Magnolia sat in her seat in English class, feeling a mix of emotions as she reflected on the past week and the year ahead. It was already a week into her second to final year at Canon Beach High, and while the excitement of starting her nearing last year of high school lingered, a touch of sadness clouded her thoughts. The realization that this beautiful period was almost coming to an end in just a year and a couple of semesters weighed on her heart. However, there was a silver lining – the prospect of going to college to pursue her biology degree and hit yet another milestone in her life.
The first week had been a whirlwind of activity, especially for Magnolia, who was heavily involved in both the student council and the welcome committee. She thrived on making other people's lives better and simpler, especially during times of stress. Her days were filled with guiding freshies around the sprawling campus, answering their myriad questions, and helping them find their way. Magnolia also played a crucial role in assisting with club assignments, ensuring that every student found a place where they could belong and thrive. Despite the busyness, it brought her immense joy and satisfaction.
Now, two days into the second week, the real work began as classes started in earnest. English class was the current period, and the minute Magnolia walked in and saw the words "group assignment" scrawled on the board, she felt a familiar twinge of frustration. While she never shied away from schoolwork, group assignments were not her forte. She loved people, but her experiences with group projects had been a mixed bag. Although some partners were cooperative, she had her fair share of slackers. Magnolia hated bad grades and often found herself doing the bulk of the work, proofreading, and ensuring the final product was up to standard while others dragged along.
The real work had begun with the start of classes. Magnolia looked up, her heart sinking the moment she saw "group assignment" written on the board. The thrill she had felt just days ago, welcoming freshies and organizing club assignments, was replaced by a sense of dread.
Maggie had never shied away from schoolwork or homework, in fact, she thrived on academic challenges. However, group assignments were a different story. While she loved people and enjoyed working with others, her experiences with group projects had often been less than ideal. Although some of her partners were cooperative, she had also encountered her fair share of slackers. The female absolutely detested bad grades, and her strong sense of responsibility meant she usually ended up doing most of the work. She would meticulously proofread and ensure the project met her high standards while others merely coasted along.
As she sank further into her seat, she couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. Watching her classmates file into the room, chatting and laughing, Magnolia pulled out her diary and began to doodle, a comforting ritual that helped her gather her thoughts. As she lost herself in the familiar swirl of lines and shapes, she found solace in the midst of the chaos, reminding herself of her determination to make this year memorable and impactful, both for herself and her peers. Despite the challenges of group assignments, Magnolia was determined to resolve and approach them with the same dedication and passion she applied to everything else in her life.
As she doodled, she couldn't help but think about the year ahead. Despite the challenges, she was determined to make the most of this year at Canon Beach High. She wanted to leave a lasting impact on her school and her peers, ensuring that this year was memorable for everyone. With her biology degree on the horizon, Magnolia knew that every effort she put in now would pave the way for her future success.
"You can do this girl,"
she muttered.
Even if it meant conquering a group assignment on the second day of school.