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Realistic or Modern The Secret

I smiled back at her, my evil form faded into my regular hot one. (lol) I walked up to her and took off her hood, I took out the last few pieces out of her hair. "It'll be okay... I'll protect you from bullies, they don't stand a chance up against me" I said softly and looked up at Lux, "I'm Scotty, as you heard, I'm the Prince of Fire, the son of the secret king" I whispered into her ear, "You must never talk about my other form"
"OK, I understand perfectly" She said nodding her head, she panicked when her hood was off, she didn't want anyone to see the bruises on her arms and wrists and she grabbed the hoodie and hid her arms and bit her lip at the sudden pressure she placed on her them, all she hoped is that he hadn't noticed them, or the girl he looked at, they seemed close. She never really listened to gossip so she wouldn't know anything about that. She offered a weak smile for him and she put her hoodie back on.
I smiled and unwrapped the bandages from my hands, I placed them on her arms and they healed her quickly, he stared at her. His yellow eyes shining with happiness and sadness, "I have healing powers y'know, you should'a just asked" I said quietly and lifted my hands up, her arms no longer bruised or hurt. "I have other powers besides fire" he explained.
"I-" she bit her tongue before speaking, of course she could heal herself but that would require her to spend all day on it. She didn't wan't to talk anymore, if she did she would reveal all of her secrets. She got up off of the floor and brushed some food off of her pants before offering him her hand "My name is Artemis" she said tilting her head a bit, it was an old habit that she had developed since she was five
I grabbed her hand, I smiled at her and pushed up my glasses. "That's my other form.... It's scary but does the job" I said quietly and got up, "Even if you do have powers like us, I wont tell" I whispered. "Wanna eat with us?" I asked and walked over to our table.
Artemis nodded her head and smiled as she took his hand. "I didn't feel scared when you were in that form, I didn't really see you any different than you now" she said shrugging her shoulders "Your still the same person just you look a bit altered, same soul though" she said following him.
"Yup, but that me likes to be flirty and sarcastic, it's unlike me as much as it is me" I said and sat down. "I wonder what you would look like as a magical being..." I say quietly and looked at my hands, seeing a mark that looked a little tribal. "This mark is what marks me Prince, but I don't show to it to just anyone" I say quietly and cover it up again.
Artemis giggled "I would show you but I do that outside, and there are too many people there. Besides I like to do that in the forest beside my house, sometimes it feels like you could fit an army in there" she said as she sat beside him "It must be interesting to be royalty" she said giving him a small smile "But i'm not a very special person, and you hardly know me"
"I see" I said quietly, I looked down at my hands. "My father, the king, he doesn't really care what I do with my powers, as long as I don't hurt too many people" I said and looked at her, giving a weak smile. "You seem more special then those bullies think, I think your pretty cool in the first 5 minutes we met" I said softly and looked away, blushing a little. He didn't know how to deal with feelings, he had Lux as a girlfriend, but for how long? He kinda liked this new girl that way too, but he didn't admit it to himself. "A-anyway..." I said quietly.
"That's a shame, powers are fun and all but it feels better when someone cares, am I right?" she asked him "Thanks, you seem pretty cool yourself" she said as she studied his blushing face, why he was blushing she had no clue, they were just talking after all, perhaps it was the girl he had looked at earlier. What was her name? Oh yeah, Lux. She was a nice girl, no wonder, Artemis wouldn't mind being her friend, though she knew nothing about having friends, though this guy seemed to be a friend, or an acquaintance, she didn't really know, she was smart with books and such but socializing wasn't her best skill and she was quite new to this thing
"Oh yeah definitely" I replied, "I'm not that cool, girls just swoon over me, that's about it" "But really, I only like two girls here" I said quietly, I took off my glasses and flicked my hair, I cleaned my glasses then gently brushed them onto my face again. "Ugh I hate that process, it takes forever, but at least I can see good, right?" I laughed and looked away, some girls watched me intently but I shrugged it off.
