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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

(Renki perspective)

She looked at them in thought "well, while we were battling she did something strange towards the clones then ran off somewhere in that direction..." She pointed with her finger "a moment later I saw a huge beam of light going up towards the sky... And now this, come to think if it when she was doing that weird thing she kept screaming stuff about not wanting to be useless..." She trailed off in thought about her own words. @zeroknight @Lunaire
"Extreme emotions... we can fix her later by scaring her..." Sebastian said smiling and almost seeming he'd enjoy it Saphira offered offered a growl "Not to bad or I'm going to punch you like I did when I caught you staring at Camilla."

(Riku perspective)

While Riku was sitting there waiting for Gil's response she heard the conversation going on with the twins and Renki, L..Love!? She started blushing as that word had stood out the most towards her, well at least now she knew how it happened, extreme emotions... but more importantly, how to change back? She jumped back up onto Kalin's shoulder not enjoying being so small compared to everyone else, perspective wise. @Newtype @zeroknight @Lunaire @Plushie @yumiyukifan1 @Aura Of Twilight

(Renki Perspective)

Renki stared at the two siblings blankly after hearing their evil plans... "Are you sure? She seems like she's been through a lot lately..." Jumping off Sebastian's shoulder feeling that it was just to embarrassing at the time being, staring back up at them "let's give her a brake for a bit, after she doesn't seem to stressed by it" she said glancing over at her jumping onto Kalin's shoulder again, letting a smirk form in her face. @zeroknight @Lunaire
Alya sighed as she slumped down against a wall. Nila, the spirit fox, had somehow changed the settings on her alarm clock and made her sleep late. Bryn just cuffed at her.

"What you mean Bryn? Nila was just looking.... Ah! That's right! This one was so excited that I couldn't sleep well last night! Nila will get a fish for that!"

@Kalin Scarlet
The twins were actually arguing about Camilla now, Saphira making witty remarks about Sebastian not being able to keep his eyes off of her. "I'm just curious! That's all, especially since illusions are just lies and they don't work with my ability to see through any lie, unlike you!" Sebastian growled after saying this and Saphira was quick to fire back "Yeah, well at least I can keep myself from staring so blatantly at a silver haired girl!" It went back and forth like this now, their gems glowing as their tempers rose.

TheHappyPikachu said:
Riku looked down at the girl Kalin had saved "and...errr, I'm Riku!.. I'm not normally a cat..." she said awkwardly with a cheerful smile on her face, she liked being on Kalin's shoulder, it was a strangely comfortable position, even so seeing this battle go on and not being able to help... it hurt her "...I'm so useless.." she mumbled so that Kalin wouldn't get concerned about her again. "you really don't look too good..." she said with concern towards the girl, which only enforced her earlier feeling of not being needed. @Newtype
A talking kitten? Auri blinked, her thoughts a mess. She must have hit her head hard. But when she looked at the kitten's eyes, she saw that they matched the neko girl from earlier. Riku indeed. She wondered why the girl was like that, but at the same time thought the girl looked absolutely adorable right then.

"You're so cu-" She winced, realizing it probably wasn't a good idea to move. A faint blush settled on her cheeks. "Err...sorry about that Riku. I'll be fine though! Just a little head injury is all. Are you okay?"

She felt Arthur shift behind her, more than likely looking at her head. "I think it may be both a concussion and nasty cut." He said calmly. "The force of the blow could've penetrared deeply and cracked your skull. This should be healed and then follow by a good night's rest."

"Mmm...." Auri bit her lip. "Sorry for causing so much trouble. I'll do my best to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again..." She looked around a bit, most of the rookie knights looking as bewildered as she was. Among them, she saw Vincent, surprisingly only having a few cuts on his person. Wow. Compared to him and the others, I feel pretty weak.

Kalin Scarlet @Newtype
@Ninja God

Galahad caught Jorian as he fell he did great in battle and his abilities mixed with Esstella wound be extremely powerful he lifted Jorian with his enhanced reflexes back up into the tree
The twins still fought furiously, arguing heavily about things, their gems glew bright from unsettled tempers as they had to cause the argument to come to a halt. The two looked at Gil, scowls on their faces as they waited for his instructions.

