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Fandom The Selection Roleplay - OOC Chat

I just finished half a math test. So...yay!

But I'm a little tired. I just finished an AP test a day or two ago and I'm making up for a lot of unfinished work.

How about you?
currently in german class. i'm So Ready to be done with school and get this show on the road, but i'm doing good.
I'm not ready at all. We officially can't go to school anymore so it's been online classes for the past two months.

It's not very fun and it just doesn't give the incentive to actually...do things? Unlike when you actually go to school.
preach. i haven't been in my school building since march, and they're hinting we might be out until october. i'm in an online class. i'm so ready for this to be over.
Yes! I'm facing the dilemma of accidentally missing online video calls because the message gets lost in the cave of my email.

Correction: trash heap
I could.

The thing is I'm very forgetful ._.'

So I end up forgetting to check the calendar or remember the notification it sent.

I don't miss them often, only on like...2 occasions?
sucks. our school auto hooks to our calender so i start every day by checking when i have classes.
they're all selected. if your character is one of the selected, she's automatically in the competition. i'd reccomend making a character who isn't a selected also so that if your character doesn't make it all the way you have someone else to play for the rest of the rp!
Yeah, maybe I'll pick up the position for maid. It's late for me right now though, so I'll probably add the second character tomorrow!

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