juice."

The other two groaned. While all thereof them would probably walk through fire for Kallie, or any of the other two girls, her exuberance was a little much before eleven AM. They approached just as Kallie made her comment about gym, which caused Malachi to wince sympathetically.

"If I can survive it, so can you, Kallie." Malachi replied. The locker room was kind of a fun, fresh, distinctly personal nightmare for him that he dreaded whenever gym was on his schedule. Thankfully, it would be the first thing out of the way today.

"Better gym than Derek," Toby piped up. "What's it matter the date some guy had an argument with another guy? They're all dead anyway."
The last day of school
Location: annabelle's locker
Mood: excited

Kallie spun on her heel the moment she heard Malachi's voice, a grin already on her lips. "You're here!" Clearing her throat, she clasped her hands together, much like a three year old would. "It's easy for you," She commented, nose scrunching. "You get a front row seat to all the hot guys!" The blonde would've given anything to see the wrestling team in all their glistening glory. As much as she thought women to be beautiful, she didn't bat for that time, and being in the girls locker room only ever lead to one thing; insecurity.

Annabelle rolled her eyes, slamming the metal door closed. "Kal, haven't you already dated like..half of that team?"

The blue eyed blonde snorted, shaking her head. "They wish." Truthfully, she had. Gabriel was the longest relationship she had ever had, and even then that only lasted around a year. He was the captain, ironically enough, and a real fucking jerk. The ass had cheated on her, leaving Kallie a blubbering mess for nearly a month.

Maeby cocked her head to the side, sending a glare Bells way. They had only just managed to calm her down about Gabriel, they didn't need another heartbroken Kallie on their hands.

Taking the hint, she pursed her lips, diverting her narrowed brown eyes onto Toby. "Excuse me," Annabelle interjected, shaking her head. "No class is better than Derek! Have you seen him? That man is a god."

code by fudgecakez
A shit-eating grin spread across Danny's face at Kallie's comment. "Yeah, Mal," he teased, nudging his brother. "Isn't it just the greatest thing in the world? Being surrounded by such utter specimens? Such Adonises? Such-"

Malachi interrupted by lightly whacking Danny on the back of the head. "Yeah. It really just gets the juices flowing," he retorted with a roll of his eyes. It wasn't that he was particularly bad at sports, but it was damn hard to try and find an empty stall to change in. Much like Kallie, Malachi had his own insecurities to deal with-and at the forefront of it all was the fact that at times was so overwhelming, it was all he could stand to think of-

He just felt like he didn't really belong anywhere. And, though he'd managed to wrestle his way through high school without too much confrontation, he was prepared for it to come at any time. From any place.

Toby's brow furrowed at Annabelle's comment. They knew Kallie had a tendency to be a bit boy-crazy (a prospect Toby did not, nor would ever understand), but they all remembered the Gabriel incident. Toby had confronted him straight up. There was an unspoken rule in their little group, a rule that was well understood not to be broken under whatever circumstances-nobody made anybody cry without some real consequences. Especially not Kallie.

He blinked when he was dressed by Annabelle, arching a brow at her comment. "No, he ain't." he replied bluntly. "His toes touch the ground like everybody else. I don't see what all the fuss is about." He didn't dislike Derek, exactly, it was more just a blatant exasperation with all the girls in that class fawning over him when he so much as did a powerpoint lecture. Guy probably couldn't lift a set of tools if there was a gun to his head.
The last day of school
Location: annabelle's locker
Mood: excited

Maeby cleared her throat, wanting to change the subject of boys and...gods. "They gave me the keys today," She piped up, hitching her backpack further up. "They said the cabin won't be completely ready until at least two weeks before the end of summer break, but that's fine, yeah?" It still gave them plenty of time to get into trouble elsewhere. And by them, she meant mostly Kallie. Annabelle had a lot on her plate with dance practice and all that, but Kallie? she was the troublemaker of the two.

And the blonde had already got them invited to some start of summer bash, a party mostly every senior attended, out in the middle of some goddamn woods. Normally, that wasn't her type of thing but she needed something to keep her mind off of the application she had sent into Yale. Something that hadn't been sent back, yet.

As if Kallie knew what she was thinking of, her eyes lit up. "You guys are still coming to the summer bash right?" Her question was directed towards the three boys, she knew Maeby and Belle would go, even if she had to drag them. "That party I told you all 'bout last weekend, the one happening tonight?" The grin never wavered from her lips, subconsciously side-stepping so she wasn't standing in way of the random boy scurrying to whatever class he had next. "If you say no, I hope you're all prepared for my constant nagging, and non-stop whining until you agree."

code by fudgecakez
Danny's rows raised when Maybe spoke-he'd forgotten about that plan with all the chaos that surrounded the final few weeks at school. Thinking about it made his pulse raise in excitement. A whole few days with an entire cabin to themselves? And, more importantly, a flatscreen TV just patiently sitting there, waiting for him to hook up his video game consoles to....He still wanted to see the girl's reactions to Silent Hill. Priceless. "Cassie's letting us go, right Mal?" he asked, looking towards his brother. "She knows you're the babysitter."

In response, Malachi shrugged. "Probably. Cassie's pretty cool. But when she says I'm the babysitter, she means it, okay?" It was almost kind of eerie, the way Malachi could shift from goofy mode to stern older brother mode. "And that means no drinking for you, kiddo. Gives you those headaches, remember?"

"Vividly." Danny said. In his own defense, he hadn't been aware that the bottle of lemonade he'd found in the fridge had in fact, been a Mikes....And he'd payed dearly for it the entire next day. The party would be no exception, he knew, which is why he kind of wasn't looking forward to it. Being the only sober one surrounded by a bunch of loud teenagers wasn't exactly his favorite thing. Plus, he hated parties. He never knew how to act.

Toby was similar-in fact, he'd tried to duck out of the conversation early, only to be blocked pretty impressively by Kallie. "I dunno," He mumbled, scratching the back of his head. "I got some stuff to do back home, and Uncle Curtis don't like me goin' to those things anyway..." but his excuses were futile, he could tell already. Kallie was very good at getting her way with these things.

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