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Fantasy The spectrum RP (open)(detailed/casual)

Flowiest said:
Charlie laid a few dried leafs, roots, and powders and other things to mix together to make a concoction.
"More concerned with the blackguard outfit I left here.. Will probably let you walk around freely until you go upstairs.. And poisoning the food or your target will be difficult"

He waved his hand indicating he wants a drink.

Councillor dent was making his way there, ahead of him slightly.

Guards would have gone to stop any coming up the stairs, but walking with the pink councillor helped.

A man with a short sword and a spectrum guard uniform stood outside dwight's hall.

She invited everyone inside once they arrived and the guard closed the door kayla spoke.

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience I've caused in your day..this is unfortunate for everyone when the council must suspect themselves"
"What do you mean?"

Bryant walked lightly up the gently sloping stairs that led from the Academy's center atrium and into the Orange Hall, admiring the rich orange glow which shone off the pocked sandstone paneling, furnishings, and sculptures that dominated the vast room. Orange banners adorned with gold embroidery fluttered inaudibly above in the morning updrafts. The whole room was... unusually empty. Bryant reverently examined the place, felt the air, listened to his footsteps, and started to think.

Heh, those craggy old benches. We always thought Yvette gave us hard seating on purpose so we'd practice using Hue on our rears after class.

"We"... I wonder if any of my old classmates are still here. Probably not. I've been gone a long while.

As he walked he brushed his hand along the unpolished back of a sandstone bench; presently, he stopped to examine a textbook that had been left behind on the seat. The sunlight had made the faded leather cover pleasantly warm, and Bryant reverently flipped through the ink-stained pages of parchment, lingering on a detailed picture labeled The Proportions of Man. Spidery text arced around the page, describing the miniature ley lines and deposits of energy that coursed through a human being.

Figure I know most of this from trial and error by now.

Never was one for reading.

After a moment, Bryant put the textbook in his overcoat's interior pocket and moved north, toward the raised podium and the three panels of sandstone writing board that dominated that end of the room. He looked on, mutely bittersweet, and was about to turn away when he caught a glimmer on the board among the dark streaks of not-quite-erased charcoal. He looked head on at the board and blinked a few times; small shards of quartz in the sandstone gleamed back at him in the early bright, but there was little out of the ordinary. Just as he was going to leave once again, he saw the same glimmer; this time, he focused his hue and scoured the board for whatever had caused what he had noticed.

Near the bottom right of the central board, there were a few wispy orange lines of... something. Bryant ambled cautiously towards the script and slipped off his blindfold to better read it.

"Adrian," it read, "I brought you back. Remember what I taught you about sunsets."

And with that, the message faded like a memory... and Bryant was left with more questions than answers.
A woman walked into the orange hall wearing spectrum guard uniform with a broadsword at her waist.

Noticing a young man (making his own plot up like a clever clogs aha) standing alone,

Seemingly out of place as most orange talents were attending a funeral for the late councillor orange, as some knew yvette.

"Name please?" She asked as she walked forward @Dentedhelm
Flowiest said:
A woman walked into the orange hall wearing spectrum guard uniform with a broadsword at her waist.
Noticing a young man (making his own plot up like a clever clogs aha) standing alone,

Seemingly out of place as most orange talents were attending a funeral for the late councillor orange, as some knew yvette.

"Name please?" She asked as she walked forward @Dentedhelm

Hmm... should I tell her the truth?

Sure. Why not. Hope she doesn't frisk me.

"...Adrian Bryant." He gestured around the Hall. "Where's Yvette? Isn't class supposed to be in session by now?"
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Dentedhelm said:
Hmm... should I tell her the truth?

Sure. Why not. Hope she doesn't frisk me.

"...Adrian Bryant." He gestured around the Hall. "Where's Yvette? Isn't class supposed to be in session by now?"
The woman took off her helmet, orange was apparent in her eyes but more green and blue. Her face while stoic looked as if it could break in a moment

"Councillor orange was murdered" her upper lip trembled a bit as she finshed.

Her helmet on a desk which she sat on as well.

"No idea who did it.. People say the guild did it for the federation, others say she did it herself.."

