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Fantasy The Stars Look back at Us. (W/ Gummy Worms)



Balls 4 LIFE
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-It had been a long day. Work had been a mental bother and family problems were every which way. But Jameson wasn't gonna let that ruin his night. He had plans. His plan was to enjoy the stars and moon tonight.-

As I walked into my house I felt the cold air hit my face. "Damn, it's really that hot." I walk farther in and close the door. I begin to take off my bag, then my shoes.

I began my nightly routine. Starting with getting into comfortable clothes. It's just a tank top and shorts but it's a lot better than my work clothes. From there I start to make my dinner.

As I finish making the pasta I sat down an ate. I wash my dishes and then grab a cold soda from my fridge. From there I head to my backyard.

I set up my chair and then think if how lonely I am.
"Damn yo.." I sit down then look up.

Seeing the deep wide space of the darkness was comforting. The stars among the dark shinded brilliantly. Then outta no where I see a shooting star.

From there I made a wish.

"I wish I wasn't as lonely as I am.."

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