Jorian was unfortunately have gotten use to being beat like that for the past few years trying to get better so his recovery time was extraordinary he still could barely moved but he managed to point at the ground to his staff and let him arm limp back down, he looked at Esstella and managed the best smile he could do and let his tounge hang out of his mouth as he made a silly face like he died and began to mimick a giggle as he looked back at Esstella


Vince ran up to the school door a slammed it open. "FINALLY IM HERE." Taking out a cloth he wiped his for head and slipped it back into his jacket

and replaced his pink hat. "Well lets see i ride over 100 miles in a carrige that seemed to have never been washed to come to this school and this how im welcomed." he giggled hard and faked wiped off a tear of laughter and walked wit one hand holding onto the chest collar of his blazer and the other hand behind his back. seeing what seem to be a bear and a lady he stopped and looked at them. "Hello fair maiden and very unusual bear, im guessing im late. what should i do." he yawned and stretched very dramatically going up on his tippy toes and extending his arms way out with his mouth wide open so you could see his uvula. "so very sorry for that" he said pulling down his blazer and fixing his hat "Its been a long trip for me."

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Telia giggled at the twins. Siblings are the BEST. Especially her older sister. Gil called for the team to come and gather around, so Telia did so. Riku was still a cute little kitten and Telia was surprised that all the clones were lifeless dummies powered by magic. It shocked her, but they were pretty challenging, so she was a bit glad they weren't the real thing. Camilla was by her side and was waiting for instructions like the rest. She wondered where Rex was and saw her sister walking towards her with Yoh. Rex grinned a wearied smile and returned to her team and waited for her mentor to send out instructions.

@Newtype @Plushie @TheHappyPikachu @Kalin Scarlet @zeroknight @Lunaire @Aura Of Twilight
@Ninja God @Archangel Galdrael @Aqua @Kai123

Esstella lifted Jorian into the tree the wind holding him up she smiled and giggled at his joke and she was sure they would be sharing many inside jokes
Gil stepped forward "Not to be mean or anything but you guys seemed to have total lack of communication. We had some guys falling back while others where still engaging the enemies. We had others trying to take on the enemy by themselves despite low success rates. Honestly you guys fought more individually than a cohesive legion of Knights you're supposed to be. That issue was your downfall. If I didn't give my hint at the end you guys would've been butchered by yourselves. Now take this to heart when I say you need to do better."

@Kalin Scarlet @Aura Of Twilight @TheHappyPikachu @zeroknight @Lunaire @Plushie @yumiyukifan1
Sebastian slammed the bottom of his ax into the ground, cracking the stone beneath it with a low growl "Speak for the others, not I or my sister, we were made for combat and twice we tried to regroup.." He paused and pointed at Arthur "If anyone failed us, it was the one who passed out under pressure, our assumed leader." He stopped short, letting the words hang into the air before continuing "And you threw two teams together, knowing we had no idea of what abilities we had, none! This was a flawed training exercise to say the least.." Sebastian seemed fit with his choice of words, ember eyes burning with self hatred along with burning ambition. Saphira however stood silent with her arms crossed.

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie @Aura Of Twilight
"Well for War Machines you don't know much about war. War comes with the unexpected, this situation was meant to be unexpected and your were supposed to be unprepared but then adapt to the situation. You can't pin this on everyone else. You and your sister were among those to charge in ahead of your leader before he could give any orders. Yes your leader should've found some way to rangle you guys in when things got tough and yes you did try nto regroup but the need to regroup only came from those who charged in head strong believing the clones to be like the monsters you faced earlier in the exercise." Gil replied with his face unchanged, there is always atleast one student who says something and so he was prepared.

@Kalin Scarlet @zeroknight
Sebastian moved through the crowd of students, leaving his ax implanted in the stone beside his sister. "Don't know much about war? My strategy was far better than your lacky Arthur, in fact I had the clones busy enough for me and my sister to almost kill Dark Arthur but since YOUR lacky passed out, my plan was interrupted because my sister had to guard the fallen boy! You made that boy leader when he didn't even have a clue on what to do! Your training was flawed and you know it, and even planning for the unexpected we are briefed in some way, shape or form, on what our team can do so we CAN improvise, not rely on a leader who doesn't know what he is doing, or make guesses and die anyway!"