The woman cried silently but her soft gasps for air gave it away.
guul66 said:
"What do you mean?"
"I'm afraid someone murdered orange councillor yvette last night, two other murders in the previous week, two being council members.. I fear someone is removing obstacles in their long term path" she answered in a grim tone
Flowiest said:
"I'm afraid someone murdered orange councillor yvette last night, two other murders in the previous week, two being council members.. I fear someone is removing obstacles in their long term path" she answered in a grim tone
"Who?" Kent asked, not having the obvious answer.
guul66 said:
"Who?" Kent asked, not having the obvious answer.
"Whose to say?" Kayla said in a rhetorical manner

"If the federation planted spies...the rebels.. I'd like to rule out the possibility of our own but I fear yvette being reduced to ashes only points to a very skilled red talent.. Or some sort of explosion that no one reported"

Dent took a moment to speak "when we meet at the next council we have dwight's personal guard in the room, her student Sandra took pick out any looking to deceive us, and you and I shall interrogate any we find"
Flowiest said:
"Whose to say?" Kayla said in a rhetorical manner
"If the federation planted spies...the rebels.. I'd like to rule out the possibility of our own but I fear yvette being reduced to ashes only points to a very skilled red talent.. Or some sort of explosion that no one reported"

Dent took a moment to speak "when we meet at the next council we have dwight's personal guard in the room, her student Sandra took pick out any looking to deceive us, and you and I shall interrogate any we find"
"A-alright." Dent warily says.
Flowiest said:
Charlie got both men a drink as they talked.
"Almost every third guard is talented in grey or white.. It's actually a requirement for guarding the top floors" dart informed as he had a sip of his drink.

"Personally I think if you use that " he moved a dagger through the ingredients to avoid touching them with his hand

"There, that ragga root ground into a powder when it's lit the smoke effects people very differently.. Hah..

if you got the targets attacking each other.. guards included who is gonna see you add a blade into the scuffle?"
Arushin sipped a bit from his drink and nodded, "Will all of the targets be dinning together considering the recent events? If they do, I can do something about it. Else it will be hard to kill all the targets in a single night. I may have to make plans to remain in the Academy if that is the case. I may just attempt to get two of them together, then use it. It will depend on the circumstance." He nods.

"As for going to the top floors, being gray and white, might facilitate things. Considering the Spectrum Guard has only arrived, they might not have much reason to stop me if I only say that it is my duty. Have they gotten acquainted with the buildings and the guards in duty, their names, shifts and other things yet?" He looked at Dart.
Flowiest said:
The woman took off her helmet, orange was apparent in her eyes but more green and blue. Her face while stoic looked as if it could break in a moment
"Councillor orange was murdered" her upper lip trembled a bit as she finshed.

Her helmet on a desk which she sat on as well.

"No idea who did it.. People say the guild did it for the federation, others say she did it herself.."

The woman cried silently but her soft gasps for air gave it away.
"Wh... what?"

WHAT?! I... that's..!

"Yvette's been... murdered?!" Bryant sputtered, sliding onto the desk next to her. "How? She's a councilor!"

He hung his head for a moment and twisted his face into a snarl. "You and me," he said, gesturing at the sword strapped to her hip, "death is our business. And so is life." He tapped where is eyes lay under the blindfold. "Aghh... I don't even know where I'm going with this. But you understand what I'm saying, right? Our kind, we get it. Yvette got it. And now she's dead."


He sighed. "Did you know her..? Where's the funeral? What're you doing here?"
Archene said:
Arushin sipped a bit from his drink and nodded, "Will all of the targets be dinning together considering the recent events? If they do, I can do something about it. Else it will be hard to kill all the targets in a single night. I may have to make plans to remain in the Academy if that is the case. I may just attempt to get two of them together, then use it. It will depend on the circumstance." He nods.
"As for going to the top floors, being gray and white, might facilitate things. Considering the Spectrum Guard has only arrived, they might not have much reason to stop me if I only say that it is my duty. Have they gotten acquainted with the buildings and the guards in duty, their names, shifts and other things yet?" He looked at Dart.
"Oh yea I have the names, patrol schedules and aspirations of each guard to arrive in the last few days"

He said sarcastically

"No I don't know I haven't seen a blackguard on duty since all the spectrum guard arrive

And if a white or grey talent sees you using grey talent they will assume the worst and I think that ends in sharp objects in your skin "

Dart almost chuckled at his own joke, it wasn't that funny though.

Dentedhelm said:
"Wh... what?"
WHAT?! I... that's..!

