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Realistic or Modern The Secret

I looked at her and smiled, "Good job! You have good swordsmanship" I praised quickly and snapped my finger. Demons disappeared and one giant one appeared instead, "This is Crue" "He's my demon trainer, helps me defeat them" I explained. "He's the boss battle at the end of my game, so, let's defeat him for now, as a small training session" I say and wield my sword again, Crue smiled and ran at me, I dodged him and slashed his giant tail.
I sat under my secret table behind the school, trying not to let tears drip into my food. I finally gave up and sobbed my eyes out, letting all my emotions pour out as magic through my skin. I had seen him, with that girl. The look on his face. A look that I had never seen before.

He didn't look at me like that.

I scowled to myself, thinking I was being foolish. Why would he fall in love with anyone else, especially the same day he kissed me? I smiled, remembering the warmth of his body and his strong lips pressed against mine. It was messing with my head.

I was going to kill Scotty.

I looked up, wiping my nose, and saw that girl again.(@flutterbuttershy101) She looked at me with a confused stare, and I calmed myself down. Oh my god. I thought. How much did she see?
I was chewing on my favorite snack and was walking behind the school, but then I heard someone crying. No, not crying sobbing. I was concerned about her and I turned the corner. She was crying blood red tears and a red glow was pulsing around her body. I gasped and she looked up, then all the redness stopped at once. "Are... are you okay?" I asked hesitantly. "Do you need help?" I saw her eyes flash red. I got super really and dropped my snack. She glared at me and flicked her hand at me, so I hid behind my backpack, but nothing happened. I peered over my bag to see her looking confused and even angrier than before, but there was no more magic.
I glared at her and turned to run, but I felt like all the energy was gone from my body. I looked at my hands. They were turning black.

I gasped and felt my heart plummet into my stomach.

I no. I thought. Not today! Not now! It was my... well, it was like a period, except with magic. And it drained my energ and magic. I'd have it one day a month for 5 years until I learned to use my magic correctly.

My anger at the timing fueled enough magic for me to disappear into a cloud of smoke and teleport to my next class. Once I was there, I sighed, then gasped at the realization that I had this class with her. Ugh! I thought. This is gonna be a longgg day.
I saw her trying to run but I can't. She was one of them. But I can't believe she vanished! Then the bell rang. I ran as fast as I could to my next class. When I walked through the door I saw her, sitting in the seat behind me. But I saw her in a whole new light. And it was scary. I'd have to have a long talk with my parents later.

I went and sat down behind her, and watched her carefully in case any signs of magic occurred. She turned around and glared at me, so I shrank down in my seat and looked away. This is gonna be a long class. I thought.
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I glared at her and found satisfaction in her fear. I turned back around right as the teacher did, as to not get in trouble. Maybe after class, I could convince her not to tell anyone, and if she did, something bad would happen. Yeah, that's what I would do.

Hopefully she wouldn't call my bluff.

The rest of the class went by painfully slow, but finally the bell rang. I gathered my things and before she could leave, I blocked the door. "I need to talk to you." I said, anger dripping from every word.
I was just sitting in my desk and not even lisening on what the teacher was saying.After a long class the bell finally rang. I packed up my things as quickly as so I can make a run for it but then she blocked the door. "I need to talk to you."she said very angrly.I swallowed and nodded but was ready if anthing happened.
I scowled. "Follow me." I said, then started walking to my secret table. She followed close behind, and even though she stopped for a second when the bell rang for the next class, she still followed.

When we finally made it, I gestured at the table. "Sit." I said.
Then the bell rang for the next class i stopped for a second but contiued to walk. When we finally got there she gestured me to sit.I did but started to think on what spell I was going to use just in case things get messy.
"Listen... what you saw..." I began, trying to find the right words. "I mean, what you didn't see... it... it was just a trick, okay? Nothing more. No need to tell anybody." Intimidation dripped from every word I said, and I leaned closer. "Got it?"
Oliver woke up late again. It didn't really bother him that he was late for school he almost never showed up any way, most of his time he spent just stealing things. After about an hour of laying in the bed he got up and got dressed, bored he decided to go to school that way he can at least mess with some people and steal some things. He got dressed in black cargo pants and a dark blue tank top as he was walking outside he changed into a snake and ran to the schools back area there he changed back human and walked into school late.
"Ummm...ok but I wasn't going to tell anyone." I lied