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie @Aura Of Twilight
Gil walked through the crowd stood face to helmet mask thing with Sebastian. "Your strategy was only effective until the clones actually started to try. Dark Arthur would've killed at full power and you want to know why because you can't defeat this whole class at once and that's what he was rolled into one. You overestimate the power of you and your sibling. Arthur only passed out because he had to sever your pendants because you and your sister were fusing. Blame it on yourself for not having a better handling on yourself. Arthur was the only other one to indentify what Dark Arthur was doing albeit very late but that's on him. You claim this was flawed to only hide it from yourself that you failed. If you feel that you didn't failed and that you could've done this all by yourself then you can waltz yourself right down to Astor's unit. I will not deal with an animal in denial, he'll welcome you."

@Kalin Scarlet @zeroknight
Jorian layed on the bed of wind this reminded of him back when he was just a child and his parents didnt know he didnt posses any magic abilities. His father would take him into the sky and they would watch the clouds together. Jorian folded his hands on his chest and a very peaceful look showered his face. For a person who just got beaten up not too long ago he was taking it pretty good, the wind holding him above the ground was the reason. he imagined it as his own magic which was far out of reach for now but it kept him calm and happy thanks to Esstella he was able to dream again.

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"An animal in denial, a teacher doesn't shove children into a brink of death, me and my sister run on rage and pain and know how the enemy works. My plan was perfect, the people I had linked together would have held off the clones perfect enough to kill them. You refuse to accept that your lacky was out thought by war mongers and he didn't perform to the peek of perfection that you thought he could. I may be filled with eternal rage, but I'm smart enough to know when something is flawed." Sebastian crossed his armored arms, ember eyes burned at Gil and the pendant around his neck pulsed "You were wrong, swallow your pride and admit it. We were too new to each other to face an enemy that needed teamwork to defeat."

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu @Plushie @Aura Of Twilight @Lunaire
[QUOTE="Ninja God]Jorian was unfortunately have gotten use to being beat like that for the past few years trying to get better so his recovery time was extraordinary he still could barely moved but he managed to point at the ground to his staff and let him arm limp back down, he looked at Esstella and managed the best smile he could do and let his tounge hang out of his mouth as he made a silly face like he died and began to mimick a giggle as he looked back at Esstella
@Ninja God

Shiyam just continued to look on, while Mara appeared from thin air.

"Do tell me when you fight, my daughter. I'm getting bored just doing nothing but stare at people fighting."

Shiyam nodded to Mara, not turning her head towards Mara but Mara understood.

"That was technically the same plan Arthur said. The plan he stated was for everyone to hold off their own copies because they know themselves best and at precise moment Arthur would blow through and kill them. I didn't expect perfection out there, I didn't expect you guys to succeed. But what I didn't expect was you all to have such a lack of communication. This is Arthur's fault too, I am not saying he isn't to blame. But you're to blame as well, we suggested you follow Arthur and he said anyone else willing to lead should lead at the beginning. If you wanted to lead then you should've done so from the get go. If you guys hadn't come together under Subordination Manipulation at the last minute then you all would've been able to brief each other on your powers and how best you guys would work as team. But everyone was all over the place. If you can't see that through your negativity then you don't belong under my instruction. So I am giving you a choice you can own up that this is you failed alongside your team or you can go to the one that accepts your kind just as you are?" Gil replied with the face of pure calm.

@Kalin Scarlet @zeroknight
Vince dance over to The bear inspecting him circling him one hand tapping hid chin and other arm still behind his back with an indecisive look on his face. "Oh ma'am i only called yo that out of politeness you are beautiful after all i see it as a compliment." after he got done looking at the bear he hopped back and over to Alya "I am Sir Vince grandson of the great Clyde Cratus." he said the last part with an intense enthusiasm and bowed taking the girls hand and kissing it. he abrutely straighted up palcing both hands behing his back and look at the girl. "Hmmm why do you talk in third person." he said while checking his nails.

((Oooo wrong person tagged the first time @RoyalPheonix32

its all good so sorry if i confused anyone))
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Arizona got up from her spot on the ground after all the teachers had called the fight. Well it was intense while it lasted. She thought brushing dirt off. "Well, I'm going to go find my team so goodbye." Arizona waved while walking off towards the school. I wonder what they're like. She opened the school door and walked around looking.
Tsumi laid a hand on Gil's shoulder, as a signal to drop the subject. While he was absolutely right, there was no reason to argue the point with the boy, Sebastian. " I think this will be a good time for all of you to take a break."

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