"Yvette's been... murdered?!" Bryant sputtered, sliding onto the desk next to her. "How? She's a councilor!"

He hung his head for a moment and twisted his face into a snarl. "You and me," he said, gesturing at the sword strapped to her hip, "death is our business. And so is life." He tapped where is eyes lay under the blindfold. "Aghh... I don't even know where I'm going with this. But you understand what I'm saying, right? Our kind, we get it. Yvette got it. And now she's dead."


He sighed. "Did you know her..? Where's the funeral? What're you doing here?"
"She's my mother.. The funeral is on the beach.. And I'm here because i was assigned here...

'Death and life' is your business? What your a healer for the shadow guild?" She went to laugh but it wasn't for her at said moment.. Her face wasn't sad.. It was more focused as if she was adding together something in her mind.
Flowiest said:
"She's my mother.. The funeral is on the beach.. And I'm here because i was assigned here...
'Death and life' is your business? What your a healer for the shadow guild?" She went to laugh but it wasn't for her at said moment.. Her face wasn't sad.. It was more focused as if she was adding together something in her mind.
Better not reach for your piece... that's not where this should go.

"You're her daughter?" Bryant glanced over at her. "I'm honored to meet you. Your mother was one of the few people in this world I knew I could trust unconditionally." The scowl returned to his face. "And I'm not Guild. I'm a drifter. One your mother put on the right path."

Well, mostly. There's a lot of robbed tombs, skewered bandits and dry kegs out there on account of me. Don't think she would've liked that.

Seeing her gaze continue to sharpen- Wow, she really is Yvette's daughter- Bryant gestured toward the western facing floor-to-ceiling window. "Why aren't you at the funeral?"

And what's your name? I didn't even know Yvette was married! Is she?

Well, she never really had a reason to share. Councilors are very hush hush.

God, I can't... no, I
can believe this. The Federation isn't above this shit. Just got done fighting their brainwashed asses out of Concord Valley before I got abduc-... well, sent here.

Yvette must've known I was fighting there, somehow... and that I would come back to Cairn for the celebrations... and that she'd die before I arrived here in Kawlii. Does that mean Sofia
didn't stab me in the back? It was one of Yvette's council agents? Maybe she's worried about me... or back on the road. Or both. She's tough.

So then why am I here? Does Yvette want me to stop whatever the Feds've got cooked up? What could that be? Why me? Cause I'm "trustworthy"? She more than anyone knows- knew- that my first priority would be getting out of this place!

What the hell is going on?!
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A man poked his head into the orange hallway.

An older gentlemen, still in excellent physical condition, he wore luxurious red robes and darkened shades, yvettes daughter stood at attention with a disciplined tone "councillor sir"

Red councillor Byrne looked at Bryant, you couldn't see his eyes, but you could guess or feel where he was glaring.

"Adrian right?" He said with a voice full of authority @Dentedhelm

Dart finished his drink, "I'm gonna see if I can get a spectrum guard uniform or two.. It'd be more convient with your talent... If you want come with me we can discuss a plan" he left with less then a small grin, more a blank face weighing each choice in his mind, what to do and where. @Archene

"The meeting is in Byrnes hall" councillor dwight said,

Her guard and Sandra went into the room with dwight to get ready.

Dent was left with Kent,

"You don't have to be in the hall while we sniff out the problem.. But if you feel good enough with your hue and a weapon the more of us ready to stand is better"


Taking the prepared materials and keeping them appropriatedly hidden on himself, Arushin set out to follow Dart. Regardless of any difference in their form to reach a solution. They were both of the same organization, and if he had ideas to get him uniforms that would increase his chances to complete his mission, it would be better. @Flowiest
Archene said:
Taking the prepared materials and keeping them appropriatedly hidden on himself, Arushin set out to follow Dart. Regardless of any difference in their form to reach a solution. They were both of the same organization, and if he had ideas to get him uniforms that would increase his chances to complete his mission, it would be better. @Flowiest
Both made it through the gates and doors after questioning and they set out through the cafeteria to the courtyard dart pointed subtly across to the dining hall and the guard barracks.

"The dining hall is where they the important people eat, they have a kitchen walled off seperate from the cafeteria, I've never been inside the kitchen but they have guards in and out of the door leading to food" he took a seat overlooking some brown talents in the gardens on the property, some made flowers bloom incredibley fast, others grew massive vegetables from seeds in mere minutes

"See how they have those uniforms?" Dart said nodding his head slightly to a group of Spec guards leaving the barracks.