"But I didn't know anyone else had powers and I know what you are. I quickllay ran and left to class.
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(Hey guys I'm really sorry I couldn't be on for so long, but I haven't been able to log in on my new computer. But I'm here now, so I'll probably rp soon, I just gotta read up X3)
I walked away from the training, my battle demon disappeared and I walked back to school. I was tired and I sighed quietly, class was too boring and I think Lux would hate me if she saw my face again. I sighed and realized I should find someone else to like me, maybe a dude this time. Ugh.. I better go sit down with Lux and explain what happened with me and the other girl, I snuck back to school and found Lux with another girl, they were talking. The other girl had ran to her class, this gave me a chance to talk to her! I slipped to the other side of Lux and tapped her shoulder, "H-hey..?" I said awkwardly and quietly.
I spun around quickly, scared it would be that girl again. But it was just (sorry forgot your name.) "You... you! You abandoned me! For... for her!" I was so mad, I was almost shaking with anger. "Why... why would you do that?" I felt my face scrunch up with anger and sadness, and hot tears welled up in my eyes. "We... we kissed. Didn't that mean something to you? Because it meant something to me!" At that point, I was screaming between sobs. My red glow was so bright it was almost blinding. I looked up at his face to see how he would react, hoping he felt something. Hoping he felt anything.
I looked at her and clenched my hand into a fist, "Because all you did was nothing, I wanted to train and actually use my powers" I yelled back in retort. "I am Satan's son, his spawn of evil and everything unholy, I have to use my powers in some way, I have to train myself!" I said and looked at my body. I was changing into my other form, I tried to stop it and did, but my eyes went all black and my tail stayed. Hopefully it looked like cosplay to other students if they ever saw me, "Well Lux, I, Scott Maximillian, hear by dub you forbidden from Hell, but also forbidden from Heaven. My father commands it from me, and now, I shall touch you to make it official" I recited and snapped my fingers, the deal had been made with God, my uncle. Dad left back to the underworld and I felt a surge of pain go through my body. What is this..? What's happening to me? Little did I know that I had just gained a new satanic form, but we'll find out what it looks like together, shall we? :)). 

(Has been a while since I rped here, I'm a little rusty so bare with me 0.0')
I ran through the hallway as fast as I could. "I can't believe there was someone with powers in school not just any dark powers." I thought to my self. "What should I do?"

I decide to get to class and then I will decide what to do.
I stood there for a moment, stunned. This was never meant to happen. Everything was supposed to be good, with our hidden powers. I thought I knew when he kissed me that we would be together, I could help him be good, we would be good together. And now he had banished me from both Heaven and Hell in the same breath. All because of a fight. Which was his fault in the first place!

The bell rang and shook me out of my haze. I wiped my face on my sleeve, put on a brave face, and walked to class.

When I got to class, I didn't really do anything. I just stood there, in silence, not listening. Instead, I thought about where Scott had left me. When I died, would I be in limbo or simply just... disappear? I pondered this for a moment, which brought me to the thought of death. "Maybe death isn't that bad." I thought, slightly smiling to myself. "Especially if I'll just disappear."  I toyed with the idea of death in my head. "Death would make all this pain and confusion go away. Death seems like a very good option right now." 

For the rest of the day, I just stayed in a shocked daze, until after school, I found myself on the roof. The very, very high roof.
When she walked away I sighed quietly, making my way to class was a lot more harder without someone on my arm. I guess I was used to this anyway, another girl will like me like she did, it won't be that bad right? I thought deeply on this for a second and shook my head, my eyes went back to normal but my tail had stayed. Girls would grab it, when I hissed they just looked at me weird and walked away, I guess that's one way to get rid of them. I shrugged and continued walking until I saw Lux on the roof, my eyes widened when I realized what she was doing. I growled to myself and walked under the roof, "What're you doing?!" I yelled and felt my fingers tingle with fire, but it didn't show, yet. "Just because you're banned from both doesn't mean limbo is any better, it's just pure darkness and unhappiness." I continued and clenched my fists with anger.  
I looked down at Scott, and my heart swelled with fresh pain. He had come to salt the wound.

"Well life on this Earth definitely isn't better! I would rather be eternally unhappy instead of full of pain!" I paused for a moment. "Why did you ban me from both anyway? This whole thing was your fault, I just pointed that out! Is it because I yelled at you? Why don't you go to hell, Scott." The word Scott was emphasized with a flare of redness, and I finally screamed and jumped, not bothering to use my magic to fly.

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