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Fandom The Selection Roleplay - OOC Chat

i'm sorry that was A Lot of words. i'd reccomend sticking with gender conforming roles, but i feel like if you made a case for it we'd probably allow it, but i'm not Princess Muk
I agree with Rainy. I'm doing a character who's a girl but pretending to be a guy and thus is a valet. If you provide the right circumstances, I think your character can totally do that. But make sure you have clearance from Princess Muk.
yeah. in the series, at least, everything was very gendered. girls are maids and cooks, boys are valets and guards. also, valet is just the word for male maid sooooo
Oh whoops! Haha I just thought the valet just being the guy who helps people with their cars and all that, ahahah. But thanks for the clarification!
that's how the word is used in modern times, but nope! originally it was someone who carried messages, set out clothes, and helped rich families.
Ah ok so only male characters can be valets, guards, reporters, or rebels, correct?

Actually, females can be reporters and rebels. In the original series, there were many female rebels featured. And yes, valets are the male version of the maids in this. And guards were very much a male-only role due to the very strict gender roles in the society. But yes, as the other said, there are creative ways to get around this.
omg i didn't see reporters and rebels there. i must've skipped over reading that.

but yes! in the series, my absolute favorite character was a female rebel who had a lovely curtsy.
I remember reading the first few books and some of the novellas (ex. from the Prince's perspective) and even though it's been a long while, I really liked the overall Selection series - a very balanced, tween romance book with a good heroine and all that stuff. My favorite character had to be Maxon Schreave because I always wondered and sympathized with his dilemma haha, being the oldest of my siblings.
Yes! It's a very good series. I think the mix of romance and intense drama with the rebels/politics was done very well and made the book super appealing.

I saw a few years ago Epic Reads' YouTube channel had made summaries of the books with Barbies and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
i'm going to be completely honest. while i loved the worldbuilding there was one thing about the selection series that pissed me off and that was america's side love interest. like, she was cute with maxon! it did NOT need to be a love triangle! and both of them would've been beheaded! and we already had that happen in the series!!

basically that particular arc annoyed me and her love interest did not need to be there
Oof, me too. Aspen was an intriguing character for me but by the time the love triangle really happened she'd already gotten so far in her relationship with Maxon... it didn't make much sense to me that she was suddenly having feelings for Aspen again :/
Very true...but yes Aspen was a very intriguing character in the beginning imo. Its only later that I think he kind of became a bit of a nuisance for America? Like I remember thinking Aspen is cool and all but why is he even tHeRe? ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗᵒ ˢᵘᶠᶠᵉʳˀ
Haha, perfectly put. He really was just there as a plot device later on to create tension in American and Maxon's pretty much perfect relationship. He really only stopped being a nuisance again once he stopped being part of the love triangle.
Haha, perfectly put. He really was just there as a plot device later on to create tension in American and Maxon's pretty much perfect relationship. He really only stopped being a nuisance again once he stopped being part of the love triangle.

Yessss I was like "way to go, dude" when he got with one of the maids lmfao
Btw, when are we starting this again? I think I might add a backstory to my guy, but I'm not sure since expanding on it during the RP sounds cool too...
Yessss I was like "way to go, dude" when he got with one of the maids lmfao
Btw, when are we starting this again? I think I might add a backstory to my guy, but I'm not sure since expanding on it during the RP sounds cool too...

Once we get enough members we will ... we still need more Selecteds, maids/valets for them, and the King and Queen before we can start. If any of you know someone who'd be interested in this, don't hesitate to tell them about it! I'm also planning on updating the coding for the interest check soon so it doesn't break when the site updates, so maybe that will draw in more people. I suspect some might not be interested because the current coding could appear as a placeholder if they don't click on it.
Once we get enough members we will ... we still need more Selecteds, maids/valets for them, and the King and Queen before we can start. If any of you know someone who'd be interested in this, don't hesitate to tell them about it! I'm also planning on updating the coding for the interest check soon so it doesn't break when the site updates, so maybe that will draw in more people. I suspect some might not be interested because the current coding could appear as a placeholder if they don't click on it.

cool! If we don't get people for the King and Queen, rainywrites rainywrites and I could totally divide and play the roles :>
i mean way to sign me up for that without asking... but yeah, we probably could. i take queen npc you take king?
fun fact. i really want a selected who is a bitch to other selected but kisses up to the royal family/gold digger/basically just bring in celeste pls

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