"The coloured stripes on their clothes over the armour shows rank and that, we find you a white and grey uniform and you can bullshit into the kitchen or maybe go above floor three"
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Flowiest said:
A man poked his head into the orange hallway.
An older gentlemen, still in excellent physical condition, he wore luxurious red robes and darkened shades, yvettes daughter stood at attention with a disciplined tone "councillor sir"

Red councillor Byrne looked at Bryant, you couldn't see his eyes, but you could guess or feel where he was glaring.

"Adrian right?" He said with a voice full of authority @Dentedhelm
Bryant crossed his arms, raised his chin, and- No. As much as I'd love to remind this guy I'm not entitled to lick his boots, I also don't need to get in trouble right now. "That's right," Bryant said with a slight nod.
"Walk with me" he stated before leaving the room

Yvettes daughter looked uneasy the moment he spoke she quickly put a helmet on as he left.

"I'd do as he says"
Flowiest said:
"Walk with me" he stated before leaving the room
Yvettes daughter looked uneasy the moment he spoke she quickly put a helmet on as he left.

"I'd do as he says"
Bryant gave a her a conspiratorial nod and walked warily after Byrne.

I hope we meet again.
"I've read over your file since you first arrived back and I have some questions reguarding the badlands, and the groups you have associated with in the past" Byrne spoke as he walked with Adrian beside him.

Leading outside to the courtyard,

Byrne was in view of dart and arushin as Byrne led Adrian walking closer toward the guard barracks awaiting him to acknowledge he would answer questions

Flowiest said:
Both made it through the gates and doors after questioning and they set out through the cafeteria to the courtyard dart pointed subtly across to the dining hall and the guard barracks.
"The dining hall is where they the important people eat, they have a kitchen walled off seperate from the cafeteria, I've never been inside the kitchen but they have guards in and out of the door leading to food" he took a seat overlooking some brown talents in the gardens on the property, some made flowers bloom incredibley fast, others grew massive vegetables forms seeds in mere minutes

"See how they have those uniforms?" Dart said nodding his head slightly to a group of Spec guards leaving the barracks.

"The coloured stripes on their clothes over the armour shows rank and that, we find you a white and grey uniform and you can bullshit into the kitchen or maybe go above floor three"
"Hopefully, we will find one of a good rank that is white and gray." He nods, "And if we get one, I am sure I can make my way into the kitchen." If it only consisted of bullshitting through, he'd be able to do it... if it consisted of bullshitting through, and fighting... He was sure that it is good to have backup plans.
Archene said:
"Hopefully, we will find one of a good rank that is white and gray." He nods, "And if we get one, I am sure I can make my way into the kitchen." If it only consisted of bullshitting through, he'd be able to do it... if it consisted of bullshitting through, and fighting... He was sure that it is good to have backup plans.
"That's a councillor there" dart pointed to a man in red robes walking with a young man dart knew,

"So say I can find some disguise for you, your gonna what? Sneak poison into everyone's food in the kitchen?" Dart asked more quiet.
Flowiest said:
"I've read over your file since you first arrived back and I have some questions reguarding the badlands, and the groups you have associated with in the past" Byrne spoke as he walked with Adrian beside him.
Bryant frowned and crossed his arms obstinately. "And what makes you think I'll cough that information up for you?"
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Dentedhelm said:
Bryant frowned and crossed his arms obstinately. "And what makes you think I'll cough that information up for you?"
"starvation in jail?...death?"

Byrne said casually as you could suggest murdering someone.

"You can refuse to co-operate but that just draws our time together into nasty places.. Your here because your a skilled orange talent, and orange talents are sought after in the badlands and overseas for obvious reasons and less obvious reasons.. One of those lesser reasons is the coloured dragons and the cara ōchō"
Flowiest said:
"starvation in jail?...death?"
Byrne said casually as you could suggest murdering someone.

Well, he took that bait. He's got power, uses it, and underestimates me. Common cocktail for people like him.

Flowiest said:
"You can refuse to co-operate but that just draws our time together into nasty places.. Your here because your a skilled orange talent, and orange talents are sought after in the badlands and overseas for obvious reasons and less obvious reasons.. One of those lesser reasons is the coloured dragons and the cara ōchō"


"Not sure I follow, Councilor."

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