"I see that your popular with the ladies" she said with a wink and she giggled a bit. She raised an eyebrow at the part where he mentioned two girls that he liked, it was probably complicated and long. "I suppose so, I always thought glasses were sophisticated and nerdy, perfect combo" she said giving him a thumbs up and a simple smile
"My eyes are half blind already" I explained quietly, "My powers are the only thing keeping my eyes from sparking out" I sighed. "I do wish I could have normal eyes though, my eyes just look normal because of my glasses" I folded my hands, thinking of what she would say to me, probably that I'm a freak. It's a usual for me.
"hmm" she said and thought for a second "I might be able to help you, but I don't know if you would like my help, please tell me if you do" she said looking directly in his eyes, they looked fine at a glance but if you payed more attention they did look a bit damaged
"I don't need help, I'm fine the way I am" I said, She seemed nice. I sighed and got my bags, the bell rang and I got up. "Time for 5th period, wanna come with me?" I asked and began to walk to class.
"Actually Fifth period is my free period, I just read in the library during this time, I don't have anything since I have zero period and they just let me read, I would do it in my regular class anyways" she said shrugging her shoulders "But it was nice hanging out with you, my number is 387-0490, see ya later?" she asked him picking up her book bag
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"Oh okay, sounds good" I said happily and mesmerized her number, "My number is 390-5466" I said and walked away, towards guitar class. "Bye!" I waved my hand and walked inside.
Artemis waved goodbye and rushed off into the library. She walked inside and sat in the corner as per usual and read the princess bride, she had to contain her laughter when they described the evil prince, well they described his figure like a barrel, and literally called him a barrel. She giggled when he proposed to Buttercup and she refused, the dialog was hilarious and it lifted her spirits. Soon after two classes it was the end of the day and she was tying her converse up at the exit, she had her bag slung over her shoulders and was excited to train herself with her sword and practice her ability. She had a smile on her face and was let out about a minute early by her teacher and was waiting for the bell so she could leave
I sighed and walked out of class, the bell rang soon after. I walked to Artemis's class with my new guitar in hand, I waved my hand at her. "Hey.. I was thinking, wanna go practice our powers together in the forest you talked about?" I asked, ready to practice mostly anything, maybe even play my guitar for her.
Artemis smiled at him and waved "Why not? I don't really care" she said shrugging "It's better to practice what I do with two people anyways" she shrugged once more before grabbing his hand "Let's go, hope you can keep up" she said and began to run, heading straight to her house, because beyond her home was the forest, which she liked to call the never ending forest.
I turned into my other form and flew into the forest, my guitar strapped to my back. A hurl of fire and wind streaked behind me as I flew, I landed in a clearing and went to my normal form. I sat on a rock and got out my guitar, I strummed a few chords before putting it down.
She sighed and walked a bit deeper into the forest to transform into her warrior form, she felt like using her sword more than growing any plants at the moment. She straightened her cloak and walked toward him to find him with his guitar, she sighed disappointed, he had no interest in powers at the moment, just music, she loved music but she felt happier with magic
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I looked at her and smiled, I transformed into the evil Scotty. "Did you miss me? I'm sure those damn bullies do" I laughed and floated up higher, I sent the trees to flame, but the flames never did harm unless I told them to. "I have harming and unharming fire, pretty cool huh?" I laughed and got to the ground, my coat tails didn't get dirty, they were just flames. My cigarette smoke puffed in circles around her face, "I feel like there should be some enemies for us to practice with" I snapped my finger and demons appeared, they were obviously real, but they had no real intent on hurting them. They wielded huge weapons and ran at Me and Artemis, I raised my hand and a fire sword the size of me appeared. I waved it down and it split the demon in half, it didn't hurt the demon, unless I wanted it to.
"Sure it is pretty cool" she said shrugging before she saw the demons, when they charged at them she smirked and her sword found its way lodged into the demons chest and she pulled it out to thrash it directly into the creatures neck, since she had found her sword she had practiced and now could fight with ease and grace, it took a long time to master, she had spent every free second training one of her skills. She did a little twirl and slashed at the surface of its chest.

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